Geert Wilders Warning To America

Sunni. God had Samuel anoint David to be the King of Israel before Saul was killed. Not afterwards. David became King after Saul died but he was anointed by Samuel long before Saul died. David was running from Saul for many years. How do you explain such errors when you are not even permitted to consider any errors speaking of the Qu'ran or Islam?
It is not an error.

The Quran was sent to correct the mistakes written in the Torah (OT) ... :cool:

Sunni, the Torah along with the new testament is the most accurate intact book of antiquity on earth today - the second most accurate book of antiquity is the Iliad. True story.

The Qur'an by contrast was recorded on bits of bone, parchment, leaves, whatever was available to record the words of Mohammad by his followers - because that was all that was available to them - it was not kept in order - and was compiled years after Mohammad's death. Some of it was even written by memory of what he said. After the fact. Add to this the history of the conflicts concerning the Qur'an - the period where Mohammad demanded the people to worship his daughers as gods -which later he recanted on because it was not received well at all - the subsequent book burning of the Qur'an many years later after his death - they rewrote it ( again ) and what you have is a very "iffy" book. With that in mind there was an out as they had a claim that Mohammad said there were three forms of abrogation allowing you to replace a verse for a better verse - delete a verse entirely or alter a verse adding words or removing some - etc - which tells me that it was "your god" who couldn't get it right from the beginning and therein left his edition open for "edits".... no such law of abrogation exists with the Torah - Tanach - or New testament. The God of Israel got it right the first time and there was no need for revisions or editors.

The Torah is a perfect book and was given to the Jews who were given the "oracles of God".. understand that I am not trying to insult you here I am simply amazed that you do not know the history of your own book and how it came into existence.
Jeremiah, you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to the Quran.

But that's understandable since you get all of your information about Islam from hate sites and books. ..... :cool:

Oh but I do, Sunni. I studied the history of it and I know more than you think I know. Why make outlandish statements like I get my information from hate sites and then run away? It's not true at all. Stay around. .......let's talk about it.
We lost you because you confused Messianism for actual Judaism? Doh!
Maybe I didn't word my sentence very well.

I briefly attended a Messianic church and it made me want to know more about the Torah and Judaism.

So for abut 2 years I went to a couple of synagogue's and studied with a Rabbi and took part in the High Holidays and Pesach Seder and Purim and other celebrations. ... :cool:
We lost you because you confused Messianism for actual Judaism? Doh!
Maybe I didn't word my sentence very well.

I briefly attended a Messianic church and it made me want to know more about the Torah and Judaism.

So for abut 2 years I went to a couple of synagogue's and studied with a Rabbi and took part in the High Holidays and Pesach Seder and Purim and other celebrations. ... :cool:

Given the alternatives, better Islam than some other branch of Christianity. Have far less objection to Islam than Christianity. At least you guys worship God. ;)
Given the alternatives, better Islam than some other branch of Christianity. Have far less objection to Islam than Christianity. At least you guys worship God. ;)
Rabid christian's like Jeremiah can't stand to hear the truth.

But as you well know Delta.

Judaism and Islam are very similar and Christianity is basically paganism. ..... :cool:
Given the alternatives, better Islam than some other branch of Christianity. Have far less objection to Islam than Christianity. At least you guys worship God. ;)
Rabid christian's like Jeremiah can't stand to hear the truth.

But as you well know Delta.

Judaism and Islam are very similar and Christianity is basically paganism. ..... :cool:

Islam is obviously heavily influenced by Judaism. Tanach and Talmud for us, Qur'an and a-Hadiths for you. God, just God for both of us. We got the lawbooks first, but as an older 70s or so movie about Mohammed stated well, "They [the Jews] received the Law but stopped obeying, then the Christians did, and they stopped obeying as well, now God has given it to us [the Muslims]." Fair point. Of the Abrahamic faiths, only Muslims actually do what the holy books say. And get branded terrorists for it. Which confirms what I've been saying all along, "If we followed the BIble they'd lock us up." :) Guess if your country's Muslim-dominated though that works more in your favor. :)
Given the alternatives, better Islam than some other branch of Christianity. Have far less objection to Islam than Christianity. At least you guys worship God. ;)
Rabid christian's like Jeremiah can't stand to hear the truth.

But as you well know Delta.

