Gay sex and adultery will be punishable by stoning to death and thieves will be amputated

It would be a great way to erradicate homosexuality that is rampant in America. Homosexuality is evil and immoral and is the work of Satan.

Brunei to punish gay sex and adultery with death by stoning
As a tried and true american conservative, bite me. Screw the 7th century barbarians. Gay people are not your enemy.
Gay people are the enemy of Christianity and a threat to society.

Gay people are no threat to anyone. You must practice a really filthy brand of Christianity if you think of gay people as an enemy. You not only trash gay people, you trash the entire Christian faith. Please use only the name of your cult and stop trashing the name of Christianity. There are a lot of decent people in Christianity, including gay people.
It’s based on a New Testament verse.
As a tried and true american conservative, bite me. Screw the 7th century barbarians. Gay people are not your enemy.
Thank God real conservatives, like the GOP used to be full of, are still around to counter how far right and how far insane the Trump party has gone today....It is no longer the GOP, it is the Trump cult. And all the haters and bigots and conspiracy theorists and loony tune nutjob right wingers who always wanted to be accepted by the GOP before 2010 or so, are now not only in the GOP, they have destroyed it from within and turned it into a cult of hate, bigotry and tribalism flying under the false flag of Patriotism.[/QUOTE]
Anyone who differs from you one even one issue is a Trumpbot: that attitude dilutes any and all of your statements.


Yeah, try to ban sodomy. Far more straight couples enjoy sodomy than gay couples.
And how many beer does it take before your circle discusses this issue?
It would be a great way to erradicate homosexuality that is rampant in America. Homosexuality is evil and immoral and is the work of Satan.

Brunei to punish gay sex and adultery with death by stoning

I’m not so sure it’s that rampant. It is among the celebrity class and the elites who control the cultural levers. And kids are being damaged by it certainly. It is the celebrity elites who need to be punished.

We’ve been here before. It was called the Weimar Republic. It ended badly.

17 Reasons Why Germany's Weimar Republic Was a Party-Lovers Paradise
As a tried and true american conservative, bite me. Screw the 7th century barbarians. Gay people are not your enemy.
Thank God real conservatives, like the GOP used to be full of, are still around to counter how far right and how far insane the Trump party has gone today....It is no longer the GOP, it is the Trump cult. And all the haters and bigots and conspiracy theorists and loony tune nutjob right wingers who always wanted to be accepted by the GOP before 2010 or so, are now not only in the GOP, they have destroyed it from within and turned it into a cult of hate, bigotry and tribalism flying under the false flag of Patriotism.

Tell me...what did you conservatives succeed in conserving ?
It would be a great way to erradicate homosexuality that is rampant in America. Homosexuality is evil and immoral and is the work of Satan.

Brunei to punish gay sex and adultery with death by stoning
Kill people you don’t like, the Christian way, huh?
These people are advocating murder, and over sex. It's the Jesus way. Yet Jesus never said anything about sex. Grafting one's insecurities about sex on to religion seems to be a tradition among the world's religions, which is one chief reason why I do not indulge in organized religion.

I understand that this situation in Brunei involves the Muslim faith, but it is all the same. I suspect that the OP calls himself a Christian, but advocates murder for sexual reasons.
I wonder how they feel about Jesus himself being gay? Would they advocate throwing him off a roof?

Perhaps. "Christian leaders" have fought for centuries to portray Jesus as asexual. Hence the bizarre portrayals of Mary Magdalene and the raising of Lazarus.
Jesus was a carpenter. Carpenters are not known for being asexual.


Hubba hubba! And by Jewish custom of the time, Jesus would have had a wife, most likely Mary Magdalene. When they ran out of wine at the reception, I hope that Jesus produced a fine quality. Jesus is my sommelier.
Well hell, now you just made it impossible for the toe tapping society!

You wake to the birds singing, the sun shinning, and the beautiful lass giving you a wake me up hummer and all of a sudden the sex police kick your door in, drags her out, buries her waste deep and the neighbors start tossing rocks at her...

Yeah, that is the society the world need...

No, thank you...

And if the man has a shiny face, they make it a double stoning.


Yeah, try to ban sodomy. Far more straight couples enjoy sodomy than gay couples.
And how many beer does it take before your circle discusses this issue?

Discuss it or do it? How many guys do you think like blowjobs? How many women like to be licked?


Yeah, try to ban sodomy. Far more straight couples enjoy sodomy than gay couples.
And how many beer does it take before your circle discusses this issue?

Discuss it or do it? How many guys do you think like blowjobs? How many women like to be licked?
By someone of the opposite sex?
Religious extremists are a bigger threat than gay people.

Why do you compare apples to oranges?
Extremist religious people are not as bad as extremist ideolgues who have slaughtered tens of millions of people in the last century alone.

"Extremist religious people are not as bad as extremist ideolgues who have slaughtered tens of millions of people in the last century alone."

Not for a lack of trying.....
I want to gay marry this thread and then get stoned.


Yeah, try to ban sodomy. Far more straight couples enjoy sodomy than gay couples.
And how many beer does it take before your circle discusses this issue?

Discuss it or do it? How many guys do you think like blowjobs? How many women like to be licked?
By someone of the opposite sex?

Either. It is all sodomy.
I think that this proves beyond a doubt that the USMB is a conservative Republican site.

I’m pretty sure if I posted a thread that called for the execution and mass murder of Republicans I would probably be banned.

You can hide it behind calling it in the flame zone or calling it something else but the truth is, it’s a threat. It supports right wing extremism.

The question is, why do Republicans feel insulted when I point out their policies are evil and threatening?

So I’ve seen nastiness against gays and Jews on this one thread. But I stopped reading it after the Jew cockroach thing.

I don’t understand how America could produce such monstrosities. But the more I see republican policies, the easier it is to understand.


Yeah, try to ban sodomy. Far more straight couples enjoy sodomy than gay couples.
The banning of something and the discouragement of it are two different things. Homosexuality should be shown for what it promotes. The only things that should be banned are those which directly harm others (Rape, murder, theft). Societal harms should be communicated honestly and openly.
What we have are minders and those minders directly influence cultural behavior. Quite often, in very negative ways.
Sodomy is dysgenic and leads to societal degradation and core weakness. This is historical and proven.

Is every problem, every imagined problem, somehow directly related to Jews in your dark, weird, deeply disturbing little world of hate, Indeepenent?
Jews are very influential in our culture. This is a fact which is not debatable. Much of that influence is not good.
Sodomy is dysgenic and leads to societal degradation and core weakness. This is historical and proven.

Is every problem, every imagined problem, somehow directly related to Jews in your dark, weird, deeply disturbing little world of hate, Indeepenent?
Jews are very influential in our culture. This is a fact which is not debatable. Much of that influence is not good.
And Jooos live rent free in your head.

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