Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"THE WARSAW GHETTO WAS THE LARGEST OF ALL THE JEWISH GHETTOS IN NAZI-OCCUPIED EUROPE DURING WORLD WAR II. The Gaza Strip is the largest Palestinian ghetto in the Middle East and among the most densely populated parts of the world.

THE GERMANS CLOSED THE WARSAW GHETTO TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD IN 1940. Israel disengaged from Gaza in 2005, but maintains exclusive control of Gaza’s airspace and territorial waters. It controls the movement of people and goods in or out of Gaza. As a result, the European Union and Human Rights Watch as well as agencies of the United Nations consider Gaza to remain occupied by Israel."

There are some obvious comparisons between Gaza and Warsaw to don't strictly correspond; 300,000 Jews were deported to concentration camps or murdered outright during the uprising in 1943 when Nazis systematically burned and blew up the ghetto, "block by block, rounding up or murdering anybody they could capture."

We've always heard the question: where is the Palestinian Gandhi?

Apparently, Jews have found their fuhrer

Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
"The Israeli massacre in Shejalya, with Palestinian children carrying white flags and running for their lives from Israeli tanks and artillery, is reminiscent of the massacre in Warsaw.

"According to a Norwegian doctor trying to provide medical assistance in Gaza, 'Israeli impunity is a huge medical problem.

"'Every single dead child and adult, and all the injuries, all the amputations, are one hundred percent preventable. This is a man-made disaster that is cynically planned and brutally executed by the government of Israel.'”

Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
No one in the Warsaw Ghetto was firing rockets into Germany. No one in the Warsaw Ghetto built tunnels into Germany from which they could murder Germans.
Shejaiyya is still not a massacre. They received four days warning.

Hamas bombed the electric lines twice. By law Israel has to supply electricity for which Gaza is not paying for. Again: The PA owes 1.5 billion shekel.
There is a case making it's way to obtain the ability to shut off for non payment.
The request was made to forgive the debt during the peace talks. It was a non starter.

If the Israeli government does not help the Israel Electric Corporation collect debt from the Palestinian Authority, the Knesset Finance Committee may appeal to the High Court of Justice, the committee’s chairman said on Tuesday.

“If the state does not help the IEC in collecting the debt from the Palestinian Authority, the Finance Committee will consider turning to the High Court of Justice – to obligate the state to address the problem,” said Finance Committee Chairman Nissan Slomiansky (Bayit Yehudi). “It cannot be that citizens of Israel will finance the deficits of the IEC, which stem, among other things, from the PA’s lack of debt collection.”

Overall, the PA’s contribution to the IEC’s total NIS 73 billion debt is only about NIS 1.369b., or 1.9 percent of the grand total, according to data from the IEC Although IEC executives and coalition MKs harped on the government’s failures to pressure the PA into paying the electricity debts, members of the opposition slammed these claims as convenient ways to gloss over the company’s much larger problems.

“If we were a private company, we would have stopped supplying power to the Palestinian Authority and the Gaza Strip a long time ago,” said IEC chairman Yiftah Ron-Tal, at the committee meeting. “If an ordinary citizen would not pay his electricity bill, we would disconnect him within a week, and here, despite the enormous financial debt of the company, we have to continue to provide electricity to the PA.”

Ron-Tal said that even when the PA does collect money from its residents, Palestinian officials often transfer the funds for other purposes because there is no one to enforce the PA’s obligations to the IEC.

Ron-Tal said that the company is in “the most difficult crisis of the past 60 years,” but although the crisis is ongoing “it is possible to get out of it.”

IEC workers committee chairman Miko Zarfati assured the Finance Committee members that the company is “in the advanced stages of reform,” and that the government’s Yogev Committee is now submitting its recommendations regarding plans for comprehensive IEC reform.

Reverting back to the discussion about the Palestinian debt to the IEC, MK Orit Struck (Bayit Yehudi) called upon the Finance Committee to launch an investigation into funds transferred by Israel to the PA, and to offset the PA’s debts to Israel by deducting from these.

In response, Labor MKs Michal Biran and Erel Margalit slammed the previous speakers for placing an emphasis on the PA’s financial debt to the IEC.

