Gaza Ground Invasion Might Be Both Necessary and Disastrous for Israel

Hey look? More Jew haters…

JVP Rabbinical Council: “We call for an immediate end to the violence.”

As U.S.-based rabbis, we are watching the crisis unfold, grieving so many hundreds of lives lost. We decry the senseless killing of hundreds of Israelis by fighters from Gaza on Simhat Torah, a traditional, Jewish day of rejoicing. The killing of civilians is always a war crime. We grieve Palestinian lives lost, in these days, and in the previous 75 years, during the ongoing destruction of Palestinian land by the Israeli military and government. And this case is no different. We call for an immediate end to the violence.

We are deeply concerned at the bloodthirsty warmongering statements made by the Israeli government promising to exact revenge on the two million residents of Gaza. The Israeli government is engaging in war crimes on top of acting against the interests of its own people when it flagrantly imperils the safety of Israeli prisoners of war and civilian hostages held in Gaza by abandoning them and risking killing them with these military attacks. We call for the immediate onset of peace talks between Israel and the government of Gaza. Our Torah is the Torah of peace.

We are dismayed at the Biden administration’s arming of Israel with the intention of enabling the current aerial bombardment and planned invasion of Gaza with the resulting deaths of many hundreds of Palestinians. We endorse the statement made by Jewish Voice for Peace which provides context for the current situation.
JVP Rabbinical Council: "We call for an immediate end to the violence." - JVP
Sorry Hamas lover, this time they poked too hard…it’s a war…suck it up.
The world were fools to think that these people would ever give up their fight against Israel. It's getting a little old that these people attack, Israel fights back and keeps them calm for a few years, and then they rearm themselves all over again and attack Israel again. We need a more permanent solution than to just buy peace for a few years. The problem needs to be resolved on a more permanent basis. The two state solution isn't possible, allowing a group of people to have themselves a real country which they can then use as a base to attack Israel, which is what they do now only it would be even worse.
What does that leave? Extermination?
Send in the USMC, Navy Seals, and Special Forces.

I hear Biden is on his way to Israel to negotiate a surrender of the USA, as we did in Afghanistan.
It will not be easy. Nothing in life that is most noble and necessary ever is, Hamas cannot continue to terrorize a free nation.

I pray for peace and both the protection of the righteous and the innocent.

Between 2012 and 2018, Netanyahu gave Qatar approval to transfer a cumulative sum of about a billion dollars to Gaza, at least half of which reached Hamas, including its military wing. According to the Jerusalem Post, in a private meeting with members of his Likud party on March 11, 2019, Netanyahu explained the reckless step as follows: The money transfer is part of the strategy to divide the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. Anyone who opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state needs to support the transfer of the money from Qatar to Hamas. In that way, we will foil the establishment of a Palestinian state (as reported in former cabinet member Haim Ramon’s Hebrew-language book “Neged Haruach”, p. 417).
Protesters are radical demafacsit all over the United States when they claimed to be "standing with Palestine" after the attack
Lol. So you readily admit to knowing nothing about the decades of atrocities committed by Israelis.

Do you hate Muslims?
Lol. So you readily admit to knowing nothing about the decades of atrocities committed by Israelis.

Do you hate Muslims?
Not at all, I know many, lovely people

I do hate hamas and the folks that support them. Like dembots, iran etc
Not at all, I know many, lovely people

I do hate hamas and the folks that support them. Like dembots, iran etc
Why is it, that when we try to discuss an issue democrats go to response is that we hate people. That is not a rational response.
Why is it, that when we try to discuss an issue democrats go to response is that we hate people. That is not a rational response.
In this case, it's because the Dembots don't really want to discuss the issue, because the facts expose either their ignorance on the facts, or their pro-hamas stance
In this case, it's because the Dembots don't really want to discuss the issue, because the facts expose either their ignorance on the facts, or their pro-hamas stance
They have a pro-hamas/palestinian stance because they hate god. The Jews are the bearer of the word of god, which pisses off the democrats, drives their hate, in most cases subconsciously.
They have a pro-hamas/palestinian stance because they hate god. The Jews are the bearer of the word of god, which pisses off the democrats, drives their hate, in most cases subconsciously.
I don't know about all that.
I don't know about all that.
it is something to think about, especially in context of the irrationality of their positions.

Pierre Van Passen wrote about it in his 1943 book, Our Forgotten Ally
Not at all, I know many, lovely people

I do hate hamas and the folks that support them. Like dembots, iran etc
Delusional. The Ds don’t support Hamas or Iran.

Shut off Fox News. Your IQ will soar.
Lol. Mass murdering women and children is an atrocity. Wake the fuck up!
War is an atrocity period, that can not be avoided.

In the case of Israel, they have never ever mass murdered women and children.

Learn history so you can intelligently engage in these conversations.
Delusional. The Ds don’t support Hamas or Iran.

Shut off Fox News. Your IQ will soar.
hahah sure sure not sure what Fox has to do with it....but Fox didn't make Obama and Xiden give Iran billions of dollars, they didn't make their dembot base go around protesting and yelling they Stood With Palentie after this attack....

Keep deflecting...we see you

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