Gays in the millitary?? No fair!!

Quick question for Oliver Pissed and Failed Load.......

You're in a hot zone, getting over run by enemy. The guy in the foxhole next to you states that he thinks that everyone is finished and wants to come clean.

He then states he's gay.

Because of the relief he feels from no longer carrying around that heavy mental load, he then charges the enemy, takes out quite a few, and saves the squad.

Question is.........when you return, do you report them?

Why is it that the examples you use for justifying faggots in the military are always the extreme cases when they're not the norm?

Charlie, this fool doesn't even realize that I don't see his posts unless someone else quotes them. And it's laughable also that he uses an example about someplace he's never been.

But just for the hell of it I'll answer. Yes, as required by regulation.
So, Ollie Pissed would rat out his own people, even the one that saves their life.

Yep.......I can see he's a real piece of work. Glad I didn't serve with a cowardly craven asshole like that.
Quick question for Oliver Pissed and Failed Load.......

You're in a hot zone, getting over run by enemy. The guy in the foxhole next to you states that he thinks that everyone is finished and wants to come clean.

He then states he's gay.

Because of the relief he feels from no longer carrying around that heavy mental load, he then charges the enemy, takes out quite a few, and saves the squad.

Question is.........when you return, do you report them?

Why is it that the examples you use for justifying faggots in the military are always the extreme cases when they're not the norm?

Bass Ho, these are cases that could happen. If you had ever spent time in a war zone, you would understand. I've been in 4. Beruit in '83 (when the Marines died), Desert Storm pts 1 and 2, and Kosovo.

Ollie Twisted has probably never even seen a gun.
Quick question for Oliver Pissed and Failed Load.......

You're in a hot zone, getting over run by enemy. The guy in the foxhole next to you states that he thinks that everyone is finished and wants to come clean.

He then states he's gay.

Because of the relief he feels from no longer carrying around that heavy mental load, he then charges the enemy, takes out quite a few, and saves the squad.

Question is.........when you return, do you report them?

Why is it that the examples you use for justifying faggots in the military are always the extreme cases when they're not the norm?
Because "normal" is a relative concept.
Quick question for Oliver Pissed and Failed Load.......

You're in a hot zone, getting over run by enemy. The guy in the foxhole next to you states that he thinks that everyone is finished and wants to come clean.

He then states he's gay.

Because of the relief he feels from no longer carrying around that heavy mental load, he then charges the enemy, takes out quite a few, and saves the squad.

Question is.........when you return, do you report them?

Why is it that the examples you use for justifying faggots in the military are always the extreme cases when they're not the norm?

Bass Ho, these are cases that could happen. If you had ever spent time in a war zone, you would understand. I've been in 4. Beruit in '83 (when the Marines died), Desert Storm pts 1 and 2, and Kosovo.

Ollie Twisted has probably never even seen a gun.

Using your extreme example would you allow child molestors and felons in the military.
Quick question for Oliver Pissed and Failed Load.......

You're in a hot zone, getting over run by enemy. The guy in the foxhole next to you states that he thinks that everyone is finished and wants to come clean.

He then states he's gay.

Because of the relief he feels from no longer carrying around that heavy mental load, he then charges the enemy, takes out quite a few, and saves the squad.

Question is.........when you return, do you report them?

Why is it that the examples you use for justifying faggots in the military are always the extreme cases when they're not the norm?
Because "normal" is a relative concept.

That situation you described is not normal and doesn't happen frequently enough if at all, to justify lifting DADT. Extreme situations are always the exception.
I was talking about homosexuals/homosexuality...that the word "normal" is relative, not the extreme situations in battle. There is NO SUCH THING as "normal." Normal is in the eye of the beholder.

Oh, and SFC, to reply to your red: Yes, ethics can be situational and are situational at times.

You can have integrity and still apply your ethics and morals to certain situations.
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I was talking about homosexuals/homosexuality...that the word "normal" is relative, not the extreme situations in battle. There is NO SUCH THING as "normal." Normal is in the eye of the beholder.

Oh, and SFC, to reply to your red: Yes, ethics can be situational and are situational at times.

You can have integrity and still apply your ethics and morals to certain situations.

There is no such thing as situational ethics in the US Army. If a Bronze Star winner breaks the regulations then they are still punished the same as anyone else under the UCMJ. Any NCO who does not report an infraction of the UCMJ is wrong. Under any situation, even one as off the wall as gaybiker made up.
I was talking about homosexuals/homosexuality...that the word "normal" is relative, not the extreme situations in battle. There is NO SUCH THING as "normal." Normal is in the eye of the beholder.

Oh, and SFC, to reply to your red: Yes, ethics can be situational and are situational at times.

You can have integrity and still apply your ethics and morals to certain situations.

Homosexuality isn't "normal" by any stretch of your imagination. There is no way one can place homosexuality on the same equal level as heterosexuality.
I was talking about homosexuals/homosexuality...that the word "normal" is relative, not the extreme situations in battle. There is NO SUCH THING as "normal." Normal is in the eye of the beholder.

