gay rights

Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?
So Canadians could find love.
Did you have a bad anal experience in Canada? Please elaborate.
Are there good ones, Taz?
I don't know, but you could ask the person pounding your fudge.
Actually your statement implied you do know that there are good anal experiences otherwise you wouldn't have asked if he had had a bad one, Taz.

View attachment 466093
Well, it's easy to guess that gay men enjoy it. Why, don't you? :lmao:
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?
God didn't make gays, they made up their own games.
People are born gay, it's not a choice. God also wanted Adam to stay in homo heaven with Him rather than go have sex with the woman, and then threw them out of Eden for being hetero.
You can always tell who the queers are in these threads, as they reply willy-nilly over and over, arguing for anal rights.
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?
God didn't make gays, they made up their own games.
People are born gay, it's not a choice. God also wanted Adam to stay in homo heaven with Him rather than go have sex with the woman, and then threw them out of Eden for being hetero.
You can always tell who the queers are in these threads, as they reply willy-nilly over and over, arguing for anal rights.
What about anal rights for hetero couples?
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?
So Canadians could find love.
Did you have a bad anal experience in Canada? Please elaborate.
Are there good ones, Taz?
I don't know, but you could ask the person pounding your fudge.
Actually your statement implied you do know that there are good anal experiences otherwise you wouldn't have asked if he had had a bad one, Taz.

View attachment 466093
Well, it's easy to guess that gay men enjoy it. Why, don't you? :lmao:
I'm not so sure they actually do. I think many simply want to be liked and they are willing to do anything to stay in a relationship.
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?
So Canadians could find love.
Did you have a bad anal experience in Canada? Please elaborate.
Are there good ones, Taz?
I don't know, but you could ask the person pounding your fudge.
Actually your statement implied you do know that there are good anal experiences otherwise you wouldn't have asked if he had had a bad one, Taz.

View attachment 466093
Well, it's easy to guess that gay men enjoy it. Why, don't you? :lmao:
Because it's gross?

But putting that aside, you say you believe in gay rights but you use homophobic slurs all of the time so your "stated" beliefs and actions do not line up. So the reality is you look down on homosexuals.
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?
So Canadians could find love.
Did you have a bad anal experience in Canada? Please elaborate.
Are there good ones, Taz?
I don't know, but you could ask the person pounding your fudge.
Actually your statement implied you do know that there are good anal experiences otherwise you wouldn't have asked if he had had a bad one, Taz.

View attachment 466093
Well, it's easy to guess that gay men enjoy it. Why, don't you? :lmao:
Because it's gross?

But putting that aside, you say you believe in gay rights but you use homophobic slurs all of the time so your "stated" beliefs and actions do not line up. So the reality is you look down on homosexuals.
No, I just like upsetting you with all the homo stuff, you sound like you might be a tad closeted.
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?
So Canadians could find love.
Did you have a bad anal experience in Canada? Please elaborate.
Are there good ones, Taz?
I don't know, but you could ask the person pounding your fudge.
Actually your statement implied you do know that there are good anal experiences otherwise you wouldn't have asked if he had had a bad one, Taz.

View attachment 466093
Well, it's easy to guess that gay men enjoy it. Why, don't you? :lmao:
Because it's gross?

But putting that aside, you say you believe in gay rights but you use homophobic slurs all of the time so your "stated" beliefs and actions do not line up. So the reality is you look down on homosexuals.
No, I just like upsetting you with all the homo stuff, you sound like you might be a tad closeted.
You are wasting your time then. But you don't just do it to me, Taz. You do it all of the time. So again, your words do not match your actions.
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?
So Canadians could find love.
Did you have a bad anal experience in Canada? Please elaborate.
Are there good ones, Taz?
I don't know, but you could ask the person pounding your fudge.
Actually your statement implied you do know that there are good anal experiences otherwise you wouldn't have asked if he had had a bad one, Taz.

