'Gay' romance appropriate for children?

Originally posted by Bullypulpit
...How many kids suffer because they are afraid to come out.
How many more kids suffer because they do come out?
To each his own. If YOU don't like it, change the channel, or better yet, turn it off. If you don't want your child exposed to it, assume the role of the parent. Take responsibility for your child and don't let him watch it. If you don't want him exposed to it in school, take him to a private school. If you can't afford a private school, call on government to support the voucher system. This is all the more reason to privatize education and make attendance optional. If you don't want your child's friends exposing your child to such stuff, monitor your child's relationships.
Originally posted by mattskramer
To each his own. If YOU don't like it, change the channel, or better yet, turn it off. If you don't want your child exposed to it, assume the role of the parent. Take responsibility for your child and don't let him watch it. If you don't want him exposed to it in school, take him to a private school. If you can't afford a private school, call on government to support the voucher system. This is all the more reason to privatize education and make attendance optional. If you don't want your child's friends exposing your child to such stuff, monitor your child's relationships.
Those are all O.K options,
but you left out one more.

The one where I SAY, Ya I don't like it, and I'm going to say I don't like, and I don't like it so much that I'm going to try to stop it.

And if you don't like that, you can then use ALL the options you suggested for others.
Originally posted by Big D
Those are all O.K options,
but you left out one more.

The one where I SAY, Ya I don't like it, and I'm going to say I don't like, and I don't like it so much that I'm going to try to stop it.

And if you don't like that, you can then use ALL the options you suggested for others.

What do you mean that you are going to try to stop it? Are you going to try to stop the show from being shown? I would have no objections if you were to engage in boycotts and allow the free market to decide. It is quite another thing to call on government to not allow it to be shown.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Homosexuality is not a perversion, it just is.

You're nuts. Men sticking there johnson up another man's butt hole is about as perveted as perversion can get.

"YOU" get over "THAT"!
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
...How many kids suffer because they are afraid to come out.

Then they should be given the proper help needed for their affliction.
I have negative views of the gay lifestyle, yet I work with what seems to be half the gay population in Mpls, 2 of which are a 'committed couple'-their anniversary is the day before ours. I work alongside them, and treat them as I would any other co-worker. I talk to them as if they were straight. I have respect for them as I would any other hard working co-worker. Their personal life is none of my business. To me, the gay lifestyle is a sin, but there is not much I can do for those that choose to live that lifestyle. I live my life the way I choose, so do they.

My point is, that while I have respect for the gays that I work with, it doesn't mean that I accept their behavior outside work as normal or acceptable. But it is also none of my biz.

i don't have to feel this way. I can feel any way that I want towards my gay co-workers, but I also treat them with respect, and I do not share my views about it at work, because it is not an issue, nor should it be.

My grandfather is racist and a biggot, and in private, with those he knows and who know him, he makes no bones about it. He uses racial slurs, and everything, but not around the grandkids, as he does not want them to get in trouble for repeating them. But when he is around those either that he does not know well, or at all, as well as those he is prejudiced against, he is civil, and treats the person with respect, and says nothing about how he feels about the person because of whatever race s/he is. He can feel however he wants as long as he doesn't act on his feelings.

You can feel how you want, but still have the decency of treating those you are prejudiced against with respect.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
...How many kids suffer because they are afraid to come out. Adolescence is tulmultuous enough without having to suffer for the way you're born.

How many kids suffer because so called homosexuals try to justify their own behavior by teaching children its acceptible and end up confusing the kids in purpose of relationships and sex? if any kids are suffering its cause the "Gay rights" movement is trying to force their lifestyle on children too young to understand the world.
Ahh, yes, Degrassi (I think it was the 1970's version or something :confused: , we had to watch that last year as a health thing. No gay stuff though, thankfully.

As a youth, gayism is not as frowned upon by my generation as it is by "elders". However, if someone gets mad at you, he'll still call you "gay" and "homo" :confused:. I view it as a bad thing for people, as it is not natural and is not how people were meant to, err, interact. (My Opinion) And to expose this to kids and let them think its good is not a very good thing. If it were on HBO or any other adult-intended channel, it wouldn't be so bad, but a kids channel? Come on! Pretty soon the two gays on the show will be teaching kids that selling crack on the streets is a good thing, as well.

Just my $0.02
Originally posted by Pale Rider
You're nuts. Men sticking there johnson up another man's butt hole is about as perveted as perversion can get.

I'd say you don't get out much then. Theres a whole wide world of perversity out there that makes homosexual sodomy look sane.
If when your a young kid your parents tell you to never put your hands in the area that gay men have sex and if you do to make sure you wash your hands so you do not get sick, why would people want to face all kinds of disease and aids is just one that these gay males get?

Abnormal and worse to do that.

They do not seem to care about their own lives.
I think there is a big difference between a teen crush on a kids channel and the violence and sex shown on prime time channels.

It doesnt matter if you agree with homosexuality or not. It's not like they chose to be that way. I mean really, how many young teens would choose to be gay. They are ridiculed and teased and beaten up for it. They don't deserve to be condemned, because they are not doing anything wrong.

I would rather my children see that show than half of the ones on regular TV.

I've taught my children to respect that everyone is different, be we are all people. Race, religion, and sexuality.
Bullypulpit said:
...How many kids suffer because they are afraid to come out. Adolescence is tulmultuous enough without having to suffer for the way you're born.

Homosexuality is not a perversion, it just is. It is treated as a perversion by those too blinded by their own ignorance or whatever dogma they espouse to accept it as a simple fact of life.

