Gay Parents Ready Kids for White House Easter Egg Roll

This subject is where my moderate politics kick in. This thread was supposed to be about using kids for political gain. Since it has shifted into the Gays are good/Gays are bad debate, I'll throw in my 2 cents. I'll be waiting to called a liberal, traitorous nut. I don't what I'll called, but here you go.

Homosexuals are the new Women and African-Americans. Women and African-Americans were in the past seen as less-than-citizens. Women were denied the right to vote and African-Americans were enslaved. They both overcame and have made great strides in securing equal protection under the law. Homosexuals simply want the same protection.

What makes homosexuals bad parents? In the past, single mothers have been seen as a "bad parent." I'm pretty sure that there are a few out there that have proved that assertion wrong. Should these children stay in orphanages instead? Hell, pro-lifers, here's the abortion solution. Outlaw abortion and give the children that are given up for adoption, because of the abortion ban, to gay couples.

I'm all for what these gay parents are trying to achieve, but damn it, leave the children out of it.
onthefence said:
This subject is where my moderate politics kick in. This thread was supposed to be about using kids for political gain. Since it has shifted into the Gays are good/Gays are bad debate, I'll throw in my 2 cents. I'll be waiting to called a liberal, traitorous nut. I don't what I'll called, but here you go.

Homosexuals are the new Women and African-Americans. Women and African-Americans were in the past seen as less-than-citizens. Women were denied the right to vote and African-Americans were enslaved. They both overcame and have made great strides in securing equal protection under the law. Homosexuals simply want the same protection.

What makes homosexuals bad parents? In the past, single mothers have been seen as a "bad parent." I'm pretty sure that there are a few out there that have proved that assertion wrong. Should these children stay in orphanages instead? Hell, pro-lifers, here's the abortion solution. Outlaw abortion and give the children that are given up for adoption, because of the abortion ban, to gay couples.

I'm all for what these gay parents are trying to achieve, but damn it, leave the children out of it.

Comparing homosexuals to women or an ethnicity is just bull. Women are whatever gender they are, and ethnicities are what they are. With few exceptions, it isn't something that can be denied or attributed to anything but birth.

Homosexuality is a behavior, not a skin color or gender classification. So no, they aren't the same.

And I would rather see kids raised in orphanages than by gay couples.
GunnyL said:
And I would rather see kids raised in orphanages than by gay couples.

This is moronic. Orphanages can't supply the guidance a child needs. With the exception of the Masonic Homes and a few Christian facilities around the country, they tend to be breeding grounds for criminals. As for me, I'd rather see kids grow up to be homos than criminals. Homos are funnier. ;)
onthefence said:
This is moronic. Orphanages can't supply the guidance a child needs. With the exception of the Masonic Homes and a few Christian facilities around the country, they tend to be breeding grounds for criminals. As for me, I'd rather see kids grow up to be homos than criminals. Homos are funnier. ;)

Nothing moronic about it. Orphanages can supply the guidance a child needs -- meaning, the capablility exists. If they don't, then that is a separate issue that needs to be addressed.

Now if you want to talk "moronic," attempting to correct a wrong with another wrong would fit the bill nicely.
GunnyL said:
Now if you want to talk "moronic," attempting to correct a wrong with another wrong would fit the bill nicely.

Like punishing a murderer with say, an execution?
how do same sex couples provide opposite sex parental role models?

they don't.....and the impact on the children and their abiltity to have a normal relationship will be quite a shock......most of what we know is learned from watching our parents interact and behave.....the impacts of single sex simple can not be known
onthefence said:
Like punishing a murderer with say, an execution?

A punishment befitting the crime. Nothing moronic about that either. A murderer denies another human being the most precious thing a person has -- life. He is denied the same. Works for me.

But I don't see the correlation between that and letting homo's adopt orphans because orphanages are corrupt.
manu1959 said:
how do same sex couples provide opposite sex parental role models?

How do single mothers provide oppisite sex parental role models? This is an irrelevant argument.
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GunnyL said:
A punishment befitting the crime. Nothing moronic about that either. A murderer denies another human being the most precious thing a person has -- life. He is denied the same. Works for me.

But I don't see the correlation between that and letting homo's adopt orphans because orphanages are corrupt.

The correlation is your assertion of correcting a wrong with a wrong. What you consider wrong may not be what someone else considers wrong. Hell, children raised by gay couples may grow up to be the most morally minded people on the planet. Many christian homes produce gay children. Maybe the oppisite could be true. You may not belive it could happen, but it could happen.
onthefence said:
How do single mothers provide oppisite sex parental role models? This is an irrelevant argument.

just because you say it is so does not make it so....

my question remains.....where does a young boy learn to be a father, a man, a husband in a house without one? two women can not teach that.
onthefence said:
The correlation is your assertion of correcting a wrong with a wrong. What you consider wrong may not be what someone else considers wrong. Hell, children raised by gay couples may grow up to be the most morally minded people on the planet. Many christian homes produce gay children. Maybe the oppisite could be true. You may not belive it could happen, but it could happen.

