Geert Wilders Warning To America

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
In these videos Geert Wilders Warns America of what is happening in Europe due to the religion of Islam and expains that although some Muslims are moderate the religion of Islam is not moderate at all. In this video you will view what sort of impact the religion of Islam is having on Europe. As the message continues you will hear Geert explaining why he feels compelled to warn Americans about the dangers of the religion of Islam.

This is part one of his message to America:

Can make the same claim about Christianity and Judaism. If we went through the Bible or Tanach we can cite numerous passages which call for the killing of people. The attempt to portray Islam as an evil religion opens the comparison to your own.
Geert Wilders sounds like a verrrry dirty name. Like some kind of perverted anal monster.
Go back a few hundred years to Catholics burning non-Catholics at the stake for refusing to convert and everything Islam does is just copying what came before.
In this message Geert Wilders will address the effects Islam has had on society. He says we need to stop addressing Islam as a religion permitting it to be compared with other religions but it should be compared with totalitarism like fascism or communism.

He says if we would view it is an ideology instead of a religion it would be lose its freedom to take over in our societies under the guise of religious freedom. This is a very important message addressing the question is Islam really a religion? What are your thoughts? Do you agree with him or not? I completely agree with Geert Wilders. I believe he is 100% correct in his ideas about Islam. I'd like to hear what others think!

It is important for you express your thoughts while you have the freedom of speech to do so. The day may come when this is not the case and so now is the time to speak up.

Make sure that Geert Wilders is heard by others. Copy the videos and share them with your friends by email. Make sure that you share his message with other. He has given his life to get this message out and is a very courageous man. I pray the Lord's greatest blessings upon him for his honesty and his courage. We need more men such as Geert Wilders! We need them right now!
Geert's a good guy , he's been active spreading the word for somewhere about 10 years , thanks Jerimiah !!
Geert Wilders sounds like a verrrry dirty name. Like some kind of perverted anal monster.
And it's turning you on. Like he was bestest buddies with Aleister Crowley.

Aleister Crowley made a huge mistake, Pennywise. He permitted demons to enter him - thinking that by giving his mind to them they would not take over - but the day came they did take over and he died a wicked - pitiful death and was then taken straight down to hell to be tormented forevermore by the same demons he summoned on earth. The same end came to Anton Lavey and to all who serve Satan and are foolish enough to believe that what the demons are teaching them is truth - ( it's all lies - the demons like to those who serve Lucifer - it is all lies and what they think they know they do not know at all!

What a sad way to go through life. Full of fear and torment and defending those who instill fear and torment ( because they are known by the company they keep). You can always tell who is who by the people they keep company with. The wicked keep fellowship with the wicked. The wicked defend the wicked and the righteous defend the righteous. We are always moving in one of two directions in life - closer to heaven or closer to hell. There is only one life and then comes death and the judgment. There is no reincarnation, there are no second chances to live again -all we have is here and now and Jesus Christ who is God is in control of all that will happen. He is in full control. Not Satan. Satan has to ask for permission to do anything before he does it - it is all covered in the book of Job. He is not as all powerful as some would have you think. Jesus Christ is the ultimate authority. Not Satan.
Geert Wilders sounds like a verrrry dirty name. Like some kind of perverted anal monster.
And it's turning you on. Like he was bestest buddies with Aleister Crowley.

Aleister Crowley made a huge mistake, Pennywise. He permitted demons to enter him - thinking that by giving his mind to them they would not take over - but the day came they did take over and he died a wicked - pitiful death and was then taken straight down to hell to be tormented forevermore by the same demons he summoned on earth. The same end came to Anton Lavey and to all who serve Satan and are foolish enough to believe that what the demons are teaching them is truth - ( it's all lies - the demons like to those who serve Lucifer ) when it is all lies and what they think they know they do not know at all! What a sad way to go through life. Full of fear and torment and defending those who instill fear and torment ( because they are known by the company they keep). You can always tell who is who by who by who they keep company with. The wicked keep fellowship with the wicked. The wicked defend the wicked and the righteous defend the righteous. We are always moving in one of two directions in life - closer to heaven or closer to hell. There is only one life and then comes death and the judgment. There is no reincarnation, there are no second chances to live again -all we have is here and now and Jesus Christ who is God is in control of all that will happen. He is in control. Not Satan. Satan has to ask for permission to do anything before he does it - it is all covered in the book of Job. He is not as all powerful as some would have you think. Jesus Christ is the ultimate authority. Not Satan.

Crowley was a pervert, likewise Lavey. They used "Satanism" as a ruse in order to live lives of excess and complete sexual abandon. Lavey's daughter has recently renounced everything her father stood for.