You've made your choice, change the channel and get over it.

my hubby (and me too) hates seeing tampon and maxi-pad ads on tv. does that make him or i ignorant? We know that menstruation is a fact of life and is not going to go away, but we don't have to see women supposedly talking about their period ON TV! Even being a woman, i DON'T care what you use. I can see the new products in women's magazines and in the store.

this is a similar to the gays on tv issue. i dont care to see it beat into my head that it exists. i know its there. i know it will never go away. but i don't want to see it all the time.
Bullypulpit said:
...How many kids suffer because they are afraid to come out.

"Kids" don't need to "come out", "go in", "take a left", or "shit their pants" for that matter. If they're experiencing homosexual desires or tendencies, what they TRUELY need are understanding parents that are ready, willing and able to get them the psychiatric help they so very badly are in need of. Faggotness is a mental illness, just as assuredly as having multiple personalities is.

What the faggots and liberals need to stop, is trying to convince a public that already KNOWS faggotness is PERVERSE and SICK. They're not convincing anyone. That's why they want to go after unsuspecting, IMPRESSIONABLE young children who DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER. Faggot's and the assholes that support this kind of brain washing indoctrination into queerness should be banned from spreading this shit.
Big D said:
Homosexuals are the majority of serial killers in the world.


White people are also overrepresented in terms of U.S. population on the list of serial killers. Should I be inferring a causal relationship between whiteness and serial killing, because that's what you're doing with homosexuality and murder. Ignorant ignorant ignorant.

I agree that sexuality in toddler-T.V. is bad.
Pale Rider said:
"Kids" don't need to "come out", "go in", "take a left", or "shit their pants" for that matter. If they're experiencing homosexual desires or tendencies, what they TRUELY need are understanding parents that are ready, willing and able to get them the psychiatric help they so very badly are in need of. Faggotness is a mental illness, just as assuredly as having multiple personalities is.

What the faggots and liberals need to stop, is trying to convince a public that already KNOWS faggotness is PERVERSE and SICK. They're not convincing anyone. That's why they want to go after unsuspecting, IMPRESSIONABLE young children who DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER. Faggot's and the assholes that support this kind of brain washing indoctrination into queerness should be banned from spreading this shit.

And you should be banned from this board. Hate hate hate.

Take a chill pill and realize homosexuality is not a mental illness. Hoooo boy a medical doctor would probably have some words for you about that DOOZY. :bs1:

There's no "brainwashing" and there's no "indoctrination". Turn on MTV and watch Britney's gyrating torso in a mish-mash of male bodyparts if you really want to see (hetero)sexuality that is being "thrown in your face".

P.S. You're mean
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It's one thing to teach kids respect for people who are different than you are and who hold beliefs and lifestyles you don't agree with. Respect is healthy. It is quite another thing to teach kids that homosexual behavior is acceptable. You can still treat gays with respect and not approve of their lifestyle.

Many people on this board hold fast to the notion that kids need to be exposed to gays in school or on TV so that they can be less confused about their sexual feelings. Sorry Charlie...kids don't need anything sexual to grow up well adjusted. How about teaching kids the difference between right and wrong...the sex stuff can wait.

I'm sure people would be pretty upset if married couples were chosen to go to school and lecture the kids about what they do in their bedrooms as well.

There is a time and a place for everything. Kids don't need to be exposed to sexual anything (gay, straight etc) at an early age. Especially before they know the difference between right and wrong. What they aren't getting exposed to is an absolute sense of right and wrong and THAT is unhealthy.

It's unhealthy because the kids grow up confused. One day X is wrong, the next year, it's OK. Mr. A does/says something and it's called wrong, but when Mr. B does/says the same thing, it's OK. Confused kids can't be counted on to make good choices about their lives and are far more likely to get hurt in the process. A good sense of right and wrong helps kids to think for themselves about such matters and makes them less likely to be exploited or misled. Kids that have a solid sense of values are less likely to get involved with drugs, get pregnant in their teens, get involved with crimes, come down with venereal diseases and grow up to be much more well adjusted that those who don't.

Another thing that I don't like is the gay community exposing kids to their lifestyle. So if kids are indoctrinated that this type of behavior is OK, then it is easier to exploit them. And don't tell me that many gay men/women don't prey on kids, they do!
nakedfag said:
And you should be banned from this board. Hate hate hate.

And theeeerrrrrree you have it. The classical queer response. When the truth is shown onto them like the light of day, the scurry around like "cock" roaches, and fall back on their "demonize the opposition" tactic. Soooooo predictable.

nakedfag said:
Take a chill pill and realize homosexuality is not a mental illness. Hoooo boy a medical doctor would probably have some words for you about that DOOZY.

"Take a CHILL PILL?" I have posted OVER and OVER on this board, to the contrary oh butt licking one. Until quite recent times fagness was considered a "mental illness", until the queer community badgered the psychiatric community into changing it's stance. That's a well known fact. So, YES IT IS A MENTAL ILLNESS.

nakedfag said:
There's no "brainwashing" and there's no "indoctrination". Turn on MTV and watch Britney's gyrating torso in a mish-mash of male bodyparts if you really want to see (hetero)sexuality that is being "thrown in your face".

MTV is the toilet of televised programming. No wonder you use that as an example, because so is your lifestyle THE TOILET OF HUMAN ACTIVITY.

You fags are sick bastards. But it's not up to me to "hate" you. It's what you "DO" that totaly DISGUSTS me. It makes me ill to visualize your perverted and vile sex acts in my mind, as is the response to ANY NORMAL PERSON. So keep your fucking sickening, faggot, bullshit acts and lifestyle behind closed doors where decent people don't have to be subjected to it's ungodly, immoralness, and vileness. And MOST of all...


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