Geert Wilders Warning To America

Can make the same claim about Christianity and Judaism. If we went through the Bible or Tanach we can cite numerous passages which call for the killing of people. The attempt to portray Islam as an evil religion opens the comparison to your own.

delta----if what you say is true----then those jews who----based on whatever went wrong in their lives or in their brains decide to become SUPER-RELIGIOUS -----would be
---killing people. The "LUBAVITCH CHASSIDIC" community in Crown Heights
Brooklyn, New York---is full of such people---even super duper religious converts from other religions----besides previously secular jews. Somehow---there is a bit of
murder there----but not accomplished by jews---of any stripe. ON THE OTHER HAND------a seemingly large portion of jerks with bombs on their asses are those who recently "found allah"

I believe I met one of those Jewish men at the airport terminal when I was picking up my cousin flying in from NY at the airport, Rosie.

I was waving my Israeli flag right there where they pick up the suit cases - I cannot remember for sure but I think I was saying Long Live Israel when this holy Jew looked up and began to speak in Hebrew to me and my cousin showed up and saw him speaking to me in Hebrew and looking straight at me - maybe 10 ft away - and I think he was praying but she said I am very surprised - this is very rare for them to do this - he is blessing you - he is blessing you and that is his wife next to him - and he had a prayer shawl pinned around his waist under his clothing and his face was lit up with the glory of the LORD shining on his face and I praised God for that man and said thank you to him or something I cannot remember now - so I cannot say for sure except that his spirit and my spirit leaped when we layed eyes on each other and I knew this was a holy Jew and he was sealed by God and was highly favored of the LORD! He was the highlight of my trip to the airport!

It was a great blessing to meet that man and I don't know if he spoke any English or not because everything he said to me was in Hebrew but I am certain he was blessing me. It was a moment I thank God for. I felt a great love in my heart for that man. I love the Jewish people! They are such a blessing to me!
Quran 2:251 “So they routed them by Allah's leave and David killed Goliath, and Allah gave him (David) the kingdom (after the death of Saul and Samuel) and Prophethood, and taught him of that which He willed. And if Allah did not check one set of people by means of another, the earth would indeed be full of mischief. But Allah is full of Bounty to mankind and all that exists.”
Sunni, let me ask you a question. Why can you not see the contradictions in the Qu'ran? You are quoting a story in which Mohammad claimed that it was Allah that helped David, a Jew, by routing his enemies and helping him kill Goliath yet when some 900 Jews would not receive Mohammad as a true prophet he had them beheaded. He changed the direction of prayer from towards Jerusalem to away from Jerusalem ( praying with their backs towards Jerusalem ) This was obviously a major shift in his attitude toward the Jews due to that rejection - King David was Jewish, Sunni. God had Samuel anoint David to be the King of Israel before Saul was killed. Not afterwards. David became King after Saul died but he was anointed by Samuel long before Saul died. David was running from Saul for many years. How do you explain such errors when you are not even permitted to consider any errors speaking of the Qu'ran or Islam?
Sunni. God had Samuel anoint David to be the King of Israel before Saul was killed. Not afterwards. David became King after Saul died but he was anointed by Samuel long before Saul died. David was running from Saul for many years. How do you explain such errors when you are not even permitted to consider any errors speaking of the Qu'ran or Islam?
It is not an error.

The Quran was sent to correct the mistakes written in the Torah (OT) ... :cool:
Jeremiah the misguided christian spreading hate 24/7/365

WWJD? .... :dunno:
Islam is just the latest scapegoat Christians use to persecute. Used to be the Jews, the pagans, or somebody else. Right now it's Islam since numerically, it doesn't take a lot of imagination to see Islam will outnumber Christians in the very near future, and projected ahead become to dominant global religion eventually. In order to retain it's global influence and power, Christianity needs to do everything it can to if not prevent, at least delay that outcome. Since Christians are found more in affluent nations with lower birthrates than Muslims in poorer nations with paradoxically higher birthrates, something must be done to offset Christian vs Muslim birthrates. Never gonna convince Christians to reproduce more if that makes them poorer, so the only thing left is either war or making Islam look like an evil religion to draw people away into Christianity just as Christianity does with Jews via Messianic Judaism Christianity.

People should sell their pork stocks
you do seem to be more interested in the bible and in scripture and I've noticed that for some time. From back many months ago when you were reading the chapters on Psalms. remember that? I need to pick back up on that book when I finish typing up John. Have you been reading the Gospel of John thread, Sunni Man?
Jeremiah, I was a dedicated christian for many years before I converted to Islam more than a decade ago.

