gay rights

Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
its covered in the 1st amendment under right to assemble,,,
A lesbian couple approached me about painting their wedding portrait. I refused. They sued me. I eventually won but I would say that gay people getting married affected me quite considerably. Had they kept their personal business to themselves I would never have known.
So you got out of a threesome. Bridesmaids out of control, BrideZilla syndrome, bachelorette parties where the neighbors have to call the cops, baby showers where FGM and other mayhem is committed. Secret Satanic oaths among the sisters. So much women-only bullshit that if there were a man in the house they'd all be ganging up to "press charges" against him for sexual harassment, rape, assault, battery, and a whole laundry list of other imagined crimes avidly sworn to by willing female witnesses.
A lesbian couple approached me about painting their wedding portrait. I refused. They sued me. I eventually won but I would say that gay people getting married affected me quite considerably. Had they kept their personal business to themselves I would never have known.
So you got out of a threesome. Bridesmaids out of control, BrideZilla syndrome, bachelorette parties where the neighbors have to call the cops, baby showers where FGM and other mayhem is committed. Secret Satanic oaths among the sisters. So much women-only bullshit that if there were a man in the house they'd all be ganging up to "press charges" against him for sexual harassment, rape, assault, battery, and a whole laundry list of other imagined crimes avidly sworn to by willing female witnesses.
Your imagination notwithstanding they were plump middle aged women who wanted their portrait painted. I hope the money they paid their faggot lawyer to lose was worth it.
giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.

It doesn't hurt my feelings. I just think it's retarded, and I hope your husband beats you for saying such stupid stuff.
Everybody in this thread who "opposes" gay marriage wishes they could have a big, fat cock in their mouth. Especially Quasar44. That dude loves dick like a dog loves attention. Legalized gay marriage wouldn't effect his life whatsoever. Being able to blow dudes in the streets with no repercussions would benefit him greatly. He'd have dudes left and right just blowing their loads in his face. Quasar44 would would be sucking dick like a gerbil at a water bottle.
the government has no business in marriage,,,
True enough. Most weddings are in a church or chapel anyways, and the congregation witnesses a commitment before God and His people.

The divorces are the hard part. The child custody, support, and alimony.

Otherwise it's prostitution on the street, but the worst side effect of that is that their desire to steal becomes too strong on the street, sex or no sex, which is why the Bible says "Thou shalt not covet" whether it's another man's wife or property, position, goods, whatnot.

Some gay observers feel that the number of gay marriages will decrease as more gay people see their divorced gay friends being forced to deal with "child custody, support, and alimony"!
the government has no business in marriage,,,
True enough. Most weddings are in a church or chapel anyways, and the congregation witnesses a commitment before God and His people.

The divorces are the hard part. The child custody, support, and alimony.

Otherwise it's prostitution on the street, but the worst side effect of that is that their desire to steal becomes too strong on the street, sex or no sex, which is why the Bible says "Thou shalt not covet" whether it's another man's wife or property, position, goods, whatnot.

Some gay observers feel that the number of gay marriages will decrease as more gay people see their divorced gay friends being forced to deal with "child custody, support, and alimony"!
how would a gay person need topay child support???

theyre gay and cant reproduce,,,
1. Some homophobes who verbally or physically abuse gay people are often people who are insecure about their own sexuality. (Perhaps they had one gay experience of which they are deeply ashamed).

2. Some homophobes sincerely believe that their religion teaches that gay relations are immoral.

3. It seems that gay people have been especially persecuted & prosecuted in traditionally Caucasian nations (Canada, the States, Europe, Australia) until relatively recently.

4. In many other countries, it is a taboo that is ignored as much as possible. In Africa, however, , sometimes due to the influence of American missionaries, gay relations can lead to brutal punishment.

5. And then there are some countries (one in particular, which I do not wish to name) in which gays stay in the closet and do their thing, and general society turns a blind eye to their activities (cops do not, for example, make an effort to entrap them).
the government has no business in marriage,,,
True enough. Most weddings are in a church or chapel anyways, and the congregation witnesses a commitment before God and His people.

The divorces are the hard part. The child custody, support, and alimony.

