Geert Wilders Warning To America

Aleister Crowley made a huge mistake, Pennywise. He permitted demons to enter him - thinking that by giving his mind to them they would not take over - but the day came they did take over and he died a wicked - pitiful death and was then taken straight down to hell to be tormented forevermore by the same demons he summoned on earth. The same end came to Anton Lavey and to all who serve Satan and are foolish enough to believe that what the demons are teaching them is truth - ( it's all lies - the demons like to those who serve Lucifer ) when it is all lies and what they think they know they do not know at all! What a sad way to go through life. Full of fear and torment and defending those who instill fear and torment ( because they are known by the company they keep). You can always tell who is who by who by who they keep company with. The wicked keep fellowship with the wicked. The wicked defend the wicked and the righteous defend the righteous. We are always moving in one of two directions in life - closer to heaven or closer to hell. There is only one life and then comes death and the judgment. There is no reincarnation, there are no second chances to live again -all we have is here and now and Jesus Christ who is God is in control of all that will happen. He is in control. Not Satan. Satan has to ask for permission to do anything before he does it - it is all covered in the book of Job. He is not as all powerful as some would have you think. Jesus Christ is the ultimate authority. Not Satan.

Crowley was a pervert, likewise Lavey. They used "Satanism" as a ruse in order to live lives of excess and complete sexual abandon. Lavey's daughter has recently renounced everything her father stood for.

I'm not a fan of them, but I find them fascinating and worth exploring, like serial killers and other human monsters.

Aleister Crowley was awesome, and brilliant.

You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine.

That he was a pervert is not debatable or an opinion; the man was a freak. Lavey was a poor man's Crowley.

I find them fascinating in the way I find Hitler and John Wayne Gacy fascinating. I don't admire any of them, but their lives are worth exploring in detail. I watched a great doc on Netflix recently that's right up your alley, I think- SERIAL KILLER CULTURE. Very well done, just lacking some depth. You may have already seen it.

As I said, you are entitled to your opinion.

So what if he included sex and orgies in his spiritual rituals. I do too. Sex is a powerful way to generate Mana. Mundanes find it "wrong" and "immoral" but fuck what yall think.

Crowley was brilliant. He made some great contributions to some things I am really into.

You display a juvenile kind of fascination on the subject. Lots of people do the same; they express an unhealthy appreciation of things that are not good for the soul. Rob Zombie has his Manson fetish and he's my age. Most people grow out of it. You can be interested in things that are abhorrent to the mainstream without condoning vile behavior or lionizing subhumans.

She invoked demons which now have her mind confused. Prayer and fasting is what is needed to help her and a miracle which I believe is on the way! Manson was also a Satanist. He was a member of the church of the final process in California - main branch was in Staten Island - I believe that was founded by Raymond Buckland but I am not sure. He was one of the first witches to come out - highly connected to the Illuminati Luciferians, etc. He has not been around for some time I believe he is in his 80's. He may be in hell now getting his reward of eternal torment. Very sad, these people believe Lucifer when they are promised immortality or powers in hell - then when they get to hell they find out they were deceived and act as if they are shocked that Satan would lie to them. I am fascinated by that. You would think that they would THINK about the fact that Satan is known as the father of lies in the scriptures, Pennywise. But they are so deceived in their minds they fail to see the truth. How could you trust Lucifer to keep his word about anything once he is through using you? He hates all mankind even those who serve him. Why? Because we were made in the image of God. That is why. The demons in hell tell people down there had they had the opportunity to obtain heaven they would never have been as foolish as these humans who did vile things against God and ended up in hell. These demons even taunt them and say you had a free will to walk away but you chose to come to hell. You are here eternally now! too late for you!
Thank God we have the chance now to receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior Romans 10: 9,10 and escape hell! Thank God for Jesus shedding his blood and dying on the cross for our sins and ascending to heaven on the third day! I thank Jesus!
Geert Wilders sounds like a verrrry dirty name. Like some kind of perverted anal monster.
And it's turning you on. Like he was bestest buddies with Aleister Crowley.

