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Gay statists strike again...you will submit!!!!

Then you should post in someone elses threads...or change your words...
I'd be happy if all religion is banned, so you are barking up the wrong tree here, bud.

Businesses don't have religion. Businesses aren't people.

Your being a psychotic fascist is NOT news, bitchboy!

Loook at what the idiot Joe posted-----------he wants to ban all religion. Liberals are mentally diseased. They claim that they want freedom for all, equality, tolerance--------but they want to ban religion and force all citizens to worship the state.

This is the lunatic mindset that we are dealing with. Mental illness.

Indeed. But more than that, they are monsters bent on making their insanity the reality, and that is why I hammer them as I do. I don't bother with their phony talk of victimhood, their phony accusations or their NAME CALLING, intended to silence or marginalize. I'm a grab-em-by-the-throat kind of guy when they wiggle out of their straightjackets and throw off their muzzles.

Ann Coulter knows how to deal with them. Same thing.

But, of course, nutjobs like JoeB131 aren't the real threats. He's to obvious. The real threat are the low-information voters, the sheep among us.
I didn't answer your question, dumbass, because it's nonsensical, off topic, irrelevant. I do business with homosexuals all the time. Hence, what's your point?

Seawytch: "b b b b b b but . . . uh . . . I mean . . . uh . . . *drool* . . . um. . . ."

Never mind, like theDoctorsIn, that idiot with the motorcycle avatar and that narcissistic bitch who keeps yammering on about the irrelevancy of her "marriage," you don't have a point, do you?

You claim that you're oppressed because gays are protected by PA laws in some places, right? Christians, blacks, the disabled and a few more are protected by PA laws in ALL places. Are racist bigots also oppressed?

LOL! This is why you guys will never understand anything about the rights of others except at the business end of a loaded gun. Eventually, you're boot will have to be forcibly removed from the premises of others' rights, tough guy, as far too many of you can't even grasp the fact that your boot is on the rights of others. Because you're morally bankrupt, you're stupid beyond repair, but for the grace of God. This is the essence of the reprobate mind. Relativism. You understand nothing.

I don't claim any such thing, Seawytch. All American citizens are entitled to have their rights protected by the state, equally and universally. What are you talking about when you say that the rights of homosexuals are only protected in "some places"? Aside from the "marital rights" you think they're entitled to under the current system of state-regulated marriage, as opposed to it being a private affair, what rights of the homosexual are not being upheld in some places? And why do you believe the rights of Christians are protected everywhere?

Humor me. Explain it to me as if you were talking to a child.
This behavior will result in the sexually abnormal being shoved back in the closet and the door slammed shut.

Now you may ask: "Why is that?" The answer to which is that it is unreasonable.

There is no potential for a right, wherein the exercising of that right usurps the means of another to exercise their rights. This is why the advocacy to normalize sexual abnormality must be destroyed. It is irrational and as such, it is a threat to freedom itself.

There is no other way it can be, therefore: That is how it must be.

How you planning on accomplishing this?

Why are you asking him that when you don't understand why his observation is true in the first place, Mr. Relativist, i.e., Mr. Irrationalist?
I'm a grab-em-by-the-throat kind of guy when they wiggle out of their straightjackets and throw off their muzzles.

If you like Ann Coutler you would like Kurt Schlicter...he writes columns posted at Townhall.com..
Yes, live and let live is not their motto...more gays who will not accept someone not accepting their lifestyle...and so those individuals will be punished...

Blog: NY Farm fined for refusing to host gay wedding

you aren't allowed to discriminate in public accommodation.

try again.

Before Lawrence vs. Texas, one dude wasn't allowed to screw another dude in the privacy of their home.

If we were debating the human right of humans choosing their own sexual partners and I told you that the law permitted the jailing of homosexuals who commit sodomy, would I win that argument?

and before brown v board of ed segregation was legal.

your point?

My point? You pointing to laws which violate human rights doesn't settle the matter.

Precisely. Nicely done, Rikurzhen.
Here is a video of him responding to the lefty silliness of "White Privilege"...he doesn't hold back...

