Gaza Has 24 Hours to Leave

The world was a lot better off.

Correct, I'm neither; both Parties are run by wingnuts and organized crime syndicates. I don't have an 'affiliation', except I lean a lot toward 'original intent' re the Constitution, and real free markets, not the idiot rubbish peddled by right wing economic disasters like monopolies and chain stores and delusional technocrats, left or right wing. The Founders, except for Federalists like Hamilton, were opposed to concentrated wealth and favored citizens' rights.
I can agree with this, but riding a fence looking on is an ignorant thing, because you could actually join a cause and make a difference. You remind me of voter's that don't or won't vote, yet you want to sit up on the fence throwing rocks at each side as the battles rage. Somehow you think that makes you the smart one, even though you're not realizing that one or the other sides bloodshed has made it possible for you to sit up on that fence.
Do you mean the right wing fundamentalist idiot administrators, because they are the youngest best educated people in the Muslim world....dammit....
Not a ME rightwing thing with me, otherwise I just don't give a chit about terrorist organizations. No more, no less.
Continue in your stupidity if you choose, but it will all come out in the wash.
If you believe in election vaccine and global warming fraud you are a total hater dupe Ignoramus. End of story. even half your party agrees,,,, You have to have so much disrespect for our great institutions and fine public servants that you are an anti American tool...
Luckily we are in the age of information so the New BS right wing GOP is disappearing with its Brainwashed ignoramus racist old people.....
Ahhhh the race card, y'all can't help but throw it no matter if applies or not. Hey, a little secret - After the ultimate failure in Israel due to complacency and appeasement, we shall see how long it continues here. The eyes of the sleeping and righteous have been opened up.

I bet BIBI regrets supporting Hamas in 2019. Tragic situation, because appeasement and weakness is a very bad thing if it is known by history that an enemy is hell bent on destroying you.

Politics can be a destructive thing, and I would sure like to know who influenced him to screw up like that ?
If you believe in election vaccine and global warming fraud you are a total hater dupe Ignoramus. End of story. even half your party agrees,,,, You have to have so much disrespect for our great institutions and fine public servants that you are an anti American tool...
Projecting your bull shite onto other's ain't working boy, so go find you some other poster that might believe your bull shite ..
The world was a lot better off
I have to agree, with some exceptions though. But the ones with 'America first' ideas also have some reasonable basis, don't they?

Correct, I'm neither; both Parties are run by wingnuts and organized crime syndicates. I don't have an 'affiliation', except I lean a lot toward 'original intent' re the Constitution, and real free markets, not the idiot rubbish peddled by right wing economic disasters like monopolies and chain stores and delusional technocrats, left or right wing. The Founders, except for Federalists like Hamilton, were opposed to concentrated wealth and favored citizens' rights
I see, and what your choices were at the last three presidential elections?
Luckily we are in the age of information so the New BS right wing GOP is disappearing with its Brainwashed ignoramus racist old people.....
Hmm, so what does age of information have to do with right wing GOP disappearing ???? Are you and your sympathizers hunting down and eliminating right wing GOP voters by using misinformation and leftwing tactics on members of the GOP, and all in hopes to cancel them out ? Won't work, because the Vail has been removed from the leftist, and they are exposed badly. The voices of the right people (not just white people), are getting stronger and stronger, especially after seeing what tolerance and appeasement caused in Israel.

Things like that have a wave out effect.
We saw the images after the monsters the bloodthirsty terrorists passed by and massacred the innocents and also Palestinians spat on the naked body of a young dead girl so they can all go burn in hell.
We saw the images after the monsters the bloodthirsty terrorists passed by and massacred the innocents and also Palestinians spat on the naked body of a young dead girl so they can all go burn in hell.
The longer the operation goes on, the more the leftist in the world will try to clean it up for the terrorist, otherwise making it appear as if the response is to strong by Israel or Israel is caught dead in the wrong.
The longer the operation goes on, the more the leftist in the world will try to clean it up for the terrorist, otherwise making it appear as if the response is to strong by Israel or Israel is caught dead in the wrong.
Leftists have always defended terrorists and now they may be affected by their barbarity, but I think they will continue to defend them, I can't stand them anymore The world has become a living hell because of them.
America beware of floating to much hardware into the Mediterranean sea within reach of Iran's ballistic missiles.

Not a good situation.... Yes send supply ships to aid with military aid, but no not carrier's that become sitting duck's for Iran to take a shot at if it comes to that.

We are living in a different world now, where enemies are being armed in ways that are making the most valued hardware obsolete on the battle fields whether Ocean or on land. We are entering the once fictional depiction of the war seen in the original Terminator movie. Only thing is, is that many things are becoming real right before our very eye's.

If they do that hell would be coming for them. They sub out their terror to Hamas, Hezballah, Yuddis, etc.

So then they wasnt really us..... Honestly the head of this Snake is and always has been Iran.
Leftists have always defended terrorists and now they may be affected by their barbarity, but I think they will continue to defend them, I can't stand them anymore The world has become a living hell because of them.
Sadly it is true by the proof that we are stringing together in it all.
If they do that hell would be coming for them. They sub out their terror to Hamas, Hezballah, Yuddis, etc.

So then they wasnt really us..... Honestly the head of this Snake is and always has been Iran.
Yep, and that vail has been lifted, now what ? If not careful, we will be caught flat footed next. We have two fronts now, so we have to be extremely careful and vigilant.
One day....whether we like it our not... The Western world will have to fight a regional War in the middle East.

They are intent on our destruction as well, and if they get the Nukes they may very well cause the end of the world.
Sadly it is true by the proof that we are stringing together in it all.
My parents-in-law, who are leftists from head to toe, defend terrorists and for my holidays in Normandy this summer, they defended the Nazis and inviting me to visit the German cemetery and there, everything to break out with them, I am almost on the verge of breaking with them.
My parents-in-law, who are leftists from head to toe, defend terrorists and for my holidays in Normandy this summer, they defended the Nazis and inviting me to visit the German cemetery and there, everything to break out with them, I am almost on the verge of breaking with them.
Where does your husband stand? Perhaps they should visit Auschwitz Holocaust Museum.

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