Gay marriage legal in Massachussetts

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Originally posted by OCA
Whats the challenge of proving to me that two men are supposed to have sex with each other and be in a relationship the type which marriage denotes?

I've asked 1 simple question all day and nobody can answer me. Please provide some evidence or explain to me how homosexuality and consequentially gay marriage is normal? Thats all I ask.

"Please provide some evidence or explain to me how homosexuality and consequentially gay marriage is normal?"

Your question makes an assumption that homosexuality leads to gay marriage. If you want to ask a straight question, please ask a straight question. I will be happy to answer any straight question you ask provided that it does not make assumptions. For example, if you were to simply ask me for evidence that homosexuality is normal, I would say that I have no such evidence. (No assumptions and no implications.) If you were to ask if gay marriage is normal, I would say that it is not normal. (No assumptions and no implications). Did you ask (and did I answer) whether or not we should outlaw homosexuality or homosexual marriage since they are not normal? No.

"Whats the challenge of proving to me that two men are supposed to have sex with each other and be in a relationship the type which marriage denotes?"

What is the challenge of proving to me that adults of the opposite sex are SUPPOSED to have sex with each other and be in a relationship the type which marriage denotes? To the degree that you can answer that, I can answer your question.
Originally posted by mattskramer
"Please provide some evidence or explain to me how homosexuality and consequentially gay marriage is normal?"

Your question makes an assumption that homosexuality leads to gay marriage. If you want to ask a straight question, please ask a straight question. I will be happy to answer any straight question you ask provided that it does not make assumptions. For example, if you were to simply ask me for evidence that homosexuality is normal, I would say that I have no such evidence. (No assumptions and no implications.) If you were to ask if gay marriage is normal, I would say that it is not normal. (No assumptions and no implications). Did you ask (and did I answer) whether or not we should outlaw homosexuality or homosexual marriage since they are not normal? No.

How in the hell can you have gay marriage without being homosexual? You think two guys are gonna go get married after they split a case of Budweiser without being homosexual? WTF? I'm shaking my head at that one.

Anyway I do not advocate making homosexuality in and of itself illegal just that we recognize that it is abnormal and should not be given the legal status that marriage would give it. But if you think its not normal then why all the fuss? Just say hey, y'all ain't right in the head so no marriage, comprende?
Originally posted by OCA
How in the hell can you have gay marriage without being homosexual? You think two guys are gonna go get married after they split a case of Budweiser without being homosexual? WTF? I'm shaking my head at that one.

Anyway I do not advocate making homosexuality in and of itself illegal just that we recognize that it is abnormal and should not be given the legal status that marriage would give it. But if you think its not normal then why all the fuss? Just say hey, y'all ain't right in the head so no marriage, comprende?

At issue is the term "consequently". You can have homosexuality without having gay marriage follow. I consider homosexuality about as abnormal as being left handed, or wearing plaid pants with a striped shirt, or having a peanut butter and catsup sandwich. You may think it is yucky but it just doesn't matter.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
LoL you dont really believe that do you? Homosexuality not a sin to people who dont believe in God? Sin is sin regardless whether you believe in God or not. I could deny that the sky is blue all i want but its not going to change the color of the sky.

I am always surprised how careless some people can be with the gift of creating life. I mean walk up to someone with a gun, pull the trigger and when an empty chamber clicks say to ourself "wow im glad i didnt go all the way" do we? its amazing how careless we are with the sanctity of life.

and where the hell, pray tell, did you figure that DK was careless with the gift of creating life? Please show me. This, Id like to see.
Also, I keep seeing things stated such as '2 guys going at it' or 'one guy licking another's scrotum'. Guess what people......homosexuality includes lesbians as well....or is that not as 'wrong'. oh wait wait wait.....its not AS wrong while youre whacking off to the twat lickers paradise porn online but it IS ok when its NOT done for your viewing pleasure?
Originally posted by mattskramer
At issue is the term "consequently". You can have homosexuality without having gay marriage follow. I consider homosexuality about as abnormal as being left handed, or wearing plaid pants with a striped shirt, or having a peanut butter and catsup sandwich. You may think it is yucky but it just doesn't matter.

That sure is a bunch of bunk comparisons matts. That's like saying, well I compare being queer to like a fire cracker and a thermo nuclear warhead. C'mooooon.

