Gay Parents Ready Kids for White House Easter Egg Roll

Dr Grump said:
The best way to ascertain if something affects you is taking a literal example and see how it interferes with your life - ie somebody murders my brother. That is gonna have a huge impact on my life. Then, say, a gay couple move in next door. Now, unless I start taking a fancy to my best friend or start to take a liking to lilac and pink, they will have no effect on me whatsoever. So why does anyone care or make an issue of their sexual orientation?

Finally, the original premise of this thread? See OCA and Gunny's posts - that's why they are doing what they are doing. Coulda used a better forum, but as long as bigotry exists, people will go to extremes I guess..

Grump your insistence on throwing around words like bigot and homophobe as if you are getting somewhere from them shows a weakness at debating, maybe this board is out of your league?
onthefence said:
Single motherhood is no longer seen, by the majority, as abnormal. One day homosexual parenting will be seen the same.

Just keep thinking that, better yet poll people in your neighborhood, I think you'll find that it is quite the opposite.
jillian said:
Or maybe he just calls 'em as he sees em? :beer:

Nah he's just a peanut gallery type taking potshots that really have no substance. My point about his debating style is without argument and refutation, its rock solid.

He believes that since he can't win on substance he can sully his opponents name and win that way, guess he's a Democrat.
onthefence said:
Who gets to decide what is abnormal? Normalcy is merely ones own perception of what is acceptable.

No, every successful society has defined norms and abnorms, ours is no different and it has decided that homosexuality is definitely abnormal.
kathianne..Same thing being acted out here, but with a difference. Now it's not 'fitting in' but 'in your face.' There will be backlash, even from the 'tolerant.'

Exactly what this is. "Like it or else" :finger: gets people no tolerance in this world but rather inflames.

And Matt I would say to you if gay people are so damned secure about their choices they would not be shoving it in anyone's face period!!
jillian said:
Not really.... homosexual behavior occurs in nature. Haven't you heard about the gay penguins at the Central Park Zoo :beer: ?

BINGO THERE IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was waiting for lib silly homosexual argument #2 to roll around.

Lol the lengths you guys will go!
OCA said:
Grump your insistence on throwing around words like bigot and homophobe as if you are getting somewhere from them shows a weakness at debating, maybe this board is out of your league?

Using words in their correct context is not a weakness. It is a fact. If you don't like the use of the words, change your position.... :thup:
jillian said:
Statistics are easily manipulated. Thus, the reliability of the source is important. Anti-gay "family value"-type sites don't count.

So like I said... :link: :cool:

And why is it that they don't count? Should we also say that links from sights akin to Moveon not count either?
Dr Grump said:
Using words in their correct context is not a weakness. It is a fact. If you don't like the use of the words, change your position.... :thup:

Hey if you think you are being effective then by all means continue on and we will all share a laugh at your expense. I, a much more effective debater than you was just passing on a tip.....take it or leave it, makes no difference.
OCA said:
And why is it that they don't count? Should we also say that links from sights akin to Moveon not count either?

They don't count because the ignore science and have an anti-gay agenda. And I'd wager you wouldn't find a link to moveon very compelling, nor would I insult you by trying to say it's an impartial site.
gop_jeff said:
The point is that ad hominem attacks are fallicious and that your use of them makes you a weak debater.

What is ad hominem about them? I am not losing my rag. I find his behavior mets the definition of bigot and homophobe. Christ, they ain't exactly the worst words in the world. He says homosexuality is abnormal. I say not. Where does the debate end? Is he going to change my position? No. Me, his? No. Can he prove his point? No. He has an opinion. That is all it is.
Dr Grump said:
What is ad hominem about them? I am not losing my rag. I find his behavior mets the definition of bigot and homophobe. Christ, they ain't exactly the worst words in the world. He says homosexuality is abnormal. I say not. Where does the debate end? Is he going to change my position? No. Me, his? No. Can he prove his point? No. He has an opinion. That is all it is.

No slick, you busted out the slander when the debate began slipping from your grasp( not that the words bother me, I wear them as ba badge of pride on this topic), it shows you were out of bullets and thought that you would do the typical lib thing and roll in the mud, only it backfired on you.

I'll let you in on a little secret, i'm the board champion flamer and up to now i've been completely gentle and soft with you because I can tell the heat would wither you like a carnation in 110 deggree weather, you owe me.

Oh and by the way newbie, the proof of its abnormality is all over the board archives, its up to you to do the research.
OCA said:
I'll let you in on a little secret, i'm the board champion flamer and up to now i've been completely gentle and soft with you because I can tell the heat would wither you like a carnation in 110 deggree weather, you owe me.

Oh, so you admit to being a shitstirrer! never woulda guessed (other than half a dozen PMs telling me so about two days ago <wink>)...I've met worse flamers at my son's your worse.... :dev1:

OCA said:
Oh and by the way newbie, the proof of its abnormality is all over the board archives, its up to you to do the research.

Checked a few. Nothing but biased point in going any further...:O)
Dr Grump said:
Oh, so you admit to being a shitstirrer! never woulda guessed (other than half a dozen PMs telling me so about two days ago <wink>)...I've met worse flamers at my son's your worse.... :dev1:

Checked a few. Nothing but biased point in going any further...:O)

Yes my reputation proceeds me. You see I excel at both ends of the field, I can out debate you in the cleanest manner possible and then if you so desire turn you into a torn rag ready to put the noose on itself. I am a singular sensation here.

Oh the pm's don't bother me, i've learned to trust very few here and would expect that there were probably about a 1/2 dozen or so backstabbers here.

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