Gday from Australia !

Many Blessings ,

Australia is an ancient land .. and after the recent plunder nigh 200 years +

Stolen Children/Land Rape Murder Theft by colonialistical rule by the savage British monarch


there is much healing that needs to occur, in and of which .. is happening at a very fast pace .

this cleansing is taking a serious toll on wildlife , yet after all this destruction , that gives way to cleansing,healing and rebirth

and so it is in accordance with the divine plan and so be it

Australia thanks each and every one for their Heart Felt emotions sent to us at our time of transition

The Fires have been as hot as the infamous California fires where infernos ripped through the US there

Its a tough Planet is it not ? and so it is

Welcome aboard. A fascinating continent Australia. But let’s not perpetuate tha”noble savage” fallacy. Aside from the invasive species the continent has never been better, or held more promise.

Australia was Pristine and taken care of for 60,000 years ..

circa 200 years ago when invaded by the British , rivers depleted and dead , minerals raped from the land, deforestation

and MILLIONS of DEAD Native animals .. and so as these facts alone demonstrate

your clueless and ignorant position on that which is Australia .. this is ok and cool

yet you will be corrected with truth and fact ,

in the face of your incorrect belief system

so rejoice !! ..then be at peace

Like how the natives were infanticidal primitives? The natural aspect is a loss for all humanity to be sure. So suffered all places during the industrial revolution, and the burgeoning of modernity. But the plights of the natives were nothing they hadn’t willingly inflicted upon themselves. And often times barbarically worse. Now that more civilized people run the place; those primitive practices have ended.along with the suffering that many natives succumbed to for lack the savvy to avoid them. Welcome aboard!

oh is this what you call civilized ???


oooookaaaay ..

I can see you are either an establishment Freemason or Ignorant racist ..

so which is it , im curious ?

- ; )
Gday ,

and Many Blessings from Australia unto all Hearts ..

I am a Truck Driver that drives Road Trains around Australia

the land out here is cooling down after recent rains .. and we simply LOVE watching POTUS

Make America Great Again !

Trump 2020

If I were in Australia, given the circumstances there, the last thing I'd be talking about is Donald Trump. But whuheva.

Have fun.

hey thanks , you too !

Yet we are interested in Planetary Liberation from the system of domination and control ..

Trump is Draining the Global Cabalistic Swamp so we cheer the US onward to Victory !

- : )
Many Blessings ,

Australia is an ancient land .. and after the recent plunder nigh 200 years +

Stolen Children/Land Rape Murder Theft by colonialistical rule by the savage British monarch


there is much healing that needs to occur, in and of which .. is happening at a very fast pace .

this cleansing is taking a serious toll on wildlife , yet after all this destruction , that gives way to cleansing,healing and rebirth

and so it is in accordance with the divine plan and so be it

Australia thanks each and every one for their Heart Felt emotions sent to us at our time of transition

The Fires have been as hot as the infamous California fires where infernos ripped through the US there

Its a tough Planet is it not ? and so it is

Welcome aboard. A fascinating continent Australia. But let’s not perpetuate tha”noble savage” fallacy. Aside from the invasive species the continent has never been better, or held more promise.

Australia was Pristine and taken care of for 60,000 years ..

circa 200 years ago when invaded by the British , rivers depleted and dead , minerals raped from the land, deforestation

and MILLIONS of DEAD Native animals .. and so as these facts alone demonstrate

your clueless and ignorant position on that which is Australia .. this is ok and cool

yet you will be corrected with truth and fact ,

in the face of your incorrect belief system

so rejoice !! ..then be at peace

Like how the natives were infanticidal primitives? The natural aspect is a loss for all humanity to be sure. So suffered all places during the industrial revolution, and the burgeoning of modernity. But the plights of the natives were nothing they hadn’t willingly inflicted upon themselves. And often times barbarically worse. Now that more civilized people run the place; those primitive practices have ended.along with the suffering that many natives succumbed to for lack the savvy to avoid them. Welcome aboard!

oh is this what you call civilized ???


oooookaaaay ..

I can see you are either an establishment Freemason or Ignorant racist ..

so which is it , im curious ?

