Gay marriage legal in Massachussetts

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Originally posted by Sir Evil
I agree! not too much was mentioned about two women engaged in the act! Although it would be an interesting topic of debate I am sure!

Aaaaah, I'm kind of ignorant about what you're talking about...... aaaaah, could I see some pictures? :teeth:
here is some humor for

My exhusband has been being a real dick lately (his specialty) and he actually had the unmitigated GALL to complain that I never do anything for him anymore (as if?????)

So I said ok, I'll bake ya something...hows that? Would you like a nice shit pie, a go to hell pastry or hows about a nice slice of shut the fuck up?

That didnt go over too well......but I had fun!:p:
Originally posted by Pale Rider
Aaaaah, I'm kind of ignorant about what you're talking about...... aaaaah, could I see some pictures? :teeth:

This is what I mean! Please Pale Rider....explain this to me....why is it ok for lesbians (especially if you can watch and theyre hot)

Seriously though - Im truly curious. And pls dont tell me Im not a guy and cant understand.

Originally posted by KLSuddeth
here is some humor for

My exhusband has been being a real dick lately (his specialty) and he actually had the unmitigated GALL to complain that I never do anything for him anymore (as if?????)

So I said ok, I'll bake ya something...hows that? Would you like a nice shit pie, a go to hell pastry or hows about a nice slice of shut the fuck up?

That didnt go over too well......but I had fun!:p:

What the hell does he expect?! "Service" AFTER divorce?! He's fucked up. He's got his shit backwards....
Originally posted by KLSuddeth
This is what I mean! Please Pale Rider....explain this to me....why is it ok for lesbians (especially if you can watch and theyre hot)

Seriously though - Im truly curious. And pls dont tell me Im not a guy and cant understand.


Because "men" are naturally attracted to WOMEN. And if one woman is good, then TWO HAVE TO BE BETTER.

It's not the thought that the two women are going to "DO" each other that's a turn on. It's the thought of "HAVING THEM BOTH".

Does that make sense? It should. That's as straight as I can tell it.
he's an inverted rectum

Actually, only a little pppppffffftttttt - he never gave me anything 'sizable', why should I give him anything thats more than....ummmmm TINY. :eek: ha ha

(damn, I AM just a mean, spiteful little bitch!) Quick, SE ya better ban me....Im turning into a shit right before everyone's eyes!

Originally posted by KLSuddeth
he's an inverted rectum

Actually, only a little pppppffffftttttt - he never gave me anything 'sizable', why should I give him anything thats more than....ummmmm TINY. :eek: ha ha

(damn, I AM just a mean, spiteful little bitch!) Quick, SE ya better ban me....Im turning into a shit right before everyone's eyes!


No offense intended, but you sound like a normal woman to me... :D
Fair enough Pale - that makes sense.

But let me ask you this.....having two women ok - I can see the allure from a male point of view (or at least I can as best as I can since Im female lol) But its not a turn on to see 2 hot women go at it?

I have a point and will get aaround to it soon without forgetting it - promise lol
Originally posted by KLSuddeth
Fair enough Pale - that makes sense.

But let me ask you this.....having two women ok - I can see the allure from a male point of view (or at least I can as best as I can since Im female lol) But its not a turn on to see 2 hot women go at it?

I have a point and will get aaround to it soon without forgetting it - promise lol

I don't know if I'm different from most men but no, seeing two women go at it doesn't do anything for me. I see it as a waste of good coochy. It makes me mad that "I'M" not in there instead.

Well thank you for the honest reply - Im laughing over here too! :D

Ok, here is my issue (obviously not with you - but an issue nonetheless)

*before I begin, ATTN READERS: I am directing this at the male gender....NOT because I think that women are not to blame also in this, but because I am simply trying to understand something for myself. Call it my 'need to know'. Thank on*

There are so many men who openly bash homosexuality...some maybe because it truly sickens them, some perhaps for religious reasons, some because maybe theyre homophobes....or none or even all of those reasons...I dont pretend to know why. However, many of these same men will get off hardcore (no pun intended again) on seeing 2 women go at it on a porn - sure they have the fantasy of being there, but some really get into watching lesbian sex between 2 very attractive women.

To me, this seems like hypocrisy....does it not?

What is your opinion
Originally posted by KLSuddeth

Well thank you for the honest reply - Im laughing over here too! :D

Ok, here is my issue (obviously not with you - but an issue nonetheless)

*before I begin, ATTN READERS: I am directing this at the male gender....NOT because I think that women are not to blame also in this, but because I am simply trying to understand something for myself. Call it my 'need to know'. Thank on*

There are so many men who openly bash homosexuality...some maybe because it truly sickens them, some perhaps for religious reasons, some because maybe theyre homophobes....or none or even all of those reasons...I dont pretend to know why. However, many of these same men will get off hardcore (no pun intended again) on seeing 2 women go at it on a porn - sure they have the fantasy of being there, but some really get into watching lesbian sex between 2 very attractive women.

