Gay marriage legal in Massachussetts

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And that will be next. Old men wanting to marry little boys, (micheal jackson), and old women wanting to marry little girls. And I mean "LITTLE". Like 10 or 12 years old.

10 or 12 year olds cannot give consent and neither can dogs, horses or planets as I have seen some people suggest in this thread. You are going far out of your way to prove the idiocy and illogical nature of your own arguments.

Two adults that are not related and can give consent can be civily joined and it leads to people marrying planets? Give it a rest, that kind of imaginary enemy will only lead to paranoia and people laughing at you and children saying things like, "Look at the crazy man, Mommy!" just before they get slapped. A little jousting with windmills can only make you look insane, and never will be a good vehicle for presenting a good argument (to mix metaphors.)
Originally posted by no1tovote4
10 or 12 year olds cannot give consent and neither can dogs, horses or planets as I have seen some people suggest in this thread. You are going far out of your way to prove the idiocy and illogical nature of your own arguments.

Two adults that are not related and can give consent can be civily joined and it leads to people marrying planets? Give it a rest, that kind of imaginary enemy will only lead to paranoia and people laughing at you and children saying things like, "Look at the crazy man, Mommy!" just before they get slapped. A little jousting with windmills can only make you look insane, and never will be a good vehicle for presenting a good argument (to mix metaphors.)

its when they have a house full of cats that you REALLY have to watch out for them. :D
Originally posted by KLSuddeth

Well thank you for the honest reply - Im laughing over here too! :D

Ok, here is my issue (obviously not with you - but an issue nonetheless)

*before I begin, ATTN READERS: I am directing this at the male gender....NOT because I think that women are not to blame also in this, but because I am simply trying to understand something for myself. Call it my 'need to know'. Thank on*

There are so many men who openly bash homosexuality...some maybe because it truly sickens them, some perhaps for religious reasons, some because maybe theyre homophobes....or none or even all of those reasons...I dont pretend to know why. However, many of these same men will get off hardcore (no pun intended again) on seeing 2 women go at it on a porn - sure they have the fantasy of being there, but some really get into watching lesbian sex between 2 very attractive women.

To me, this seems like hypocrisy....does it not?

What is your opinion

Ok KL this is the 2nd time i've answred this question, can't remember if you asked the first time or not so here goes;)

I do not find it attractive to watch two hotties going at it. I find if i'm watching a skin flick(internet porn is boring to me) that usually I watch about 5 minutes of the lesbos than i'm hitting ff. I need to see some pounding that eventually will come to a visual finality, catch my drift? Other than that I haven't minded being with a couple gals the couple of rare occasions its happened in my life, all their attention was on me, who wouldn't love that?

Now can somebody prove to me that homosexuality is natural and normal please?
There are so many men who openly bash homosexuality...some maybe because it truly sickens them, some perhaps for religious reasons, some because maybe theyre homophobes....or none or even all of those reasons...I dont pretend to know why. However, many of these same men will get off hardcore (no pun intended again) on seeing 2 women go at it on a porn - sure they have the fantasy of being there, but some really get into watching lesbian sex between 2 very attractive women.

Is this hypocrisy? Of course it is. If the Femmes were not attractive to them, or if it was guys they would be ready to start burning dildos on their lawns.

Interesting that kinksters that tie people up aren't on their screens, only gays.
Originally posted by OCA
Ok KL this is the 2nd time i've answred this question, can't remember if you asked the first time or not so here goes;)

I do not find it attractive to watch two hotties going at it. I find if i'm watching a skin flick(internet porn is boring to me) that usually I watch about 5 minutes of the lesbos than i'm hitting ff. I need to see some pounding that eventually will come to a visual finality, catch my drift? Other than that I haven't minded being with a couple gals the couple of rare occasions its happened in my life, all their attention was on me, who wouldn't love that?

Now can somebody prove to me that homosexuality is natural and normal please?

you're still confusing normalcy with morality. Left handed people are a minority, that doesn't automatically make it wrong. It's really none of your business.

And as far as equal protection, gays do not have the same rights, they cannot marry the individuals they love.
Originally posted by no1tovote4
Why does this matter at all to so many people? Who cares if it is a choice? (I can't see how it would be, if gay teens had a choice why not change back rather than blow brains out the back of their heads?) Even if it is, it is their choice, not yours. The Republican Party is supposed to stand for individual rights but in many cases is lacking.

If a person sins, it is their right, it is called free will. If these people want to sin you cannot stop them. These civil marriages cannot hurt or violate any other marriages only those in those marriages can do that.

In a country where the wife swapping show called "Swap" is coming to town soon, where Britney Spears gets married and annulled in the time it takes most people to make their morning coffee. Do we really have room to care about this?

Where is Musgrave when Marriage is attacked by wife-swapping TV shows? Why is there no Constitutional Amendment proposed against TV shows where two idiots that have never met get married just because the guy is a Millionaire? Where is the outrage at the violation of the "sanctity" of marriage when it is attacked by stupidity as well as made a joke of?

I can never understand all this outrage over this.

Well put----the sanctity of marriage has been attacked constantly by silly ass TV shows etc. This present outrage may be a result of some homophobia but I think a majority are angry at the constant attempt to make every one equal . This always results in an attack on the majority and I think the majority has is pissed because of their attempts to respond are met with cries of "racists" or "bigots". It is interesting to me how difficult it is for the majority to be heard. Freedom to resond is part of free speech also and that has been taken away from the majorities (plural). Thier are a number of majorities and they all are not white
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Fantastic! 15 posts and 35 pages to this thread and you are telling people what to do! I bow to your superiority!:hail:

Now you can "Give it a Rest" and allow the moderators to take care of that job!

