Gays in the millitary?? No fair!!

the fact remains, when Truman wanted to desegregate the armed forces, there were plenty of senior officers and lifers who said that doing so would be BAD for their services...

sodomy is still forbidden in the UCMJ and will remain so if DADT is repealed. Gay servicemen and women will still not be able to engage in homosexual acts.

The fact remains that you're comparing apples to oranges and trying to make it sound legit. If you look at the actual regulations, you can be homosexual in the military, and everyone know it without being discharged for being homosexual. What violates the regs is engaging in homosexual acts.

So? You're not allowed to have sex on the ship while it's on deployment no matter your gender preference. Isn't THAT viloating MY rights to screw whatever I want to?

Your argument doesn't hold water, as you WELL know, Commander. There are a MYRIAD of behaviors not tolerated in the military, most for good reason. This is one. Suck it up .... sir.

And what pray tell is the good reason to not tolerate being gay?

Give a good reason why people *HAVE* to tolerate homosexuality and sexual acts that disgust them?
because whats the alternative?

The fact remains that you're comparing apples to oranges and trying to make it sound legit. If you look at the actual regulations, you can be homosexual in the military, and everyone know it without being discharged for being homosexual. What violates the regs is engaging in homosexual acts.

So? You're not allowed to have sex on the ship while it's on deployment no matter your gender preference. Isn't THAT viloating MY rights to screw whatever I want to?

Your argument doesn't hold water, as you WELL know, Commander. There are a MYRIAD of behaviors not tolerated in the military, most for good reason. This is one. Suck it up .... sir.

And what pray tell is the good reason to not tolerate being gay?

Give a good reason why people *HAVE* to tolerate homosexuality and sexual acts that disgust them?
Your argument is based on ... ummm ... nothing?

Once again, blacks are defined by ethnicity. Women are defined by gender. Neither ethnicity nor gender are behaviors. There is no comparison.

"Mentioning it once" hardly addresses anything I stated, and is nothing more than an arbitrarily fabricated parameter on your part.

A homosexual is defined by who they are attracted to not by their behavior.

Your argument appears to be that if someone wants to talk about their sexuality once they obviously care about it more than being a soldier which is just stupid.

Homosexuality is defined by sexual acts, not attraction, why else would faggots keep talking about "homosexuality" in the animal world? They base it on two animals of the same sex screwing each other, not by attraction. A man who has sex with other men but claims to be attracted to women is a faggot.

So a woman who's sexually aroused by other women but has never had a sexual experience with them isn't gay?

The fact remains that you're comparing apples to oranges and trying to make it sound legit. If you look at the actual regulations, you can be homosexual in the military, and everyone know it without being discharged for being homosexual. What violates the regs is engaging in homosexual acts.

So? You're not allowed to have sex on the ship while it's on deployment no matter your gender preference. Isn't THAT viloating MY rights to screw whatever I want to?

Your argument doesn't hold water, as you WELL know, Commander. There are a MYRIAD of behaviors not tolerated in the military, most for good reason. This is one. Suck it up .... sir.

And what pray tell is the good reason to not tolerate being gay?

Give a good reason why people *HAVE* to tolerate homosexuality and sexual acts that disgust them?

Answer my question first.

You're the one who advocates we keep a policy that is costing us troops you tell us why we should keep it.
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"The Bass" is most likely a self loathing homosexual that is really the only think that explains both his OBSESSION and his unreasoned HATRED of homosexuals.

The FACT is that the vast majority of homosexuals ARE born that way which is proven by the FACT that homosexual acts occure in nature. As much as people like to PRETEND we are not just higher functioning ANIMALS we are indeed just that ANIMALS.

Another interesting FACT of this argument is that heteros assume that gays are as LECHEROUS as they are. They act like a gay just couldn't go a DAY without NEEDING to look at some ass. Just freaking rediculous.
Did you ever serve?

If so, how many years?

During that time, did you know any gays or lesbians?

If not, shut the fuck up. We are losing soldiers to a really fucked up policy, many of which are highly decorated as well as major league assets to the military.

Daniel Cho is one of them. He's one of only 500 Arabic speaking translators in the military. We are currently at war with Arabic speaking people

They kicked him out.

An Air Force pilot, who has several awards for bravery and valor, one of which is the DFC. He single handedly flew air support for a squad that was pinned down. He saved the lives of all those that made it out of that battle.

They want to kick him out.

Almost every ally that we have in NATO allows gays to serve openly. Only thing they have to do is abide by the rules of good order and discipline.

Just like the straights are expected to do.

Incidentally, almost all of the gay and lesbian people in the military are better than everyone else at their jobs, generally.

Wanna know why? Comes from an old Navy saying......."One aw shit will wipe out a thousand atta boys".

The gays make sure they've got at least 1001 atta boys. Why? They never know when the axe is gonna drop, and they want to make sure they will have enough juice to stay in.

No, I did not serve

But If I did, I would want Strippers in the showers to set the "sexual preference problem" correct.

