Gay marriage legal in Massachussetts

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And fortunately for those who want to get married, they can always move to Mass. now and say their vows. As well as Hawaii, anywhere else?
No twisting on my part. You just caught me not making my full argument. My argument is that its a mental short circuit which allows someone to make such an obvious wrong choice just like the person who knows that hitting that rock is wrong but still puts the pipe to their lips the first time. But in the end its still a choice.

Now can someone give me an effective argument as to homosexuality being normal? If you can do that I will stand corrected, if not I will stay with the position that vile and abnormal behavior should be treated and not rewarded.

Am I asking too much?
Originally posted by OCA
No twisting on my part. You just caught me not making my full argument. My argument is that its a mental short circuit which allows someone to make such an obvious wrong choice just like the person who knows that hitting that rock is wrong but still puts the pipe to their lips the first time. But in the end its still a choice.

Now can someone give me an effective argument as to homosexuality being normal? If you can do that I will stand corrected, if not I will stay with the position that vile and abnormal behavior should be treated and not rewarded.

Am I asking too much?

Who gives a shit about normal?
You mean the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws?
*sigh* anything goes in America today. Like I said yesterday, i'd like to drop trow and take a dump when the urge hits me rather than go through the discomfort of holding it till I find a john. Who's to say that thats not normal if we are unwilling to set limits or I want to marry my sister, where does this stop?
Originally posted by OCA
*sigh* anything goes in America today. Like I said yesterday, i'd like to drop trow and take a dump when the urge hits me rather than go through the discomfort of holding it till I find a john. Who's to say that thats not normal if we are unwilling to set limits or I want to marry my sister, where does this stop?

It stops at laws preventing you from shitting in certain places for public health reasons.

Just like it stops at someone dropping trow and molesting your ass whenever the urge strikes them.

It stops at what people do in their bedroom being your business, pretty much.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Hmmm, I am thinking Connecticut maybe? Nah just messing with ya Flasher!:laugh:

Nope, but there was a march at the capital on SUnday here in Hartford. It appears that many are happy with the Mass. decision, being our neighbor and all.
Originally posted by OCA
Lol Bully:rolleyes: I think that the fact that your moral compass is effectively whatever brings pleasure to an individual is good to go sort of disqualifies your opinion, don't ya think?

No. People should be free to do AS THEY PLEASE as long as they don't interfere with the freedoms of others. See my comments on page 18. I clearly explained why just because a behavior is not "normal" does not necessarily mean that it should be illegal.

Is that a picture of you smoking? Gee. That sure isn't normal. There are not many smokers and it is not a "normal" behavior. God never intended for people to put burning grass so close to their lips. We better totally outlaw such activity.
Originally posted by mattskramer
No. People should be free to do AS THEY PLEASE as long as they don't interfere with the freedoms of others. See my comments on page 18. I clearly explained why just because a behavior is not "normal" does not necessarily mean that it should be illegal.

Is that a picture of you smoking? Gee. That sure isn't normal. There are not many smokers and it is not a "normal" behavior. God never intended for people to put burning grass so close to their lips. We better totally outlaw such activity.

I think he got you OCA.:dev1:
Originally posted by OCA
*sigh* anything goes in America today. Like I said yesterday, i'd like to drop trow and take a dump when the urge hits me rather than go through the discomfort of holding it till I find a john. Who's to say that thats not normal if we are unwilling to set limits or I want to marry my sister, where does this stop?

Go ahead and take a dump but do it on your own property.
Originally posted by nycflasher
I think he got you OCA.:dev1:

No getting me at all. I would argue that smoking is as normal as rain. Hell people have been using tobacco products since the beginning of time. Now the next thing you'll say is homosexual behavior has been around since the beginning of time, true, but its a long stretch to equate lighting a marlboro to licking your buddy's scrotum, don't ya think?

Hey hows about y'all quit dancing around the subject and explain to me how two men boning each other in the ass is normal and right as rain, are you up to the challenge?

Matts, you gotta have limits in society or society breaks down. Can't have everybody running around half cocked doing whatever pleases them just because pantywaists are afraid to hurt their feelings out of PC. The truth is tough to take sometimes, I know.
Originally posted by OCA
No getting me at all. I would argue that smoking is as normal as rain. Hell people have been using tobacco products since the beginning of time. Now the next thing you'll say is homosexual behavior has been around since the beginning of time, true, but its a long stretch to equate lighting a marlboro to licking your buddy's scrotum, don't ya think?

