Gays in the millitary?? No fair!!

have YOU ever gotten a blowjob? Did you self-report your violation of Article 125?

and are you telling me that, late at night, sitting in the barracks or berthing spaces, soldiers don't talk about their lives with one another?

What I do in my personal sexual life is just that, its personal and only for me to know. Did you self report yourself for your violations of Articles 92 and 125 of the UCMJ? Soldiers are nt allowed to discuss intimate details of their personal lives, I always verbally counsel and warn my soldiers against it because what they mention out in the open about their sex lives could be used against them later on, not to mention that its not professional to discuss such things in the workplace anyways.

I don't think you really ARE a noncom. I actually can't believe that you have ever served. If you think that men, when put together for extended periods of time, do not naturally talk about their lives - including their sex lives - then you clearly have never been among men in that situation. And for you to call the barracks, or the berthing space, after hours, the "workplace" only shows how out of touch you really are.

I gotta agree. It's good to be cautious about accusing people of lying about their Service but usually Vets have a good sense of language identification. So far his rhetoric sounds like a B movie script currently being given away as free kitty litter tray liners.
What I do in my personal sexual life is just that, its personal and only for me to know. Did you self report yourself for your violations of Articles 92 and 125 of the UCMJ? Soldiers are nt allowed to discuss intimate details of their personal lives, I always verbally counsel and warn my soldiers against it because what they mention out in the open about their sex lives could be used against them later on, not to mention that its not professional to discuss such things in the workplace anyways.

I don't think you really ARE a noncom. I actually can't believe that you have ever served. If you think that men, when put together for extended periods of time, do not naturally talk about their lives - including their sex lives - then you clearly have never been among men in that situation. And for you to call the barracks, or the berthing space, after hours, the "workplace" only shows how out of touch you really are.

I gotta agree. It's good to be cautious about accusing people of lying about their Service but usually Vets have a good sense of language identification. So far his rhetoric sounds like a B movie script currently being given away as free kitty litter tray liners.

Oh my God, my feelings are supposed to be hurt by your childish attacks? I used to be on the trail as a drill sergeant so I used to dish this stuff out. I'm not fazed.
What I do in my personal sexual life is just that, its personal and only for me to know. Did you self report yourself for your violations of Articles 92 and 125 of the UCMJ? Soldiers are nt allowed to discuss intimate details of their personal lives, I always verbally counsel and warn my soldiers against it because what they mention out in the open about their sex lives could be used against them later on, not to mention that its not professional to discuss such things in the workplace anyways.

I don't think you really ARE a noncom. I actually can't believe that you have ever served. If you think that men, when put together for extended periods of time, do not naturally talk about their lives - including their sex lives - then you clearly have never been among men in that situation. And for you to call the barracks, or the berthing space, after hours, the "workplace" only shows how out of touch you really are.

I am a NCO you better believe that if you don't believe anything else I say. What two soldiers discuss private is their business, however if it something thats going to cause one or the other trouble, disrupt cohesion and or can result in one or both getting administratively separated they need to keep their private lives to themselves. Barracks are not workplaces in the literal sense but they are public military quarters and anything you blurt out or do can still negatively impact the unit and disrupt unit cohesion.

What Unit are you in? I'd like to contact your CO and applaud your dedication to upholding the UCMJ and doing your best to maintain discipline inside a framework of equitable enforcement of Regulations. I can't promise an ARCOM but will definitely make sure your COC is aware of the valuable asset of having an NCO like you in their charge.
I don't think you really ARE a noncom. I actually can't believe that you have ever served. If you think that men, when put together for extended periods of time, do not naturally talk about their lives - including their sex lives - then you clearly have never been among men in that situation. And for you to call the barracks, or the berthing space, after hours, the "workplace" only shows how out of touch you really are.

