Gay marriage legal in Massachussetts

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Originally posted by dilloduck
Saw the " facts". Ignored them because they are not true

Well at least we've identified YOUR problem. You're ignoring FACTS, and that explains a SHIT LOAD about where your warped thinking comes from.
Originally posted by TN_Independent
'tude? I in no way intended to express an 'attitude'. In fact, I expressly said that I wasn't flaming. Anyway, no big deal.

As for an answer, I'll take your post to mean that if a law is made simply because a certain part of the populus feels it is wrong to allow the action/behavior (and it doesn't directly affect, harm, disrespect any other person), then you think the law is not justified. If that is incorrect, then you'll have to correct me... otherwise, that is what I was asking.

That seems correct. An action which can show no real victim should not be illegal because the religion of some deem it a sin.

Sorry I reacted badly to being told I was dancing around the issue when in fact I answered it as honestly as I knew how. I'll try to work on my sensitivity problem, ok Linda? :D

Anyway, jabs aside, What's your basis for right and wrong?
Originally posted by OCA
Human males are born with an innate and NATURAL attraction to females and vice-versa. Good enough for ya? Tell me i'm wrong.

lets see.

elton john.
george michael.
liz cheney.
martina navritilova.
rosie O donnell
ellen degeneres
chastity bono
jodie foster
tori amos
the queer eye for the straight guy crew
the queer as folk crew
melissa etheridge
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I try to teach my step children ONE lifestyle. Guess what that lifestyle is? SAFETY. That means that WHATEVER they choose to do in their lives or how they wish to live it, that they live it as safely as possible.

Thank God for that. I think that's wonderful.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
OCA has redefined the parameters of answers he asks for numerous times every time an answer is given that blows his argument or point to shreds

Funny.... I haven't seen any of his arguments blown or shredded. Only the pro gay arguments are inane.
Originally posted by Pale Rider


What part of that are you missing!!!!!!


And the VAST majority of pedaphiles are QUEERS!!

You need to educate yourself if you're going to come here debate vote. So far you've just made a fool of yourself.

The boy part gives you the clue. This is pedophilia, not homosexuality. If it was the same thing there would not be a different word for it. Pedophilia is found in both sexes and can be either, but it is it's own immorality and not one found only in homosexuals.

You really need to educate yourself. Talk to a Psychologist, they can explain the difference to you if it isn't already obvious.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
lets see.

elton john.
george michael.
liz cheney.
martina navritilova.
rosie O donnell
ellen degeneres
chastity bono
jodie foster
tori amos
the queer eye for the straight guy crew
the queer as folk crew
melissa etheridge

DK choices man, they all made choices.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Gays don't hurt anyone who's not consenting, unless their a pedophile or a rapist, and we have laws that will still apply in those instances.

Let them get married. If gays getting married affects your marriage, you have other problems.

I'm not married. But when I do get married, I don't "marriage" to mean nothing more than a lisence for fags to butt fuck. Marriage is a holy union between a man and a woman. Anything else is just pissing on marriage as an institution.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
Funny.... I haven't seen any of his arguments blown or shredded. Only the pro gay arguments are inane.


Seems when my points are brught up, people don't even TRY.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
whats the only allowable moral compass then?

You mean you don't know what morality is either DK?

Are you telling me you have no idea what so ever what is "moral"?

I'm surprized.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
If you don't have any more idea of what the moral fabric of this country is made up of than that, then it's no wonder to me why you can't see why it's immoral.

It's people like you with no moral compass that are leading this country down the toilet.

Get a clue.

Please tell me, which compass should I use? Yours only? You have not proven a point, you just started repeating the same things the other guy did. Since you have no justification for your POV you attempt to ridicule mine.

Tell me what makes this immoral?
Originally posted by OCA
Nope. I guess my fault is I don't completely define my position enough in one post. You can however go back through this thread and get a complete picture of my position on this topic. Its quite clear and concise.

I believe that you don't like to be challenged on your beliefs like i'm challenging you today. My responses and arguments have been as clear as a blue sky. Maybe the answers refute your position so you want to slaughter the messenger now?

and I believe that you like to live in a fantasy world where you're never proven wrong.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
rtwng, are you opposed to any law that is based only on morality? Not flaming, just curious.

I answered the question without using the word morality, because morality itself can come from different places.

So do you want to know about how I think laws should be made, or where I think morality comes from?

My morality is based on putting a premium on individual rights and outlawing any activity on the part of any individual that denies another individual life, liberty or property through force or fraud. I am also a christian, but most of my morality comes from this admittedly secular formula. It just so happens that I find christainity supports this outlook most of the time.

Where would you like me to elaborate? Why the 'tude the first time around?

Except when it comes to homosexuals and marriage.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
That seems correct. An action which can show no real victim should not be illegal because the religion of some deem it a sin.

Sorry I reacted badly to being told I was dancing around the issue when in fact I answered it as honestly as I knew how. I'll try to work on my sensitivity problem, ok Linda? :D

Anyway, jabs aside, What's your basis for right and wrong?
Much the same as yours, except that I feel that when we don't stand up against things that we see as morally wrong, we are doing wrong. I refer to an earlier post I made in this thread:

Originally posted by Aquarian

when they push the envelope as far as they can and it snaps back, it's usually ahead of the place they started from. that's the way the moral pendulum seems to work in this country on any issue.
originally posted by TN_Independent

This is very true. This is also the process that is slowly and methodically destroying the moral fiber of our country, in my opinion.

Each day, a little more of our moral integrity is relinquished, until one day we'll awake to a world where anyone is allowed to do anything. I know that this is fatalistic, and probably even extremish, but it is where I see us heading, and it bothers me.

My beliefs and politics are seated in my religion. It is where I get my moral beliefs and conscience. I make no apologies for it. I will not attempt to force anyone to accept my religion and adopt it as their own, but I will stand up till the end for what I believe is "right and wrong" based upon my Christian beliefs!

So, I guess you could say that I'm torn on the moral-based laws issue. I see both sides, and don't like having to choose one or the other. :D
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
and I believe that you like to live in a fantasy world where you're never proven wrong.

Plus, he's an undisputed, trash-talking champ.:rolleyes:
rider- not all homos are pedophiles just as not all hetero's are. even using big d's data the most you can say is that the homo pedophiles account for a disproportionate amount of the cases of child molestation given the relative numbers of homo/heteros in society. numerically, 65% of child molestation cases are hetero in nature.
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