'Gaza Health Ministry' murders 3 injures 11 Jews in Jerusalem & Jewish hostages beaten w/ electric wires

Both sides doubtless involved in the Lies Game for propaganda purposes .
A few Trolls here -- well said Kruska --- and lots of Gullibles only to ready to resort to Cherry Picking and Confirmation Bias .

People like the OP should have learned by now that Fake News is very big business for the media as well as the concerned parties , and many organisations get as near the front line and sensitive locations as possible armed with a team of Crisis Actors and Computer Photoshop Experts .
MSM is in its death spiral and unscrupulous people do unscrupulous things .
. . . interestingly enough? This is the first time they have released those sampling metrics.

Interesting. I was not aware that AWRAD had released a poll since the war started.

Though. . . the sample size is really, much too small to tell anything significant in most social science circles. Many folks on this site have cited some of their previous polls, w/o knowing anything about their metrics. . . . so. . .

And it likewise, does not breakdown their respondents in terms of age, sex, education, or any other demographics we expect from western polls, which give us a meaningful measures of what is really going on in society. A poll of just 668 people? That does not meaningfully speak for a nation of 5.3 million, not by any stretch of the imagination.

I do find that the cherry picked headline; "Three in four Palestinians support Hamas’s massacre," from the Jewish News Syndicate very telling, as they seemingly purposefully LEFT OUT, the link to the poll. . .


Hmmmmmm. . . . Gee, I wonder why the hell they would do that?
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The poll covered since Oct 31, before the incubators things...
They don't "need" a reason - they have a reason, and it starts off with the Jewish military wing and it's terrorist organizations, murdering Palestinian-Arabs in 1948 - and forcing them of their lands till today.

The tens of thousands of Palestinian-Arabs victims from 1948 till 2007 are NOT included in the below chart.
You should know:

that failing in attempts



make you more of the a victim.

Both sides doubtless
Luiza who only joined last year Racist Motivated Posting

Or like Netanyahu and the IDF claiming in regards to the destruction of Gaza and killing thousands of woemen and children - we only attack Hamas.

Yes! Israel only attacks the cowards that use innocent civilians as human shields.
Interesting. I was not aware that AWRAD had released a poll since the war started.

Though. . . the sample size is really, much too small to tell anything significant in most social science circles. Many folks on this site have cited some of their previous polls, w/o knowing anything about their metrics. . . . so. . .

And it likewise, does not breakdown their respondents in terms of age, sex, education, or any other demographics we expect from western polls, which give us a meaningful measures of what is really going on in society. A poll of just 668 people? That does not meaningfully speak for a nation of 5.3 million, not by any stretch of the imagination.

I do find that the cherry picked headline; "Three in four Palestinians support Hamas’s massacre," from the Jewish News Syndicate very telling, as they seemingly purposefully LEFT OUT, the link to the poll. . .


Hmmmmmm. . . . Gee, I wonder why the hell they would do that?
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Not much has changed since 1941 poll where 88% of Arabs in mandatory Palestine were for the Nazis.

You should have seen how CBS ' Margaret Brannon (Nov 26) interviewed the (Hamas' mouthpiece Al JihadZeera hosts and where head of the snake of the bloody "Palestinian" org. hide) Qatari who gaslifhted by saying "we only deal with Ganas political wing not military."

WTF does that even mean?



Palestinian use human shields




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It means they deal.with the suits and tell them to send the grunts in to kills Israelis. The nations surrounding Israel have horrific human right records for a reason. The world should also be reminded of the attacks by Eqgypt and others which lead to the annexing of land which these countries once controlled due to the fact they were twarted in their efforts.
It means they deal.with the suits and tell them to send the grunts in to kills Israelis. The nations surrounding Israel have horrific human right records for a reason. The world should also be reminded of the attacks by Eqgypt and others which lead to the annexing of land which these countries once controlled due to the fact they were twarted in their efforts.
Al-jihadzeera's boss Arab Monarch of Qatar - tries to play both ...
Pushing Arsb racism (and Islamic bigotry - which is at the source of the conflict) and pose as only/innocent/cute "mediators"..
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Not much has changed since 1941 poll where 88% of Arabs in mandatory Palestine were for the Nazis.

