Gay marriage legal in Massachussetts

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Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I would say that sticking a cigarette in your mouth is about as normal as sticking someones willy up your ass. They are both foreign objects put in places that weren't made to go your own admission that is.

Come on now DK, you know that comparing a cigarette to a schlong is a far stretch. Both are harmful, yes, but equitable in immorality? No.
Originally posted by OCA
Matts what you are advocating is a form of social anarchy. How long do you think without laws limiting certain immoral behaviors, such as blowjobs in public, that society would remain civil? Now i'm going off of the no harm no foul philosophy of yours because as far as I know a public bj doesn't hurt anybody unless you catch a stray wad which might be a little sticky and groce but not harmful.

Do you really think gross is spelled g-r-o-c-e? Now THAT is funny.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
are you daft? I've countered every single argument that you've brought up.

Gay marriage won't do any more damage to the institution of marriage than straight marriage already does.

Gay marriage is NOT a sin to the people that don't believe in god.

Gay marriage hurts NOBODY but those involved with it.

Finally, YOU, yourself, said that being gay was not normal but due to some 'short circuit'. When I called you on it not being a choice anymore, you twisted the two together to CYA.

consider it null and void all you want, its a dead even heat you have no chance of winning. Unfortunately neither do I.

LoL you dont really believe that do you? Homosexuality not a sin to people who dont believe in God? Sin is sin regardless whether you believe in God or not. I could deny that the sky is blue all i want but its not going to change the color of the sky.

I am always surprised how careless some people can be with the gift of creating life. I mean walk up to someone with a gun, pull the trigger and when an empty chamber clicks say to ourself "wow im glad i didnt go all the way" do we? its amazing how careless we are with the sanctity of life.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Holy Moly!

Can someone just summarize what the hell has happened here? What is going on on this thread? I don't have three lifetimes to find out by reading this crap.

people post in favor of gay marriage. People post against. arguments of substance 0
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
If I'm not mistaken, he referred to this line of thought in another post as STRICTLY one being behind closed doors.......

And if it was behind closed doors i'd agree with ya. But tell me, how is pushing for gay marriage keeping it behind closed doors?
Originally posted by Avatar4321
LoL you dont really believe that do you? Homosexuality not a sin to people who dont believe in God? Sin is sin regardless whether you believe in God or not. I could deny that the sky is blue all i want but its not going to change the color of the sky.

I am always surprised how careless some people can be with the gift of creating life. I mean walk up to someone with a gun, pull the trigger and when an empty chamber clicks say to ourself "wow im glad i didnt go all the way" do we? its amazing how careless we are with the sanctity of life.

thats assuming quite alot. To you, someone who believes in god, yes sin is sin regardless. But to someone who is atheist, sin is only defined by what they percieve it as, not 'gods' law, since they believe in no god.

All that means is that you're trying to push off your religious views and laws on to someone else who doesn't believe the way you do.

Your comparison of the bullet thing...........useless as it didn't even come close to being the same thing.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
LoL you dont really believe that do you? Homosexuality not a sin to people who dont believe in God? Sin is sin regardless whether you believe in God or not. I could deny that the sky is blue all i want but its not going to change the color of the sky.

I am always surprised how careless some people can be with the gift of creating life. I mean walk up to someone with a gun, pull the trigger and when an empty chamber clicks say to ourself "wow im glad i didnt go all the way" do we? its amazing how careless we are with the sanctity of life.

What you consider a sin isn't neccesarily a sin to someone else.
And if you believe in the freedom to practice one's own religion...

As for the rest of your post, I dunno what the hell you're rambling about...
Originally posted by mattskramer
LOL - Up to what task? I already explained it to you. People should be free to do as they please as long as they don't interfere with the freedoms of others. You apparently disagree.

"Undisputed USMB debate and trash talking champ!?!?"

Undisputed by whom - You? I think that it would be best for you to return the title to the judges.

They are free to do what they want to do. They arent free to force society to change their standards for marriage against societies will. The fact is this decision in Massachusetts came only because the people were ordered they had no choice to allow "gay marriage" by the courts. The peoples rights have been overthrown and its about time we take them back.
I feel the need to break the cycle !!!
Originally posted by Avatar4321
They are free to do what they want to do. They arent free to force society to change their standards for marriage against societies will. The fact is this decision in Massachusetts came only because the people were ordered they had no choice to allow "gay marriage" by the courts. The peoples rights have been overthrown and its about time we take them back.

My rights haven't been overthrown:ali:
Originally posted by OCA
Matts what you are advocating is a form of social anarchy. How long do you think without laws limiting certain immoral behaviors, such as blowjobs in public, that society would remain civil? Now i'm going off of the no harm no foul philosophy of yours because as far as I know a public bj doesn't hurt anybody unless you catch a stray wad which might be a little sticky and groce but not harmful.

I believe in there being reasonable limits particularly when activities are in public. I remember when a bus driver "kicked" 2 women off a bus when he saw them French-kissing each other. I don't know if he would have treated the couple in the same manner if the two adults were of the opposite sex. The issue is consistency. I don't think that public displays of sexual activity (such as those that might be done on the sidewalk) should be allowed (whether it is between heterosexuals or homosexuals). Again, the issue is consistency. I suppose that there should be reasonable limits. The issue becomes "where to draw the line". I don't think that the line should be drawn at not allowing gay marriage.
Originally posted by nycflasher
What you consider a sin isn't neccesarily a sin to someone else.
And if you believe in the freedom to practice one's own religion...

As for the rest of your post, I dunno what the hell you're rambling about...

You are not this stupid. Please tell me you arent. Ill make this easy Sin is sin regardless It doesnt change. Truth does not change. if it changes by deffinition its not truth. What the heck is so freakin difficult to understand about this concept?!?!?!

Im sorry you seem to think life is meaningless and you take it for granted. But most of society does not. If you continue to try to force this issue on the people there is going to be backlash, major backlash and you are not going to be happy.
Originally posted by nycflasher
If I gave a shit. What interest should I have in two other guys, a dick and an ass? I haven't gotten laid in a while but, nope, still not interested.

I mean you, purportedly straight, just said something like "lick his buddy's scrotum." I like how the words just rolled of your tongue.:p:
Why is this so important to you?

Normal? Right as rain?
There are alot of things that aren't right in my book.

You can add "Life isn't fair" to your list of complaints.
But nobody ever promised you life was going to be fair.
And nobody promised you that as long as you lived two guys wouldn't "bone" eachother.

Geez, all the problems in the world and you can't get your mind off of dick.

What is the challenge?
I don't get it?

Whats the challenge of proving to me that two men are supposed to have sex with each other and be in a relationship the type which marriage denotes?

I've asked 1 simple question all day and nobody can answer me. Please provide some evidence or explain to me how homosexuality and consequentially gay marriage is normal? Thats all I ask.
Originally posted by nycflasher
My rights haven't been overthrown:ali:

Sure have. You have you just lost your right to legislation by the majority. We now have small minority political groups dictating law a majority of the people against their wishes. this is tyranny.
SE I could give you another lovely !! Care to see her??
hahahahaha :D
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