- ; )
Just a regular guy, who can smell a Leftist from a mile away. Welcome aboard. We’re running out of fodder a rounder here...
Many Blessings ,

Australia is an ancient land .. and after the recent plunder nigh 200 years +

Stolen Children/Land Rape Murder Theft by colonialistical rule by the savage British monarch


there is much healing that needs to occur, in and of which .. is happening at a very fast pace .

this cleansing is taking a serious toll on wildlife , yet after all this destruction , that gives way to cleansing,healing and rebirth

and so it is in accordance with the divine plan and so be it

Australia thanks each and every one for their Heart Felt emotions sent to us at our time of transition

The Fires have been as hot as the infamous California fires where infernos ripped through the US there

Its a tough Planet is it not ? and so it is

Welcome aboard. A fascinating continent Australia. But let’s not perpetuate tha”noble savage” fallacy. Aside from the invasive species the continent has never been better, or held more promise.

Australia was Pristine and taken care of for 60,000 years ..

circa 200 years ago when invaded by the British , rivers depleted and dead , minerals raped from the land, deforestation

and MILLIONS of DEAD Native animals .. and so as these facts alone demonstrate

your clueless and ignorant position on that which is Australia .. this is ok and cool

yet you will be corrected with truth and fact ,

in the face of your incorrect belief system

so rejoice !! ..then be at peace

Like how the natives were infanticidal primitives? The natural aspect is a loss for all humanity to be sure. So suffered all places during the industrial revolution, and the burgeoning of modernity. But the plights of the natives were nothing they hadn’t willingly inflicted upon themselves. And often times barbarically worse. Now that more civilized people run the place; those primitive practices have ended.along with the suffering that many natives succumbed to for lack the savvy to avoid them. Welcome aboard!

oh is this what you call civilized ???


oooookaaaay ..

I can see you are either an establishment Freemason or Ignorant racist ..

so which is it , im curious ?

- ; )
Just a regular guy, who can smell a Leftist from a mile away. Welcome aboard. We’re running out of fodder a rounder here...

Thank you for the welcome good sir ,

yet I am not a Leftist nor Rightist.. not political at all in fact ..

for both wings you allude to belong to the same bird , and it is a buzzard picking the flesh off humanity

and yet this paradigm seems to float your boat and bolster your belief system , of which

has been programmed into your head and surrounding area quite well ( left right brain paradigm and " what if " scenarios constantly )

and absorbed and encouraged by you and others in the egoistic construct .. this is why beings such as ye are ,

are lost .. and this is exactly how things should be .. I would suggest interpret your reality through the Heart

for the Heart knows truth , yet either way ..

be at peace


- : )
Welcome aboard. A fascinating continent Australia. But let’s not perpetuate tha”noble savage” fallacy. Aside from the invasive species the continent has never been better, or held more promise.

Australia was Pristine and taken care of for 60,000 years ..

circa 200 years ago when invaded by the British , rivers depleted and dead , minerals raped from the land, deforestation

and MILLIONS of DEAD Native animals .. and so as these facts alone demonstrate

your clueless and ignorant position on that which is Australia .. this is ok and cool

yet you will be corrected with truth and fact ,

in the face of your incorrect belief system

so rejoice !! ..then be at peace

Like how the natives were infanticidal primitives? The natural aspect is a loss for all humanity to be sure. So suffered all places during the industrial revolution, and the burgeoning of modernity. But the plights of the natives were nothing they hadn’t willingly inflicted upon themselves. And often times barbarically worse. Now that more civilized people run the place; those primitive practices have ended.along with the suffering that many natives succumbed to for lack the savvy to avoid them. Welcome aboard!

oh is this what you call civilized ???


oooookaaaay ..

I can see you are either an establishment Freemason or Ignorant racist ..

so which is it , im curious ?

- ; )
Just a regular guy, who can smell a Leftist from a mile away. Welcome aboard. We’re running out of fodder a rounder here...