You think that anyone who knows about Israel - pays any attention to the radical Zionist mouth piece ynet aka Yedioth Ahronoth Newspaper?
Chief radical Zionists leader ben Gurions mouthpiece since it's founding in 1939 - financed by the Zionists main sponsor Baron Rothschild. (the person that financed more then 50% of all Jewish land purchases) from the British during their Palestine Mandate.

Zehava Galon, head of the Meretz party, on Wednesday, stated she had been blacklisted by the newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, whose publisher is currently under police investigation. The Meretz party is also a Zionist party - but known for its liberal stance and policy towards equal rights for Jews and Arab-Jews and an opponent of the radical Zionist settlement policy.

In September, TheMarker Hebrew-language business daily reported on the internal blacklist at Yedioth, with certain figures getting no coverage at all, and others receiving only negative coverage. The Israel Hayom Newspaper, is also in opposition to radical Zionists and Nethanyahu.

Yedioth's head, Mozes and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are currently under investigation for an alleged deal which would have seen the prime minister work to reduce the circulation of Israel Hayom. In exchange, Netanyahu would enjoy more favorable coverage in Yedioth.

A typical ynet aka Yedioth Ahronoth news article:

There's no denial the Nakba, also known as the Palestinian Catastrophe, happened. The pain it carries with is understandable. There was mass displacement and even accounts of mass killings. Followed by !....The nature of the Nakba is embedded in the history of that time, when population displacements was not a rare occurrence, almost always accompanied by horrific events.

So naturally, they can't deny the Nakba - and they excuse it via a prevailing mindset of the 40'ies, the exact same mindset that today in 2023, radical Zionists and Netanyahu - display every day. Independent of fake headlines such as: Nakba was result of Palestinians backing Nazis during WWII

You are a victim of your own ignorance, and a willful mouthpiece of radical Zionist propaganda and ideology.

And so much for the "free press" in Israel under a Netanyahu and his radical Zionist brethren.
Or like Netanyahu and the IDF claiming in regards to the destruction of Gaza and killing thousands of woemen and children - we only attack Hamas.
They do only attack Hamas. Scumbag Palestinians often die in those attacks, but they arent the target. If Israel wanted to target civilians, they could do so at will.

I dont give two shits about dead fucking pali's. That entire population has been poisoned by Islam and they are irredeemable. Israel shouldnt be so nice to these people. They should burn that shithole to the ground.
CNN, Nov.29.23:

Joining me now is Ditza's grandson-in-law, A. Zohar.

And thank you so much for being here. A. ZOHAR, WIFE'S 84-YEAR-OLD GRANDMOTHER RELEASED BY HAMAS: Thank you.

COLLINS: How is she doing, tonight?

ZOHAR: Physically, she's doing OK. And we are extremely relieved that she is doing OK. Because, when we saw, the images of her, in a wheelchair, that was heartbreaking, because Ditza was never ever in a wheelchair.

She's an 84-years-old, extremely proud person. And she's independent, and she's living on -- living on her own. She cooks for herself. She cleans for herself. She used to play the host for all 25 of us, when we showed up at her house.

COLLINS: Yes, I loved those photos of everyone having a meal together.

I mean, but you're hearing more about what she went through? I know it's not -- you know, it's a slow process. But what have you heard from her?

ZOHAR: The story is coming out of her very, very slowly. And she keeps telling us that it's her story to tell. So, the only thing that we can tell, for now, is that she thinks she was up in an attic, for quite a while. And she was away from everybody else. She was being held isolated from everybody else.

