Gay Parents Ready Kids for White House Easter Egg Roll

You see... the problem is... queers are already convinced among themselves that plugging themselves in the ass and slurping on each other's dongs is normal. Well, it's not. So molesting a child, in their already sick mind, is normal too.

Homosexuals Molest Children At A Far Higher Rate Than Heterosexuals

Homosexuals account for only 1-2% of our population based on current surveys. The National Opinion Research Center in 1992 found that 2.8% of men and 1.4% of women identified themselves as “homosexual” or “bisexual. A 1995 survey of 18-49-year-old men published by the Journal of Sex Research indicated that 2.6% of them had engaged in homosexual sex within the prior 12 months; 4% had had homosexual sex within the past five years. In other words, at least 98-99% of our population is heterosexual in orientation.

Homosexual activists routinely claim that most child molesters are “heterosexual” males, thus shifting the focus away from their own very high rates of molestation. Since 98-99% of the population is heterosexual, it is technically correct to say that most molestations are done by heterosexuals. However, statistics indicate that homosexuals pose a far more serious threat to children than do heterosexuals.

For example: In 1987, Dr. Stephen Rubin of Whitman College conducted a ten-state study of sex abuse cases involving school teachers. He studied 199 cases. Of those, 122 male teachers had molested girls, while 14 female teachers had molested boys. He also discovered that 59 homosexual male teachers had molested boys and four female homosexual teachers had molested girls. In other words, 32 percent of those child molestation cases involved homosexuals. Nearly a third of these cases come from only 1-2% of the population.

Dr. Judith Reisman, in her book, Kinsey, Crimes & Consequences, describes the research done by Dr. Gene Abel. This researcher compared the molestation rates of self-confessed homosexual and heterosexual child molesters. In a sample of 153 homosexual molesters, they confessed to a total of 22,981 molestations. This is equivalent to 150 children per molester. Self-admitted heterosexual molesters admitted to 4,435 molestations. This comes to 19.8 victims per molester. Dr. Abel concluded that homosexuals “sexually molest young boys at an incidence that is occurring from five times greater than the molestation of girls.”

This high rate of molestations by homosexuals is consistent with other studies conducted during the past several decades. Here are just a few studies that show homosexuals molesting children at epidemic rates:

The Los Angeles Times conducted a survey in 1985 of 2,628 adults across the U.S. Of those, 27% of the women and 16% of the men had been sexually molested. Seven percent of the girls and 93% of the men had been molested by adults of the same sex. This means that 40% of child molestations were by homosexuals. (Los Angeles Times, August 25-6, 1985)

In 1984, a Vermont survey of 161 adolescents who were sex offenders found that 35 of them were homosexuals (22%). (Wasserman, J., “Adolescent Sex Offenders—Vermont, 1984” Journal American Medical Association, 1986; 255:181-2)

In 1991, of the 100 child molesters at the Massachusetts Treatment Center for Sexually Dangerous Persons, a third were heterosexual, a third were bisexual, and a third were homosexual. (Dr. Raymond Knight, “Differential Prevalence of Personality Disorders in Rapists and Child Molesters,” Eastern Psychological Association Conference, New York, April 12, 1991)

Drs. Freund and Heasman of the Clark Institute of Psychiatry in Toronto reviewed two studies on child molesters and calculated that 34% and 32% of the sex offenders were homosexual. In cases these doctors had handled, 36% of the molesters were homosexuals. (Freund, K. “Pedophilia and Heterosexuality vs. Homosexuality,” Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 1984; 10:193-200)

From these studies and many more, it is evident that homosexuals molest children at a far greater rate than do their heterosexual counterparts. While they comprise only 1-2% of the population, they are responsible for upwards of a third or more of all sexual molestations of children.