Oh, and SFC, to reply to your red: Yes, ethics can be situational and are situational at times.

You can have integrity and still apply your ethics and morals to certain situations.

Homosexuality isn't "normal" by any stretch of your imagination. There is no way one can place homosexuality on the same equal level as heterosexuality.

I was talking about homosexuals/homosexuality...that the word "normal" is relative, not the extreme situations in battle. There is NO SUCH THING as "normal." Normal is in the eye of the beholder.

Oh, and SFC, to reply to your red: Yes, ethics can be situational and are situational at times.

You can have integrity and still apply your ethics and morals to certain situations.

Homosexuality isn't "normal" by any stretch of your imagination. There is no way one can place homosexuality on the same equal level as heterosexuality.
Monkey spam by FatherTime deleted

Your stupid cartoons provide no evidence that homosexuality is natural, whether it hurts somebody or not is irrelevant to the fact that its not natural. Being a faggot is not comparable to being black or left handed, you pro faggots come up with either extreme situational cases or dumb comparisons altogether to support your nonsense.
Charley you must be so gay.

What else would explain your obsession with homosexuality?

The Bass isn't obsessed with homosexuality, he's just stating the facts.

0 for 2 would you like to try again?

Animals have been observed to be homosexual and since there's no way to artificially make animals do so, it's natural.
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Homosexuality isn't "normal" by any stretch of your imagination. There is no way one can place homosexuality on the same equal level as heterosexuality.
Monkey spam by FatherTime deleted

Your stupid cartoons provide no evidence that homosexuality is natural, whether it hurts somebody or not is irrelevant to the fact that its not natural.

Whether or not it's natural has absolutely no relevance whatsoever.
Oh and if people don't choose to be attracted to the same sex, then comparing discrimination of it to discrimination of races or left handeds would be a fine analogy.
Charley you must be so gay.

What else would explain your obsession with homosexuality?

The Bass isn't obsessed with homosexuality, he's just stating the facts.

Not obsessed, you say?

Seems to me that you want to discuss homsexuality almost exclusively.

Now the only people I know who think about gays and gayhood all the time are gay themselves.

You might be the one exception to that generalization, but I rather doubt it.
Homosexuality isn't "normal" by any stretch of your imagination. There is no way one can place homosexuality on the same equal level as heterosexuality.
Monkey spam by FatherTime deleted

Your stupid cartoons provide no evidence that homosexuality is natural, whether it hurts somebody or not is irrelevant to the fact that its not natural. Being a faggot is not comparable to being black or left handed, you pro faggots come up with either extreme situational cases or dumb comparisons altogether to support your nonsense.

You guys have a monopoly on hyperbole and bullshit.

Giving gays the same treatment as straights would be undertaking a radical homosexual agenda or making the army grounds for such agenda.

Wanting to mention it in casual conversation (like others can), equals wanting to flaunt it in everyone's face. You can cry all you want that no one wants to hear it but at the end of the day it's just a talking point you cannot prove.

And when you don't rely on hyperbole you rely on the stupidest arguments.

"It's not necessary to mention homosexuality." This can be used as justification to arbitrarily ban anything such as say talking about sports.

"Show us how it harms the military" It's your job to show us how it benefits the military, because if the rule has no benefit then the enforcement of said rule (which people say all good soldiers must do) is a waste of time and resources that could be better spent elsewhere.
Monkey spam by FatherTime deleted

Your stupid cartoons provide no evidence that homosexuality is natural, whether it hurts somebody or not is irrelevant to the fact that its not natural. Being a faggot is not comparable to being black or left handed, you pro faggots come up with either extreme situational cases or dumb comparisons altogether to support your nonsense.

You guys have a monopoly on hyperbole and bullshit.

Giving gays the same treatment as straights would be undertaking a radical homosexual agenda or making the army grounds for such agenda.

Wanting to mention it in casual conversation (like others can), equals wanting to flaunt it in everyone's face. You can cry all you want that no one wants to hear it but at the end of the day it's just a talking point you cannot prove.

And when you don't rely on hyperbole you rely on the stupidest arguments.

"It's not necessary to mention homosexuality." This can be used as justification to arbitrarily ban anything such as say talking about sports.

"Show us how it harms the military" It's your job to show us how it benefits the military, because if the rule has no benefit then the enforcement of said rule (which people say all good soldiers must do) is a waste of time and resources that could be better spent elsewhere.

Whether you know it or not, Homosexuals have always been in our military.

The lifers (or career men in the military, if you prefer) had an even higher percentage of gays honorably servicing back when the military had the draft, than the drafees.

Some of the most honorable and effective soldiers I knew in USMC and NAV were homos.

I'd put my life in their hands (and did, too) without reservation.

Who they screw was entirely irrelevant to how well they did their duty.

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