Gays in the millitary?? No fair!!

BULLSHIT!!! You HATE gays so OF COURSE you are going to try to run them out.

Its the regulation simpleton, and I must and will enforce it, thats what NCOs do, we are not pawns to be used by the one sided homosexual agenda. If it is found out that I knew a soldier was engaging in homosexual acts and or admitted to me that he was gay and I failed to report it I am in violation of the regulation and would have to face consequences my self. Maineman would be retroactively punished if it was possible because he willfully disobeyed the regulation in violation of Article 92.

PERCEIVED asshole PERCEIVED!!! You would RUIN a man's life if you PERCEIVED him to be gay. Don't come here after that comment and try to tell me you are not on an anti-gay WITCH HUNT!!! We BOTH know you ARE!
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"I still have concerns, especially for family members who have children, the kids shouldn't have to be exposed to gay soldiers who hold hands and show public displays of affection when off duty on post, this issue about gays is something soldiers should not have the burden of worrying about. If other soldiers see it this its going to create all kinds of breaks in unit cohesion, I think it will be hard for a soldier to have seamless teamwork with a person who's sexual acts they're disgusted by."

Those are weak concerns. Whether you like it or not, it isn't against the law to be gay. Worrying about what kids may or may not see is a worthwhile endeavor... when it is appropriate. Trying to keep kids from seeing legal, normal behavior does not fall into this, IMO. And if a soldier is "disgusted" by the thought of something, he'll just have to get over that.
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As a heterosexual, my personal opinion on the matter is this; if it is your desire to come and serve your Country as an airman, sailor or soldier, that's fine with me. If it is your desire to use the armed forces as a sexual hunting ground, playground, or the like; please stay home.

And yet you illustrate the point perfectly, though by accident. Who here is advocating this particular scenario? No one, as far as I can tell. What IS being advocated, though, is a removal of a policy that serves no other purpose than to allow the military to pretend it cares. Our concern for the military in this country is a bit over the top and needs to be checked. The military serves the people, and if we want it to reflect our values that's what it will do. Perhaps some cutting of funds will help the brass see the light.
BULLSHIT!!! You HATE gays so OF COURSE you are going to try to run them out.

Its the regulation simpleton, and I must and will enforce it, thats what NCOs do, we are not pawns to be used by the one sided homosexual agenda. If it is found out that I knew a soldier was engaging in homosexual acts and or admitted to me that he was gay and I failed to report it I am in violation of the regulation and would have to face consequences my self. Maineman would be retroactively punished if it was possible because he willfully disobeyed the regulation in violation of Article 92.

PRECEIVED asshole PRECEIVED!!! You would RUIN a man's life if you PRECEIVED him to be gay. Don't come here after that comment and try to tell me you are not on an anti-gay WITCH HUNT!!! We BOTH know you ARE!

My perception is my personal take, but it doesn't always equal reality and the only way I would push for an administrative chapter is if the soldiers admitted being gay and or was caught committing homosexual acts, no one is allowed to go after gays.
"I still have concerns, especially for family members who have children, the kids shouldn't have to be exposed to gay soldiers who hold hands and show public displays of affection when off duty on post, this issue about gays is something soldiers should not have the burden of worrying about. If other soldiers see it this its going to create all kinds of breaks in unit cohesion, I think it will be hard for a soldier to have seamless teamwork with a person who's sexual acts they're disgusted by."

Those are weak concerns. Whether you like it or not, it isn't against the law to be gay. Worrying about what kids may or may not see is a worthwhile endeavor... when it is appropriate. Trying to keep kids from seeing legal, normal behavior does not fall into this, IMO. And if a soldier is "disgusted" by the thought of something, he'll just have to get over that.

Weak for you but not weak for those in uniform and no soldier should have to be forced to accept that.
"I still have concerns, especially for family members who have children, the kids shouldn't have to be exposed to gay soldiers who hold hands and show public displays of affection when off duty on post, this issue about gays is something soldiers should not have the burden of worrying about. If other soldiers see it this its going to create all kinds of breaks in unit cohesion, I think it will be hard for a soldier to have seamless teamwork with a person who's sexual acts they're disgusted by."

Those are weak concerns. Whether you like it or not, it isn't against the law to be gay. Worrying about what kids may or may not see is a worthwhile endeavor... when it is appropriate. Trying to keep kids from seeing legal, normal behavior does not fall into this, IMO. And if a soldier is "disgusted" by the thought of something, he'll just have to get over that.

Weak for you but not weak for those in uniform and no soldier should have to be forced to accept that.

Weak for most humans. Sorry, but if a soldier is too weak-minded to deal with LEGAL behaviors occurring around him, he isn't fit to serve. No wonder rape and theft rates are higher in the military.
If a sailor came to me and TOLD me, point blank, that he was a homosexual, I would enforce military police and take steps to administratively discharge him or her. If I caught a sailor performing a homosexual sex act, I would do the same.

That being said, throughout my quarter century in uniform, I was well aware of MANY sailors who were quite obviously gay, yet they never stated so, and they never engaged in homosexual sex acts in any venue where I would know about it. ANd their sexual orientation was well known to most all the members of the crew... and while I realize that others have had experiences different than mine, I can honestly say that I NEVER saw any problem with unit cohesion or esprit de corps in all that time.

