Geert Wilders Warning To America

Jeremiah the misguided christian spreading hate 24/7/365

WWJD? .... :dunno:

We already know what Jesus would do, Sunni Man. He would tell you to leave Islam behind and come and follow him! When are you going to call on Jesus to come to you and give yourself to him? Just how long do you plan on waiting, Sunni man? I am praying for you today! Exposing the truth about Islam is not hate! Exposing the truth about nazis covering up a gas chamber under asphalt is not hate! Defending AIPAC as an organization that does much good is not hate! The things you consider hate amaze me considering you refuse to condemn ISIS and call them for the murdering cowards they are - headed for hell - the whole lot of them! Worshipping baal allah and murdering in his name never won anyone heaven. As I already told you, Mohammad is right now in hell suffering unspeakable torments! What a way to go! I do not want that to be your fate! I'd like to see you fully saved, delivered and on your way to heaven! That is not hate Sunni man! That is Calvary Love! So sorry the wide road preachers have failed to preach the truth from their pulpits but the love of money and the world will do that to people! You know? ( If they don't repent they will be in hell with the idolators - idols are idols - baal allah, money, fame, reputation, your house could be your idol if it takes up all your time and resources. Jesus Christ and no one else should be on the throne of your life! )
Jeremiah, posting and spreading hate video's is not part of the "Great Commission" of spreading the Gospel that Jesus commanded you to do. . :cool:

Jesus commanded me to preach the Gospel and I do. Jesus also commands us to warn others about hell. Islam is leading millions to hell. It is my duty as a christian to warn others. I warn satanists to leave satanism too because you are all serving hell and Lucifer whether you realize it or not! Ignorance will not be an excuse when you face God at the judgment! Repent now and call upon Jesus to save your souls!

Jeremiah ~ You have come here and told everyone here about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and of the free gift of Salvation, but in your enthusiasm, you keep hammering, and accusing, and badgering the non believers. When are you going to stop providing Satan with stumbling blocks by your constant bible thumping...???? Do you really think if you beat folks over the head with God's word, it will make believers of non believers ?? We as Christians are to simply lay a bit of ground work, plant seeds, and we are to do it with gentleness, respect, and love. Jeri, please step back and allow God to do His work on the folks that have receptive hearts.....Your constant "holier than thou" attitude makes you appear to be acting on Satan's behalf. thus doing more harm than good.
That is your opinion, House mouse. You're entitled to it and I am entitled to remain committed to obeying the LORD and warning others about Islam right now because Islam does not serve the God of the bible.

Of course the wide road church preachers Rick Warren, Osteen, and others along with the lukewarm Christians you are meeting out there who want to "go along to get along" are going to find out that laying down for Satan is a wrong move.

You don't bow down to Satan's works - by telling others that Muslims serve the same "God" as the Christians and Jews do... you don't remain silent and sing Jesus loves you while hiding under your cross stitched pillow - you are commanded to expose the works of darkness. Speak the truth. Jesus never told us the world would love us. He said, they would hate us. Thanks for the encouraging word, it let's me know I am preaching the true Gospel when people complain it feels like a hammer. God said His Word was like a hammer. ( not a feather )

So thank you for sharing your thoughts but I do not agree with you. Not at all. If I appear holier than thou to others it could be a sign they are not taking the commission seriously. I do not see a whole lot of it here to tell you the truth. I guess posting rock music is a big priority for some part time christian folks. Not for me. I'll stay on the narrow path and if the light is too bright - too uncomfortable - you can always find another thread to read. I'm sure you'll have lots of company.
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That is your opinion, House mouse. You're entitled to it and I am entitled to remain committed to obeying the LORD and warning others about Islam right now because Islam does not serve the God of the bible.
Buddhism, Hinduism, Scientology, Paganism, and several other religions do not serve the God of the Bible.

So why do you focus all of your venomous hate on Islam? ..... :cool:
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I have been consistent in stating that Buddhism, Hinduism, Mormonism, Islam, Catholicism, Jehovah Witnesses, Satanism are all false religions and the baal gods they serve although named differently and numbers differ - remain the same. It's Lucifer. Behind it all, it is Lucifer, Sunni Man. I have written comments about those other religions but your ears only seem to hone in when I mention Islam. I suppose that is why you never noticed anything about my speaking out against abortion or homosexuality either. Your stuck in your own world, as sick as it is. It's time to wake up and hear the truth.