Aleister Crowley made a huge mistake, Pennywise. He permitted demons to enter him - thinking that by giving his mind to them they would not take over - but the day came they did take over and he died a wicked - pitiful death and was then taken straight down to hell to be tormented forevermore by the same demons he summoned on earth. The same end came to Anton Lavey and to all who serve Satan and are foolish enough to believe that what the demons are teaching them is truth - ( it's all lies - the demons like to those who serve Lucifer - it is all lies and what they think they know they do not know at all!

Yeah, but Ozzy made a bitchin' song out of it, so even if Crowley sold his soul to the devil, it was totally worth it.
No, Steven_R. It was not worth it because hell is for all eternity. Now the truth is that even those who have sold their soul to Lucifer can call upon the name of the LORD Jesus Christ and be saved because Lucifer did not creat man.

God did. Remember in Genesis 1:26 where God said Let us create man in our image and in our likeness? He was speaking to the Holy Spirit and Jesus and do you realize this is why the devil despises you and me? Yes, Steven_R. Because we were created in the image of God Satan despises us.

Now even if you chose to serve Satan and sell your soul to him, make a pact with hell in exchange for what powers the demons would give you - it is all a lie that you cannot be forgiven and have gone to far.

Jesus will indeed forgive you and receive you if you say I do not want this life of torment, fear, unable to sleep, demons controlling my thoughts 24/7 I want to be free - then Jesus is your answer - the answer to anyone suffering such a thing because in Christ there is no torment.

There is no torment in Gods love. None. To the Christian the scriptures declare - God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind - what a promise to those who have neither the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives, nor the love of God abiding in their hearts, nor the comfort of a sound mind that isn't splitting up into the various personalities of the demons who indwell them! What hope to know that promise can be theirs too if they will call upon the name of Jesus Christ!

There is freedom in Jesus Christ. Call upon the name of the Lord and thou shalt be saved. Read Romans 10:9,10.
Aleister Crowley made a huge mistake, Pennywise. He permitted demons to enter him - thinking that by giving his mind to them they would not take over - but the day came they did take over and he died a wicked - pitiful death and was then taken straight down to hell to be tormented forevermore by the same demons he summoned on earth. The same end came to Anton Lavey and to all who serve Satan and are foolish enough to believe that what the demons are teaching them is truth - ( it's all lies - the demons like to those who serve Lucifer ) when it is all lies and what they think they know they do not know at all! What a sad way to go through life. Full of fear and torment and defending those who instill fear and torment ( because they are known by the company they keep). You can always tell who is who by who by who they keep company with. The wicked keep fellowship with the wicked. The wicked defend the wicked and the righteous defend the righteous. We are always moving in one of two directions in life - closer to heaven or closer to hell. There is only one life and then comes death and the judgment. There is no reincarnation, there are no second chances to live again -all we have is here and now and Jesus Christ who is God is in control of all that will happen. He is in control. Not Satan. Satan has to ask for permission to do anything before he does it - it is all covered in the book of Job. He is not as all powerful as some would have you think. Jesus Christ is the ultimate authority. Not Satan.

Crowley was a pervert, likewise Lavey. They used "Satanism" as a ruse in order to live lives of excess and complete sexual abandon. Lavey's daughter has recently renounced everything her father stood for.

I'm not a fan of them, but I find them fascinating and worth exploring, like serial killers and other human monsters.

Aleister Crowley was awesome, and brilliant.

You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine.

That he was a pervert is not debatable or an opinion; the man was a freak. Lavey was a poor man's Crowley.

I find them fascinating in the way I find Hitler and John Wayne Gacy fascinating. I don't admire any of them, but their lives are worth exploring in detail. I watched a great doc on Netflix recently that's right up your alley, I think- SERIAL KILLER CULTURE. Very well done, just lacking some depth. You may have already seen it.

As I said, you are entitled to your opinion.

So what if he included sex and orgies in his spiritual rituals. I do too. Sex is a powerful way to generate Mana. Mundanes find it "wrong" and "immoral" but fuck what yall think.

Crowley was brilliant. He made some great contributions to some things I am really into.

You display a juvenile kind of fascination on the subject. Lots of people do the same; they express an unhealthy appreciation of things that are not good for the soul. Rob Zombie has his Manson fetish and he's my age. Most people grow out of it. You can be interested in things that are abhorrent to the mainstream without condoning vile behavior or lionizing subhumans.

