gay rights

Ding, you are wasting everyone's time by responding to the troll whose only jollies come from baiting you with his ignorance. "Go from the presence of a foolish man."
It's my time to waste.

Everyone else's time is not your time to waste.
If you persist in wasting my time and everyone else's, you will be joining countless Leftists on
my Ignore List. I would prefer that you not persist, but.....
I can't control what you do or don't do. You blaming me for wasting your time because I choose to reply to someone and discuss something you don't believe I should... is textbook external locus of control.

You do not get to tell me how to post. I wouldn't even think about telling you how to post.
You do not get to tell me how to post. I wouldn't even think about telling you how to post.

You do not waste my time by arguing with a nincompoop when all you are doing is encouraging more silliness from him. ciao
I can't control what you do or don't do. You blaming me for wasting your time because I choose to reply to someone and discuss something you don't believe I should... is textbook external locus of control.

You do not get to tell me how to post. I wouldn't even think about telling you how to post.

You do not waste my time by arguing with a nincompoop when all you are doing is encouraging more silliness from him. ciao
You post your way and I will post my way.
A lesbian couple approached me about painting their wedding portrait. I refused. They sued me. I eventually won but I would say that gay people getting married affected me quite considerably. Had they kept their personal business to themselves I would never have known.
and if hetero couples kept their business to themselves you would not have a wedding photo business.
I never had a wedding photo business.
Gays have become too demanding and obnoxious to deal with. If they want to be happy do it on their side of the fence.
yeah god forbid they get treated like everyone else.
They DID get treated like everyone else. When I say no. It's no. Only gays demanded that I perform for them BECAUSE they are lesbians. No other reason. Do what they tell you peasant.
Most marriages end in divorce anyway.
There is this monumental hubris among certain separatist groups that imagine a world where everyone must bend to their will just because of group identity.

These two women got an equally stupid and idiotic gay lawyer to join them in the silliness that if the court can force a baker to bake a cake they can force an artist to paint their portrait. Well ya can't it doesn't work that way.
A lesbian couple approached me about painting their wedding portrait. I refused. They sued me. I eventually won but I would say that gay people getting married affected me quite considerably. Had they kept their personal business to themselves I would never have known.
and if hetero couples kept their business to themselves you would not have a wedding photo business.
I never had a wedding photo business.
photo , portrait whatever
Gays have become too demanding and obnoxious to deal with. If they want to be happy do it on their side of the fence.
yeah god forbid they get treated like everyone else.
They DID get treated like everyone else. When I say no. It's no. Only gays demanded that I perform for them BECAUSE they are lesbians. No other reason. Do what they tell you peasant.
so you tell every couple not keeping their marriage to themselves no?

Every person you do a wedding portrait for is not keeping their business to themselves.

And I don't have to be told by anyone to respect other people or how they choose to live their lives. After all it's none of my business
Gays have become too demanding and obnoxious to deal with. If they want to be happy do it on their side of the fence.
yeah god forbid they get treated like everyone else.
They DID get treated like everyone else. When I say no. It's no. Only gays demanded that I perform for them BECAUSE they are lesbians. No other reason. Do what they tell you peasant.
so you tell every couple not keeping their marriage to themselves no?

Every person you do a wedding portrait for is not keeping their business to themselves.

And I don't have to be told by anyone to respect other people or how they choose to live their lives. After all it's none of my business
You are making the same mistake this couple and their buttfucking attorney did. You are assuming that I am in the business of painting ANYTHING. If I paint a portrait of a heterosexual couple it's because they are friends of mine. I went to the wedding. The difference is when someone approaches me for a commission and I say "Sorry this is not something I want to do. Find someone else." The heterosexuals, the normal people, go somewhere else. Only lgbtq will go on to DEMAND I perform for them. You HAVE to. I will get the court to FORCE you to do what I want. I am gay and entitled to your service. No. They aren't. They are only entitled to a Fuck Off which is what they got. Even the judge said they have no case.