“It seems very convenient [for] several groups here to divert the discussion of the IEC crisis toward the Palestinian debt,” Margalit said.

Of the approximately NIS 1.369b. owed by Palestinian electricity users to the IEC, about NIS 882m. comes from the Jerusalem District Electricity Company (JDECO), an IEC spokeswoman told the The Jerusalem Post.

Of the remaining NIS 487m. owed, about NIS 195m. is for electricity provided to Gaza, she said.

You sound like a freaking bot. You reiterate the lies on a consistent basis.
Israel is a nation of 7 million people suffering from Stockholm syndrome and ruled by psychotic zionists.

They have surpassed their nazi mentors in both cruelty and brutality.

And have become what they both feared and hated. .. :cool:


Isreal is a tiny country surrounded by enemies. Enemies who would like to wipe them off the face of the earth. Enemies who send suicide bombers into Isreal and lob rockets into Isreal and try to kill as many as they can.

Thats Isreal.

The Muslims who surround them are the Natzi's and your a fucking idiot.

But then your proably a fucking Muslim so who would expect anything else from you??
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No one in the Warsaw Ghetto was firing rockets into Germany. No one in the Warsaw Ghetto built tunnels into Germany from which they could murder Germans.
Gazans sympathize:

"The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (Yiddish: אױפֿשטאַנד אין װאַרשעװער געטאָ; Polish: powstanie w getcie warszawskim; German: Aufstand im Warschauer Ghetto) was the 1943 act of Jewish resistance that arose within the Warsaw Ghetto in German-occupied Poland during World War II, and which opposed Nazi Germany's final effort to transport the remaining Ghetto population to Treblinka extermination camp.

"The most significant portion of the rebellion took place from 19 April, and ended when the poorly armed and supplied resistance was crushed by the Germans, who officially finished their operation to liquidate the Ghetto on 16 May.

"It was the largest single revolt by Jews during World War II.[3]"

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel is a nation of 7 million people suffering from Stockholm syndrome and ruled by psychotic zionists.

They have surpassed their nazi mentors in both cruelty and brutality.

And have become what they both feared and hated. .. :cool:
And they are swirling the same bowl as their former trading partner, White South Africa:

"There are two compelling factors that stand out in any examination of the crisis in Gaza: the persistent intransigence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Israeli unwillingness to pursue a diplomatic and political solution to the Palestinian tragedy.

"Like a long line of Israeli politicians, Netanyahu favors total humiliation of the Palestinian people.

"He also is willing to humiliate and embarrass the only nation in the world that is willing to support Israeli with military and economic assistance–the United States.

"Netanyahu has ignored U.S. calls for a halt to the illegal building of settlements on occupied territory, and Israel has even timed the announcement of new settlements to the presence in Israel of high-ranking U.S. officials, including Vice President Joe Biden."

Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Oh for Christs sakes. Those jews in that ghetto were starving and had no weapons. The revolt was doomed from the start.

Just like Isreal they were surrounded by the enemy, the Natzi's only today the enemy is called Muslim.
"THE WARSAW GHETTO WAS THE LARGEST OF ALL THE JEWISH GHETTOS IN NAZI-OCCUPIED EUROPE DURING WORLD WAR II. The Gaza Strip is the largest Palestinian ghetto in the Middle East and among the most densely populated parts of the world.

THE GERMANS CLOSED THE WARSAW GHETTO TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD IN 1940. Israel disengaged from Gaza in 2005, but maintains exclusive control of Gaza’s airspace and territorial waters. It controls the movement of people and goods in or out of Gaza. As a result, the European Union and Human Rights Watch as well as agencies of the United Nations consider Gaza to remain occupied by Israel."

There are some obvious comparisons between Gaza and Warsaw to don't strictly correspond; 300,000 Jews were deported to concentration camps or murdered outright during the uprising in 1943 when Nazis systematically burned and blew up the ghetto, "block by block, rounding up or murdering anybody they could capture."

We've always heard the question: where is the Palestinian Gandhi?

