gay rights

A lesbian couple approached me about painting their wedding portrait. I refused. They sued me. I eventually won but I would say that gay people getting married affected me quite considerably. Had they kept their personal business to themselves I would never have known.
In what way does gay people getting married affect you?

It promotes the idea of Homosexuality and thus encourages people to pursue the lifestyle.

Have you ever seen the Gay film deliverance, about homos in the wood seeking recruits?
Has the idea of homosexuality encouraged YOU to pursue the lifestyle?

If not, why was it not successful?
can anybody here name a single reason that gay people being married affects you in any fathomable way or are you just homophobic because that's what you grew up as

Homophobia is probably a sin if you hate that much. Usually, it's not homophobia so much as moral disgust and the gag reflex. Christians dislike pedophilia more which exploits children, while homosexuality is generally between adults. Otherwise, it's what's in the Bible as deviant sexual behavior as a sin and an abomination in the eyes of God.

How true is this? Those against "sound doctrine?"

"Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine, " 1 Timothy 1:8-10

EDIT: I suppose we can discuss some other Bible verses on it, too.

1 Corinthians 11:11
11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.

It is against the will of God that homosexuality be accepted in society. It is an abomination in the site of God.

Leviticus 20:13
13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Leviticus 18:22
22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

also see Romans 1

We are not advanced in society but we have become a wicked and perverse generation, ripe in iniquity.
As an old school liberal, I get it. Fight the power, fight oppression. What is the difference between basic human rights and gay rights, that's troubling. There is no human right to marry anyone of your sexual preference, this a new liberal construct, if I can use that word.
A lesbian couple approached me about painting their wedding portrait. I refused. They sued me. I eventually won but I would say that gay people getting married affected me quite considerably. Had they kept their personal business to themselves I would never have known.
In what way does gay people getting married affect you?

It promotes the idea of Homosexuality and thus encourages people to pursue the lifestyle.

Have you ever seen the Gay film deliverance, about homos in the wood seeking recruits?
Has the idea of homosexuality encouraged YOU to pursue the lifestyle?

If not, why was it not successful?

Not me, but it does encourage others. The increase in homosexuality certainly demonstrates that.

Homos wouldn't recruit if if was pointless. Why wasn't it successful when they tried to recruit Clint Eastwood into the lifestyle. Its the chance they take

can anybody here name a single reason that gay people being married affects you in any fathomable way or are you just homophobic because that's what you grew up as
Well lets look at this the other way round'. In what way does NOT giving homosexuals (that can't have children biologically) marriage affect you just because you are virtue signaling? I pose that if you cant have babies with your mate, what do you need to get married for?

Another one of the most ignorant posts of all time.
A lesbian couple approached me about painting their wedding portrait. I refused. They sued me. I eventually won but I would say that gay people getting married affected me quite considerably. Had they kept their personal business to themselves I would never have known.
In what way does gay people getting married affect you?

It promotes the idea of Homosexuality and thus encourages people to pursue the lifestyle.

Have you ever seen the Gay film deliverance, about homos in the wood seeking recruits?
Has the idea of homosexuality encouraged YOU to pursue the lifestyle?

If not, why was it not successful?

Not me, but it does encourage others. The increase in homosexuality certainly demonstrates that.

Homos wouldn't recruit if if was pointless. Why wasn't it successful when they tried to recruit Clint Eastwood into the lifestyle. Its the chance they take

If you are not going to be recruited, then why do you care? It doesn't affect you.
Genesis 19:4 Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. 5They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.”

6 Lot went outside to meet them and shut the door behind him 7 and said, “No, my friends. Don’t do this wicked thing. 8 Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.”

9 “Get out of our way,” they replied. “This fellow came here as a foreigner, and now he wants to play the judge! We’ll treat you worse than them.” They kept bringing pressure on Lot and moved forward to break down the door.

10 But the men inside reached out and pulled Lot back into the house and shut the door. 11 Then they struck the men who were at the door of the house, young and old, with blindness so that they could not find the door.

12 The two men said to Lot, “Do you have anyone else here—sons-in-law, sons or daughters, or anyone else in the city who belongs to you? Get them out of here, 13 because we are going to destroy this place. The outcry to the Lord against its people is so great that he has sent us to destroy it.”

The sin of homosexuality encourages more sins, such as violence and murder. A disproportionate number of mass murderers were homosexuals, such as Randy Kraft, Juan Corona, John Wayne Gacy and many others.

Every single priest who molested or raped boys was by definition a homosexual. Perverts try to wriggle out of this fact but they cannot. Doing evil elicits more evil just as doing kind acts elicits more of the same.

The number of public school teachers who have molested children is at least 100 times the number of priests who molested children. - Department of Education Study Paper
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?
So Canadians could find love.
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?
So Canadians could find love.
Did you have a bad anal experience in Canada? Please elaborate.
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?
God didn't make gays, they made up their own games.
God didn't make gays, they made up their own games.

What can you expect from Taz except inane Leftist talking points that make sense to him and his pals.
They're always throwing down silly challenges to God, as if THEY are smarter than God.
"If anyone made God then He wouldn't be God, would He?" - Professor John Lennox in A Matter of Gravity
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?
So Canadians could find love.
Did you have a bad anal experience in Canada? Please elaborate.
Are there good ones, Taz?
can anybody here name a single reason that gay people being married affects you in any fathomable way or are you just homophobic because that's what you grew up as
There is no such thing as gay rights or gay marriage. There is same sex/gender marriage.
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?

Almighty God made all of us, but he doesn't make anyone take it in the Caboose. He doesn't "hate" those who do, he just hates their sin.
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?
God didn't make gays, they made up their own games.
People are born gay, it's not a choice. God also wanted Adam to stay in homo heaven with Him rather than go have sex with the woman, and then threw them out of Eden for being hetero.
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?
So Canadians could find love.
Did you have a bad anal experience in Canada? Please elaborate.
Are there good ones, Taz?
I don't know, but you could ask the person pounding your fudge.
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?

Almighty God made all of us, but he doesn't make anyone take it in the Caboose. He doesn't "hate" those who do, he just hates their sin.
God knows that he should have never put a tighter hole next to the birth canal. That's on Him.
Wow, Ok. There is no Constitutional right for gay marriage. I have had this debate with relatives, heterosexuals have kids. Ok they adopt or sometimes use artificial insemination. yes indeed. I know gays, they are cute and work hard and create...but giving them marriage rights to gays is akin to giving divers licenses to the blind. Its synonymous, I know, it hurts peoples feelings.
If god hates gays, why did he make them?
So Canadians could find love.
Did you have a bad anal experience in Canada? Please elaborate.
Are there good ones, Taz?
I don't know, but you could ask the person pounding your fudge.
Actually your statement implied you do know that there are good anal experiences otherwise you wouldn't have asked if he had had a bad one, Taz.

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