I've taught the Bible in sunday school at the church and hosted weekly bible study groups in my home for many years when I was a christian.

And I have no doubt that I know the Bible every bit as much as you do Jeremiah.......maybe even better.

So that's why I call you out when you start posting biblical nonsense. Because, unlike you, I know exactly what the Bible says and doesn't say.

Plus, I have the added advantage of having intimate knowledge of what's in the Quran and can compare the two books.

Whereas, your knowledge of the Quran comes from anti-Islamic hate sites on the internet. And books written by ill informed preachers looking to make money from gullible people by tickling their ears with hatred towards muslims and Islam.

Sunni, I'm not in a contest with you - what I want to know is why did you leave the Lord to follow Islam? What happened?
That is your opinion, House mouse. You're entitled to it and I am entitled to remain committed to obeying the LORD and warning others about Islam right now because Islam does not serve the God of the bible.
Buddhism, Hinduism, Scientology, Paganism, and several other religions do not serve the God of the Bible.

So why do you focus all of your venomous hate on Islam? ..... :cool:

Because Muslims can't be trusted.

Bottom line.

That's how we Jews really feel about you christer goyim
Jeremiah the misguided christian spreading hate 24/7/365

WWJD? .... :dunno:

We already know what Jesus would do, Sunni Man. He would tell you to leave Islam behind and come and follow him! When are you going to call on Jesus to come to you and give yourself to him? Just how long do you plan on waiting, Sunni man? I am praying for you today! Exposing the truth about Islam is not hate! Exposing the truth about nazis covering up a gas chamber under asphalt is not hate! Defending AIPAC as an organization that does much good is not hate! The things you consider hate amaze me considering you refuse to condemn ISIS and call them for the murdering cowards they are - headed for hell - the whole lot of them! Worshipping baal allah and murdering in his name never won anyone heaven. As I already told you, Mohammad is right now in hell suffering unspeakable torments! What a way to go! I do not want that to be your fate! I'd like to see you fully saved, delivered and on your way to heaven! That is not hate Sunni man! That is Calvary Love! So sorry the wide road preachers have failed to preach the truth from their pulpits but the love of money and the world will do that to people! You know? ( If they don't repent they will be in hell with the idolators - idols are idols - baal allah, money, fame, reputation, your house could be your idol if it takes up all your time and resources. Jesus Christ and no one else should be on the throne of your life! )

Actually, as a Jew I think Jesus would tell Sunni Man to be the best Muslim he can be.

Jews don't encourage anyone to leave their religion for Judaism. Nor do we claim you gotta be Jewish for God to like you or admit you into heaven.
Sunni, I'm not in a contest with you - what I want to know is why did you leave the Lord to follow Islam? What happened?
I attended a Messianic church and later studied the Torah with the Jews for 2 years and finally figured out that Jesus wasn't G-d.

I was attracted to Judaism but they rejected the teachings of and prophethood of Jesus.

Then I discovered Islam.......they accepted Jesus the man as a prophet and only believed in the One G-d of the Torah.

Islam was what I had been searching for all of those years. ..... :thup:
Sunni. God had Samuel anoint David to be the King of Israel before Saul was killed. Not afterwards. David became King after Saul died but he was anointed by Samuel long before Saul died. David was running from Saul for many years. How do you explain such errors when you are not even permitted to consider any errors speaking of the Qu'ran or Islam?
It is not an error.

The Quran was sent to correct the mistakes written in the Torah (OT) ... :cool:

Sunni, the Torah along with the new testament is the most accurate intact book of antiquity on earth today - the second most accurate book of antiquity is the Iliad. True story.

The Qur'an by contrast was recorded on bits of bone, parchment, leaves, whatever was available to record the words of Mohammad by his followers - because that was all that was available to them - it was not kept in order - and was compiled years after Mohammad's death. Some of it was even written by memory of what he said. After the fact. Add to this the history of the conflicts concerning the Qur'an - the period where Mohammad demanded the people to worship his daughers as gods -which later he recanted on because it was not received well at all - the subsequent book burning of the Qur'an many years later after his death - they rewrote it ( again ) and what you have is a very "iffy" book. With that in mind there was an out as they had a claim that Mohammad said there were three forms of abrogation allowing you to replace a verse for a better verse - delete a verse entirely or alter a verse adding words or removing some - etc - which tells me that it was "your god" who couldn't get it right from the beginning and therein left his edition open for "edits".... no such law of abrogation exists with the Torah - Tanach - or New testament. The God of Israel got it right the first time and there was no need for revisions or editors.