Now you can buy your ticket to the Glorify a terrorist Play - send your support to ISIS who beheads children in baal allahs name but what you cannot do is claim you are serving the same God as I am because you are most certainly not serving the same God. My God is not married to a demon god named Mary. Nor is He bowing down and taking orders from her! My God is not a baal god named baal allah who is a liar, a murderer and a thief, my God is Jesus Christ.

My God is the God of Israel and He is not commanding the murder of Jews and Christians nor is he commanding the murder of little children in his name. My God does not demand blood sacrifice. He paid for our sins with his own Blood on the Cross at Calvary and doesn't need you to sacrifice your own children.

God is very clear about what He desires. God does not desire sacrifice but our "obedience". It is very easy to toss a few dollars into the basket and go home to spend the rest of the day doing whatever it is you do but it an entirely another thing to surrender your life to Jesus Christ and be led by His Holy Spirit. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father except through me.

If we do not come to Jesus Christ and surrender our lives to Him then we are not going to heaven. It is just that simple. You must be born again. If you are not born again you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
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Actually I do not do meltdowns but I can tell you are headed for one. How many people have you complained to so far? How many times in the past week even? Have you lost count yet? I have to tell you something, Sunni Man. There is a reason you are on my threads. The Word of God is confirming to you that you are perishing. You are fearful, and rightfully so, but the answer is to surrender your life to Jesus Christ. The Lord loves you. Why would you reject his offer of salvation?

You do not know the number of your days. You have no idea - no man does - so why not cease from presuming on the grace of God and settle your account with Him today? You know what you need to do. So do it! But do not deflect with silly comments about a meltdown - because it truly doesn't change the fact that you are still perishing. Right this second. The clock is ticking...... and you're still not saved. Time to call on the LORD, Sunni Man. It's time.
That is your opinion, House mouse. You're entitled to it and I am entitled to remain committed to obeying the LORD and warning others about Islam right now because Islam does not serve the God of the bible.
Buddhism, Hinduism, Scientology, Paganism, and several other religions do not serve the God of the Bible.

So why do you focus all of your venomous hate on Islam? ..... :cool:

Because Muslims can't be trusted.

Bottom line.
As far as ISIS goes. unless one lives in a cave without any outside contact, we all are aware of what that idealogy is up to and doing. Our "Great Commission" is to present the Gospel to those that are unaware of the sin nature of human beings, including you and me, and explain to them that there is an alternative....Salvation with life everlasting as one of the rewards for receiving Christ. Every sinner is aware of what constitutes sin in their life,,,,it is built into most people, and only those without souls are unaware of their sins....Jeri, beating people up with God's word is defeating God's purpose. Your methodology is precisely why "feel good" preachers such as Osteen attract so many people and do nothing for their Salvation....You make folks feel bad,,,,not about themselves, but about Christians in general. We are supposed to let people know of the hope found in Christ Jesus, and that cannot be attained using terrorist tactics....You are insulting to many of the members here,,,including Sunni Man and Goddess....please stop demanding that they accept Christ, right now !! Please let God do His job, and stop being so mean spirited in your preaching. Try to be less like you and more like Christ.
............................LOL ......2 Jeremiah meltdowns within 5 minutes. .. :thup:

The Gospel is not a melt down although it might be a wear down because you seem to be softening a bit on the idea, Sunni Man. Which is good because to be honest you do not seem very interested in the Koran. You are not acquainted with what is in there - that I can tell anyhow- you do seem to be more interested in the bible and in scripture and I've noticed that for some time. From back many months ago when you were reading the chapters on Psalms. remember that? I need to pick back up on that book when I finish typing up John. Have you been reading the Gospel of John thread, Sunni Man? I sure hope you'll read it often. We need to the topic of this thread now which is about Geert Wilders and his warnings about Islam. Stay tuned for next video...
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Now that we have covered Geert Wilders warning to America we need to hear what he has to say concerning His warning to Israel. Excellent interview. Watch this:

Israel is fighting our fight.
- Geert Wilders

There is no such thing as moderate Islam. There are people who are moderate, there are people who call themselves Muslims who are moderate but there is no such thing as moderate Islam.
- Geert Wilders

Hamas has only one aim. To destroy Israel. To destroy the West. It's a misconception to believe giving them territory will bring peace. They want to destroy Israel. They do not want peace.
- Geert Wilders

