Gays in the millitary?? No fair!!

I don't think you've ever LIVED in a barracks or been deployed. If you think that soldiers (or sailors) keep their discussions to private conversations between two individuals, it would seem clear to ME that you have ZERO experience in living in a communal, males only environment. It would seem that you have never been cooped up with the same group of guys for months on end and worked hard with them, stood countless watches with them, stood in line on the mess decks with them, played poker with them, traded sea stories with them... I am sorry... you might say that I "better" believe you, but, I was in the Navy a long time, and I have spent countless hours hanging out in the chief's mess or in the goat locker playing cribbage, and a namby pamby goody two shoes like you would have been laughed out of any of them.

When soldiers are at work all that talking about who they had sex with is not allowed in the working place, I have soldiers both male and female who are not interested in anyone's sexual exploits whether they're gay exploits, heterosexual exploits or drunken exploits. In my shop I outlaw those kinds of conversations, I have a reputation for being hard but fair. What soldiers talk about and do on the personal time is their business and their concern, as long as it doesn't violate regulations that is, because the regulations apply 24 hours a day off and on duty.

and sailors at work keep their discussions to professional topics as well.... the point that you seem to be making (and simultaneously missing) is that when men live together, monastically, in close quarters, they are NOT working all the time... there are usually several waking hours during the day when sailors sit and relax and recreate as best they can given the restructions of their location, and maybe in today's squeaky clean army men don't talk about what they did at the last liberty port, in my day, those sorts of discussions were commonplace... and men shared (and no doubt, exaggerated) the details of their heterosexual exploits regularly.

If its not work related its not necessary so DADT doesn't need to be changed just so gays can talk about their relationship life around people who most likely don't want to hear about it anyways. They'll probably say people who aren't interested in hearing it are homophobes too, they blame every disagreement with them and their one sided agenda of homophobia to the point where one thinks the only true side is their side.

And again... if you have not self reported YOURSELF for a violaton of Art 125, then you are in NO position to denigrate me for not following regulations to the letter.

got it?

You don't know if I violated Article 125 or not and in accordance with regulation my sexual life shall be kept a personal and private matter, see that was very simple and easy, now why can't homosexuals do that?
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The sailors in this thread are more unprofessional than the most unfit soldiers I've had to deal with, the retired officer is in blackout drive and the biker is more than a few cans short of a six-pack, how was he fit to enlist in the first place?
Here's something to consider.......

When you're deployed on a cruise aboard a ship, you've got to remember one thing......

Space is finite out at sea. On my first ship it was said "you can only walk 571 feet away from anyone".

We lived that way for 6 - 8 months at a time.

The night before pulling back Stateside? Nobody could sleep, there were people playing cards, watching CCTV, playing bingo, gathered together in groups on the mess decks. It's known in the Navy as "Channel Fever Night" and NOBODY sleeps.

Know what the main point of conversation is? What everyone is planning on doing to their spouses (repeatedly in some cases), and yes......the conversation got graphic.

I suppose that if you've only been on a base Stateside, with no deployments Flaylo, then your reasoning might work, because you could keep the on duty and off duty lives separate.

It's not possible on a ship.

As far as no harm being done by DADT? I ask again about Lt. Daniel Cho, a front line operator who speaks Arabic, is patriotic, and loves his job. What did the military gain by discharging him for sexual preference?

There are only 499 Arabic speaking servicemembers over the ENTIRE MILITARY!

Yes. DADT has already caused harm.

Again, I disagree. Whether or not the conversations take place is irrelevant to the fact such conversation is unprofessional behavior, and disrespectful to one's partner.

It is also against the rules to have sex on deployment. The fact it happens doesn't make it okay.
I suppose that if you've only been on a base Stateside, with no deployments Flaylo, then your reasoning might work, because you could keep the on duty and off duty lives separate.

I'm currently stationed in Germany overseas and this is my second overseas assignment excluding deployments to Balad, Kanadahar, Kosovo and Bosnia and no matter where I am in the world I must always be professional at all times.

It's not possible on a ship.


It is possible but it seems that you're saying that sailors lack the focus, determination and motivation to stay professional and maintain their military bearing. Thats a problem of discpline and lack of attention to detail, not a problem that calls for rescinding DADT.
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"The Bass" is most likely a self loathing homosexual that is really the only think that explains both his OBSESSION and his unreasoned HATRED of homosexuals.

The FACT is that the vast majority of homosexuals ARE born that way which is proven by the FACT that homosexual acts occure in nature. As much as people like to PRETEND we are not just higher functioning ANIMALS we are indeed just that ANIMALS.