Apparently, Jews have found their fuhrer

Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Palestinians can leave Gaza any time they want.
Here's what you're comparing to the Warsaw Ghetto, you little Himmler wannabe
Oh for Christs sakes. Those jews in that ghetto were starving and had no weapons. The revolt was doomed from the start.

Just like Isreal they were surrounded by the enemy, the Natzi's only today the enemy is called Muslim.
It's the Jews who are preventing Palestinians from entering or leaving Gaza just as Nazis prevented Jews from fleeing Warsaw, and the Nazis could only dream of the firepower possessed by Israel. You have a big problem admitting the Jews are the Occupying Power in Gaza; why is that?
Oh for Christs sakes. Those jews in that ghetto were starving and had no weapons. The revolt was doomed from the start.

Just like Isreal they were surrounded by the enemy, the Natzi's only today the enemy is called Muslim.
It's the Jews who are preventing Palestinians from entering or leaving Gaza just as Nazis prevented Jews from fleeing Warsaw, and the Nazis could only dream of the firepower possessed by Israel. You have a big problem admitting the Jews are the Occupying Power in Gaza; why is that?

Yeah, exactly how many yids left Warsaw before it was a ghetto and blew up busses full of people?


"THE WARSAW GHETTO WAS THE LARGEST OF ALL THE JEWISH GHETTOS IN NAZI-OCCUPIED EUROPE DURING WORLD WAR II. The Gaza Strip is the largest Palestinian ghetto in the Middle East and among the most densely populated parts of the world.

THE GERMANS CLOSED THE WARSAW GHETTO TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD IN 1940. Israel disengaged from Gaza in 2005, but maintains exclusive control of Gaza’s airspace and territorial waters. It controls the movement of people and goods in or out of Gaza. As a result, the European Union and Human Rights Watch as well as agencies of the United Nations consider Gaza to remain occupied by Israel."

There are some obvious comparisons between Gaza and Warsaw to don't strictly correspond; 300,000 Jews were deported to concentration camps or murdered outright during the uprising in 1943 when Nazis systematically burned and blew up the ghetto, "block by block, rounding up or murdering anybody they could capture."

We've always heard the question: where is the Palestinian Gandhi?

Apparently, Jews have found their fuhrer

Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Palestinians can leave Gaza any time they want.
Here's what you're comparing to the Warsaw Ghetto, you little Himmler wannabe
Palestinian can not leave Gaza because fascist Jews with big guns say they can't; here's what happens when they try, Adolph:

Sieg Heil:eek:
Oh for Christs sakes. Those jews in that ghetto were starving and had no weapons. The revolt was doomed from the start.

Just like Isreal they were surrounded by the enemy, the Natzi's only today the enemy is called Muslim.
It's the Jews who are preventing Palestinians from entering or leaving Gaza just as Nazis prevented Jews from fleeing Warsaw, and the Nazis could only dream of the firepower possessed by Israel. You have a big problem admitting the Jews are the Occupying Power in Gaza; why is that?

Of course they are you idiot.

Read all about it.

Palestinian freedom of movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One word explanation: Hamas
Oh for Christs sakes. Those jews in that ghetto were starving and had no weapons. The revolt was doomed from the start.

Just like Isreal they were surrounded by the enemy, the Natzi's only today the enemy is called Muslim.
It's the Jews who are preventing Palestinians from entering or leaving Gaza just as Nazis prevented Jews from fleeing Warsaw, and the Nazis could only dream of the firepower possessed by Israel. You have a big problem admitting the Jews are the Occupying Power in Gaza; why is that?

Of course they are you idiot.

Read all about it.

Palestinian freedom of movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One word explanation: Hamas
The word your looking for: Zionism

"Gazan residents are only admitted to Israel in exceptional humanitarian cases. Since 2008, they are not allowed to live or stay in Israel because of marriage with an Israeli. Israelis who want to visit their partner in Gaza need permits for a few months, and Israelis can visit their first‐degree relatives in Gaza only in exceptional humanitarian cases."

Palestinian freedom of movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're trying to blame Hamas for policies that went into effect before they took power in Gaza.