I respect only whom I choose to respect.
A lesbian couple approached me about painting their wedding portrait. I refused. They sued me. I eventually won but I would say that gay people getting married affected me quite considerably. Had they kept their personal business to themselves I would never have known.
and if hetero couples kept their business to themselves you would not have a wedding photo business.
I never had a wedding photo business.
photo , portrait whatever
I never had a portrait painting business either.
Gays have become too demanding and obnoxious to deal with. If they want to be happy do it on their side of the fence.
yeah god forbid they get treated like everyone else.
They DID get treated like everyone else. When I say no. It's no. Only gays demanded that I perform for them BECAUSE they are lesbians. No other reason. Do what they tell you peasant.
so you tell every couple not keeping their marriage to themselves no?

Every person you do a wedding portrait for is not keeping their business to themselves.

And I don't have to be told by anyone to respect other people or how they choose to live their lives. After all it's none of my business
You are making the same mistake this couple and their buttfucking attorney did. You are assuming that I am in the business of painting ANYTHING. If I paint a portrait of a heterosexual couple it's because they are friends of mine. I went to the wedding. The difference is when someone approaches me for a commission and I say "Sorry this is not something I want to do. Find someone else." The heterosexuals, the normal people, go somewhere else. Only lgbtq will go on to DEMAND I perform for them. You HAVE to. I will get the court to FORCE you to do what I want. I am gay and entitled to your service. No. They aren't. They are only entitled to a Fuck Off which is what they got. Even the judge said they have no case.

I respect only whom I choose to respect.

So you don't have a business and you're whining about gay people getting married?

Some of choose to respect everyone. And some of us are bigoted assholes.
A lesbian couple approached me about painting their wedding portrait. I refused. They sued me. I eventually won but I would say that gay people getting married affected me quite considerably. Had they kept their personal business to themselves I would never have known.
and if hetero couples kept their business to themselves you would not have a wedding photo business.
I never had a wedding photo business.
photo , portrait whatever
I never had a portrait painting business either.

So then no one could sue you for not painting a picture for them
A lesbian couple approached me about painting their wedding portrait. I refused. They sued me. I eventually won but I would say that gay people getting married affected me quite considerably. Had they kept their personal business to themselves I would never have known.
and if hetero couples kept their business to themselves you would not have a wedding photo business.
I never had a wedding photo business.
photo , portrait whatever
I never had a portrait painting business either.

So then no one could sue you for not painting a picture for them
No. No one. Everyone else I turned down just left and found someone else. Only this lesbian couple thought that being lesbian entitled them to make demands on me. They and their dippy lawyer saw the success of the cases against the baker and florist and thought they could do the same thing to me. They thought wrong.
Gays have become too demanding and obnoxious to deal with. If they want to be happy do it on their side of the fence.
yeah god forbid they get treated like everyone else.
They DID get treated like everyone else. When I say no. It's no. Only gays demanded that I perform for them BECAUSE they are lesbians. No other reason. Do what they tell you peasant.
so you tell every couple not keeping their marriage to themselves no?

Every person you do a wedding portrait for is not keeping their business to themselves.

And I don't have to be told by anyone to respect other people or how they choose to live their lives. After all it's none of my business
You are making the same mistake this couple and their buttfucking attorney did. You are assuming that I am in the business of painting ANYTHING. If I paint a portrait of a heterosexual couple it's because they are friends of mine. I went to the wedding. The difference is when someone approaches me for a commission and I say "Sorry this is not something I want to do. Find someone else." The heterosexuals, the normal people, go somewhere else. Only lgbtq will go on to DEMAND I perform for them. You HAVE to. I will get the court to FORCE you to do what I want. I am gay and entitled to your service. No. They aren't. They are only entitled to a Fuck Off which is what they got. Even the judge said they have no case.

I respect only whom I choose to respect.

So you don't have a business and you're whining about gay people getting married?

Some of choose to respect everyone. And some of us are bigoted assholes.
I don't care that they got married. I care that they tried to strong arm me into performing for them. They were entitled to get the he'll out of my shop. That's all they got. I should have had them arrested for tresspassing.
Let me put this in terms you can understand.

