Zone1 Gaza genocide is biblically-motivated ?

Is Gaza genocide biblically-motivated ?

  • Sure.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • No, God forbid!

    Votes: 5 71.4%

  • Total voters

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
After about 10,000 murdered (2/3 are women and children) and about 20,000 injured and 1,000 still under the rubble..

Is Gaza genocide biblically-motivated ?

Israeli PM confirms it is.

Yes, villains have already captured this land before, supposedly Joshua captured it, their villainous god Yaldabaoth promised it to them.
Israeli PM confirms it is.
Of course he did .
Deep State Nutty Yahoo has been openly working on achieving this for around the last two decades at minimum .
It's called a self confirming prophecy . Totally bogus .
Well i see that USMB's 3 dipshits ^ have checked in.

I'd say that Gaza's destruction has more to do with the raping and murdering of innocents out of nowhere, than the bible.
Idk man, Zephaniah looks to be the relevant Bible text in this day and age.

The only thing that doesn't fit is Ethiopia.
Well i see that USMB's 3 dipshits ^ have checked in.

I'd say that Gaza's destruction has more to do with the raping and murdering of innocents out of nowhere, than the bible.
You can't be easily brainwashed.
Can you?

Haaretz investigation EXPOSES all the ISRAELI LIES from October 7th:

This is what Islam offered when it gained power in Jerusalem & surrounding areas:

Behold the path embraced by ʿUmar, passed down by the revered Prophet Muhammad, cherished and pursued by Muslims in their quest for righteousness.
In stark contrast, consider the offering presented by Zionist Israel, tainted by the shadows of demise, inequity, tyranny, and ruination.

After about 10,000 murdered (2/3 are women and children) and about 20,000 injured and 1,000 still under the rubble..

Is Gaza genocide biblically-motivated ?

Israeli PM confirms it is.

View attachment 850127
Hamas returned us to the OT.


Eye for an eye anyone?

But alas, Israel will never target civilians openly and then dance in the streets when infants and elderly women are slaughtered

Only they do that, no one else in the entire universej

Even the Nazis tried to hide their atrocities.
Hamas returned us to the OT.


Eye for an eye anyone?

But alas, Israel will never target civilians openly and then dance in the streets when infants and elderly women are slaughtered

Only they do that, no one else in the entire universej

Even the Nazis tried to hide their atrocities.
Only Zionists target civilians openly and then dance in the streets when infants and elderly women are slaughtered:

Are you another brainwashed?

Their scripture is clear.

Netenyahu is clear.

Their dance inciting and celebrating murder of women and children is shown.

But anyway, you support war criminals, right?
Only Zionists target civilians openly and then dance in the streets when infants and elderly women are slaughtered:

Are you another brainwashed?

Their scripture is clear.

Netenyahu is clear.

Their dance inciting and celebrating murder of women and children is shown.

But anyway, you support war criminals, right?

I don't see anyone singing about targeting civilians here, sorry.
I voted, "sure".

But I will send a fire on the wall of Gaza, which shall devour the palaces thereof: Amos 1:7

For Gaza shall be forsaken, and Ashkelon a desolation: they shall drive out Ashdod at the noon day, and Ekron shall be rooted up. Zephaniah 2:4
Yes, villains have already captured this land before, supposedly Joshua captured it, their villainous god Yaldabaoth promised it to them.
Ah. Who is your god, gnostic? The three million pleroma of pleroma?

You have no idea of what you speak.

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