"An unhealthy appreciation of things that are not good for the soul."

You consider my interests "unhealthy" and "not good for the soul", as if it is some objective fact, when it is nothing more than your subjective Mundane opinion.

As is your perspective as to what constitutes as "vile behavior", or what makes a person "subhuman." How digustingly Mundane can you possibly be?

Ah look. Another subjective opinion. I consider you to be a worthless Mundane, and Crowley to be worthy of my respect. I can admit that it is not some objective truth.

Of course, so many Mundanes despise the things you people consider to be "the occult". I happen to be Naturally drawn to such things. Crowley contributed to it and I respect that.

I respect whoever I choose, according to my Will, regardless of what "moral" or "immoral" impression they have left on humanity. I respect Hitler. I respect Jesus. Julius Caesar. King Solomon. Stalin. Rasputin. Da Vinci. Vlad Dracula. George Washington. Gandhi. Mohammed. Bruce Lee. David Myatt. The Buddha.

Rob Zombie's hot wife.

Aleister Crowley.

Call him a "subhuman" if you wish, you can call a sheep a dragon, but that will not make it so.

I don't think you are a subhuman, I think you are a twenty-ish poseur trying way too hard to be original, to be original.
I don't think you are a subhuman, I think you are a twenty-ish poseur trying way too hard to be original, to be original.

Because you feel that one could not possibly simultaneously respect Hitler and Jesus, without deceitfully "posing" to do so, for the sake of "trying to be original".

Because you feel that one could not possibly, honestly, simultaneously respect Ghandi and Stalin both.

So many humans are limited by their subjective perspective of "morality."

I hold in one hand the Sun, and in the other, the Moon.

For some, that is hard to grasp, only because they'd rather be blinded by Light or consumed by darkness.

I do not try to be "original" for the sake of being original, it just happens Naturally based on who I have become based on my Weltanschauung, my True Will, and my Wyrd. I tend to look for wisdom where others dare not to look. I tend to find strengths in places others Will not to explore. I do Naturally choose to instead create my own religion and spiritual system rather than strictly adhere to the doctrines of something already established, although I enthusiastically absorb elements from any religion when I recognize something that can strengthen my own spirituality.

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I've seen it all before and have been in the loop. Your posts are nothing new, rather they remind me of friends and acquaintances of another lifetime, back when I played music in the pre-grunge days, right in that narrow strip of time between The DAMNED going Goth gay and the the rise of Sup Pop records. I've known you. I am neither offended nor disgusted by your alleged admirations. Your use of referring to others as "Mundanes" is just another way of saying "straight people" as I and my punk friends used to. "Straight" as in normal, not sexually.

Nothing you speak of is new or unusual, but your manor is verbose and uncultured (your insulting digs a Pbel's paint work). You are trying too hard to fit a mold you have created for yourself.
Can make the same claim about Christianity and Judaism. If we went through the Bible or Tanach we can cite numerous passages which call for the killing of people. The attempt to portray Islam as an evil religion opens the comparison to your own.

What is your major malfunction?

Are you a Muslim?

I see you are persistently ignorant about Islam.

Or are you just too stubborn to budge from your bankrupt or should I say, irrelevant position on Islam??

I have tried to present to you and the board the pertinent aspects of Islam with regard to Muslims presenting a threat to our safety and freedoms.

Yet, you persist in this same tired ass bullshit.

In comparative terms your argument only works on paper.

Once people become truly interested in protecting themselves the ONLY thing that needs to be considered is who can be trusted and who can't be trusted?

Because we have no way of knowing which Muslim is or isn't a Jihadist in his heart we must assume that ALL Muslims may be infected. Certainly ALL Muslims are commanded to perform Jihad. Some will be content to restrict their Jihad to that which doesn't violate our laws. Others will be content with nothing short of violent Jihad.

And we have no clue who will erupt today or tomorrow or...

The ONLY question: Who can or can't be trusted?

The ONLY safe assumption: 100% of all Muslims are commanded to perform Jihad. 30% of all Muslims consider themselves fundamentalists prepared to wage violent Jihad.