The Torah is a perfect book and was given to the Jews who were given the "oracles of God".. understand that I am not trying to insult you here I am simply amazed that you do not know the history of your own book and how it came into existence.
That is your opinion, House mouse. You're entitled to it and I am entitled to remain committed to obeying the LORD and warning others about Islam right now because Islam does not serve the God of the bible.
Buddhism, Hinduism, Scientology, Paganism, and several other religions do not serve the God of the Bible.

So why do you focus all of your venomous hate on Islam? ..... :cool:

Because Muslims can't be trusted.

Bottom line.

That's how we Jews really feel about you christer goyim

Understandable. That's the nature of things in our society and you know what they say about society and politics, right?

Well, there is a further degree of clarity to be achieved by just figuring out if the "christer goyim" in question is a Conservative or a Liberal.
Sunni, I'm not in a contest with you - what I want to know is why did you leave the Lord to follow Islam? What happened?
I attended a Messianic church and later studied the Torah with the Jews for 2 years and finally figured out that Jesus wasn't G-d.

I was attracted to Judaism but they rejected the teachings of and prophethood of Jesus.

Then I discovered Islam.......they accepted Jesus the man as a prophet and only believed in the One G-d of the Torah.

Islam was what I had been searching for all of those years. ..... :thup:

Yelps like someone stepped on his foot.

We lost you because you confused Messianism for actual Judaism? Doh! :)

Messianism is NOT any branch of Judaism. It's evangelical Christianity. Jewish services will never mention Yeshua or Jesus, it's a guy who came along a thousand or so years later. We don't care about, or discuss him at synagogue any more than we do Joseph Smith or Mohammed. :)
Sunni. God had Samuel anoint David to be the King of Israel before Saul was killed. Not afterwards. David became King after Saul died but he was anointed by Samuel long before Saul died. David was running from Saul for many years. How do you explain such errors when you are not even permitted to consider any errors speaking of the Qu'ran or Islam?
It is not an error.

The Quran was sent to correct the mistakes written in the Torah (OT) ... :cool:

Sunni, the Torah along with the new testament is the most accurate intact book of antiquity on earth today - the second most accurate book of antiquity is the Iliad. True story.

The Qur'an by contrast was recorded on bits of bone, parchment, leaves, whatever was available to record the words of Mohammad by his followers - because that was all that was available to them - it was not kept in order - and was compiled years after Mohammad's death. Some of it was even written by memory of what he said. After the fact. Add to this the history of the conflicts concerning the Qur'an - the period where Mohammad demanded the people to worship his daughers as gods -which later he recanted on because it was not received well at all - the subsequent book burning of the Qur'an many years later after his death - they rewrote it ( again ) and what you have is a very "iffy" book. With that in mind there was an out as they had a claim that Mohammad said there were three forms of abrogation allowing you to replace a verse for a better verse - delete a verse entirely or alter a verse adding words or removing some - etc - which tells me that it was "your god" who couldn't get it right from the beginning and therein left his edition open for "edits".... no such law of abrogation exists with the Torah - Tanach - or New testament. The God of Israel got it right the first time and there was no need for revisions or editors.

The Torah is a perfect book and was given to the Jews who were given the "oracles of God".. understand that I am not trying to insult you here I am simply amazed that you do not know the history of your own book and how it came into existence.
Jeremiah, you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to the Quran.

But that's understandable since you get all of your information about Islam from hate sites and books. ..... :cool:
Sunni, I'm not in a contest with you - what I want to know is why did you leave the Lord to follow Islam? What happened?
I attended a Messianic church and later studied the Torah with the Jews for 2 years and finally figured out that Jesus wasn't G-d.

I was attracted to Judaism but they rejected the teachings of and prophethood of Jesus.

Then I discovered Islam.......they accepted Jesus the man as a prophet and only believed in the One G-d of the Torah.

Islam was what I had been searching for all of those years. ..... :thup:

You found what you were looking for???

Violent, conniving, lying, misogynists and murderous anti-Semitic Jew hating racists who are trying to subvert and take over all the governments of the world and make them all bow to Mecca or else???

Man some people's tastes just run toward the dark side.
Sunni, I'm not in a contest with you - what I want to know is why did you leave the Lord to follow Islam? What happened?
I attended a Messianic church and later studied the Torah with the Jews for 2 years and finally figured out that Jesus wasn't G-d.

I was attracted to Judaism but they rejected the teachings of and prophethood of Jesus.

Then I discovered Islam.......they accepted Jesus the man as a prophet and only believed in the One G-d of the Torah.

Islam was what I had been searching for all of those years. ..... :thup:

Yelps like someone stepped on his foot.