I am not arguing that it is outside the realm of possibility. Some heterosexual homes produce homosexuals. Some homosexual homes may produce heterosexual children.

The odds are far more in favor of a homosexual home producing homosexuals than a heterosexual home producing homosexuals. That's just obvious common sense. For one, it teaches children that homosexuality is normal and acceptable behavior.

At no point have I represented my argument as anything more than my opinion; which, includes the side trip onto capital punishment.
The best way to ascertain if something affects you is taking a literal example and see how it interferes with your life - ie somebody murders my brother. That is gonna have a huge impact on my life. Then, say, a gay couple move in next door. Now, unless I start taking a fancy to my best friend or start to take a liking to lilac and pink, they will have no effect on me whatsoever. So why does anyone care or make an issue of their sexual orientation?

Finally, the original premise of this thread? See OCA and Gunny's posts - that's why they are doing what they are doing. Coulda used a better forum, but as long as bigotry exists, people will go to extremes I guess..
Dr Grump said:
The best way to ascertain if something affects you is taking a literal example and see how it interferes with your life - ie somebody murders my brother. That is gonna have a huge impact on my life. Then, say, a gay couple move in next door. Now, unless I start taking a fancy to my best friend or start to take a liking to lilac and pink, they will have no affect on me whatsoever. So why does anyone care or make an issue of their sexual orientation?

Finally, the original premise of this thread? See OCA and Gunny's posts - that's why they are doing what they are doing. Coulda used a better forum, but as long as bigotry exists, people will go to extremes I guess..

If Billy and Bobby move in next door and keep their sexual orientation within the walls of their house, then it isn't anyone's business. That doesn't seem to be the issue here.

And feel free to clarify that confusing last paragrah. If I'm supposed to do the white guy feel bad thing because you call me a bigot for believing homsexuals are sexually aberrant people, you're wasting your time.
manu1959 said:
just because you say it is so does not make it so....

my question remains.....where does a young boy learn to be a father, a man, a husband in a house without one? two women can not teach that.

My question is just as valid, yet is not considered in the same category. Where can that same young boy learn those things while being raised by one woman? Single motherhood is no longer seen, by the majority, as abnormal. One day homosexual parenting will be seen the same.
onthefence said:
My question is just as valid, yet is not considered in the same category. Where can that same young boy learn those things while being raised by one woman? Single motherhood is no longer seen, by the majority, as abnormal. One day homosexual parenting will be seen the same.

A sad day that will be too when abnormal is accepted as normal.
Dr Grump said:
The best way to ascertain if something affects you is taking a literal example and see how it interferes with your life - ie somebody murders my brother. That is gonna have a huge impact on my life. Then, say, a gay couple move in next door. Now, unless I start taking a fancy to my best friend or start to take a liking to lilac and pink, they will have no effect on me whatsoever. So why does anyone care or make an issue of their sexual orientation?

Finally, the original premise of this thread? See OCA and Gunny's posts - that's why they are doing what they are doing. Coulda used a better forum, but as long as bigotry exists, people will go to extremes I guess..

what if a gay couple moves in next door with their gay teenage son and you find your son on his knees in his bedroom with your neighbors boy....betcha that would scar your retina

further, The best way to ascertain if something affects you is taking a literal example and see how it interferes with your life - ie somebody murders my brother. That is gonna have a huge impact on my life. Then, say, a christian couple move in next door. Now, unless I start speaking in tounges to my best friend or start to take a liking to the bible and moral behaviour, they will have no effect on me whatsoever. So why does anyone care or make an issue of their religious beliefs?
GunnyL said:
If Billy and Bobby move in next door and keep their sexual orientation within the walls of their house, then it isn't anyone's business. That doesn't seem to be the issue here.

IMO it is part of the issue.

GunnyL said:
If I'm supposed to do the white guy feel bad thing because you call me a bigot for believing homsexuals are sexually aberrant people, you're wasting your time.

No, you do whatever you want/wish to do. Bigotry is bigotry. Whether it bothers you is here nor there....
manu1959 said:
you find your son on his knees in his bedroom with your neighbors boy....betcha that would scar your retina

And if it was my daughter on her knees it wouldn't?

manu1959 said:
.Then, say, a christian couple move in next door. Now, unless I start speaking in tounges to my best friend or start to take a liking to the bible and moral behaviour, they will have no effect on me whatsoever. So why does anyone care or make an issue of their religious beliefs?

Good question! I concur!
GunnyL said:
A sad day that will be too when abnormal is accepted as normal.

Who gets to decide what is abnormal? Normalcy is merely ones own perception of what is acceptable.

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