Thank you for the welcome good sir ,

yet I am not a Leftist nor Rightist.. not political at all in fact ..

for both wings you allude to belong to the same bird , and it is a buzzard picking the flesh off humanity

and yet this paradigm seems to float your boat and bolster your belief system , of which

has been programmed into your head and surrounding area quite well ( left right brain paradigm and " what if " scenarios constantly )

and absorbed and encouraged by you and others in the egoistic construct .. this is why beings such as ye are ,

are lost .. and this is exactly how things should be .. I would suggest interpret your reality through the Heart

for the Heart knows truth , yet either way ..

be at peace


- : )
Facts are impervious to feels. Ergo, reality is oblivious to “heart”... See you around the boards!
Australia was Pristine and taken care of for 60,000 years ..

circa 200 years ago when invaded by the British , rivers depleted and dead , minerals raped from the land, deforestation

and MILLIONS of DEAD Native animals .. and so as these facts alone demonstrate

your clueless and ignorant position on that which is Australia .. this is ok and cool

yet you will be corrected with truth and fact ,

in the face of your incorrect belief system

so rejoice !! ..then be at peace

Like how the natives were infanticidal primitives? The natural aspect is a loss for all humanity to be sure. So suffered all places during the industrial revolution, and the burgeoning of modernity. But the plights of the natives were nothing they hadn’t willingly inflicted upon themselves. And often times barbarically worse. Now that more civilized people run the place; those primitive practices have ended.along with the suffering that many natives succumbed to for lack the savvy to avoid them. Welcome aboard!

oh is this what you call civilized ???


oooookaaaay ..

I can see you are either an establishment Freemason or Ignorant racist ..

so which is it , im curious ?

- ; )
Just a regular guy, who can smell a Leftist from a mile away. Welcome aboard. We’re running out of fodder a rounder here...

Thank you for the welcome good sir ,

yet I am not a Leftist nor Rightist.. not political at all in fact ..

for both wings you allude to belong to the same bird , and it is a buzzard picking the flesh off humanity

and yet this paradigm seems to float your boat and bolster your belief system , of which

has been programmed into your head and surrounding area quite well ( left right brain paradigm and " what if " scenarios constantly )

and absorbed and encouraged by you and others in the egoistic construct .. this is why beings such as ye are ,

are lost .. and this is exactly how things should be .. I would suggest interpret your reality through the Heart

for the Heart knows truth , yet either way ..

be at peace


- : )
Facts are impervious to feels. Ergo, reality is oblivious to “heart”... See you around the boards!

to be correct and factual

the Heart is 60 times more powerful Electrically than the Brain

and up to 5000 times more powerful Magnetically than the Brain

we are Electro Magnetic beings


so if you are stuck and limited to your interpretation of reality through the brain

I will look forward to giving you a good schooling on a myriad of topics " around the boards "

prepare ! - : )
Last edited:
We have something in common. We also stole our land from the indigenous people and massacred them.

All is forgiven ,

and you didn't commit any crime in that regard , and this is an important aspect of this Topic ..

the Ancestors did that . and all people , for the most part co exist these days ..

yet crimes were committed in the past many now observe

is there any doubt ? one may wonder

in Love and Light - : )
Gday ,

and Many Blessings from Australia unto all Hearts ..

I am a Truck Driver that drives Road Trains around Australia

the land out here is cooling down after recent rains .. and we simply LOVE watching POTUS

Make America Great Again !

Trump 2020

Oh great.

Another one.

you mean there are others like me here ?

JOY *:113:

This board is overrun with brain-dead tRumplings.

It’s not just this board. The numbers of those who still cling to your failed party/ideology are dwindling everywhere. You are evermore surrounded by people who abandoned empty promises, in favor of tangible results that have actually improved their lives. It’s a slow political death for the clingers. But hey... That’s self inflicted...

Lol, nope.

It's pretty much just here.
I'm saying Troll...

so when an intellectual type enters your field of vision

you say troll . ok and thank you for expressing your level of consciousness

at this current time .. I send back forgiveness for your unfounded branding of one such as I am

so rejoice ! then be at peace


- : )
I'm saying Troll...

so when an intellectual type enters your field of vision

you say troll . ok and thank you for expressing your level of consciousness

at this current time .. I send back forgiveness for your unfounded branding of one such as I am

so rejoice ! then be at peace


- : )

What part of Australia are you from?

And why have you got an aboriginal pic, but are signing off in an Indian dialect

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