I am a NCO you better believe that if you don't believe anything else I say. What two soldiers discuss private is their business, however if it something thats going to cause one or the other trouble, disrupt cohesion and or can result in one or both getting administratively separated they need to keep their private lives to themselves. Barracks are not workplaces in the literal sense but they are public military quarters and anything you blurt out or do can still negatively impact the unit and disrupt unit cohesion.

What Unit are you in? I'd like to contact your CO and applaud your dedication to upholding the UCMJ and doing your best to maintain discipline inside a framework of equitable enforcement of Regulations. I can't promise an ARCOM but will definitely make sure your COC is aware of the valuable asset of having an NCO like you in their charge.

I'm not divulging that information, for all I know you could be al-Qaida in disguise.
I am a NCO you better believe that if you don't believe anything else I say. What two soldiers discuss private is their business, however if it something thats going to cause one or the other trouble, disrupt cohesion and or can result in one or both getting administratively separated they need to keep their private lives to themselves. Barracks are not workplaces in the literal sense but they are public military quarters and anything you blurt out or do can still negatively impact the unit and disrupt unit cohesion.

What Unit are you in? I'd like to contact your CO and applaud your dedication to upholding the UCMJ and doing your best to maintain discipline inside a framework of equitable enforcement of Regulations. I can't promise an ARCOM but will definitely make sure your COC is aware of the valuable asset of having an NCO like you in their charge.

I'm not divulging that information, for all I know you could be al-Qaida in disguise.

LOL!!!! What a FRAUD!
The al-Gayda posters need to stick to the facts and not fanatical one sided homosexual activism.
I am a NCO you better believe that if you don't believe anything else I say. What two soldiers discuss private is their business, however if it something thats going to cause one or the other trouble, disrupt cohesion and or can result in one or both getting administratively separated they need to keep their private lives to themselves. Barracks are not workplaces in the literal sense but they are public military quarters and anything you blurt out or do can still negatively impact the unit and disrupt unit cohesion.

What Unit are you in? I'd like to contact your CO and applaud your dedication to upholding the UCMJ and doing your best to maintain discipline inside a framework of equitable enforcement of Regulations. I can't promise an ARCOM but will definitely make sure your COC is aware of the valuable asset of having an NCO like you in their charge.

I'm not divulging that information, for all I know you could be al-Qaida in disguise.

You're nothing but a lying little cuntrag weasel. I take it when you said you are a NCO you meant to say you are a Nagging C
ocksucking Orphan.
As a heterosexual, my personal opinion on the matter is this; if it is your desire to come and serve your Country as an airman, sailor or soldier, that's fine with me. If it is your desire to use the armed forces as a sexual hunting ground, playground, or for that matter openly display your preference; please don't apply. None of the afore mentioned behavior is accepted in the civilian business world, and one shouldn't have to be subjected to it in the armed forces. Take your pick; in the civilian business world, any of that behavior would be considered sexual harassment, an established crime.

So what does this mean? You're such a bright, shining star you can quote yourself?

The obvious flaw to your comment follows your first semi-colon -- you left out MARINES. That, of course, puts you on THE shitlist.:eusa_eh:
What I do in my personal sexual life is just that, its personal and only for me to know. Did you self report yourself for your violations of Articles 92 and 125 of the UCMJ? Soldiers are nt allowed to discuss intimate details of their personal lives, I always verbally counsel and warn my soldiers against it because what they mention out in the open about their sex lives could be used against them later on, not to mention that its not professional to discuss such things in the workplace anyways.

I don't think you really ARE a noncom. I actually can't believe that you have ever served. If you think that men, when put together for extended periods of time, do not naturally talk about their lives - including their sex lives - then you clearly have never been among men in that situation. And for you to call the barracks, or the berthing space, after hours, the "workplace" only shows how out of touch you really are.

I am a NCO you better believe that if you don't believe anything else I say. What two soldiers discuss private is their business, however if it something thats going to cause one or the other trouble, disrupt cohesion and or can result in one or both getting administratively separated they need to keep their private lives to themselves. Barracks are not workplaces in the literal sense but they are public military quarters and anything you blurt out or do can still negatively impact the unit and disrupt unit cohesion.