We lost you because you confused Messianism for actual Judaism? Doh! :)

Messianism is NOT any branch of Judaism. It's evangelical Christianity. Jewish services will never mention Yeshua or Jesus, it's a guy who came along a thousand or so years later. We don't care about, or discuss him at synagogue any more than we do Joseph Smith or Mohammed. :)

Jeremiah the misguided christian spreading hate 24/7/365

WWJD? .... :dunno:

We already know what Jesus would do, Sunni Man. He would tell you to leave Islam behind and come and follow him! When are you going to call on Jesus to come to you and give yourself to him? Just how long do you plan on waiting, Sunni man? I am praying for you today! Exposing the truth about Islam is not hate! Exposing the truth about nazis covering up a gas chamber under asphalt is not hate! Defending AIPAC as an organization that does much good is not hate! The things you consider hate amaze me considering you refuse to condemn ISIS and call them for the murdering cowards they are - headed for hell - the whole lot of them! Worshipping baal allah and murdering in his name never won anyone heaven. As I already told you, Mohammad is right now in hell suffering unspeakable torments! What a way to go! I do not want that to be your fate! I'd like to see you fully saved, delivered and on your way to heaven! That is not hate Sunni man! That is Calvary Love! So sorry the wide road preachers have failed to preach the truth from their pulpits but the love of money and the world will do that to people! You know? ( If they don't repent they will be in hell with the idolators - idols are idols - baal allah, money, fame, reputation, your house could be your idol if it takes up all your time and resources. Jesus Christ and no one else should be on the throne of your life! )

Actually, as a Jew I think Jesus would tell Sunni Man to be the best Muslim he can be.

Jews don't encourage anyone to leave their religion for Judaism. Nor do we claim you gotta be Jewish for God to like you or admit you into heaven.

That's because you do not realize that Jesus is the Messiah, Delta. Sunni Man can make up his own mind and you are mistaken in that Jews don't encourage others to come to the LORD because Rabbi Shneider is a Jew and he is preaching every week to millions of people and has even recently evangelized in Haiti. Here he is and he is a complete Jew. Both Jewish and inwardly a Jew who has accepted Jesus as His Messiah. What a wonderful brother he is! One of my favorite teachers! I always enjoy hearing him minister!

Jeremiah the misguided christian spreading hate 24/7/365

WWJD? .... :dunno:

We already know what Jesus would do, Sunni Man. He would tell you to leave Islam behind and come and follow him! When are you going to call on Jesus to come to you and give yourself to him? Just how long do you plan on waiting, Sunni man? I am praying for you today! Exposing the truth about Islam is not hate! Exposing the truth about nazis covering up a gas chamber under asphalt is not hate! Defending AIPAC as an organization that does much good is not hate! The things you consider hate amaze me considering you refuse to condemn ISIS and call them for the murdering cowards they are - headed for hell - the whole lot of them! Worshipping baal allah and murdering in his name never won anyone heaven. As I already told you, Mohammad is right now in hell suffering unspeakable torments! What a way to go! I do not want that to be your fate! I'd like to see you fully saved, delivered and on your way to heaven! That is not hate Sunni man! That is Calvary Love! So sorry the wide road preachers have failed to preach the truth from their pulpits but the love of money and the world will do that to people! You know? ( If they don't repent they will be in hell with the idolators - idols are idols - baal allah, money, fame, reputation, your house could be your idol if it takes up all your time and resources. Jesus Christ and no one else should be on the throne of your life! )

Actually, as a Jew I think Jesus would tell Sunni Man to be the best Muslim he can be.

Jews don't encourage anyone to leave their religion for Judaism. Nor do we claim you gotta be Jewish for God to like you or admit you into heaven.

That's because you do not realize that Jesus is the Messiah, Delta. Sunni Man can make up his own mind and you are mistaken in that Jews don't encourage others to come to the LORD because Rabbi Shneider is a Jew and he is preaching every week to millions of people and has even recently evangelized in Haiti. Here he is and he is a complete Jew. Both Jewish and inwardly a Jew who has accepted Jesus as His Messiah. What a wonderful brother he is! One of my favorite teachers! I always enjoy hearing him minister!

Calling yourself a rabbi doesn't make you a Jew.
Sunni, I'm not in a contest with you - what I want to know is why did you leave the Lord to follow Islam? What happened?
I attended a Messianic church and later studied the Torah with the Jews for 2 years and finally figured out that Jesus wasn't G-d.

I was attracted to Judaism but they rejected the teachings of and prophethood of Jesus.

Then I discovered Islam.......they accepted Jesus the man as a prophet and only believed in the One G-d of the Torah.

Islam was what I had been searching for all of those years. ..... :thup:

Yelps like someone stepped on his foot.