Lesbian goes to a church pot luck dinner and has the best lasagna she ever tasted. It is phenomenal. She tracks down the creator of this fabulous lasagna and finds that the cook owns an auto repair shop. But has sold lasagna to others and entered several lasagna cook offs. Lesbian demands that the cook cater her wedding. She sues the mechanic and the auto repair shop for refusing to make lasagna for her wedding. This is a big fat loser. Such stupidity begs to be disrespected.
Gays have become too demanding and obnoxious to deal with. If they want to be happy do it on their side of the fence.
yeah god forbid they get treated like everyone else.
They DID get treated like everyone else. When I say no. It's no. Only gays demanded that I perform for them BECAUSE they are lesbians. No other reason. Do what they tell you peasant.
so you tell every couple not keeping their marriage to themselves no?

Every person you do a wedding portrait for is not keeping their business to themselves.

And I don't have to be told by anyone to respect other people or how they choose to live their lives. After all it's none of my business
You are making the same mistake this couple and their buttfucking attorney did. You are assuming that I am in the business of painting ANYTHING. If I paint a portrait of a heterosexual couple it's because they are friends of mine. I went to the wedding. The difference is when someone approaches me for a commission and I say "Sorry this is not something I want to do. Find someone else." The heterosexuals, the normal people, go somewhere else. Only lgbtq will go on to DEMAND I perform for them. You HAVE to. I will get the court to FORCE you to do what I want. I am gay and entitled to your service. No. They aren't. They are only entitled to a Fuck Off which is what they got. Even the judge said they have no case.

I respect only whom I choose to respect.

So you don't have a business and you're whining about gay people getting married?

Some of choose to respect everyone. And some of us are bigoted assholes.
I don't care that they got married. I care that they tried to strong arm me into performing for them. They were entitled to get the he'll out of my shop. That's all they got. I should have had them arrested for tresspassing.
so now you have a shop?

I thought you didn't have a business that was open to the public?
Gays have become too demanding and obnoxious to deal with. If they want to be happy do it on their side of the fence.
yeah god forbid they get treated like everyone else.
They DID get treated like everyone else. When I say no. It's no. Only gays demanded that I perform for them BECAUSE they are lesbians. No other reason. Do what they tell you peasant.
so you tell every couple not keeping their marriage to themselves no?

Every person you do a wedding portrait for is not keeping their business to themselves.

And I don't have to be told by anyone to respect other people or how they choose to live their lives. After all it's none of my business
You are making the same mistake this couple and their buttfucking attorney did. You are assuming that I am in the business of painting ANYTHING. If I paint a portrait of a heterosexual couple it's because they are friends of mine. I went to the wedding. The difference is when someone approaches me for a commission and I say "Sorry this is not something I want to do. Find someone else." The heterosexuals, the normal people, go somewhere else. Only lgbtq will go on to DEMAND I perform for them. You HAVE to. I will get the court to FORCE you to do what I want. I am gay and entitled to your service. No. They aren't. They are only entitled to a Fuck Off which is what they got. Even the judge said they have no case.

I respect only whom I choose to respect.

So you don't have a business and you're whining about gay people getting married?

Some of choose to respect everyone. And some of us are bigoted assholes.
I don't care that they got married. I care that they tried to strong arm me into performing for them. They were entitled to get the he'll out of my shop. That's all they got. I should have had them arrested for tresspassing.
so now you have a shop?

I thought you didn't have a business that was open to the public?
I did. It was a dog grooming shop. If these women had come in with a dog I would have been more than happy to give precious Fluffy a bath, facial and glorious haircut. That's not what they wanted. They wanted me to paint a wedding portrait because they had seen my work in an exhibition. I was never in the business of commissioned artwork. If I personally liked a subject I might accept a commission. Otherwise I painted only what I liked.

It's the raging sense of entitlement. These lesbians were furious because I treated them just like anyone else. They were bemused by the gays that successfully destroyed bakers, Florists, photographers and counselors. We are sexual deviants and can FORCE you to do anything we want. No you are not entitled to Jack shit. Now suck it up and move on.

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