Gayboy Pulls Out His Pistol - Shoots at Conservatives....

Well, you can guarantee the mainstream media buries this story - fast.

Interesting that you say that....I'm reading up on it on all the news links now....looks like he may get charged with a Hate Crime...and/or classified as a terrorist act.

And I read about that on the mainstream media.
Violent haters come in all flavors. Hey, left - Great job promoting some imaginary 'war on whatever'! :thup:

The New York Times can elect to put a story on page 1 above the fold, or bury it on page F45.

Hope that helps, tard.
This is the result of the Obama Administration's creation of an atmosphere of warfare, first on the rhetorical level and now on the practical level. When he has union thugs chanting and others yelling bring on the fight, this is the inevitable result.


Its the result of people like you and warrior who are scared to death of their own sexuality.

If the gay activists cannot destroy traditional marriage and the very idea of traditional marriage by vote they are happy to resort to violence.

Stupid. Incredibly stupid. They've never tried to destroy anything. Its not their fault that half of all "traditional" marriages end in divorce.

How long would you be willing to live without the basic rights the rest of your country enjoys?
Violent haters come in all flavors. Hey, left - Great job promoting some imaginary 'war on whatever'! :thup:

Right....this is being condemned by left wing gay THAT I bet will get buried
I figured that was coming, lmao! You sound like that idiot peach1984 or whatever she calls herself, excusing the skinhead that shot the Sikhs because Obama was oppressing him.

You people get sicker by the day.

Actually I don't believe that. But when Bush was president every crime, every incident was his fault because of some reason or other. So now the shoe is on the other foot. Deal with it.

so now your an idiot by confession.

One should be more careful when one calls someone an idiot, Bart.
Violent haters come in all flavors. Hey, left - Great job promoting some imaginary 'war on whatever'! :thup:

Right....this is being condemned by left wing gay THAT I bet will get buried

Yabut, idiot rw's believe that if one person of a group does something, it means all people of that group did it. Like 9/11 - all Muslims are terrorists to the stupid rw's. Timothy McVeigh was baptist christian so, according to rw's, all baptists and all Christians are terrorists.

Surely there are some relatively intelligent rw's who know better ...
If that shooter thinks that he accomplished anything, he has. Thanks to his choice of action, his side of the picture is now one person smaller because he will probably be in jail for years over what he has done if he isn't in there for life.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

If that shooter thinks that he accomplished anything, he has. Thanks to his choice of action, his side of the picture is now one person smaller because he will probably be in jail for years over what he has done if he isn't in there for life.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


And he certainly belongs in jail...and has been condemned by the Left and Gay Organizations.

Ironically, for the Right, he will probably be charged with a Hate know....the kind of charge many on the Right have argued against.
When you call him gayboy, teapee, you just show what a hater you really are....
If that shooter thinks that he accomplished anything, he has. Thanks to his choice of action, his side of the picture is now one person smaller because he will probably be in jail for years over what he has done if he isn't in there for life.
And he certainly belongs in jail...and has been condemned by the Left and Gay Organizations.

Ironically, for the Right, he will probably be charged with a Hate know....the kind of charge many on the Right have argued against.
Sadly doing such a thing has to be done in order for certain people to know what it is that they do to others.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

If that shooter thinks that he accomplished anything, he has. Thanks to his choice of action, his side of the picture is now one person smaller because he will probably be in jail for years over what he has done if he isn't in there for life.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


And he certainly belongs in jail...and has been condemned by the Left and Gay Organizations.

Ironically, for the Right, he will probably be charged with a Hate know....the kind of charge many on the Right have argued against.

Yes, and it's wrong. He should not be charged with a hate crime. Who cares if he hated someone or didnt? He committed a crime. He deserves to be punished. Period.
But the Left wants to elevate some kinds of thought above other kinds of thought. They are the Thought Police.
This is the result of the Obama Administration's creation of an atmosphere of warfare, first on the rhetorical level and now on the practical level. When he has union thugs chanting and others yelling bring on the fight, this is the inevitable result.

I figured that was coming, lmao! You sound like that idiot peach1984 or whatever she calls herself, excusing the skinhead that shot the Sikhs because Obama was oppressing him.

You people get sicker by the day.
Says the guy defending the shooter...
This is the result of the Obama Administration's creation of an atmosphere of warfare, first on the rhetorical level and now on the practical level. When he has union thugs chanting and others yelling bring on the fight, this is the inevitable result.

I figured that was coming, lmao! You sound like that idiot peach1984 or whatever she calls herself, excusing the skinhead that shot the Sikhs because Obama was oppressing him.

You people get sicker by the day.
Says the guy defending the shooter...
I didn't defend the shooter. In fact I think he should be charged with a hate crime.

I figured that was coming, lmao! You sound like that idiot peach1984 or whatever she calls herself, excusing the skinhead that shot the Sikhs because Obama was oppressing him.

You people get sicker by the day.
Says the guy defending the shooter...
I didn't defend the shooter.
Your posts on issue:
Ironically, the Family Research Council is against hate crime legislation.
Gayboy? Seriously?
I figured that was coming, lmao! You sound like that idiot peach1984 or whatever she calls herself, excusing the skinhead that shot the Sikhs because Obama was oppressing him.
Yep. At least he's admitted to being a lying troll. Most of us knew it all along.
When you call him gayboy, teapee, you just show what a hater you really are....
Nothing but an effort to misdirect the conversation and obfuscate the issue - that is, an attempts to defend of the shooter by changing the subject.

In fact I think he should be charged with a hate crime.
This is the first indication you've given of your disagreement with his actions.
If you REALLY disagreed with him, why not state that at the very beginning?
And - tell the truth - do you disagree with his actions, his motivation, or both?

Oh no. Not that. Please no.

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