Tucker Carlson Speechless as Former Army Colonel Tears Apart the Concept of White Privilege

In a bold discussion, Schlichter, a Colonel-turned-lawyer, vehemently refuted the left’s notion of “white privilege.” Carlson noted that Schlichter, in his Townhall piece, wrote, “What you call ‘privilege’ is just me being better than you.” Carlson asked what Schlichter had meant by that.

The video is even better...
Here is a video of him responding to the lefty silliness of "White Privilege"...he doesn't hold back...

Tucker Carlson Speechless as Former Army Colonel Tears Apart the Concept of White Privilege

In a bold discussion, Schlichter, a Colonel-turned-lawyer, vehemently refuted the left’s notion of “white privilege.” Carlson noted that Schlichter, in his Townhall piece, wrote, “What you call ‘privilege’ is just me being better than you.” Carlson asked what Schlichter had meant by that.

The video is even better...

Cool. Give me sec to finish another post, and I'll check it out.
Loook at what the idiot Joe posted-----------he wants to ban all religion. Liberals are mentally diseased. They claim that they want freedom for all, equality, tolerance--------but they want to ban religion and force all citizens to worship the state.

This is the lunatic mindset that we are dealing with. Mental illness.

No, he didn't say he wanted to, just that he would be happy if it happened. A famous guy even sang about it..."Imagine".

Is that really much different that folks that just want to ban one religion...like, oh, say Islam?

Absolute flat-out lie!
Can we go back a bit, did someone actually post on here that the COTUS gives both implicit and implied rights to the federal government?

That is so incorrect that it is FRIGHTENING that someone actually believes it.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people
The fuck you smokin', boy? Are you on LSD or something?

Take your faux conservatism and shove off. You haven't talked to me in months, you know, ever since. Go back to that.

I never liked you either, skipper. Ta Ta.

Yet again: are you on drugs? Only you can hear those voices in your head!

Okay, you lunatic, that's it, Mr. Report-Me-To-The-F.B.I.-and-Scour-My-Hard-Drive-for-Porn.

I'm the lunatic?!

I'm not going to let you get away with trying to marginalize me. I talk to Lefty the way I do because the smarter ones, for example, known they're trampling on INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS, and they are utterly indifferent to the monetary costs, the stress and the disruption their actions wrought on the lives of families, decent people trying to live their lives in peace. Businesses have been destroyed. Livelihoods ruined. Dreams, years of work and sacrifice, wiped out. Right now in San Francisco, churches are being invaded and vandalized by you know who. The victims. Christians have been assaulted on the public streets and sidewalks by the same. With impunity. The MSM ignores these stories.

When we conservatives/libertarians read stories about homosexuals being brutalized by thugs, friggin' animals, do we react with indifference? Of course not! We are outraged by such assaults on civilization, heart broken for the savagery endured by this human being. Any decent and sane human being would be.

What? You think I'm one of "them" who wouldn't be?

Do you think the leftists on this board, by and large, give damn about what homofascist thugs are doing to Christians in San Francisco? Hell no! Why? Because, of course, they deserve it. They've got it comin' to 'em.

You damn fool.

My "business end of a loaded gun" is a metaphor regarding the extent of their depravity. They are sociopaths. Pathological liars. Barbarians. It's not my fault that you're too stupid to get that or too stupid to comprehend the existential nature and intent of the threat.

You're on my side of it? You don't talk to me for months, only to come out of nowhere and discuss the issue with me . . . er . . . personally attack me, repeatedly, in the very same manner that lefty does, trying to marginalize and silence. You obtuse pile of bricks. The whole point is to draw lefty's mocking fire, for the more he mocks in the face of what he is perpetrating on decent, law-abiding citizens, the more he exposes just how depraved he is.

What? Are you trying buddy up to lefty?

Wow. Just wow.

Oh, look everybody, let us all look at Jarlaxle. Gee wiz, now, see, there's a reasonable conservative. He's one of the good ones. He's not like all those other knuckle-dragging conservatives. He's level-headed, enlightened even. He's sensible . . . except when he's not: misreading conservatives, attacking conservatives, crossing signals, missing cues, worse, and as bizarre as it gets, babbling incoherently about the F.B.I., Porn on hard drives. . . . Dude! What voices are rattling around in your head?