But I got to tell you that the amazing thing about Ditza, that the story that Ditza is telling is the story of 240 other hostages that have been taken. And when you say these words, the hostages that have been taken, it doesn't even -- it doesn't even begin to describe what really happened there. It's just a crime against humanity.

And when you say a crime against humanity, you actually mean that they are taking an 84-years-old grandmother, from her home, in a kibbutz? That is, I can't even explain to you how easygoing the kibbutz was.

You go into the kibbutz, and everything is green, and everything is nice. And you live right next to Gaza Strip. And you try to imagine that it's a peaceful place.

And then, this happens, on October 7th, which explains to you that these guys, who live across the fence from us are just savages. There's no other way to describe the amount of pain that we are experiencing, right now, as a nation

Yes, I'm her grandson-in-law, and I experience this pain very, very personally. But I also lost 17 friends. 17 of my friends are dead, right now, because of that attack. And four of my friends are still being held hostage. Yosef (ph), his two sons and his daughter --


ZOHAR: -- are still being held in Gaza Strip. And we don't even know what's going on with him.

So these crimes are crimes against me. They're crimes against you. They are crimes against entire the State of Israel and humanity.

COLLINS: And you mentioned the kibbutz, and what life is like there. These are like villages, where it's very familial, everyone knows everyone. And a lot of Gazans worked there. And there was, I mean, this was more of a left-leaning community than what you see. I think that's something that people outside of Israel may not know.

But you talked about your grandmother that Ditza was released. But she doesn't have a home to go to.

ZOHAR: That's one of the things that you have to tell your grandmother. How do you tell your grandmother that she doesn't have a home to go back to? Many of them --

COLLINS: Did she know about the full scope of what had happened to her home?

ZOHAR: We haven't talked about that yet because it's very emotional. I mean, you are talking about an entire community that's just gone. And there are several communities there that are gone right now.

I'm talking to my friends, on October 7th. I was talking to my friends, to three families. One of them has been murdered, as we were talking, on WhatsApp, texting each other back and forth.



ZOHAR: Some of them are hiding in the attic, waiting for this to be over. Some of them were in a bomb shelter, telling me that there are grenades thrown at the door. And I can't believe what I'm reading, and I'm texting back, and I'm trying to talk to them, and I'm trying to call them.

And one of them, Mae (ph) and Liz (ph), were actually murdered, as we were talking. And then, her sister is writing to me, "They have been shot. They have been killed." Their 7-years-old daughter is hiding in a closet, right now, texting me that "Mom and dad have been shot."


ZOHAR: And this has been going on everywhere, in Holit, Nir Yitzhak, I can tell you all these weird names of these kibbutzim. But you have to understand that these small communities have been trying to live, next to Gaza Strip, and have been trying to make a living, right next to the Palestinians, and trying to trade and trying to --


ZOHAR: Like you said, Palestinians were working there, with them together.

COLLINS: That's just heartbreaking. We're glad that she's safe. But I know it's a long road ahead.


COLLINS: Thank you for coming, to share what that's been like for her.

ZOHAR: Thank you.

COLLINS: And obviously, we're keeping her in our thoughts.[/B]

You think that anyone who knows about Israel - pays any attention to the radical Zionist mouth piece ynet aka Yedioth
(Yediot) YNet and TinesOfIsrael are left leaning . JPost is center. INN is to the right
(Yediot) YNet and TinesOfIsrael are left leaning . JPost is center. INN is to the right
Indeed. And anti-Israel Haaretz is a fringe inside that country since 2000.


  • Haaretz.pdf
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Until Hamas is destroyed there will be no peace. Israel needs to destroy this evil regime.
They do only attack Hamas. Scumbag Palestinians often die in those attacks, but they arent the target. If Israel wanted to target civilians, they could do so at will.

I dont give two shits about dead fucking pali's. That entire population has been poisoned by Islam and they are irredeemable. Israel shouldnt be so nice to these people. They should burn that shithole to the ground.
The entire Muslim world is a cesspool of poison. We invited them here to fly their flag and start a war.

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