Wow, what cogent argument. I haven't been on the site as long as you so obviously my opinion must mean less than yours! Good job!

Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
you're still confusing normalcy with morality. Left handed people are a minority, that doesn't automatically make it wrong. It's really none of your business.

And as far as equal protection, gays do not have the same rights, they cannot marry the individuals they love.

*sigh* *shrug* Can someone please prove to me how homosexuality is natural and normal? No more silly comparisons to left hands, plaid clothing or glasses on the bridge of the nose. As if they are in any way comparable to two people of the same sex having sex or entering into a relationship of which marriage denotes.

Is there anybody who can handle the question or are all you people going to continue to blow smoke up my ass?

BTW all you pro gay marriage people need to reign RWA in, he's doing serious damage to your side just by his presence.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Well as the phrase goes Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one! yours is no less important at all. However there is no need to act like your opinion either!

Not being on this site very long is very apparent as you felt the need to tell all to "Give it a Rest" as if your opinion was all that mattered.

Well now, if you are unhappy with my way's of making suggestions as a Moderator I can make only make one other suggestion to you! Dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!

So this site moderates opinion based on a turn of phrase, not on flaming? Wow. Opinions that differ from Moderator's are cancelled. DKSuddeth didn't seem to think my post was out of line, I will look at the rules again and see if I really did go past any decorum or just differed from your own opinion.
Originally posted by no1tovote4
So this site moderates opinion based on a turn of phrase, not on flaming? Wow. Opinions that differ from Moderator's are cancelled. DKSuddeth didn't seem to think my post was out of line, I will look at the rules again and see if I really did go past any decorum or just differed from your own opinion.

You're still here aren't you? STFU.
Originally posted by OCA
*sigh* *shrug* Can someone please prove to me how homosexuality is natural and normal? No more silly comparisons to left hands, plaid clothing or glasses on the bridge of the nose. As if they are in any way comparable to two people of the same sex having sex or entering into a relationship of which marriage denotes.

Is there anybody who can handle the question or are all you people going to continue to blow smoke up my ass?

BTW all you pro gay marriage people need to reign RWA in, he's doing serious damage to your side just by his presence.

You're confusing two issues, occurence of a trait in a population and morality.

It is natural, as it occurs naturally in individuals and has throughout history. It may not be "normal" but being abnormal alone (or in pairs) carries no moral value.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
You're confusing two issues, occurence of a trait in a population and morality.

It is natural, as it occurs naturally in individuals and has throughout history. It may not be "normal" but being abnormal alone (or in pairs) carries no moral value.

Once again, prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Prove it same as science has proven how thunder and lightning is produced. I'll be waiting. This should be good for a few laughs.

Wow was that some smoke going up my ass?
Originally posted by OCA
Once again, prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Prove it same as science has proven how thunder and lightning is produced. I'll be waiting. This should be good for a few laughs.

Wow was that some smoke going up my ass?

Prove it's natural? I admit it's not normal. But abnormality is not necessarily wrong or evil. Like lefthandedness. Your "reducto ad bigotry" arguments are tiring and idiotic.
Originally posted by OCA
*sigh* *shrug* Can someone please prove to me how homosexuality is natural and normal?

there is no need to, but there has been evidence presented that indicates it is 'natural' as well as evidence to the contrary leaving that portion of the matter undecided. 'Normal' has been shown not to be a deciding factor in all legal matters.

life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. I believe the latter two apply particularly well to this situation. also equality under the law. If you have a particular group (say hetero couples) set out for special treatment, that is supposedly not allowable. that's the argument anyway. I'm not personally too interested in institutionalized marriage anyway, tho civil unions would be nice to make legal issues easier. individual rights are under attack in this country by those that would make everyone 'normal' living in their little subdivisions with cutesy names, not daring to think for themselves (it seems) and this is but one example where folks are trying to reverse that trend.

"what we have here... is a failure to communicate"

I'm not likely to change your mind, and you're not likely to change mine, but at least we can discuss it like adults (mostly)
I will not back you on your suburbanite hatred issues, Aquarian. Are you concerned with land usage, or do you just have unfocused hatred? Suburbanites wanted cheaper homes with bigger yards. WHat's wrong with that?
Aquarian for the most part you seem like a levelheaded and mature person but obviously you and I differ on this subject. I believe that homosexuality is a choice and a perversion along the same lines as the people who like to pee on each other.

As for the evidence there was an article posted, jeez this thread is so big now I don't know which page its on, but basically it said that these little so called evidences of homosexuality being natural etc. etc. are put out their without much in the way of proof because the homosexual leadership in America exerts an extreme amount of presure on the scientific research community.

Anyway i'm not going to bash you as I don't hate the homosexual but rather the homosexual agenda. I've listened to talk shows on the subject where a homosexual lawyer, well anykind of professional, will call in and say he could care less about marriage or whatever he just wants to be left alone and he's pissed at the flaming and radical leadership that has taken over the gay community. Whats your thoughts on that? Is the current over the top leadership damaging or helpful?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Prove it's natural? I admit it's not normal. But abnormality is not necessarily wrong or evil. Like lefthandedness. Your "reducto ad bigotry" arguments are tiring and idiotic.

Translation: I don't have an argument to refute you OCA so i'll throw bigot out there because I don't want to go away emptyhanded.
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