View attachment 466093
Well, it's easy to guess that gay men enjoy it. Why, don't you? :lmao:
Because it's gross?

But putting that aside, you say you believe in gay rights but you use homophobic slurs all of the time so your "stated" beliefs and actions do not line up. So the reality is you look down on homosexuals.
No, I just like upsetting you with all the homo stuff, you sound like you might be a tad closeted.
You are wasting your time then. But you don't just do it to me, Taz. You do it all of the time. So again, your words do not match your actions.
I like busting you bible fearing people's balls, it's tremendous fun exposing you all as homophobes, lol.
A lesbian couple approached me about painting their wedding portrait. I refused. They sued me. I eventually won but I would say that gay people getting married affected me quite considerably. Had they kept their personal business to themselves I would never have known.
and if hetero couples kept their business to themselves you would not have a wedding photo business.
can anybody here name a single reason that gay people being married affects you in any fathomable way or are you just homophobic because that's what you grew up as

Faggots = Chicks with dicks = Little boy fucking = Labrador fucking = Who knows what concoction the whackos will come up with next.
You know, that whole give an inch take a mile sort of principle.
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
there is no Constitutional right for marriage of any kind.
You are wasting your time then (***) But you don't just do it to me(###). You do it all of the time. So again, your words do not match your actions.

Ding, you are wasting everyone's time by responding to the troll whose only jollies come from baiting you with his ignorance. "Go from the presence of a foolish man."
can anybody here name a single reason that gay people being married affects you in any fathomable way or are you just homophobic because that's what you grew up as

Faggots = Chicks with dicks = Little boy fucking = Labrador fucking = Who knows what concoction the whackos will come up with next.
You know, that whole give an inch take a mile sort of principle.

1. "Gay" is a one-word oxymoron. There is NOTHING "gay" about perverted homosexuals who,
2. Prey on normal people, especially children of married men and women.
3. Homosexuals are disproportionately violent and commit many mass murders relative to their population. John Wayne Gacy, Randy Kraft, Joan Corona, and that lovely fellow in Minnesota who raped and then ate his male victims.
4. Homosexuals spread diseases to their innocent victims. It has gotten so insane that you cannot report which homosexual gave you AIDs.
5. Perverts have infested our grade schools and now brainwash innocent children with their sickness. Boys are told they're girls and vice versa. It's hard enough growing up who you really are, much less making an evil, perverse transition which encourages countless suicides and depressions.
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?
So Canadians could find love.
Did you have a bad anal experience in Canada? Please elaborate.
Are there good ones, Taz?
I don't know, but you could ask the person pounding your fudge.
Actually your statement implied you do know that there are good anal experiences otherwise you wouldn't have asked if he had had a bad one, Taz.

View attachment 466093
Well, it's easy to guess that gay men enjoy it. Why, don't you? :lmao:
Because it's gross?

But putting that aside, you say you believe in gay rights but you use homophobic slurs all of the time so your "stated" beliefs and actions do not line up. So the reality is you look down on homosexuals.
No, I just like upsetting you with all the homo stuff, you sound like you might be a tad closeted.
You are wasting your time then. But you don't just do it to me, Taz. You do it all of the time. So again, your words do not match your actions.
I like busting you bible fearing people's balls, it's tremendous fun exposing you all as homophobes, lol.
That would be great if I were a homophobe, Taz, but I'm not. I just don't agree that we should define rules through exceptions.

You on the other hand use homophobic slurs all of the time. That's your true colors showing through. You know it and I know it.
You are wasting your time then (***) But you don't just do it to me(###). You do it all of the time. So again, your words do not match your actions.

Ding, you are wasting everyone's time by responding to the troll whose only jollies come from baiting you with his ignorance. "Go from the presence of a foolish man."
It's my time to waste.
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?
So Canadians could find love.
Did you have a bad anal experience in Canada? Please elaborate.
Are there good ones, Taz?
I don't know, but you could ask the person pounding your fudge.
Actually your statement implied you do know that there are good anal experiences otherwise you wouldn't have asked if he had had a bad one, Taz.