Otherwise it's prostitution on the street, but the worst side effect of that is that their desire to steal becomes too strong on the street, sex or no sex, which is why the Bible says "Thou shalt not covet" whether it's another man's wife or property, position, goods, whatnot.

Some gay observers feel that the number of gay marriages will decrease as more gay people see their divorced gay friends being forced to deal with "child custody, support, and alimony"!
how would a gay person need topay child support???

theyre gay and cant reproduce,,,

I believe that many states allow gay people to adopt.
the government has no business in marriage,,,
True enough. Most weddings are in a church or chapel anyways, and the congregation witnesses a commitment before God and His people.

The divorces are the hard part. The child custody, support, and alimony.

Otherwise it's prostitution on the street, but the worst side effect of that is that their desire to steal becomes too strong on the street, sex or no sex, which is why the Bible says "Thou shalt not covet" whether it's another man's wife or property, position, goods, whatnot.

Some gay observers feel that the number of gay marriages will decrease as more gay people see their divorced gay friends being forced to deal with "child custody, support, and alimony"!
how would a gay person need topay child support???

theyre gay and cant reproduce,,,

I believe that many states allow gay people to adopt.
that should be illegal,,
can anybody here name a single reason that gay people being married affects you in any fathomable way or are you just homophobic because that's what you grew up as
When they took Mother's day celebration out of public education, because it might offend gay parents, yeah.
When you have a extinct lifestyle because two men or two women cannot have natural child birth the only way gays can increase is to indoctrinate by public schools.
When you have immoral people telling me i have to accept their lifestyle as normal, can kiss my ass...
can anybody here name a single reason that gay people being married affects you in any fathomable way or are you just homophobic because that's what you grew up as
When they took Mother's day celebration out of public education, because it might offend gay parents, yeah.
When you have a extinct lifestyle because two men or two women cannot have natural child birth the only way gays can increase is to indoctrinate by public schools.
When you have immoral people telling me i have to accept their lifestyle as normal, can kiss my ass...
there's nothing immoral about it though, these people love who they love. the only "evidence" you can stand on is christianity. name me 3 reasons that have nothing to do with religion that indicate that homosexuality is immoral.
can anybody here name a single reason that gay people being married affects you in any fathomable way or are you just homophobic because that's what you grew up as
What is marriage?
it depends on if you're asking in a religious context or in a social one. socially, marriage is the declaration of love between two individuals. religiously, marriage is the union, sanctioned by god, between a man and a women for the purpose of furthering their lives in the church, and eventually birthing children.
religous marriage is disgusting, it boils love out of the equation and instead turns attention toward "god" in an effort to establish a theocracy.
I happen to agree fully with several points here, and I have additional comments.
When they took Mother's day celebration out of public education, because it might offend gay parents, yeah.
For every Mother's day in May, there's a Father's Day in June. That cannot possibly be unfair, although the Hallmark cards are kind of cheesy sometimes -- think of "hallmarks of abuse" -- we do need some celebration and respect of proper parenting -- even according to the Bible.
The Fourth Commandment is a commandment of love, not to be too harsh on the children with the adult commandments of "thou shalt not" etc.
When you have a extinct lifestyle because two men or two women cannot have natural child birth the only way gays can increase is to indoctrinate by public schools.
That is fraternization, even worse than adultery in the military. The men with men who conspire to enforce circumcision on little boys. and the women with women who impose FGM, Pap smears, and exams for genital warts on little girls are of the same class. It is that gratuitous separation of the sexes and joining of men with men and women with women which must be rebuked in the harshest terms as the crime of adultery.
People are living in cities, or else they are out on the farm, both alike an abomination before God.
When you have immoral people telling me i have to accept their lifestyle as normal, can kiss my ass...
That stuff is Mafia, very low class, "low rank" as they say in the military.

Now I'm not "in the military" either, myself, nor particularly subject to that jurisdiction as distinct from the civil law of the land, but certain such matters at court-martial have definitely impinged on my "lifestyle" or however I might be supposed or expected to live my life or make my own decisions in this life.
can anybody here name a single reason that gay people being married affects you in any fathomable way or are you just homophobic because that's what you grew up as
You didn't hear? Everywhere gay people got the right to marry every straight couple got a divorce. /sarcasm

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