We've got enough McCains around. That position has been filled in spades. Get the hell out of the way.

The fuck you smokin', boy? Are you on LSD or something?

Take your faux conservatism and shove off. You haven't talked to me in months, you know, ever since. Go back to that.

I never liked you either, skipper. Ta Ta.

Yet again: are you on drugs? Only you can hear those voices in your head!

Okay, you lunatic, that's it, Mr. Report-Me-To-The-F.B.I.-and-Scour-My-Hard-Drive-for-Porn.

I'm the lunatic?!

I'm not going to let you get away with trying to marginalize me. I talk to Lefty the way I do because the smarter ones, for example, known they're trampling on INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS, and they are utterly indifferent to the monetary costs, the stress and the disruption their actions wrought on the lives of families, decent people trying to live their lives in peace. Businesses have been destroyed. Livelihoods ruined. Dreams, years of work and sacrifice, wiped out. Right now in San Francisco, churches are being invaded and vandalized by you know who. The victims. Christians have been assaulted on the public streets and sidewalks by the same. With impunity. The MSM ignores these stories.

When we conservatives/libertarians read stories about homosexuals being brutalized by thugs, friggin' animals, do we react with indifference? Of course not! We are outraged by such assaults on civilization, heart broken for the savagery endured by this human being. Any decent and sane human being would be.

What? You think I'm one of "them" who wouldn't be?

Do you think the leftists on this board, by and large, give damn about what homofascist thugs are doing to Christians in San Francisco? Hell no! Why? Because, of course, they deserve it. They've got it comin' to 'em.

You damn fool.

My "business end of a loaded gun" is a metaphor regarding the extent of their depravity. They are sociopaths. Pathological liars. Barbarians. It's not my fault that you're too stupid to get that or too stupid to comprehend the existential nature and intent of the threat.

You're on my side of it? You don't talk to me for months, only to come out of nowhere and discuss the issue with me . . . er . . . personally attack me, repeatedly, in the very same manner that lefty does, trying to marginalize and silence. You obtuse pile of bricks. The whole point is to draw lefty's mocking fire, for the more he mocks in the face of what he is perpetrating on decent, law-abiding citizens, the more he exposes just how depraved he is.

What? Are you trying buddy up to lefty?

Wow. Just wow.

Oh, look everybody, let us all look at Jarlaxle. Gee wiz, now, see, there's a reasonable conservative. He's one of the good ones. He's not like all those other knuckle-dragging conservatives. He's level-headed, enlightened even. He's sensible . . . except when he's not: misreading conservatives, attacking conservatives, crossing signals, missing cues, worse, and as bizarre as it gets, babbling incoherently about the F.B.I., Porn on hard drives. . . . Dude! What voices are rattling around in your head?

We've got enough McCains around. That position has been filled in spades. Get the hell out of the way.


I have no agenda here, and no offense but in the 24 hours I've been aboard you come across as a whack job.

Maybe turn the rhetoric down from a 10 to 4?
It is unreasonable to 'discriminate' against blacks, because they have no CHOICE in 'being black'; and the same with Jews.

There is ABSOLUTELY >NO< evidence; despite DOZENS of major medical studies intent upon FINDING evidence, which shows ANY medical, biological or genetic basis for sexual abnormality. PERIOD.

Now, the reader can rest assured that there will now be a stream of assertions to the contrary, without a scintilla of ACTUAL evidence in support of the baseless assertions.

These people are simply sociopaths. There is a reason that the history of sexual abnormality is that they were institutionalized. What our predecessors learned, was that to allow them to remain in public, they did crap exactly like they're doing now.

Time's quickly approaching to shove 'em back in the closet and NAIL THE DOOR SHUT!

Religion is a choice that is protected by Federal Public Accommodation laws. Whether sexual orientation is a choice or not (it is not) is irrelevant.

Are you advocating institutionalizing gays and lesbians?

Yep. And in fact, public accommodation laws for religion have the potential of being problematical too.
"As far as I can tell, the United States is on the precipice of a true civil war."