I'm not a fan of them, but I find them fascinating and worth exploring, like serial killers and other human monsters.
Another Nazi Goyim pandering to the Jewish vote till he gets found out Is the honeymoon over for Geert Wilders and Dutch Jews The Times of Israel

No, Geert Wilders is not pandering to the Jewish vote. Geert Wilders is trying to wake the world up and by the messages in these videos I'd say he is doing a very good job. Now I'd like to encourage you to just listen to his message and hear him out before you criticize him. It is a guarantee that those who condemn the evidence without examining it first will remain in eternal ignorance over the matter. Watch the videos. Then make your comment on the message - not the "messenger"...
Go back a few hundred years to Catholics burning non-Catholics at the stake for refusing to convert and everything Islam does is just copying what came before.

I are not very smart are you? Rhetorical question....

The OP is about TODAY...not centuries ago...fool.

Why do you kooky leftists always revert to this strawman argument? Are you trained to do this? Is it a reflexive action or something? It could be called PC reflex...and you have been utterly infected.
I have not forgotten you, Ashtara. I am going to pray for you now. I am not addressing you but the demons you told us you invoked to come into you through your pact with hell ( you wrote about it here on one of my threads )

I bind you Satan and I command you to stop giving this woman who calls herself @Goddess_Ashtara powers of witchcraft. I also command you to stop giving her any benefits. In Jesus Name, you shall not do another thing for this woman and I command you to stop giving her all benefits including drugs which she used in her times in the desert. You are hereby commanded to cut her off. In Jesus Name.
Another Nazi Goyim pandering to the Jewish vote till he gets found out Is the honeymoon over for Geert Wilders and Dutch Jews The Times of Israel

No, Geert Wilders is not pandering to the Jewish vote. Geert Wilders is trying to wake the world up and by the messages in these videos I'd say he is doing a very good job. Now I'd like to encourage you to just listen to his message and hear him out before you criticize him. It is a guarantee that those who condemn the evidence without examining it first will remain in eternal ignorance over the matter. Watch the videos. Then make your comment on the message - not the "messenger"...
Listen you daft Goy even Farage will not touch the closet anti Semite and his Neo Nazi partner Le Penn Nigel Farage insists UKIP has no plans to join international far-right alliance - ITV News
Go back a few hundred years to Catholics burning non-Catholics at the stake for refusing to convert and everything Islam does is just copying what came before.

I are not very smart are you? Rhetorical question....

The OP is about TODAY...not centuries ago...fool.

Why do you kooky leftists always revert to this strawman argument? Are you trained to do this? Is it a reflexive action or something? It could be called PC reflex...and you have been utterly infected.

Well, maybe in a few hundred years Islam will be more warm and fuzzy like Catholicism is now? Point's valid anyway. If you judged Catholicism during the Crusades and stake burning everything you might say about Islam of today would be said about Catholicism then.

Salem witch trials here in the US weren't even 200 years ago, and the rhetoric and vileness of Protestants like Westboro is ongoing. Fact remains, religion itself is what's evil and easily manipulated into something which gets used to persecute, enslave, and murder other people. Islam's no worse than what's come before.
Go back a few hundred years to Catholics burning non-Catholics at the stake for refusing to convert and everything Islam does is just copying what came before.

I are not very smart are you? Rhetorical question....

The OP is about TODAY...not centuries ago...fool.

Why do you kooky leftists always revert to this strawman argument? Are you trained to do this? Is it a reflexive action or something? It could be called PC reflex...and you have been utterly infected.

I've heard that argument before but the trouble with that is, the same Catholics who were involved with the Inquistion openly admitted they were hunting down Christians who were not Catholics and even nailed their tongues to the roofs of their mouths to keep the Gospel of Jesus Christ from being preached!

You see the Doctrine of Lea is an anti Christ doctrine / satanic and therein had nothing to do with the teachings of the bible but rather the Doctrines of demons which the early church - the Jews warned us of in scripture.

That is why the Romans put the Jews and Christians to death. That is why they even changed the ten commandments removing the forbidding of worshipping idols. Because praying to statues is forbidden and considered idolatry. They knew this. See the video - Catholicism in Crisis and it explains why many nuns and priests felt compelled to leave the RCC. How they came to know Jesus Christ and the truth. It gives their testimonies and is excellent as a teaching tool on why Catholicism does not follow the doctrine of Jesus Christ but rather opposes it adamantly. Islam will not evolve and soon the world shall see the RCC never did either. They just became more clever in covering it up!

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