Gaza strike killed four, young Palestinians talk about growing up under a constant rain of bombs.

The Invisible Face of Hamas

Violence and intimidation
Abu Dagga is not the only journalist in Gaza who has written about being intimidated and threatened by terrorists unhappy with the content of their reports. Financial Times reporter John Reed was reportedly threatened after tweeting that rockets had been fired from near Shifa Hospital, the same civilian building where Abu Dagga was interrogated.

Watched two rockets fired toward Israel from near al-Shifa hospital, even as more bombing victims were brought in. Not over yet. #Gaza

— John Reed (@JohninJerusalem) July 23, 2014

Shifa Hospital was later hit by a rocket fired by terrorists in Gaza.

Many other instances have been reported of journalists who have attempted to report the truth in Gaza – including by posting about Hamas’ use of Palestinian human shields –and subsequently being forced to remove posts and even having equipment confiscated.

Canadian journalist Janis Mackey Frayer was threatened after tweeting that she had spotted several terrorists in the Hamas stronghold of Shuja’iya disguised in civilian clothing.

Inside Shejaiyya we also saw several #Hamas gunmen. One passed dressed in a woman’s headscarf… tip of a gun poked out from under cloak.

— Janis Mackey Frayer (@janisctv) July 20, 2014

Huffington Post reporter Sophia Jones tweeted on July 20 that Israel had opened the Erez border crossing but that Hamas was denying journalists the right to leave.

The Israeli side of the border with gaza was briefly open today, but Hamas did not let journalists leave Gaza.

— Sophia Jones (@Sophia_MJones) July 20, 2014

Italian reporter Gabriele Barbati pointed to Hamas’ intimidation tactics when he waited until leaving Gaza before issuing the following tweet:

Out of #Gaza far from #Hamas retaliation: misfired rocket killed children yday in Shati. Witness: militants rushed and cleared debris

— gabrielebarbati (@gabrielebarbati) July 29, 2014

Barbati was referring to an event in which a misfired terrorist rocket crashed into the Shati area of Gaza. Terrorists lied by blaming this event on the IDF in order to gain sympathy in the international arena.

Terrorists Dressed in civilian clothes, embedded in civilian areas
Despite Hamas’ violence and intimidation, some reporters have managed to capture footage and images that expose Hamas’ tactics. In the video below published by Indian outlet NDTV, viewers can see Hamas terrorists dressed in civilian clothing assemble a rocket launching site in a residential area of the Gaza Strip.


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Sad, isn't it? That these five young Arabs were raised in a culture of Islamic slavery, indoctrinated to hate, lie and murder innocent civilians in Israel through Intifada, terrorism and dangerous propaganda?
If that is all they are teaching you at your temple, you should find a new one.
It's obvious what you are being taught at your mosque.
They even salute like Nazis. Looks like their leader the Nazi Mufti taught them well.

They even salute like Nazis. Looks like their leader the Nazi Mufti taught them well.

Pope Pius XII used the same salute. Don't forget that the Nazis were Catholics and allies of the Muslims. The tradition continues.
Some Nazis were Catholics but like Germany as a whole, most Nazis were Protestants.
Wrong again. Every single Nazi leader (including Hitler) was a faithful Roman Catholic and many were Jesuits.

Your people are nothing more than political pawns of the Vatican being used to internationalize Jerusalem so that Pope Herod can set up headquarters there. You need to wake up and start researching ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera's testimonies available through Chick Publications.

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