Hey hows about y'all quit dancing around the subject and explain to me how two men boning each other in the ass is normal and right as rain, are you up to the challenge?

Matts, you gotta have limits in society or society breaks down. Can't have everybody running around half cocked doing whatever pleases them just because pantywaists are afraid to hurt their feelings out of PC. The truth is tough to take sometimes, I know.

Smoking, biting your fingernails, women wearing crewcut hair styles, men wearing earrings, dressing in plaid shirt with striped pants - Whether it is due to genetic predisposition and/or trauma and/or choice -- it just doesn't matter. As long as you are not committing force or fraud against an unwilling individual, I just don't care.
Holy Moly!

Can someone just summarize what the hell has happened here? What is going on on this thread? I don't have three lifetimes to find out by reading this crap.
Originally posted by OCA
Ok obviously Matts isn't up to the task, anybody else wanna give er a go?

LOL - Up to what task? I already explained it to you. People should be free to do as they please as long as they don't interfere with the freedoms of others. You apparently disagree.

"Undisputed USMB debate and trash talking champ!?!?"

Undisputed by whom - You? I think that it would be best for you to return the title to the judges.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Holy Moly!

Can someone just summarize what the hell has happened here? What is going on on this thread? I don't have three lifetimes to find out by reading this crap.

If you're having a hard time keeping up, slugger, we'll just put you back down in the triple AAA club for awhile, say? ;) :D
Originally posted by OCA
I would argue that smoking is as normal as rain. Hell people have been using tobacco products since the beginning of time. Now the next thing you'll say is homosexual behavior has been around since the beginning of time, true, but its a long stretch to equate lighting a marlboro to licking your buddy's scrotum, don't ya think?

I would say that sticking a cigarette in your mouth is about as normal as sticking someones willy up your ass. They are both foreign objects put in places that weren't made to go your own admission that is.
Originally posted by mattskramer
"We pay $20 billion dollars a year for people who have been careless with their sexual life and gotten some STD."

Same can be said for heterosexual sex. It sure sounds like a cry for abstinence regardless of your sexual preference. I am still a moderate libertarian with an individualist mindset. I believe that individuals should be free to do as they please as long as they don't interfere with the freedoms of others. To knowingly infect someone with an STD should be a crime (if it is not). I would also caution people to "know your partner" before having sex.

Exactly why i advocate abstinance regardless of sexual preference. but if you look at the studies homosexual sex is more of a risk then hetro sex.
Originally posted by mattskramer
LOL - Up to what task? I already explained it to you. People should be free to do as they please as long as they don't interfere with the freedoms of others. You apparently disagree.

Matts what you are advocating is a form of social anarchy. How long do you think without laws limiting certain immoral behaviors, such as blowjobs in public, that society would remain civil? Now i'm going off of the no harm no foul philosophy of yours because as far as I know a public bj doesn't hurt anybody unless you catch a stray wad which might be a little sticky and groce but not harmful.
Originally posted by OCA
Hey hows about y'all quit dancing around the subject and explain to me how two men boning each other in the ass is normal and right as rain, are you up to the challenge?

If I gave a shit. What interest should I have in two other guys, a dick and an ass? I haven't gotten laid in a while but, nope, still not interested.

I mean you, purportedly straight, just said something like "lick his buddy's scrotum." I like how the words just rolled of your tongue.:p:
Why is this so important to you?

Normal? Right as rain?
There are alot of things that aren't right in my book.

You can add "Life isn't fair" to your list of complaints.
But nobody ever promised you life was going to be fair.
And nobody promised you that as long as you lived two guys wouldn't "bone" eachother.

Geez, all the problems in the world and you can't get your mind off of dick.

What is the challenge?
I don't get it?
Originally posted by OCA
Matts what you are advocating is a form of social anarchy. How long do you think without laws limiting certain immoral behaviors, such as blowjobs in public, that society would remain civil? Now i'm going off of the no harm no foul philosophy of yours because as far as I know a public bj doesn't hurt anybody unless you catch a stray wad which might be a little sticky and groce but not harmful.

If I'm not mistaken, he referred to this line of thought in another post as STRICTLY one being behind closed doors.......
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