Three quarters of the people Netherlands believe if the Jihadists leave the Netherlands they should never be permitted to return.
- Geert Wilders

We are all Israel, their fight is our fight.
- Geert Wilders
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This is what the Muslims have planned for the United States, Britain and beyond. This is what Geert Wilders is trying to wake the world up to realize. Listen to this Muslim man carefully. I am told one in seven verses in the Koran is referencing hell - hell fire - it is used to control the muslims and coerce them into joining the jihad - their leaders say this is the goal of Mohammad - to bring the entire world under the domination of Islam and Sharia law. This is the goal and this man is speaking to the Muslims about their plans for the USA and Britain. Listen closely:

you do seem to be more interested in the bible and in scripture and I've noticed that for some time. From back many months ago when you were reading the chapters on Psalms. remember that? I need to pick back up on that book when I finish typing up John. Have you been reading the Gospel of John thread, Sunni Man?
Jeremiah, I was a dedicated christian for many years before I converted to Islam more than a decade ago.

I've taught the Bible in sunday school at the church and hosted weekly bible study groups in my home for many years when I was a christian.

And I have no doubt that I know the Bible every bit as much as you do Jeremiah.......maybe even better.

So that's why I call you out when you start posting biblical nonsense. Because, unlike you, I know exactly what the Bible says and doesn't say.

Plus, I have the added advantage of having intimate knowledge of what's in the Quran and can compare the two books.

Whereas, your knowledge of the Quran comes from anti-Islamic hate sites on the internet. And books written by ill informed preachers looking to make money from gullible people by tickling their ears with hatred towards muslims and Islam.
Can make the same claim about Christianity and Judaism. If we went through the Bible or Tanach we can cite numerous passages which call for the killing of people. The attempt to portray Islam as an evil religion opens the comparison to your own.
I don't consider the old testament to have much to do with christianity as is evident by Jesus's message of pure peace and love. that's why it's called the old testament. those that think these two testaments are linked in some divine way are fooling themselves.

I could not disagree with you more on this. The Old Testament has given me a faith that is forged like iron. It is the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joseph,Gideon, the trials of Daniel, Shadrach,Meshach and Abednigo, the heart of King David and his relationship with God that gave me the blueprint to study what I myself could have through Jesus Christ. The promises of the prophets still being fulfilled on the earth today, the patience of Job and the warfare he encountered because he chose to live for God, what a rich faith he had and how blessed he was, and the wisdom of Solomon freely given to all who would meditate on and speak the words out loud of Proverbs, the power of the book of Isaiah when it is read out loud - the faith it builds up in me I feel that faith could conquer giants with it and indeed it has in the spiritual realm. To God be all the glory.

You could not possibly leave out Genesis which tells us who we are, what we've been given domininion over (confirmed in Psalm 8 ) and even more who God is and what He is like, how generous he is, and to identify His arch enemy - Lucifer - and our arch enemy and how subtle, crafty he is speaking lies by twisting scripture to Eve. What a subtle enemy we have -yet through Psalms I have learned how God trained David to do warfare - to pray - to depend upon the Lord and by Samson to see and learn of how the anointing operates and how to depend on the Spirit of the LORD and the lesson of humility is there as well and humility is the greatest of all virtues just as faith is the greatest of all weapons - the warriors shield - I fully understand why Satan hates Christians who are well acquainted with the Old Testament scriptures. It puts him at a worse disadvantage I believe - if that were possible because by Luke 10:19 The authority is given to the believer and nothing can harm us. It is written.

No, the Old Testament is an absolute must for any serious Christian in my belief. It is a magnificent book and I look forward to the day I will meet the people in those books because truly I have much to tell them about. Soldiers love sharing war stories - how much more so the children of God?

To be clear - every single book of the Old Testament is a beautiful potrait of Jesus Christ - when you're eyes are opened - you'll see him everywhere. One simply cannot miss out on anything so glorious. Read the Old Testament and the New and realize they could not fit together more beautifully! To God be the glory!
David was a corrupt adulterous murdering king. I see nothing holy in him what so ever. He was one of the first pop stars writing psalms or songs. The people worshipped David because they wanted to be rock stars just like him. It's the same thiing today. that's why when your new testament tells you Jesus wanted this type of worshipping groupies you know your books have been tainted by the corrupt hand of man. He never intended to be put before God. Anybody with eyes for Christ would see that instantly
Can make the same claim about Christianity and Judaism. If we went through the Bible or Tanach we can cite numerous passages which call for the killing of people. The attempt to portray Islam as an evil religion opens the comparison to your own.