Excuse me if I am trying to score some R&R for striaght soldiers. The government is throwing money away on everything else, why not on some Playboy towel girls??

Maybe if you had served you would have known not everything revolves around your projection that everyone else is sex obsessed.
"The Bass" is most likely a self loathing homosexual that is really the only think that explains both his OBSESSION and his unreasoned HATRED of homosexuals.

The FACT is that the vast majority of homosexuals ARE born that way which is proven by the FACT that homosexual acts occure in nature. As much as people like to PRETEND we are not just higher functioning ANIMALS we are indeed just that ANIMALS.

Another interesting FACT of this argument is that heteros assume that gays are as LECHEROUS as they are. They act like a gay just couldn't go a DAY without NEEDING to look at some ass. Just freaking rediculous.

Gay activists often point to high divorce rates and claim that married couples fare little better than homosexuals with regard to the duration of their relationships. The research, however, indicates that male homosexual relationships last only a fraction of the length of most marriages.

Married Couples

· A 2001 National Center for Health Statistics study on marriage and divorce statistics reported that 66 percent of first marriages last ten years or longer, with fifty percent lasting twenty years or longer.

The 2003-2004 Gay/Lesbian Consumer Online Census surveyed the lifestyles of 7,862 homosexuals. Of those involved in a "current relationship," only 15 percent describe their current relationship as having lasted twelve years or longer, with five percent lasting more than twenty years.[4] While this "snapshot in time" is not an absolute predictor of the length of homosexual relationships, it does indicate that few homosexual relationships achieve the longevity common in marriages.

Looks like science says they play a bit more....
"The Bass" is most likely a self loathing homosexual that is really the only think that explains both his OBSESSION and his unreasoned HATRED of homosexuals.

The FACT is that the vast majority of homosexuals ARE born that way which is proven by the FACT that homosexual acts occure in nature. As much as people like to PRETEND we are not just higher functioning ANIMALS we are indeed just that ANIMALS.

Another interesting FACT of this argument is that heteros assume that gays are as LECHEROUS as they are. They act like a gay just couldn't go a DAY without NEEDING to look at some ass. Just freaking rediculous.

Gay activists often point to high divorce rates and claim that married couples fare little better than homosexuals with regard to the duration of their relationships. The research, however, indicates that male homosexual relationships last only a fraction of the length of most marriages.

Married Couples

· A 2001 National Center for Health Statistics study on marriage and divorce statistics reported that 66 percent of first marriages last ten years or longer, with fifty percent lasting twenty years or longer.

The 2003-2004 Gay/Lesbian Consumer Online Census surveyed the lifestyles of 7,862 homosexuals. Of those involved in a "current relationship," only 15 percent describe their current relationship as having lasted twelve years or longer, with five percent lasting more than twenty years.[4] While this "snapshot in time" is not an absolute predictor of the length of homosexual relationships, it does indicate that few homosexual relationships achieve the longevity common in marriages.

Looks like science says they play a bit more....

Not really a fair comparison since gays can't get married, but I'm SURE you know that.
I dont think its fair to compare marriage with common law marriages, one gets all the benefits, the other, well let them eat cake but still unfair in my judgment.

I completely understand why some want to perserve marriage, but the horse is already out of the barn. You wont save marriage by not letting gays marry in my humble view.

Youll save it, by fixing, or not choosing bad mates in the first place
"The Bass" is most likely a self loathing homosexual that is really the only think that explains both his OBSESSION and his unreasoned HATRED of homosexuals.

The FACT is that the vast majority of homosexuals ARE born that way which is proven by the FACT that homosexual acts occure in nature. As much as people like to PRETEND we are not just higher functioning ANIMALS we are indeed just that ANIMALS.

Another interesting FACT of this argument is that heteros assume that gays are as LECHEROUS as they are. They act like a gay just couldn't go a DAY without NEEDING to look at some ass. Just freaking rediculous.

There is no proof that faggots are born faggots, it hasn't been proven, faggots and fag lovers are all bark and no bite when it comes to posting evidence, they believe that emotionally repeating the same lies is evidence.
And what pray tell is the good reason to not tolerate being gay?

Give a good reason why people *HAVE* to tolerate homosexuality and sexual acts that disgust them?

Answer my question first.

You're the one who advocates we keep a policy that is costing us troops you tell us why we should keep it.

You're the one that wants to change the policy as well as you're the one that believes people should have to tolerate homosexuality and sexual acts that are disgusting and immoral.
Give a good reason why people *HAVE* to tolerate homosexuality and sexual acts that disgust them?

Answer my question first.

You're the one who advocates we keep a policy that is costing us troops you tell us why we should keep it.

You're the one that wants to change the policy as well as you're the one that believes people should have to tolerate homosexuality and sexual acts that are disgusting and immoral.

Yes I believe people shouldn't be intolerant of people just because they do acts that do not harm them or others in any way, how dare I.

And we've all ready shown some harm caused by DADT, now quit stalling and show us some benefit. Or do you not have any good reason to keep it around?

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