Exposing The Homosexual/Pedophile Link

Homosexuals seldom openly admit that they want to sexually assault children, but their literature and their actions tell another story. In the January 1-8, 2001 issue of The Weekly Standard, author Mary Eberstadt exposed the clear link between homosexual activism and the growing North-American Man- Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) movement. Writing in “’Pedophilia Chic’ Reconsidered: The taboo against sex with children continues to erode,” Eberstadt notes:

The reason why the public is being urged to reconsider boy pedophilia is that this ‘question,’ settled though it may be in the opinions and laws of the rest of the country, is demonstrably not yet settled within certain parts of the gay rights movement. The more that movement has entered the mainstream, the more this ‘question’ has bubbled forth from that previously distant realm in the public square.

Eberstadt notes that the book, Male Inter-Generational Intimacy: Historical, Socio-Psychological, and Legal Perspectives edited by pedophile Edward Brongersma is currently available in the “gay/lesbian” sections of bookstores like Borders. This book, which openly promotes pedophilia, was first published in the Journal of Homosexuality in 1990. The Journal is edited by John DeCecco, a psychologist at San Francisco State University. DeCecco is a board member of the Dutch pedophile journal, Paidika.

The homosexual magazine Guide published a pro-pedophile editorial in its July, 1995 issue. In referring to pedophiles as “prophets” of sexual freedom, the Guide editorialist wrote: “We must listen to our prophets. Instead of fearing being labeled pedophiles, we must proudly proclaim that sex is good, including children’s sexuality. . . . Surrounded by pious moralists with deadening anti-sexual rules, we must be shameless rulebreakers, demonstrating our allegiance to a higher concept of love. We must do it for the children’s sake.”

Parents are correct to be concerned about homosexuals sexually assaulting their children. The Boy Scouts of America, for example, is right to prohibit homosexuals from membership or leadership positions. It is evident from the statistical evidence and news reports of child molestation cases, that homosexuals pose a clear and present danger to children. Our laws and social policies should protect children, not cater to the whims and sexual desires of sexual predators. We must oppose homosexual activism “for the children’s sake.”
And then we have this lovely orginization...

I just love it when people defend queers... queers like the ones in nambla, who are just like all the others. They're all one big sick group of demon seed.
Found out about DR. Greggy.....

Gregory Herek, an openly homosexual/gay activist psychologist at the University of California at Davis has criticized our published material on homosexuals in general and on the link between homosexuality and child molestation in particular. Herek criticizes the fact that no one, including us, knows the sexual orientation" of the man who molests boys in any study. We hold that "a homosexual" is "one who engages in homosexuality," and even if a person caught molesting a boy called himself a heterosexual that would be irrelevant (many men who have sex with men and get HIV call themselves "heterosexual." Self-labeling is interesting, but it is hardly determinative as to who is, by their actions, considered a homosexual. The standard of 'what the individual does' rather than what he says he is is the standard employed throughout AIDS research, the 1996 NHSDA, the Dutch study cited above, etc.). As a matter of fact, it appears that most people caught molesting boys call themselves "homosexual" or "bisexual" -- in one study (the only one of which we are aware in which the question as to 'identity' was asked), 86% of those incarcerated for molesting boys described themselves as homosexual or "bisexual" (10, p. 83) -- what the other 14% called themselves is not reported, but their behavior makes clear what they reasonably should be considered. A "homosexual" (or an omnisexual) is one who has sex with his own sex, quite apart from what he claims he "is." While Masters and Johnson suggested ambisexual" to describe many homosexuals since they go 'both ways -- that is, have sex with both their and the opposite sex,' we feel it makes the most sense to call them "omnisexual" (like 'omnivorous,' denoting willingness to eat both plants and animals) with a 'major' or emphasis in homosexuality, which suggestively accounts for their more frequent sex with animals, children, scatophilia, S & M, etc.
Kagom said:
Posting biased links to counter biased links do nothing. Especially when some links are more biased than others.