Judaism and Islam are very similar and Christianity is basically paganism. ..... :cool:

Christianity has more in common with Scientology than Judaism or Islam. :) Better comparison than involving the poor pagans. I have no problem with pagans. :)
Given the alternatives, better Islam than some other branch of Christianity. Have far less objection to Islam than Christianity. At least you guys worship God. ;)
Rabid christian's like Jeremiah can't stand to hear the truth.

But as you well know Delta.

Judaism and Islam are very similar and Christianity is basically paganism. ..... :cool:

Sunni, it is Judaism and Christianity that share the same book and although the Jew do not study the New testament ( the Messianic Jews do ) because they have not yet accepted that Jesus is the Messiah.

It is the teachings of Islam that have its roots in Pagan teachings - the worship of a baal god named baal allah that predates Islam - the rituals to this baal god also predate Islam yet continue in the religion of Islam to this day.

I find it interesting that you consider me to be rabid but not ISIL and ISIS who are raping tiny 4 year old girls and cutting their heads off.

There is no question in my mind that you were never born again. I'm not questioning that you have heard bible scripture before and know of the Torah but you most definitely were not a born again Christian by any stretch of the imagination.

The Holy Spirit did let me know that you thought you could call on Jesus at your last hour - and that you thought this would be enough to save you but He has already had me warn you once that you will not be given that opportunity because you must come when he is calling you to come not when it is convenient for you.

I'm sorry if that troubles you but it is your eternal life in the balance and I must warn you - I find the LORD has been very gracious to you in giving you the opportunity to become His. You should give your life to Christ and live for him. This is the last time I will speak to you about it. I've delivered the truth to you. It's up to you to do what you will about it.
Islam is obviously heavily influenced by Judaism. Tanach and Talmud for us, Qur'an and a-Hadiths for you. God, just God for both of us. We got the lawbooks first, but as an older 70s or so movie about Mohammed stated well, "They [the Jews] received the Law but stopped obeying, then the Christians did, and they stopped obeying as well, now God has given it to us [the Muslims]
It been said by some muslim scholars that the Quran is a book about and for the Jews.......which is basically true.

*waiting for the sound of Jeremiah's head exploding* ..... :lol: :lol:
Islam is obviously heavily influenced by Judaism. Tanach and Talmud for us, Qur'an and a-Hadiths for you. God, just God for both of us. We got the lawbooks first, but as an older 70s or so movie about Mohammed stated well, "They [the Jews] received the Law but stopped obeying, then the Christians did, and they stopped obeying as well, now God has given it to us [the Muslims]
It been said by some muslim scholars that the Quran is a book about and for the Jews.......which is basically true.

*waiting for the sound of Jeremiah's head exploding* ..... :lol: :lol:

Have said as much about Islamic countries. "If you wanna follow Torah don't move to Israel, move to KSA." :)
According to the bible, Delt
Islam is obviously heavily influenced by Judaism. Tanach and Talmud for us, Qur'an and a-Hadiths for you. God, just God for both of us. We got the lawbooks first, but as an older 70s or so movie about Mohammed stated well, "They [the Jews] received the Law but stopped obeying, then the Christians did, and they stopped obeying as well, now God has given it to us [the Muslims]
It been said by some muslim scholars that the Quran is a book about and for the Jews.......which is basically true.

*waiting for the sound of Jeremiah's head exploding* ..... :lol: :lol:

Not at all. Considering that Brother Rachid who was the son of a Mulsim Imam knows far more about Islam then you or Delta Embassy, Sunni. Listen to what he has to say about what Muslims think of Jews and Christians. Delta Embassy is in for an "education"....please listen to this message, Delta, and afterwards, share your thoughts on what this means to you:
....................................^^ On post #101 above......Jeremiah was upset when I said she gets her information about Islam and muslims from hate sites........then she posts this video. .... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:
The video is educational and is an appeal to the president to examine the facts, Sunni. What was exactly was hateful about this video? Brother Rachid was as gentle as a lamb, very pleasant and soft spoken, gave the facts and has not one radical bone in his body. He spoke the truth. Since when is truth hate? Is it possible that you have confused your hatred of truth about Islam with --------> truth must equal hate? because it makes you uncomfortable?