I think this is the typical situation that would be encountered. I seriously doubt that gays would suddenly have flamboyant parades on base the second DADT was eliminated. But it would likely allow them to serve better knowing they weren't having to constantly fear reprisals should someone find out about them having a date. I think this issue really has more to do with the military believing it isn't subject to anyone but its own rules, which bears out in their other behaviors, sadly.

I still have concerns, especially for family members who have children, the kids shouldn't have to be exposed to gay soldiers who hold hands and show public displays of affection when off duty on post, this issue about gays is something soldiers should not have the burden of worrying about. If other soldiers see it this its going to create all kinds of breaks in unit cohesion, I think it will be hard for a soldier to have seamless teamwork with a person who's sexual acts they're disgusted by.

AHH I see you have such a LOW opinion of our troops that they CAN'T act profesionally. I get it now I see why you are TERRIFIED of repealing DADT.
Its the regulation simpleton, and I must and will enforce it, thats what NCOs do, we are not pawns to be used by the one sided homosexual agenda. If it is found out that I knew a soldier was engaging in homosexual acts and or admitted to me that he was gay and I failed to report it I am in violation of the regulation and would have to face consequences my self. Maineman would be retroactively punished if it was possible because he willfully disobeyed the regulation in violation of Article 92.

PRECEIVED asshole PRECEIVED!!! You would RUIN a man's life if you PRECEIVED him to be gay. Don't come here after that comment and try to tell me you are not on an anti-gay WITCH HUNT!!! We BOTH know you ARE!

My perception is my personal take, but it doesn't always equal reality and the only way I would push for an administrative chapter is if the soldiers admitted being gay and or was caught committing homosexual acts, no one is allowed to go after gays.

NO your PERCEPTION is the first step to YOU ruining a man's LIFE because of your BIGOTED attitude!
Faggots claim not to look at the butts and bodies of straight men, but this is refuted by the fact that for example, 50% of the readers of Playgirl magazine are faggots when the magazine's intended audience is heterosexual women. Taking this into account, who's to say that these same faggots will not look at the butts and bodies of straight men in communal showers, eventhough they and their fag loving supporters claim that faggots have no desire to do so?

Let say you are wrong, for arguements sake--ok Bass.

Then what attract homosexuals to homosexuals? If it is not the physique or the package, then what do Homosexuals look for?

Personality? That is what women say and we males know that is not true. A horny woman wants service and she does not care if the man is a bastard if he is serving the right stuff.
Why does it seem as though the most professional servicemembers in this forum are soldiers and marines? We have much more strict standards than the other two branches, but airmen and sailors are no less professional, the ones outside of this forum that is.

Back off. I am every bit as professional as you will EVER be... and I am just as proud of my country, my navy, and my service to it as anyone else.
Once again, blacks are defined by ethnicity. Women are defined by gender. Neither ethnicity nor gender are behaviors. There is no comparison.

"Mentioning it once" hardly addresses anything I stated, and is nothing more than an arbitrarily fabricated parameter on your part.

the fact remains, when Truman wanted to desegregate the armed forces, there were plenty of senior officers and lifers who said that doing so would be BAD for their services...

sodomy is still forbidden in the UCMJ and will remain so if DADT is repealed. Gay servicemen and women will still not be able to engage in homosexual acts.

The fact remains that you're comparing apples to oranges and trying to make it sound legit. If you look at the actual regulations, you can be homosexual in the military, and everyone know it without being discharged for being homosexual. What violates the regs is engaging in homosexual acts.

So? You're not allowed to have sex on the ship while it's on deployment no matter your gender preference. Isn't THAT viloating MY rights to screw whatever I want to?

Your argument doesn't hold water, as you WELL know, Commander. There are a MYRIAD of behaviors not tolerated in the military, most for good reason. This is one. Suck it up .... sir.

Gunny... I have NEVER tolerated homosexual acts done by sailors under my command... and never would. The fact is this: it was quite clear, in several instances, that sailors serving with me WERE gay, even though they did not admit to it or ever engage in any illegal activity. I saw no reason, nor any regulation requiring me to hound them out of the service... and therefore, I did not, but served with them and found them to be every bit as talented, and professional as the next guy.
BULLSHIT!!! You HATE gays so OF COURSE you are going to try to run them out.

Its the regulation simpleton, and I must and will enforce it, thats what NCOs do, we are not pawns to be used by the one sided homosexual agenda. If it is found out that I knew a soldier was engaging in homosexual acts and or admitted to me that he was gay and I failed to report it I am in violation of the regulation and would have to face consequences my self. Maineman would be retroactively punished if it was possible because he willfully disobeyed the regulation in violation of Article 92.

bullshit. I never willfully, or even unwittingly, disobeyed any regulation.