Thats the problem with links. You'd be hard pressed to find an unbiased source on the Web.
onthefence said:
Thats the problem with links. You'd be hard pressed to find an unbiased source on the Web.
I'm very much aware of that, but it would help if you chose a slightly more credible source that was biased than one that's extreme and unfounded.
onthefence said:
Thats the problem with links. You'd be hard pressed to find an unbiased source on the Web.
Rarely. Mostly you can find some that aren't overtly biased. I suggest though that one watches for tip offs like: or or
I'm trying to figure out how a thread about using children for pushing a social agenda, turned into a discussion on the simularities between pedophilia and homosexuality and the connection thereof.

The link was interesting though.
onthefence said:
I'm trying to figure out how a thread about using children for pushing a social agenda, turned into a discussion on the simularities between pedophilia and homosexuality and the connection thereof.

The link was interesting though.

Good question! :happy2:

Seems that there are those who need to yell about pedophilia when the issue is gay rights...

I kinda liked the discussion about the easter egg hunt, though. heh!
onthefence said:,2933,191665,00.html

I'm all for homosexuals working for equal rights, but this is bullshit. If they make this about anyhing other than the children, then they should be ashamed of themselves. Teh fact that they are wearing a "unifying symbol" makes this an organized peaceful protest. This means they are using the children as political pawns and that is bullshit.
The protests was not for the sake of the children, but for the sake of the parents. The White House was forced into a position of allowing these asswipes to participate, otherwise it would have been a fiasco.

I have to wonder ... is there no level that some people won't stoop to?

The "parents" (and using that label for these muddle headed morons is an insult to parents all over the world!) that did this represent the height of narcissism. Shame on the people that allowed them to adopt. I have to wonder how allowing idiots like these to adopt is in the best interests of the children?

They've set a precedent, next year another group with an axe to grind will find a "peaceful" means use this event to advance their agenda, too. And so on for the years to follow... until the White House pulls the plug on the whole deal.

It's the beginning of the end of the White House Easter Egg hunt. Thank you very much asswipes.


You can send the organization that pulled this stunt a piece of your mind (like I did)....

And you can tell a few of their corporate sponsors that, in light of what's stunt, to consider sponsoring some more worthy organizations instead (like I did)



[email protected]

[email protected].
onthefence said:
I'm trying to figure out how a thread about using children for pushing a social agenda, turned into a discussion on the simularities between pedophilia and homosexuality and the connection thereof.

The link was interesting though.

thread monitor? who cares where the discussion naturally leads? why is this always a big deal?

I asked the question about whether Jillian would support the pedophile that will no doubt be the next victim group and will use the exact same arguments she is using in favor of homosexuals. Being a poor reader and springloaded to accuse anyone that doesn't want Caligula being performed in our parks and alleys, of being homophobic, she took the thread to a extraordinarily bias link and that started what has gone on for a few pages. Does that help you at all I could maybe draw a chart? :bye1:
onthefence said:
Thats the problem with links. You'd be hard pressed to find an unbiased source on the Web.

It's one thing to be able to "prove" a link biased. It's completely another thing to just SAY, it's biased. Which is what many of our board liberals LOVE to do.
Homosexuals are SICK. Homosexual PEDOPHILES are even MORE sick, and there are MORE of them, than there are hetero, given the numbers of each catagory, and then figuring the percentage in each.

The sick mind has no problem taking the next step to a sicker sexual act. They've already convinced themself that being a queer is OK, so molesting a child isn't that big of a stretch for them. One sick act leads to another.
Dr Grump said:
Disingenuous. There are plenty of gay, healthy parents. Which dictionary do you get your definition of homosexual from? There are plenty of homosexuals who were married and had kids, then "came out" really, your example doesn't hold water.......

Then came out??????????? Don't you really mean to say that they made a change of lifestyle choice?
mattskramer said:
OCA said:
Come on. Tell it straight. Is it that cigarettes and alcohol are not dangerous or is it that they are not as dangerous as are other drugs. Of course alcohol is dangerous. Again, it all comes down to where you draw the line. I do take solid positions on very specific things. Unlike you, who seems to muddle his comments?