In any random grouping of Muslims the chances are that 25% - 30% will be the kind we need protection from.

But we have no idea who these individuals are.

Therefore, our only sensible solution is to restrict ALL Muslims from exceeding the population numbers commensurate with Stage One of the Five Stages of Islam.
Jeremiah the misguided christian spreading hate 24/7/365

WWJD? .... :dunno:

We already know what Jesus would do, Sunni Man. He would tell you to leave Islam behind and come and follow him! When are you going to call on Jesus to come to you and give yourself to him? Just how long do you plan on waiting, Sunni man? I am praying for you today! Exposing the truth about Islam is not hate! Exposing the truth about nazis covering up a gas chamber under asphalt is not hate! Defending AIPAC as an organization that does much good is not hate! The things you consider hate amaze me considering you refuse to condemn ISIS and call them for the murdering cowards they are - headed for hell - the whole lot of them! Worshipping baal allah and murdering in his name never won anyone heaven. As I already told you, Mohammad is right now in hell suffering unspeakable torments! What a way to go! I do not want that to be your fate! I'd like to see you fully saved, delivered and on your way to heaven! That is not hate Sunni man! That is Calvary Love! So sorry the wide road preachers have failed to preach the truth from their pulpits but the love of money and the world will do that to people! You know? ( If they don't repent they will be in hell with the idolators - idols are idols - baal allah, money, fame, reputation, your house could be your idol if it takes up all your time and resources. Jesus Christ and no one else should be on the throne of your life! )
Jeremiah, posting and spreading hate video's is not part of the "Great Commission" of spreading the Gospel that Jesus commanded you to do. . :cool:

Doesn't the Bible have a few stories about a sentry or a watchman on the wall who saves the lives of others by being dutifully watchful and alert and sounding the right alarm at the right time?

Wouldn't Jeremiah's postings here be an example of her doing the same?

Sounding an alarm to the rest of us?

Pretty darned useful.

Pretty darned noble!
You are entitled to your delusions.

I will continue living my life however I Will.

Enjoy life but be careful how far into oblivion you travel. It's a slippery slope.

Watch that documentary I mentioned earlier. Good stuff.

It is indeed a slippery slope she is on. The greatest concern I have is that she really is at the point of believing there are no consequences for her actions. Reality isn't changed or altered by what we "choose to convince ourselves to believe"...there are plenty of atheists in hell that would only be too willing to tell her this. Plenty of people down there who thought the occult was a cool idea too but now would warn her to flee from it immediately. It is too late for them but it is not too late for her. She could still get out. I pray that she does.
Thank you, Mojo. I thank God for people such as yourself who speak up and use their voice too. Together we can all make a difference. I believe our country needs alot of prayer in order to push back this darkness that is trying to close in on us. We need to be a vigilant people and a prayerful people. Satan is not challenging us to any mock battle.
Can make the same claim about Christianity and Judaism. If we went through the Bible or Tanach we can cite numerous passages which call for the killing of people. The attempt to portray Islam as an evil religion opens the comparison to your own.
I don't consider the old testament to have much to do with christianity as is evident by Jesus's message of pure peace and love. that's why it's called the old testament. those that think these two testaments are linked in some divine way are fooling themselves.
Thank you, Mojo. I thank God for people such as yourself who speak up and use their voice too. Together we can all make a difference. I believe our country needs alot of prayer in order to push back this darkness that is trying to close in on us. We need to be a vigilant people and a prayerful people. Satan is not challenging us to any mock battle.

Remember, as you are doing God's work, no matter how much success you achieve there's always a new devil at every new level!
Can make the same claim about Christianity and Judaism. If we went through the Bible or Tanach we can cite numerous passages which call for the killing of people. The attempt to portray Islam as an evil religion opens the comparison to your own.
I don't consider the old testament to have much to do with christianity as is evident by Jesus's message of pure peace and love. that's why it's called the old testament. those that think these two testaments are linked in some divine way are fooling themselves.