delta----if what you say is true----then those jews who----based on whatever went wrong in their lives or in their brains decide to become SUPER-RELIGIOUS -----would be
---killing people. The "LUBAVITCH CHASSIDIC" community in Crown Heights
Brooklyn, New York---is full of such people---even super duper religious converts from other religions----besides previously secular jews. Somehow---there is a bit of
murder there----but not accomplished by jews---of any stripe. ON THE OTHER HAND------a seemingly large portion of jerks with bombs on their asses are those who recently "found allah"
Can make the same claim about Christianity and Judaism. If we went through the Bible or Tanach we can cite numerous passages which call for the killing of people. The attempt to portray Islam as an evil religion opens the comparison to your own.
I don't consider the old testament to have much to do with christianity as is evident by Jesus's message of pure peace and love. that's why it's called the old testament. those that think these two testaments are linked in some divine way are fooling themselves.

I could not disagree with you more on this. The Old Testament has given me a faith that is forged like iron. It is the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joseph,Gideon, the trials of Daniel, Shadrach,Meshach and Abednigo, the heart of King David and his relationship with God that gave me the blueprint to study what I myself could have through Jesus Christ. The promises of the prophets still being fulfilled on the earth today, the patience of Job and the warfare he encountered because he chose to live for God, what a rich faith he had and how blessed he was, and the wisdom of Solomon freely given to all who would meditate on and speak the words out loud of Proverbs, the power of the book of Isaiah when it is read out loud - the faith it builds up in me I feel that faith could conquer giants with it and indeed it has in the spiritual realm. To God be all the glory.

You could not possibly leave out Genesis which tells us who we are, what we've been given domininion over (confirmed in Psalm 8 ) and even more who God is and what He is like, how generous he is, and to identify His arch enemy - Lucifer - and our arch enemy and how subtle, crafty he is speaking lies by twisting scripture to Eve. What a subtle enemy we have -yet through Psalms I have learned how God trained David to do warfare - to pray - to depend upon the Lord and by Samson to see and learn of how the anointing operates and how to depend on the Spirit of the LORD and the lesson of humility is there as well and humility is the greatest of all virtues just as faith is the greatest of all weapons - the warriors shield - I fully understand why Satan hates Christians who are well acquainted with the Old Testament scriptures. It puts him at a worse disadvantage I believe - if that were possible because by Luke 10:19 The authority is given to the believer and nothing can harm us. It is written.

No, the Old Testament is an absolute must for any serious Christian in my belief. It is a magnificent book and I look forward to the day I will meet the people in those books because truly I have much to tell them about. Soldiers love sharing war stories - how much more so the children of God?

To be clear - every single book of the Old Testament is a beautiful potrait of Jesus Christ - when you're eyes are opened - you'll see him everywhere. One simply cannot miss out on anything so glorious. Read the Old Testament and the New and realize they could not fit together more beautifully! To God be the glory!
David was a corrupt adulterous murdering king. I see nothing holy in him what so ever. He was one of the first pop stars writing psalms or songs. The people worshipped David because they wanted to be rock stars just like him. It's the same thiing today. that's why when your new testament tells you Jesus wanted this type of worshipping groupies you know your books have been tainted by the corrupt hand of man. He never intended to be put before God. Anybody with eyes for Christ would see that instantly

God have mercy on your soul! Who are you to judge King David? Do you know that he was a man after God's own heart? That the LORD delighted in King David? Who are you to judge a man who delighted the LORD's heart? You should put your hand over your mouth and gasp at what you have done speaking against King David like that! Do you know who Jesus referred to most often? King David. That's who. King David had a deep and abiding relationship with the LORD. If he is good enough to be pleasing to Jesus he is surely good enough to be my example and I have surely been blessed by King David and his Psalms and his heart towards God more than any other bible hero in the Old Testament.

You need to repent to the LORD talking about the Lord's servant like that. Lord have mercy. You have grieved my heart to write what you have written. I could never say such a thing about King David and be at peace with myself. Truly you are blind and do not know Jesus to say such things about the Lord's anointed, King David. You must not know the LORD at all to say such a thing. You must not have the fear of the LORD either because the bible warns, Touch not mine anointed and do my prophet's no harm. You are intentionally trying to touch one of God's anointed! You need to repent!

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