You should not be so quick to accuse your seniors of such conduct.:razz:
As a heterosexual, my personal opinion on the matter is this; if it is your desire to come and serve your Country as an airman, sailor or soldier, that's fine with me. If it is your desire to use the armed forces as a sexual hunting ground, playground, or for that matter openly display your preference; please don't apply. None of the afore mentioned behavior is accepted in the civilian business world, and one shouldn't have to be subjected to it in the armed forces. Take your pick; in the civilian business world, any of that behavior would be considered sexual harassment, an established crime.
You're stereotyping and I disagree.

True, gays already serve in the military and most likely always have. So where's the problem?

This demand that gays be allowed to serve openly in the military is pushed by those who are gay first, servicemember second.

So you honestly believe all of the opponents of DADT are gay? Obama is against it and he's not gay.

So if you believe being openly gay shouldn't be immediate grounds for dismissal you must be gay. Yup makes perfect sense.

Same was true with blacks. Also in any other job if you don't trust gays you would still be expected to work with them. Although should we make sure all troops have the same political views in the name of 'unit cohesion'. I'll betcha a hard left troop wouldn't really trust a hard right troop and vice versa.

Someone demanding the right to flaunt his/her deviant sexual behavior isn't worth a single one.

I love how mentioning it once becomes shoving it in people's faces and flaunting.

Your argument is based on ... ummm ... nothing?

Once again, blacks are defined by ethnicity. Women are defined by gender. Neither ethnicity nor gender are behaviors. There is no comparison.

"Mentioning it once" hardly addresses anything I stated, and is nothing more than an arbitrarily fabricated parameter on your part.

A homosexual is defined by who they are attracted to not by their behavior.

Your argument appears to be that if someone wants to talk about their sexuality once they obviously care about it more than being a soldier which is just stupid.
Once again, blacks are defined by ethnicity. Women are defined by gender. Neither ethnicity nor gender are behaviors. There is no comparison.

"Mentioning it once" hardly addresses anything I stated, and is nothing more than an arbitrarily fabricated parameter on your part.

the fact remains, when Truman wanted to desegregate the armed forces, there were plenty of senior officers and lifers who said that doing so would be BAD for their services...

sodomy is still forbidden in the UCMJ and will remain so if DADT is repealed. Gay servicemen and women will still not be able to engage in homosexual acts.

The fact remains that you're comparing apples to oranges and trying to make it sound legit. If you look at the actual regulations, you can be homosexual in the military, and everyone know it without being discharged for being homosexual. What violates the regs is engaging in homosexual acts.

So? You're not allowed to have sex on the ship while it's on deployment no matter your gender preference. Isn't THAT viloating MY rights to screw whatever I want to?

Your argument doesn't hold water, as you WELL know, Commander. There are a MYRIAD of behaviors not tolerated in the military, most for good reason. This is one. Suck it up .... sir.

And what pray tell is the good reason to not tolerate being gay?
So, a person's ability to speak a foreign language, of a people we are currently at war with, which also happens to be very difficult to learn (Arabic), is less important to you than his sexual orientation?

You've gotta be fucking kidding me.

Have I known gay sailors while in the Navy? Yes. Did I know that some of them participated in homosexual behaviors? Never asked, didn't want to know, and besides, it really isn't my business if I'm not interested in having sex with them.

DADT needs to be repealed now.

By the way Flaylo, stating that your service is so much better than the Navy people on this board, lemmie ask you something......did you see the fucked up way a soldier (namely the retired delivery boy Ollie) treated an officer he KNEW was an officer?

Yeah.....tell me again how much better military bearing the Army has.........if Ollie the Pissed is any representative, glad I didn't become a lobotomized ground pounder.
So you honestly believe all of the opponents of DADT are gay? Obama is against it and he's not gay.

So if you believe being openly gay shouldn't be immediate grounds for dismissal you must be gay. Yup makes perfect sense.

Same was true with blacks. Also in any other job if you don't trust gays you would still be expected to work with them. Although should we make sure all troops have the same political views in the name of 'unit cohesion'. I'll betcha a hard left troop wouldn't really trust a hard right troop and vice versa.

I love how mentioning it once becomes shoving it in people's faces and flaunting.

Your argument is based on ... ummm ... nothing?

Once again, blacks are defined by ethnicity. Women are defined by gender. Neither ethnicity nor gender are behaviors. There is no comparison.

"Mentioning it once" hardly addresses anything I stated, and is nothing more than an arbitrarily fabricated parameter on your part.

A homosexual is defined by who they are attracted to not by their behavior.

Your argument appears to be that if someone wants to talk about their sexuality once they obviously care about it more than being a soldier which is just stupid.

Homosexuality is defined by sexual acts, not attraction, why else would faggots keep talking about "homosexuality" in the animal world? They base it on two animals of the same sex screwing each other, not by attraction. A man who has sex with other men but claims to be attracted to women is a faggot.
da bass, i Have not personally attacked you in any way, so i will ask you and others, why do israel, and a lot of the other nato nations allow gays to serve openly?

can someone please explain that?
da bass, i Have not personally attacked you in any way, so i will ask you and others, why do israel, and a lot of the other nato nations allow gays to serve openly?

can someone please explain that?

The Bass doesn't give a damn what Israelis do, there's a lot of things we do that Israelis don't do, so why don't they do what we do?

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