So if someone walked past you with a plaid shirt and striped pants on, you wouldn't be any more offended by that than if you walked by two guys naked, groping and grunting, locked in a butt fuck? You don't think one is any worse than the other? Unbelievable.....

Homosexuality is "abnormal". That arguement has been WON by OCA and the rest of us on that side of the issue. Which I might add is shared by the VAST majority of Americans.

Now, should queers be allowed to marry? I've asked twice now, why the hell does it have to be "marriage" when they were offered all the same "LEGAL" advantages with a Civil Union? NO ONE has answered that either! And to top it off, you pro queers have argued that hell, "IT'S NOT A SIN BECAUSE THEY DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD ANYWAY". So that BEGS the question, IF THEY DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD, THEN WHY IN THE HELL DO THEY NEED TO BED *MARRIED*, WHEN MARRIAGE IS A HOLY MATROMY?!

There's not a GOOD answer at all for any of those questions. After 30+ pages here, I've heard NOTHING to show me queers are normal or NEED to get "married".
nawwww - not angry....just annnoyed lol. if I was angry, you would have heard me all the way from Tx LOL

Homosexuality is "abnormal". That arguement has been WON by OCA and the rest of us on that side of the issue. Which I might add is shared by the VAST majority of Americans.

Cool you win.

What do you win, anyway? (this is ummmm kinda a message board, pal)

Wanna cookie? You win a cookie! :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Pale Rider
That arguement has been WON by OCA and the rest of us on that side of the issue. Which I might add is shared by the VAST majority of Americans.

And I could say FRANCE won the argument about WMD's in the security council and you'd be as right as they were.
Originally posted by mattskramer

What is the challenge of proving to me that adults of the opposite sex are SUPPOSED to have sex with each other and be in a relationship the type which marriage denotes? To the degree that you can answer that, I can answer your question.

Duh.......Homosexuality will cause the entire human race's extinction if carried out to its logical conclusion.

Heterosexuality creates repopulation.

Guess which one gives and the other taketh away?

How is this supposed to be a challenge?

Answer the questions posed by OCA.

LOL nope :)

What annoys me in the double standard. Maybe Ive imagined it, maybe I havent....who knows? :huh:

Truth to be told, I know Im right as usual (LMAO - even I cant keep a straight face when saying that :D :p: ) so I give a big
ppppffffftttttt to everyone that doesnt agree.


Heterosexuality creates repopulation.

Mine doesnt. I had a hysterectomy when I was 24 - even though I dont procreate, I still recreate as often as possible (hence the reason that DK is always sleeping, poor guy).

Yes, I did procreate at one time. There are many women and men who choose to not have children for one reason or another, or simply cant because of some quirk in nature or otherwise.
Am I outside the laws of nature? Are they?

New Guy - I know Im taking this to an extreme - I guess my point (that Ive gone all the way around lol), is ....shit....I forgot my point damnit. :mad:

If you happen to come across it, Id appreciate your letting me know :p:
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
And I could say FRANCE won the argument about WMD's in the security council and you'd be as right as they were.

Ummm, news flash DK, the troops just found a shell in Iraq that was laced with Sarin.... you know.... WMD.
Originally posted by KLSuddeth
Cool you win.

What do you win, anyway? (this is ummmm kinda a message board, pal)

Wanna cookie? You win a cookie! :rolleyes:

What did we win? "The arguement". Is that all the harder the questions are going to be?

And we're "pals" now aye? Ok...... "sister".
he just went to bed, Pale Rider. He has an early meeting tomorrow I think, so more than likely he wont see this for a while.

Just lettin ya know :)
Originally posted by Pale Rider
What did we win? "The arguement". Is that all the harder the questions are going to be?

And we're "pals" now aye? Ok...... "sister".

Oh lets not get pissy - Im not being mean to know that. We've been there done that.....and I told you then that Im not reallllly a bitch....I only play one on the USMB. lol

smile! I'll have a cooky with you
Originally posted by KLSuddeth
Oh lets not get pissy - Im not being mean to know that. We've been there done that.....and I told you then that Im not reallllly a bitch....I only play one on the USMB. lol

smile! I'll have a cooky with you

I know your playing around KL. I'm just goofing with you a little... ;)

I welcome your humor. It was actually time for some in this thread. :D
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