Another interesting FACT of this argument is that heteros assume that gays are as LECHEROUS as they are. They act like a gay just couldn't go a DAY without NEEDING to look at some ass. Just freaking rediculous.

The FACT is; despite what some quack doctors or otherwise mis-informed individuals may claim, homosexuality is not a natural occurrence in the human species, nor are sexual encounters among same sex partners in the "animal" kingdom. Please note my wording.

Same sex encounters within the "animal" kingdom are the result of a genetic anomaly. Whatever the anomaly is, the un-natural sexual behavior will negate its ability to reproduce, thus strengthening and insuring the survival of the rest of the species. I'm sure you've heard the term, survival of the fittest.

Unfortunately for the human race, or homo sapien if you will, there are those individuals who think they know better than "Mother Nature" and claim homosexuality is a natural occurrence within our species. I disagree, and it is my opinion that for the most part, homosexuality has been a choice of the participants and not a genetic anomaly affecting those same participants as the afore mentioned individuals would have you believe.

Before the backlash begins, you should know this. I acknowledge and will protect anyones right to live their life as they see fit. However; I don't believe in gay unions of any kind; I don't believe gay individuals should be allowed to adopt children; and I don't believe heterosexuals serving in the military should be exposed to any form of behavior other than that which would be considered prevalent in the military, a predominantly heterosexual community.

First off........there is genetic proof that gay is a natural thing. Interestingly enough, there isn't just "one gay gene", it's actually a combination of several genes along a certain area in the DNA strand.

That is why scientists and doctors have measured physiological differences in places like the brain, the hormones, and in some cases, even physical manifestations.

Remember the Kenyan runner who was disqualified because genetically she's 2/3 male? It happens.

There are also other considerations, one of the main ones being that the repugnance that most straight people feel when thinking about same gender sex, is exactly how gays feel about heterosexual sex. It just doesn't feel "right" to them.

What is a problem is the perception of a lot of straight people when it comes to gays. No, just like all you heteros have your idea of what is good looking or not to you, the gays are the same.

And, just like most straights don't go around trying to bone everything in sight, most gays don't either. But, because most straight people are scared of gays (they think gay may be contagious), they don't bother to find these things out, preferring instead to create their own stories to show how much better they are than the gays.

Might wanna do some research on this subject before spewing forth bullshit csbarry. You obviously haven't fully researched this.

And........incidentally.........why shouldn't gays be afforded the same legal rights as straights? Do you realize how fucked over single people are in this country when it comes to taxes and working overtime?

That's not a moral issue, that is a legal one, and aren't all people created equal in this country?

There is zero evidence to support your argument. The only real evidence that supports homosexuality is homosexual behavior.
When soldiers are at work all that talking about who they had sex with is not allowed in the working place, I have soldiers both male and female who are not interested in anyone's sexual exploits whether they're gay exploits, heterosexual exploits or drunken exploits. In my shop I outlaw those kinds of conversations, I have a reputation for being hard but fair. What soldiers talk about and do on the personal time is their business and their concern, as long as it doesn't violate regulations that is, because the regulations apply 24 hours a day off and on duty.

and sailors at work keep their discussions to professional topics as well.... the point that you seem to be making (and simultaneously missing) is that when men live together, monastically, in close quarters, they are NOT working all the time... there are usually several waking hours during the day when sailors sit and relax and recreate as best they can given the restructions of their location, and maybe in today's squeaky clean army men don't talk about what they did at the last liberty port, in my day, those sorts of discussions were commonplace... and men shared (and no doubt, exaggerated) the details of their heterosexual exploits regularly.

If its not work related its not necessary so DADT doesn't need to be changed just so gays can talk about their relationship life around people who most likely don't want to hear about it anyways. They'll probably say people who aren't interested in hearing it are homophobes too, they blame every disagreement with them and their one sided agenda of homophobia to the point where one thinks the only true side is their side.

And again... if you have not self reported YOURSELF for a violaton of Art 125, then you are in NO position to denigrate me for not following regulations to the letter.

got it?