View attachment 466093
Well, it's easy to guess that gay men enjoy it. Why, don't you? :lmao:
Because it's gross?

But putting that aside, you say you believe in gay rights but you use homophobic slurs all of the time so your "stated" beliefs and actions do not line up. So the reality is you look down on homosexuals.
No, I just like upsetting you with all the homo stuff, you sound like you might be a tad closeted.
You are wasting your time then. But you don't just do it to me, Taz. You do it all of the time. So again, your words do not match your actions.
I like busting you bible fearing people's balls, it's tremendous fun exposing you all as homophobes, lol.
That would be great if I were a homophobe, Taz, but I'm not. I just don't agree that we should define rules through exceptions.

You on the other hand use homophobic slurs all of the time. That's your true colors showing through. You know it and I know it.
You're against gay marriage = homophobe. Own it.
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?
So Canadians could find love.
Did you have a bad anal experience in Canada? Please elaborate.
Are there good ones, Taz?
I don't know, but you could ask the person pounding your fudge.
Actually your statement implied you do know that there are good anal experiences otherwise you wouldn't have asked if he had had a bad one, Taz.

View attachment 466093
Well, it's easy to guess that gay men enjoy it. Why, don't you? :lmao:
Because it's gross?

But putting that aside, you say you believe in gay rights but you use homophobic slurs all of the time so your "stated" beliefs and actions do not line up. So the reality is you look down on homosexuals.
No, I just like upsetting you with all the homo stuff, you sound like you might be a tad closeted.
You are wasting your time then. But you don't just do it to me, Taz. You do it all of the time. So again, your words do not match your actions.
I like busting you bible fearing people's balls, it's tremendous fun exposing you all as homophobes, lol.
That would be great if I were a homophobe, Taz, but I'm not. I just don't agree that we should define rules through exceptions.

You on the other hand use homophobic slurs all of the time. That's your true colors showing through. You know it and I know it.
You're against gay marriage = homophobe. Own it.
Gays can marry just like anyone else, Taz.

The proper way of looking at this is blacks were forbidden to marry. That was discrimination, Taz.
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?
So Canadians could find love.
Did you have a bad anal experience in Canada? Please elaborate.
Are there good ones, Taz?
I don't know, but you could ask the person pounding your fudge.
Actually your statement implied you do know that there are good anal experiences otherwise you wouldn't have asked if he had had a bad one, Taz.

View attachment 466093
Well, it's easy to guess that gay men enjoy it. Why, don't you? :lmao:
Because it's gross?

But putting that aside, you say you believe in gay rights but you use homophobic slurs all of the time so your "stated" beliefs and actions do not line up. So the reality is you look down on homosexuals.
No, I just like upsetting you with all the homo stuff, you sound like you might be a tad closeted.
You are wasting your time then. But you don't just do it to me, Taz. You do it all of the time. So again, your words do not match your actions.
I like busting you bible fearing people's balls, it's tremendous fun exposing you all as homophobes, lol.
That would be great if I were a homophobe, Taz, but I'm not. I just don't agree that we should define rules through exceptions.

You on the other hand use homophobic slurs all of the time. That's your true colors showing through. You know it and I know it.
You're against gay marriage = homophobe. Own it.
Gays can marry just like anyone else, Taz.

The proper way of looking at this is blacks were forbidden to marry. That was discrimination, Taz.
What about black gay people?
Ding, you are wasting everyone's time by responding to the troll whose only jollies come from baiting you with his ignorance. "Go from the presence of a foolish man."
It's my time to waste.

Everyone else's time is not your time to waste.
If you persist in wasting my time and everyone else's, you will be joining countless Leftists on
my Ignore List. I would prefer that you not persist, but.....

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