Yes, bazookas. Do you remember the question? It was in a discussion having to do with whether or not the Bill of Rights should be absolute. Considering a bazooka to fit the definition of an arm. Should private citizens be allowed to awn bazookas? You never gave a solid position on that question.

Your next ignorant and fallacious comment really is not worthy of a reply, but I’ll go ahead and respond. No. Life as in having several real and important relationships. Do you think that people should be allowed to smoke cigarettes? Then you must be a heavy smoker. Do you think that people should be allowed to drink alcohol? Then you must be an alcoholic. Oh come on. Give me a break.

Wow. A straight answer from you about molestation!! I’m so impressed. So if someone kidnapped your family and forced you to molest a child or the kidnapper would kill everyone, you would refuse. Okay. The kidnapper killed everyone. Way to go. As distasteful as it may be, I would have gone with the molestation rather than having everyone get killed.

LMFAO! Why do I always fall into this mental hospital computer patron's trap to argue extremely outlandish hyperbole?
Dr Grump said:
I chose to see his argument as vacuous....

Grump you are proving us conservatives right by always trying to muddle the argument. Why can you not just say that yes in fact WJ's statement was factually correct?
Dr Grump said:
No, that is a very basic concept. What homophobes do not explain/understand or whatever, is what makes homosexuals bad parents? What stats are there to prove if they are good or bad? As I stated before, which was ignored (mostly) is that most losers I know of, or who I went to school with, where brought up by hetrosexual parents. Personally, I don't think the sexual orientation of a parent has anything to do with how well adjusted a kid is or isn't. It's a combination of nature and nuture IMO...

<edited for clarification>

Why is it that lefties always have to slander anyone who disagrees with the homosexual lifestyle choice agenda? Is it because you have no argument to back your position up?

By definition a two parent household cannot be made up of two adults of the same sex since by definition it takes two people of the opposite sex to make a child which after said child is birthed they then are defined as parents. Now think about it, is it more stable for aq child to be brought up in a queer enviroment where the stigma of mental frailty will be attatched to his parents or brough up by the timeworn and well proven and NATURAL parents of one female and one male?

Only a dumbass would say the former.
onthefence said:
This subject is where my moderate politics kick in. This thread was supposed to be about using kids for political gain. Since it has shifted into the Gays are good/Gays are bad debate, I'll throw in my 2 cents. I'll be waiting to called a liberal, traitorous nut. I don't what I'll called, but here you go.

Homosexuals are the new Women and African-Americans. Women and African-Americans were in the past seen as less-than-citizens. Women were denied the right to vote and African-Americans were enslaved. They both overcame and have made great strides in securing equal protection under the law. Homosexuals simply want the same protection.

What makes homosexuals bad parents? In the past, single mothers have been seen as a "bad parent." I'm pretty sure that there are a few out there that have proved that assertion wrong. Should these children stay in orphanages instead? Hell, pro-lifers, here's the abortion solution. Outlaw abortion and give the children that are given up for adoption, because of the abortion ban, to gay couples.

I'm all for what these gay parents are trying to achieve, but damn it, leave the children out of it.

Women and African Americans are born the way they are, queers choose their lot, therefore the civil rights argument is null and void since at birth they have every alienable right that you and I are born with. They want the right to break the law in order to practice therir perversion. They are looking for legitimization of their perversion of choice.
onthefence said:
This is moronic. Orphanages can't supply the guidance a child needs. With the exception of the Masonic Homes and a few Christian facilities around the country, they tend to be breeding grounds for criminals. As for me, I'd rather see kids grow up to be homos than criminals. Homos are funnier. ;)

Don't tell me you believe the hollywood fallacies about queers perpetuated by shows such as Will and Grace?

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