I don't think you've ever LIVED in a barracks or been deployed. If you think that soldiers (or sailors) keep their discussions to private conversations between two individuals, it would seem clear to ME that you have ZERO experience in living in a communal, males only environment. It would seem that you have never been cooped up with the same group of guys for months on end and worked hard with them, stood countless watches with them, stood in line on the mess decks with them, played poker with them, traded sea stories with them... I am sorry... you might say that I "better" believe you, but, I was in the Navy a long time, and I have spent countless hours hanging out in the chief's mess or in the goat locker playing cribbage, and a namby pamby goody two shoes like you would have been laughed out of any of them.
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I don't think you really ARE a noncom. I actually can't believe that you have ever served. If you think that men, when put together for extended periods of time, do not naturally talk about their lives - including their sex lives - then you clearly have never been among men in that situation. And for you to call the barracks, or the berthing space, after hours, the "workplace" only shows how out of touch you really are.

I am a NCO you better believe that if you don't believe anything else I say. What two soldiers discuss private is their business, however if it something thats going to cause one or the other trouble, disrupt cohesion and or can result in one or both getting administratively separated they need to keep their private lives to themselves. Barracks are not workplaces in the literal sense but they are public military quarters and anything you blurt out or do can still negatively impact the unit and disrupt unit cohesion.

I don't think you've ever LIVED in a barracks or been deployed. If you think that soldiers (or sailors) keep their discussions to private conversations between two individuals, it would seem clear to ME that you have ZERO experience in living in a communal, males only environment. It would seem that you have never been cooped up with the same group of guys for months on end and worked hard with them, stood countless watches with them, stood in line on the mess decks with them, played poker with them, traded sea stories with them... I am sorry... you might say that I "better" believe you, but, I was in the Navy a long time, and I have spent countless hours hanging out in the chief's mess or in the goat locker playing cribbage, and a namby pamby goody two shoes like you would have been laughed out of any of them.

When soldiers are at work all that talking about who they had sex with is not allowed in the working place, I have soldiers both male and female who are not interested in anyone's sexual exploits whether they're gay exploits, heterosexual exploits or drunken exploits. In my shop I outlaw those kinds of conversations, I have a reputation for being hard but fair. What soldiers talk about and do on the personal time is their business and their concern, as long as it doesn't violate regulations that is, because the regulations apply 24 hours a day off and on duty.
I am a NCO you better believe that if you don't believe anything else I say. What two soldiers discuss private is their business, however if it something thats going to cause one or the other trouble, disrupt cohesion and or can result in one or both getting administratively separated they need to keep their private lives to themselves. Barracks are not workplaces in the literal sense but they are public military quarters and anything you blurt out or do can still negatively impact the unit and disrupt unit cohesion.

I don't think you've ever LIVED in a barracks or been deployed. If you think that soldiers (or sailors) keep their discussions to private conversations between two individuals, it would seem clear to ME that you have ZERO experience in living in a communal, males only environment. It would seem that you have never been cooped up with the same group of guys for months on end and worked hard with them, stood countless watches with them, stood in line on the mess decks with them, played poker with them, traded sea stories with them... I am sorry... you might say that I "better" believe you, but, I was in the Navy a long time, and I have spent countless hours hanging out in the chief's mess or in the goat locker playing cribbage, and a namby pamby goody two shoes like you would have been laughed out of any of them.

When soldiers are at work all that talking about who they had sex with is not allowed in the working place, I have soldiers both male and female who are not interested in anyone's sexual exploits whether they're gay exploits, heterosexual exploits or drunken exploits. In my shop I outlaw those kinds of conversations, I have a reputation for being hard but fair. What soldiers talk about and do on the personal time is their business and their concern, as long as it doesn't violate regulations that is, because the regulations apply 24 hours a day off and on duty.