Any ideas on that?
Jeremiah the misguided christian spreading hate 24/7/365

WWJD? .... :dunno:

We already know what Jesus would do, Sunni Man. He would tell you to leave Islam behind and come and follow him! When are you going to call on Jesus to come to you and give yourself to him? Just how long do you plan on waiting, Sunni man? I am praying for you today! Exposing the truth about Islam is not hate! Exposing the truth about nazis covering up a gas chamber under asphalt is not hate! Defending AIPAC as an organization that does much good is not hate! The things you consider hate amaze me considering you refuse to condemn ISIS and call them for the murdering cowards they are - headed for hell - the whole lot of them! Worshipping baal allah and murdering in his name never won anyone heaven. As I already told you, Mohammad is right now in hell suffering unspeakable torments! What a way to go! I do not want that to be your fate! I'd like to see you fully saved, delivered and on your way to heaven! That is not hate Sunni man! That is Calvary Love! So sorry the wide road preachers have failed to preach the truth from their pulpits but the love of money and the world will do that to people! You know? ( If they don't repent they will be in hell with the idolators - idols are idols - baal allah, money, fame, reputation, your house could be your idol if it takes up all your time and resources. Jesus Christ and no one else should be on the throne of your life! )

Actually, as a Jew I think Jesus would tell Sunni Man to be the best Muslim he can be.

Jews don't encourage anyone to leave their religion for Judaism. Nor do we claim you gotta be Jewish for God to like you or admit you into heaven.

That's because you do not realize that Jesus is the Messiah, Delta. Sunni Man can make up his own mind and you are mistaken in that Jews don't encourage others to come to the LORD because Rabbi Shneider is a Jew and he is preaching every week to millions of people and has even recently evangelized in Haiti. Here he is and he is a complete Jew. Both Jewish and inwardly a Jew who has accepted Jesus as His Messiah. What a wonderful brother he is! One of my favorite teachers! I always enjoy hearing him minister!

Calling yourself a rabbi doesn't make you a Jew.

wouldn't bother me if some one from the jewish defense league or another jewish organization unloaded a piece of lead into that christer pretending to be a rabbis skull, Israel is catching on to these vermin and throwing them out as the are funded and run by christian fundamentalists here in the US

Messianic Jewish Missionary Groups Funded by Christians

Messianic Jewish Missionary Groups Funded by Christians
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Jeremiah the misguided christian spreading hate 24/7/365

WWJD? .... :dunno:

We already know what Jesus would do, Sunni Man. He would tell you to leave Islam behind and come and follow him! When are you going to call on Jesus to come to you and give yourself to him? Just how long do you plan on waiting, Sunni man? I am praying for you today! Exposing the truth about Islam is not hate! Exposing the truth about nazis covering up a gas chamber under asphalt is not hate! Defending AIPAC as an organization that does much good is not hate! The things you consider hate amaze me considering you refuse to condemn ISIS and call them for the murdering cowards they are - headed for hell - the whole lot of them! Worshipping baal allah and murdering in his name never won anyone heaven. As I already told you, Mohammad is right now in hell suffering unspeakable torments! What a way to go! I do not want that to be your fate! I'd like to see you fully saved, delivered and on your way to heaven! That is not hate Sunni man! That is Calvary Love! So sorry the wide road preachers have failed to preach the truth from their pulpits but the love of money and the world will do that to people! You know? ( If they don't repent they will be in hell with the idolators - idols are idols - baal allah, money, fame, reputation, your house could be your idol if it takes up all your time and resources. Jesus Christ and no one else should be on the throne of your life! )

Actually, as a Jew I think Jesus would tell Sunni Man to be the best Muslim he can be.

Jews don't encourage anyone to leave their religion for Judaism. Nor do we claim you gotta be Jewish for God to like you or admit you into heaven.

That's because you do not realize that Jesus is the Messiah, Delta. Sunni Man can make up his own mind and you are mistaken in that Jews don't encourage others to come to the LORD because Rabbi Shneider is a Jew and he is preaching every week to millions of people and has even recently evangelized in Haiti. Here he is and he is a complete Jew. Both Jewish and inwardly a Jew who has accepted Jesus as His Messiah. What a wonderful brother he is! One of my favorite teachers! I always enjoy hearing him minister!

Calling yourself a rabbi doesn't make you a Jew.

wouldn't bother me if some one from the jewish defense league or another jewish organization unloaded a piece of lead into that christer pretending to be a rabbis skull, Israel is catching on to these vermin and throwing them out as the are funded and run by christian fundamentalists here in the US

Messianic Jewish Missionary Groups Funded by Christians

Messianic Jewish Missionary Groups Funded by Christians

Israel Orders Deportation of Jews for Jesus Missionary

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