When all else fails, predict or threaten taking up arms, or civil war. I'm sure that I see this on these threads at least 4 times per day. It is very much like the child who threatens to hold his breath until he dies if he does not get his way. What is really weird is that the Right honestly thinks that this will somehow sway the argument and win the day.

All it does to me is to make me sleepy, and bored.

Grow up.

Well, aside from your Mo
Yeah. By lying homofascists, and once again, persist down this road of tyranny, Americans will rise up and end you.

Ruh roh...we in big twubble...internet tough guy gonna git ya!


Ruh roh, another clueless shrub utterly out of touch with the realities of violating INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS.
The fuck you smokin', boy? Are you on LSD or something?

Take your faux conservatism and shove off. You haven't talked to me in months, you know, ever since. Go back to that.

I never liked you either, skipper. Ta Ta.

Yet again: are you on drugs? Only you can hear those voices in your head!

Okay, you lunatic, that's it, Mr. Report-Me-To-The-F.B.I.-and-Scour-My-Hard-Drive-for-Porn.

I'm the lunatic?!

Err...yeah! Everyone but you realizes it!

I'm not going to let you get away with trying to marginalize me.

About which you will do...what? Post with the CAPS LOCK on? Jabber like a rhesus monkey on amphetamines?

I talk to Lefty the way I do because the smarter ones, for example, known they're trampling on INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS, and they are utterly indifferent to the monetary costs, the stress and the disruption their actions wrought on the lives of families, decent people trying to live their lives in peace. Businesses have been destroyed. Livelihoods ruined. Dreams, years of work and sacrifice, wiped out. Right now in San Francisco, churches are being invaded and vandalized by you know who. The victims. Christians have been assaulted on the public streets and sidewalks by the same. With impunity. The MSM ignores these stories.

Yet again, at least the third time: I actually AGREE with you on this!

When we conservatives/libertarians read stories about homosexuals being brutalized by thugs, friggin' animals, do we react with indifference? Of course not! We are outraged by such assaults on civilization, heart broken for the savagery endured by this human being. Any decent and sane human being would be.

Of course.

What? You think I'm one of "them" who wouldn't be?

Actually, I suspect you would cheer.

Do you think the leftists on this board, by and large, give damn about what homofascist thugs are doing to Christians in San Francisco? Hell no! Why? Because, of course, they deserve it. They've got it comin' to 'em.

You damn fool.

You're projection-flailing again.

My "business end of a loaded gun" is a metaphor regarding the extent of their depravity. They are sociopaths. Pathological liars. Barbarians. It's not my fault that you're too stupid to get that or too stupid to comprehend the existential nature and intent of the threat.

And now you go from flailing to backpedaling.

You're on my side of it?

I have had the EXACT SAME VIEWS on this issue from day one and have posted said views literally several dozen times. Are you confusing me with another poster?

You don't talk to me for months, only to come out of nowhere and discuss the issue with me . . . er . . . personally attack me, repeatedly, in the very same manner that lefty does, trying to marginalize and silence.

What the HELL are you babbling about?

You obtuse pile of bricks. The whole point is to draw lefty's mocking fire, for the more he mocks in the face of what he is perpetrating on decent, law-abiding citizens, the more he exposes just how depraved he is.

Again, what the hell are you babbling about?!

What? Are you trying buddy up to lefty?

Wow. Just wow.

Are you drunk?

Oh, look everybody, let us all look at Jarlaxle. Gee wiz, now, see, there's a reasonable conservative.

See, there's your problem: I am not a conservative!

He's one of the good ones. He's not like all those other knuckle-dragging conservatives. He's level-headed, enlightened even. He's sensible . . . except when he's not: misreading conservatives, attacking conservatives, crossing signals, missing cues, worse, and as bizarre as it gets, babbling incoherently about the F.B.I., Porn on hard drives. . . . Dude! What voices are rattling around in your head?

Combination of false pretenses, erroneous assumptions, and directionless babble, signifying nothing.

We've got enough McCains around. That position has been filled in spades. Get the hell out of the way.

McCain is half a step short of a traitor and probably half a step past non compos mentis.

Kiss my Irish ass.

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