You don't know if I violated Article 125 or not and in accordance with regulation my sexual life shall be kept a personal and private matter, see that was very simple and easy, now why can't homosexuals do that?

do I KNOW whether or not you ever got a blowjob since the day you raised you hand? no. I don't. But I know if you DIDN'T you are one pathetic son of a bitch and I feel sorry for you.:razz:
do I KNOW whether or not you ever got a blowjob since the day you raised you hand? no. I don't. But I know if you DIDN'T you are one pathetic son of a bitch and I feel sorry for you.:razz:

An O-5 being proud of breaking Article 125 of the UCMJ, you mainatin a high level of professionalism even in retirement.
do I KNOW whether or not you ever got a blowjob since the day you raised you hand? no. I don't. But I know if you DIDN'T you are one pathetic son of a bitch and I feel sorry for you.:razz:

An O-5 being proud of breaking Article 125 of the UCMJ, you mainatin a high level of professionalism even in retirement.

and you, sarge, are either a liar, or a terribly unimaginative sex partner.... or both.
do I KNOW whether or not you ever got a blowjob since the day you raised you hand? no. I don't. But I know if you DIDN'T you are one pathetic son of a bitch and I feel sorry for you.:razz:

An O-5 being proud of breaking Article 125 of the UCMJ, you mainatin a high level of professionalism even in retirement.

and you, sarge, are either a liar, or a terribly unimaginative sex partner.... or both.

Its SFC to you and I find it inappropiate and unecessary to discuss the personal and private matter known as my sex life.
An O-5 being proud of breaking Article 125 of the UCMJ, you mainatin a high level of professionalism even in retirement.

and you, sarge, are either a liar, or a terribly unimaginative sex partner.... or both.

Its SFC to you and I find it inappropiate and unecessary to discuss the personal and private matter known as my sex life.

because you know it would expose your blatant hypocrisy. You like to proudly proclaim your strict adherence to all regulations, yet don't really like to talk about Article 125. I understand, SFC.

Oh... and it's Commander or SIR to you. Got it? good.

oh... and maybe you weren't aware of this, but unlike enlisted personnel who complete their enlistment contract, commissioned officers do NOT resign their commission simply becuase they are placed on the retired rolls. I am liable for recall by the Navy at any time.... I am still a commissioned officer, and probably you should take that into consideration as our conversation continues. Thanks.
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An O-5 being proud of breaking Article 125 of the UCMJ, you mainatin a high level of professionalism even in retirement.

and you, sarge, are either a liar, or a terribly unimaginative sex partner.... or both.

Its SFC to you and I find it inappropiate and unecessary to discuss the personal and private matter known as my sex life.

I guess the professionals like you aren't big on their spelling either, eh? Inappropriate, unnecessary, and maintain are the ways to spell those words ya 3rd grade 'tard.

I understand you find it inappropriate as well as unnecessary to discuss your sex life.

Why? Most times pedophiles don't like to advertise.
and you, sarge, are either a liar, or a terribly unimaginative sex partner.... or both.

Its SFC to you and I find it inappropiate and unecessary to discuss the personal and private matter known as my sex life.

I guess the professionals like you aren't big on their spelling either, eh? Inappropriate, unnecessary, and maintain are the ways to spell those words ya 3rd grade 'tard.

I understand you find it inappropriate as well as unnecessary to discuss your sex life.

Why? Most times pedophiles don't like to advertise.

This coming from someone who jokes about child anal rape as a way of attacking his opposition.
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So personally attacking someone for not openly talking about what goes on in their sex life is a sure fir way of discrediting his position on DADT?
'Scuse me Ass Ho? What the fuck do you call all the bullshit you spew? Love notes?

DADT is a failed policy that needs to be repealed.
'Scuse me Ass Ho? What the fuck do you call all the bullshit you spew? Love notes?

DADT is a failed policy that needs to be repealed.

DADT hasn't failed the military, its working just fine the only people its bothering is faggots who are mad that they can't say they're faggots openly, its not bothering anyone else.
Sure would bug the shit outta you if it was repealed tomorrow, and the gays serving in the military were able to get BAQ and VHA for their partners, wouldn't it?

You know people, the main reason that a lot of people in this thread are so against it is because they know that if DADT is repealed, the next thing that will happen will be legalization of gay marriage.

Or, if gay marriage is legalize over the entire country, the military is going to have to get rid of DADT.

THAT is what they are scared of.
Sure would bug the shit outta you if it was repealed tomorrow, and the gays serving in the military were able to get BAQ and VHA for their partners, wouldn't it?

You know people, the main reason that a lot of people in this thread are so against it is because they know that if DADT is repealed, the next thing that will happen will be legalization of gay marriage.

Or, if gay marriage is legalize over the entire country, the military is going to have to get rid of DADT.

THAT is what they are scared of.

They wouldn't get entitlements for 'partners' unless they're married, thats not going to happen any time soon, at least the service heads are saying slow down to better evaluate the issue and actually talk to servicemembers and their families.
'Scuse me Ass Ho? What the fuck do you call all the bullshit you spew? Love notes?

DADT is a failed policy that needs to be repealed.

DADT hasn't failed the military, its working just fine the only people its bothering is faggots who are mad that they can't say they're faggots openly, its not bothering anyone else.

You must have your head in the sand if you honestly believe DADT only bothers gays.

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