We lost you because you confused Messianism for actual Judaism? Doh! :)

Messianism is NOT any branch of Judaism. It's evangelical Christianity. Jewish services will never mention Yeshua or Jesus, it's a guy who came along a thousand or so years later. We don't care about, or discuss him at synagogue any more than we do Joseph Smith or Mohammed. :)

He was a liar and you know it, Guno. He put Christians in the concentration camps with the Jews. Corrie ten Boom was a true Christian and he put her whole family there. Only Corrie survived the death camps. The rest of her family perished in the death camps.
Jeremiah the misguided christian spreading hate 24/7/365

WWJD? .... :dunno:

We already know what Jesus would do, Sunni Man. He would tell you to leave Islam behind and come and follow him! When are you going to call on Jesus to come to you and give yourself to him? Just how long do you plan on waiting, Sunni man? I am praying for you today! Exposing the truth about Islam is not hate! Exposing the truth about nazis covering up a gas chamber under asphalt is not hate! Defending AIPAC as an organization that does much good is not hate! The things you consider hate amaze me considering you refuse to condemn ISIS and call them for the murdering cowards they are - headed for hell - the whole lot of them! Worshipping baal allah and murdering in his name never won anyone heaven. As I already told you, Mohammad is right now in hell suffering unspeakable torments! What a way to go! I do not want that to be your fate! I'd like to see you fully saved, delivered and on your way to heaven! That is not hate Sunni man! That is Calvary Love! So sorry the wide road preachers have failed to preach the truth from their pulpits but the love of money and the world will do that to people! You know? ( If they don't repent they will be in hell with the idolators - idols are idols - baal allah, money, fame, reputation, your house could be your idol if it takes up all your time and resources. Jesus Christ and no one else should be on the throne of your life! )

Actually, as a Jew I think Jesus would tell Sunni Man to be the best Muslim he can be.

Jews don't encourage anyone to leave their religion for Judaism. Nor do we claim you gotta be Jewish for God to like you or admit you into heaven.

That's because you do not realize that Jesus is the Messiah, Delta. Sunni Man can make up his own mind and you are mistaken in that Jews don't encourage others to come to the LORD because Rabbi Shneider is a Jew and he is preaching every week to millions of people and has even recently evangelized in Haiti. Here he is and he is a complete Jew. Both Jewish and inwardly a Jew who has accepted Jesus as His Messiah. What a wonderful brother he is! One of my favorite teachers! I always enjoy hearing him minister!

Calling yourself a rabbi doesn't make you a Jew.

He is 100% Jewish.
Jeremiah the misguided christian spreading hate 24/7/365

WWJD? .... :dunno:

We already know what Jesus would do, Sunni Man. He would tell you to leave Islam behind and come and follow him! When are you going to call on Jesus to come to you and give yourself to him? Just how long do you plan on waiting, Sunni man? I am praying for you today! Exposing the truth about Islam is not hate! Exposing the truth about nazis covering up a gas chamber under asphalt is not hate! Defending AIPAC as an organization that does much good is not hate! The things you consider hate amaze me considering you refuse to condemn ISIS and call them for the murdering cowards they are - headed for hell - the whole lot of them! Worshipping baal allah and murdering in his name never won anyone heaven. As I already told you, Mohammad is right now in hell suffering unspeakable torments! What a way to go! I do not want that to be your fate! I'd like to see you fully saved, delivered and on your way to heaven! That is not hate Sunni man! That is Calvary Love! So sorry the wide road preachers have failed to preach the truth from their pulpits but the love of money and the world will do that to people! You know? ( If they don't repent they will be in hell with the idolators - idols are idols - baal allah, money, fame, reputation, your house could be your idol if it takes up all your time and resources. Jesus Christ and no one else should be on the throne of your life! )

Actually, as a Jew I think Jesus would tell Sunni Man to be the best Muslim he can be.

Jews don't encourage anyone to leave their religion for Judaism. Nor do we claim you gotta be Jewish for God to like you or admit you into heaven.

That's because you do not realize that Jesus is the Messiah, Delta. Sunni Man can make up his own mind and you are mistaken in that Jews don't encourage others to come to the LORD because Rabbi Shneider is a Jew and he is preaching every week to millions of people and has even recently evangelized in Haiti. Here he is and he is a complete Jew. Both Jewish and inwardly a Jew who has accepted Jesus as His Messiah. What a wonderful brother he is! One of my favorite teachers! I always enjoy hearing him minister!

Calling yourself a rabbi doesn't make you a Jew.

What about this young man, Delta Embassy. Is he Jewish?


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