Gaza Has 24 Hours to Leave

The UN will be all over the news right after the invasion starts. Wailing and gnashing of teeth about the plight of the poor Palestinians with no water or food or medicine but what you WON'T hear mentioned is the fact that the IDF said the instant their hostages are returned, the siege on electricity, water, food and fuel will end. To acknowledge that would be to make Hamas responsible for the outcome and the scummy Leftist media won't dare do that.

Biden was already on TV today defending the Palestinians saying that as Israel attacks, they should remember that most Palestinians are not Hamas! Incognizant of the fact that the Palestinian culture and schools RAISE their children to HATE Jews and to want to attack, kill them and devote or even sacrifice their lives in the "holy noble cause" of murdering Jews." They have stated that they intend to hunt down and kill Jews wherever they are.

That leads me to the belief that ALL Palestinians should be ASSUMED terrorists and threats to the state of Israel until PROVEN otherwise.

I believe that Biden has let an untold number of them into this country and it is only a matter of time now until some Jewish synagogue or settlement is attacked. Maybe the FBI can pull a few agents off their scrutiny of school moms and American flag wavers to maybe look into this?
One day....whether we like it our not... The Western world will have to fight a regional War in the middle East.

They are intent on our destruction as well, and if they get the Nukes they may very well cause the end of the world.
Yeah, the nukes is one of the examples why isolationism can't work properly in the modern world.

But on the other hand, engaging in regional wars in the Middle East is also not a good solution. Does Anerica need another Iraq and Afgan campaigns?
Yeah, the nukes is one of the examples why isolationism can't work properly in the modern world.

But on the other hand, engaging in regional wars in the Middle East is also not a good solution. Does Anerica need another Iraq and Afgan campaigns?
Nope. Those were not fought ti win. It has to be total war, not fought on the enemies terms. Last total War was WWII
Nope. Those were not fought ti win. It has to be total war, not fought on the enemies terms. Last total War was WWII
Not sure what a total war means with regard to Afghanistan or even Iraq. People that still live in the stone age can't accept the rules of the modern world.
Not sure what a total war means with regard to Afghanistan or even Iraq. People that still live in the stone age can't accept the rules of the modern world.
Then they will parish if they choose the path that Hamas took recently.
What was a very short Depression in the rest of the world became very long due to the intervention of Democrats
BS. The GOP and its corrupt deregulation bubble and bust policies cause every depression. Great job! Trump deregulated small banks and we would have had another GD Great Depression if he'd had more time.... And you idiots think those corrupt bubbles are great economic policies. Poor America. Small government and family values my ****..... It's all about cutting taxes on the rich and giving mega rich swine an inside track to make money with these corrupt bubbles which regular people always have to pay for......
Yes, it's time to do it right again, but until Biden/Obama are removed from office, the world will continue to delve into chaos.
What a load of crap for ignoramuses you have memorized... But many thanks for allowing 9/11 through sheer incompetence, the two stupidest wars ever, a corrupt world depression in 2008 and the worst pandemic response which caused the pandemic depression of 2020. You are a never ending disaster and haven't heard about it lol hater dupe....
Here in France we are on high alert after a teacher killed by a terrorist and it is almost midnight and they announce the assault on Gaza for soon maybe in the morning.

Link about the teacher who was kill

Some of them may not be able to read or live in isolated areas... May God have mercy on the innocent people in the wake of Israel's eye for an eye of people who murdered their youngsters in the past week. :eusapray: Oops, that :: image thingy doesn't work anymore. Here: :hands:
Its not about an eye for an eye... its about making sure this can never happen again....
Leftists have always defended terrorists and now they may be affected by their barbarity, but I think they will continue to defend them, I can't stand them anymore The world has become a living hell because of them.
You mean that leftists try and be aware of the motivation of terrorists and in that way are able to do away with that motivation in many cases? Right wingers believe that they are simply evil and everyone that even looks into their motivations should be destroyed is a little bit overboard lol. You don't sound like any French person I ever talked to and I speak French fluently and have visited there many times. I have been to Normandy quite a bit because my uncle the British lawyer who lived on the Champs Elysees had a house up in Merville. Also stayed in Cabourg age 8, vendange in Burgundy, college in Paris etc...May be back soon....
Here in France we are on high alert after a teacher killed by a terrorist and it is almost midnight and they announce the assault on Gaza for soon maybe in the morning.

Link about the teacher who was kill

Yes, I watch France 24 every day....Is "leftist Nazis" from Le Pen?
You mean that leftists try and be aware of the motivation of terrorists and in that way are able to do away with that motivation in many cases? Right wingers believe that they are simply evil and everyone that even looks into their motivations should be destroyed is a little bit overboard lol. You don't sound like any French person I ever talked to and I speak French fluently and have visited there many times. I have been to Normandy quite a bit because my uncle the British lawyer who lived on the Champs Elysees had a house up in Merville. Also stayed in Cabourg age 8, vendange in Burgundy, college in Paris etc...May be back soon....
You always find excuses for those who rape, kill, those who hate us, go and continue like this and as they say you reap what you sow .
You mean that leftists try and be aware of the motivation of terrorists and in that way are able to do away with that motivation in many cases? Right wingers believe that they are simply evil and everyone that even looks into their motivations should be destroyed is a little bit overboard lol. You don't sound like any French person I ever talked to and I speak French fluently and have visited there many times. I have been to Normandy quite a bit because my uncle the British lawyer who lived on the Champs Elysees had a house up in Merville. Also stayed in Cabourg age 8, vendange in Burgundy, college in Paris etc...May be back soon....
You are a leftist evil who has not a word for those who are massacred by terrorists just like my parents-in-law who have nothing to say for the French people who were massacred by terrorists on November 13, 2015.

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