Jews want all the land of Palestine, and they don't care about how many women and kids they have the murder to get it.
The problems in Gaza are the fault of those living there that want to wage war on the Israelis. If they were to proclaim a peaceful existence then things would be much better...
It's the Jews who are preventing Palestinians from entering or leaving Gaza just as Nazis prevented Jews from fleeing Warsaw, and the Nazis could only dream of the firepower possessed by Israel. You have a big problem admitting the Jews are the Occupying Power in Gaza; why is that?

Of course they are you idiot.

Read all about it.

Palestinian freedom of movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One word explanation: Hamas
The word your looking for: Zionism

"Gazan residents are only admitted to Israel in exceptional humanitarian cases. Since 2008, they are not allowed to live or stay in Israel because of marriage with an Israeli. Israelis who want to visit their partner in Gaza need permits for a few months, and Israelis can visit their first‐degree relatives in Gaza only in exceptional humanitarian cases."

Palestinian freedom of movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're trying to blame Hamas for policies that went into effect before they took power in Gaza.

Jews want all the land of Palestine, and they don't care about how many women and kids they have the murder to get it.

Aww bullshit. God your an idiot.

If Hamas wasn't in Palestine there would be no war.

If Isreal wanted all that land they would simply take it. The fact that they haven't simply taken it speaks volumes. They didn't take it because they don't want it.

Funny how according to you the Jews murder everyone.

What do you call what Hamas, who run Palestine, when they kill the jews?? Extermination??

Yep. Your a winner.
The problems in Gaza are the fault of those living there that want to wage war on the Israelis. If they were to proclaim a peaceful existence then things would be much better...

If Hamas gave up their weapons there would be no war.
If Israel gave up its weapons there would be no Israel.
Of course they are you idiot.

Read all about it.

Palestinian freedom of movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One word explanation: Hamas
The word your looking for: Zionism

"Gazan residents are only admitted to Israel in exceptional humanitarian cases. Since 2008, they are not allowed to live or stay in Israel because of marriage with an Israeli. Israelis who want to visit their partner in Gaza need permits for a few months, and Israelis can visit their first‐degree relatives in Gaza only in exceptional humanitarian cases."

Palestinian freedom of movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're trying to blame Hamas for policies that went into effect before they took power in Gaza.

Jews want all the land of Palestine, and they don't care about how many women and kids they have the murder to get it.

Aww bullshit. God your an idiot.

If Hamas wasn't in Palestine there would be no war.

If Isreal wanted all that land they would simply take it. The fact that they haven't simply taken it speaks volumes. They didn't take it because they don't want it.

Funny how according to you the Jews murder everyone.

What do you call what Hamas, who run Palestine, when they kill the jews?? Extermination??

Yep. Your a winner.
I guess Israel is the only possible destination out of Gaza. It's not like there's a big country on the other side called Egypt.
Georgephilip is just a little brownshirt wannabe.
Of course they are you idiot.

Read all about it.

Palestinian freedom of movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One word explanation: Hamas
The word your looking for: Zionism

"Gazan residents are only admitted to Israel in exceptional humanitarian cases. Since 2008, they are not allowed to live or stay in Israel because of marriage with an Israeli. Israelis who want to visit their partner in Gaza need permits for a few months, and Israelis can visit their first‐degree relatives in Gaza only in exceptional humanitarian cases."

Palestinian freedom of movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're trying to blame Hamas for policies that went into effect before they took power in Gaza.

Jews want all the land of Palestine, and they don't care about how many women and kids they have the murder to get it.

Aww bullshit. God your an idiot.

If Hamas wasn't in Palestine there would be no war.

If Isreal wanted all that land they would simply take it. The fact that they haven't simply taken it speaks volumes. They didn't take it because they don't want it.

Funny how according to you the Jews murder everyone.

What do you call what Hamas, who run Palestine, when they kill the jews?? Extermination??

Yep. Your a winner.

Not only that, if the UN hadn't intervened in 1967 there would be no such thing as a "Palestinian". They would have just been Jordanian and Egyptian citizens like they were before. The refugee camps set up by the UN created this problem.

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