To me, this seems like hypocrisy....does it not?

What is your opinion

Yes it is. Flat out. Yes it is.

Just for record, like I need to clear this up at this point, I am against homosexuality. Now this has nothing to do with the "person" that is homosexual. I DO NOT HATE homo's. That's GOD's job. Not mine. As people, I give them all the same respect as anyone else. I am just absolutely against homosexuality. I think it's disgusting and perverted behavior. I can't put it any simpler than that. Some think like me, some don't. More do than don't.

But I'd like to point something out about the difference between men and women. I've been aware of this for a long time. You see this everywhere. When men and women go out together, couples, whatever, when first greeting each other, the women will hug and kiss each other, and the men will just shake hands, if that. Women are much more....... "affectionate" with each other than men are. It's the old story... "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus". So not to put your question into a place where no one answer will be right KL, I do think there will be many varied answers, and they ALL may be right. Or wrong.
LMAO SE !!!!

(you do realize that I was speaking of my ex - not my current hubby) :)
Pale Rider -

that was a way fair answer....I thank you for it! :)

Its my hope that tomorrow as others are reading this, that they too will respond with their opinions...preferably as honest and non-aggressive as you just did.

This is something that has always perplexed me.

And btw, good point about women in general being more affectionate than men towards friends of the same sex.
Let's hope they DO read back before they just jump to here and start posting again.

I've been finding six or seven new pages in between times when I've posted in this thread, but by God I read all of it from where I'd left off.
Originally posted by OCA
Lol Bully:rolleyes: I think that the fact that your moral compass is effectively whatever brings pleasure to an individual is good to go sort of disqualifies your opinion, don't ya think?

Sorry, but I think you've got me confused with someone else regarding the moral compass issue. As for the "well documented arguments" about why same gender marriage should be prohibited, all I've seen here is opinion rooted in religious dogma with the occaisional mutant variant of psychobabble thrown in for good measure.

If the standard of right and wrong is rooted in the consequences of an action to this life, in this world, than same gender marriage is not wrong. There is no evidence showing that any harm will come to society or individuals as a result of allowing same gender couples to marry. Unless you're afraid you're going to turn queer overnight, divorce your wife, abandon your kids, and take up residence in a gay leather bar for the rest of your life. I don't hink that's something you need to worry yourself over.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Sorry, but I think you've got me confused with someone else regarding the moral compass issue. As for the "well documented arguments" about why same gender marriage should be prohibited, all I've seen here is opinion rooted in religious dogma with the occaisional mutant variant of psychobabble thrown in for good measure.

If the standard of right and wrong is rooted in the consequences of an action to this life, in this world, than same gender marriage is not wrong. There is no evidence showing that any harm will come to society or individuals as a result of allowing same gender couples to marry. Unless you're afraid you're going to turn queer overnight, divorce your wife, abandon your kids, and take up residence in a gay leather bar for the rest of your life. I don't hink that's something you need to worry yourself over.

You believe in God don't you bully?
Why does this matter at all to so many people? Who cares if it is a choice? (I can't see how it would be, if gay teens had a choice why not change back rather than blow brains out the back of their heads?) Even if it is, it is their choice, not yours. The Republican Party is supposed to stand for individual rights but in many cases is lacking.

If a person sins, it is their right, it is called free will. If these people want to sin you cannot stop them. These civil marriages cannot hurt or violate any other marriages only those in those marriages can do that.

In a country where the wife swapping show called "Swap" is coming to town soon, where Britney Spears gets married and annulled in the time it takes most people to make their morning coffee. Do we really have room to care about this?

Where is Musgrave when Marriage is attacked by wife-swapping TV shows? Why is there no Constitutional Amendment proposed against TV shows where two idiots that have never met get married just because the guy is a Millionaire? Where is the outrage at the violation of the "sanctity" of marriage when it is attacked by stupidity as well as made a joke of?

I can never understand all this outrage over this.
Originally posted by no1tovote4
Why does this matter at all to so many people? Who cares if it is a choice? (I can't see how it would be, if gay teens had a choice why not change back rather than blow brains out the back of their heads?) Even if it is, it is their choice, not yours. The Republican Party is supposed to stand for individual rights but in many cases is lacking.

If a person sins, it is their right, it is called free will. If these people want to sin you cannot stop them. These civil marriages cannot hurt or violate any other marriages only those in those marriages can do that.

In a country where the wife swapping show called "Swap" is coming to town soon, where Britney Spears gets married and annulled in the time it takes most people to make their morning coffee. Do we really have room to care about this?

Where is Musgrave when Marriage is attacked by wife-swapping TV shows? Why is there no Constitutional Amendment proposed against TV shows where two idiots that have never met get married just because the guy is a Millionaire? Where is the outrage at the violation of the "sanctity" of marriage when it is attacked by stupidity as well as made a joke of?

I can never understand all this outrage over this.

What he said.
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