Since your "Shop" is a barbie house I completely believe you do control the topics of discussion.
The pro-sodomites are resorting to personal attacks since they can't defend faggots with the truth.
By your thinking all discharges are harmful because it causes loss of servicemembers so the military should drop all discharges. You have to demonstrate harm on the part of DADT, that is, harm to the military, not the people discharged under DADT because they knew what they were getting into before they join so its a risk that they're taking. Now quit stalling and show "demonstrable harm" by the DADT policy. I don't care what you personally feel is stupid, I just want facts.

You don't think loss of servicemen harms the military in even the slightest way?

Loss is sometimes addition by substraction and I support military regulations, even the ones I don't agree with because its my job, personal opinion and bias will not affect nor stop me from carrying out policy. Discharges have been put in place for a reason, to preserve the good order, discipline, morale and welfare of servicemembers. You are not in the military so you don't understand.

We're talking removing DADT which would be changing the policy, not simply ignoring it and not enforcing it.
Well Ok why then should we subject troops to arbitrary rules that seem to serve no viable purpose?

What purpose does having to know someone elses sexual lifestyle serve? The UCMJ forbids homosexuals sex acts so why should anyone know someone's sexual preference? This is the military, not the civilian work sector, rules that seem to have no viable purpose to you mean a lot to us.

Oh goody the "it's not necessary" crap. Well it's not necessary for straights to reveal their sex life why can't we make DADT apply to them? It was never necessary to integrate blacks either and it probably wasn't good for unit cohesion.
The pro-sodomites are resorting to personal attacks since they can't defend faggots with the truth.

I called out someone who is clearly impersonating a NCO and all you can do is think about a dick in your mouth........not surprised.

No, you're personally attacking someone who doesn't agree with your position, the Bass has seen it in this forum too many times, how do you know Flaylo isn't an NCO?
As a heterosexual, my personal opinion on the matter is this; if it is your desire to come and serve your Country as an airman, sailor or soldier, that's fine with me. If it is your desire to use the armed forces as a sexual hunting ground, playground, or for that matter openly display your preference; please don't apply. None of the afore mentioned behavior is accepted in the civilian business world, and one shouldn't have to be subjected to it in the armed forces. Take your pick; in the civilian business world, any of that behavior would be considered sexual harassment, an established crime.

So what does this mean? You're such a bright, shining star you can quote yourself?

The obvious flaw to your comment follows your first semi-colon -- you left out MARINES. That, of course, puts you on THE shitlist.:eusa_eh:

My apologies Gunny, apparently I erred thinking that the "soldiers" would suffice for ground troops. I realize my mistake, Marines do it all. As for my repost, there's been so much activity in this thread I thought it may have been blown by, so I thought I'd put it out there one more time. Once again, I apologize for the exclusion. :neutral:
Well Ok why then should we subject troops to arbitrary rules that seem to serve no viable purpose?

What purpose does having to know someone elses sexual lifestyle serve? The UCMJ forbids homosexuals sex acts so why should anyone know someone's sexual preference? This is the military, not the civilian work sector, rules that seem to have no viable purpose to you mean a lot to us.

Oh goody the "it's not necessary" crap. Well it's not necessary for straights to reveal their sex life why can't we make DADT apply to them? It was never necessary to integrate blacks either and it probably wasn't good for unit cohesion.

Please quit using African Americans in your pissy pro-sodomite arguments, being a fag and being black are obviously not the damn same. Its an insult to African Americans. Before make anymore comparisons learn a little more history about desegregation in the military, the military became segregated after the War of 1812, prior to that blacks and whites fought along side each other. White commanders started integrating units proper during the Korean War after all white units started suffering loses, and need quick replacements not because of huge outcry for integration. The circumstances were totally different so stop comparing the Bass' people to fags, and you wonder why so many blacks are hostile and indifferent to pro-faggot supporters.
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