Gee - Surprise, Surprise: D-Senators Who Condemned Kavanaugh Refused To Denounce Fairfax

There are MAJOR differences.

Ford made contemporaneous statements and Kavanaugh had numerous other similar allegations.

Neither is true of Fairfax
Ford didn't know when, how, or where and all 5 of her witnesses said she was full of it.
Who are Tyson’s witnesses? Oops.
I could careless. I think innocence until proven guilty. Even if you're a democrat.
Should the administration give the FBI 3 days to investigate without letting them interview Fairfax or Tyson, and then shut the investigation down so Tyson can go on to run for higher office?
If the democrats would've brought it up when they found out about Ford, they would've had plenty of time to investigate. But they didn't they tried to pull a fast one and lost. Tell me, if it affected Ford that much, why aren't they still investigating it.
There are MAJOR differences.

Ford made contemporaneous statements and Kavanaugh had numerous other similar allegations.

Neither is true of Fairfax
We were told by democrats that they believed Ford and she should be believed. I believe Fairfax's accuser because she should be believed. YOU set the standard.
BECAUSE she had made contemporaneous statements and there were other allegations

None of which is true in the Fairfax case
She made accusations, none of which could be corroborated by anyone. Ford had no dates, no addresses, no witnesses, nothing.
"AOC, who brought a Kavanaugh protester as her guest to the SOTU, says she hasn’t looked into the uncorroborated allegations against Lt. Gov. Fairfax at all. Fairfax is a Democrat."
I put a thread up on this, but a Democratic Party Chairman was just indicted on child porn charges in Arkansas.

Where is the Media on this one?

Sounds like Crickets.
Kavanaugh is white and Republican, Fairfax is Black and Democrat. That is all you need to know about the actions taken and not taken by the Senators and the posts by blackflag and lesh.
There are MAJOR differences.

Ford made contemporaneous statements and Kavanaugh had numerous other similar allegations.

Neither is true of Fairfax
Ford didn't know when, how, or where and all 5 of her witnesses said she was full of it.
Who are Tyson’s witnesses? Oops.

Again, forced BJ hard to swallow no pun intended. Bite, fight, clench teeth? WTH?

Hallway cameras, elevator cameras maybe show coming and going attitude. But do they keep scenes forever? I would not pay for that in my business.

Nobody heard of mike hotel room Tyson? Is every woman a moron? OJ head cutter?
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"If I resign, look at the guy who takes my place!" - Ralph Northam, utterly unable to believe his luck
Oh, yes, because in Fairfax's case Dems don't want to "rush to judgment," as they did with Kavanaugh.

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