I could not disagree with you more on this. The Old Testament has given me a faith that is forged like iron. It is the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joseph,Gideon, the trials of Daniel, Shadrach,Meshach and Abednigo, the heart of King David and his relationship with God that gave me the blueprint to study what I myself could have through Jesus Christ. The promises of the prophets still being fulfilled on the earth today, the patience of Job and the warfare he encountered because he chose to live for God, what a rich faith he had and how blessed he was, and the wisdom of Solomon freely given to all who would meditate on and speak the words out loud of Proverbs, the power of the book of Isaiah when it is read out loud - the faith it builds up in me I feel that faith could conquer giants with it and indeed it has in the spiritual realm. To God be all the glory.

You could not possibly leave out Genesis which tells us who we are, what we've been given domininion over (confirmed in Psalm 8 ) and even more who God is and what He is like, how generous he is, and to identify His arch enemy - Lucifer - and our arch enemy and how subtle, crafty he is speaking lies by twisting scripture to Eve. What a subtle enemy we have -yet through Psalms I have learned how God trained David to do warfare - to pray - to depend upon the Lord and by Samson to see and learn of how the anointing operates and how to depend on the Spirit of the LORD and the lesson of humility is there as well and humility is the greatest of all virtues just as faith is the greatest of all weapons - the warriors shield - I fully understand why Satan hates Christians who are well acquainted with the Old Testament scriptures. It puts him at a worse disadvantage I believe - if that were possible because by Luke 10:19 The authority is given to the believer and nothing can harm us. It is written.

No, the Old Testament is an absolute must for any serious Christian in my belief. It is a magnificent book and I look forward to the day I will meet the people in those books because truly I have much to tell them about. Soldiers love sharing war stories - how much more so the children of God?

To be clear - every single book of the Old Testament is a beautiful potrait of Jesus Christ - when you're eyes are opened - you'll see him everywhere. One simply cannot miss out on anything so glorious. Read the Old Testament and the New and realize they could not fit together more beautifully! To God be the glory!
Thank you, Mojo. I thank God for people such as yourself who speak up and use their voice too. Together we can all make a difference. I believe our country needs alot of prayer in order to push back this darkness that is trying to close in on us. We need to be a vigilant people and a prayerful people. Satan is not challenging us to any mock battle.

Remember, as you are doing God's work, no matter how much success you achieve there's always a new devil at every new level!

What a great maxim! I have to write that down! Thank you, Mojo! ( you're right! )
Can make the same claim about Christianity and Judaism. If we went through the Bible or Tanach we can cite numerous passages which call for the killing of people. The attempt to portray Islam as an evil religion opens the comparison to your own.

What is your major malfunction?

Are you a Muslim?

I see you are persistently ignorant about Islam.

Or are you just too stubborn to budge from your bankrupt or should I say, irrelevant position on Islam??

I have tried to present to you and the board the pertinent aspects of Islam with regard to Muslims presenting a threat to our safety and freedoms.

Yet, you persist in this same tired ass bullshit.

In comparative terms your argument only works on paper.

Once people become truly interested in protecting themselves the ONLY thing that needs to be considered is who can be trusted and who can't be trusted?

Because we have no way of knowing which Muslim is or isn't a Jihadist in his heart we must assume that ALL Muslims may be infected. Certainly ALL Muslims are commanded to perform Jihad. Some will be content to restrict their Jihad to that which doesn't violate our laws. Others will be content with nothing short of violent Jihad.

And we have no clue who will erupt today or tomorrow or...

The ONLY question: Who can or can't be trusted?

The ONLY safe assumption: 100% of all Muslims are commanded to perform Jihad. 30% of all Muslims consider themselves fundamentalists prepared to wage violent Jihad.

In any random grouping of Muslims the chances are that 25% - 30% will be the kind we need protection from.

But we have no idea who these individuals are.

Therefore, our only sensible solution is to restrict ALL Muslims from exceeding the population numbers commensurate with Stage One of the Five Stages of Islam.

Sadly many on the left, believe what Delta posted. They see no difference between Islam and Christianity as they exist TODAY. Believing this absurdity only indicates how brainwashed they are.

Obama and many American politicians, claim the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is NOT Islam. They say the same about Hamas, Islamic Brotherhood, Taliban, al-Qaeda, and any radical Islamic group that commits murder and terrorism anywhere on earth. This is of course pure propaganda designed to deceive. Many on left, like Delta, seem to be easily fooled by propaganda.

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