Geert Wilders Warning To America

Go back a few hundred years to Catholics burning non-Catholics at the stake for refusing to convert and everything Islam does is just copying what came before.

I are not very smart are you? Rhetorical question....

The OP is about TODAY...not centuries ago...fool.

Why do you kooky leftists always revert to this strawman argument? Are you trained to do this? Is it a reflexive action or something? It could be called PC reflex...and you have been utterly infected.

Well, maybe in a few hundred years Islam will be more warm and fuzzy like Catholicism is now? Point's valid anyway. If you judged Catholicism during the Crusades and stake burning everything you might say about Islam of today would be said about Catholicism then.

Salem witch trials here in the US weren't even 200 years ago, and the rhetoric and vileness of Protestants like Westboro is ongoing. Fact remains, religion itself is what's evil and easily manipulated into something which gets used to persecute, enslave, and murder other people. Islam's no worse than what's come before.

The witch trials were over 300 years ago. You comparing Westboro to ISIL?

Go back a few hundred years to Catholics burning non-Catholics at the stake for refusing to convert and everything Islam does is just copying what came before.

I are not very smart are you? Rhetorical question....

The OP is about TODAY...not centuries ago...fool.

Why do you kooky leftists always revert to this strawman argument? Are you trained to do this? Is it a reflexive action or something? It could be called PC reflex...and you have been utterly infected.

Well, maybe in a few hundred years Islam will be more warm and fuzzy like Catholicism is now? Point's valid anyway. If you judged Catholicism during the Crusades and stake burning everything you might say about Islam of today would be said about Catholicism then.

Salem witch trials here in the US weren't even 200 years ago, and the rhetoric and vileness of Protestants like Westboro is ongoing. Fact remains, religion itself is what's evil and easily manipulated into something which gets used to persecute, enslave, and murder other people. Islam's no worse than what's come before.

Excuse me but there was one witch killed at Salem and the rest were Christians according to the testimony of John Todd who said his family the Collins family - was behind that witchhunt to accuse innocent Christians. The Collins family was the 2nd most powerful witchcraft family in the world. He sat on the Council of 13 - he should know his own families history! I believe he said the number was under 20 persons killed. View his videos to confirm that number - I am not certain of the exact number or details. Compare that to the RCC Inquisition that burned thousands at the stake and buried over 100,000 people alive who they suspected of being witches. They mass murdered on an unprecedented scale even murdering their own Catholics! Very similar to the satanic behavior of Islamists who torture people and put them to death. Who act as if God has appointed them to be judge and jury! How wrong they are!
Another Nazi Goyim pandering to the Jewish vote till he gets found out Is the honeymoon over for Geert Wilders and Dutch Jews The Times of Israel

No, Geert Wilders is not pandering to the Jewish vote. Geert Wilders is trying to wake the world up and by the messages in these videos I'd say he is doing a very good job. Now I'd like to encourage you to just listen to his message and hear him out before you criticize him. It is a guarantee that those who condemn the evidence without examining it first will remain in eternal ignorance over the matter. Watch the videos. Then make your comment on the message - not the "messenger"...
Listen you daft Goy even Farage will not touch the closet anti Semite and his Neo Nazi partner Le Penn Nigel Farage insists UKIP has no plans to join international far-right alliance - ITV News

There are many cowards out there and it does not surprise me that others avoid Geert Wilders in order to save their own necks! Just keep in mind no coward ever won heaven!
Islam is just the latest scapegoat Christians use to persecute. Used to be the Jews, the pagans, or somebody else. Right now it's Islam since numerically, it doesn't take a lot of imagination to see Islam will outnumber Christians in the very near future, and projected ahead become to dominant global religion eventually. In order to retain it's global influence and power, Christianity needs to do everything it can to if not prevent, at least delay that outcome. Since Christians are found more in affluent nations with lower birthrates than Muslims in poorer nations with paradoxically higher birthrates, something must be done to offset Christian vs Muslim birthrates. Never gonna convince Christians to reproduce more if that makes them poorer, so the only thing left is either war or making Islam look like an evil religion to draw people away into Christianity just as Christianity does with Jews via Messianic Judaism Christianity.
I have not forgotten you, Ashtara. I am going to pray for you now. I am not addressing you but the demons you told us you invoked to come into you through your pact with hell ( you wrote about it here on one of my threads )

I bind you Satan and I command you to stop giving this woman who calls herself @Goddess_Ashtara powers of witchcraft. I also command you to stop giving her any benefits. In Jesus Name, you shall not do another thing for this woman and I command you to stop giving her all benefits including drugs which she used in her times in the desert. You are hereby commanded to cut her off. In Jesus Name.

You lack the Power do do that.

I remain unaffected.

You are nothing but an old, pathetic, mindless Mundane who wishes she had Power, when you instead have Nothing but the indoctrination that has warped your brain.
Geert Wilders sounds like a verrrry dirty name. Like some kind of perverted anal monster.
And it's turning you on. Like he was bestest buddies with Aleister Crowley.

Aleister Crowley made a huge mistake, Pennywise. He permitted demons to enter him - thinking that by giving his mind to them they would not take over - but the day came they did take over and he died a wicked - pitiful death and was then taken straight down to hell to be tormented forevermore by the same demons he summoned on earth. The same end came to Anton Lavey and to all who serve Satan and are foolish enough to believe that what the demons are teaching them is truth - ( it's all lies - the demons like to those who serve Lucifer ) when it is all lies and what they think they know they do not know at all! What a sad way to go through life. Full of fear and torment and defending those who instill fear and torment ( because they are known by the company they keep). You can always tell who is who by who by who they keep company with. The wicked keep fellowship with the wicked. The wicked defend the wicked and the righteous defend the righteous. We are always moving in one of two directions in life - closer to heaven or closer to hell. There is only one life and then comes death and the judgment. There is no reincarnation, there are no second chances to live again -all we have is here and now and Jesus Christ who is God is in control of all that will happen. He is in control. Not Satan. Satan has to ask for permission to do anything before he does it - it is all covered in the book of Job. He is not as all powerful as some would have you think. Jesus Christ is the ultimate authority. Not Satan.

Crowley was a pervert, likewise Lavey. They used "Satanism" as a ruse in order to live lives of excess and complete sexual abandon. Lavey's daughter has recently renounced everything her father stood for.

I'm not a fan of them, but I find them fascinating and worth exploring, like serial killers and other human monsters.

Aleister Crowley was awesome, and brilliant.

You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine.
Jeremiah the misguided christian spreading hate 24/7/365

WWJD? .... :dunno:

We already know what Jesus would do, Sunni Man. He would tell you to leave Islam behind and come and follow him! When are you going to call on Jesus to come to you and give yourself to him? Just how long do you plan on waiting, Sunni man? I am praying for you today! Exposing the truth about Islam is not hate! Exposing the truth about nazis covering up a gas chamber under asphalt is not hate! Defending AIPAC as an organization that does much good is not hate! The things you consider hate amaze me considering you refuse to condemn ISIS and call them for the murdering cowards they are - headed for hell - the whole lot of them! Worshipping baal allah and murdering in his name never won anyone heaven. As I already told you, Mohammad is right now in hell suffering unspeakable torments! What a way to go! I do not want that to be your fate! I'd like to see you fully saved, delivered and on your way to heaven! That is not hate Sunni man! That is Calvary Love! So sorry the wide road preachers have failed to preach the truth from their pulpits but the love of money and the world will do that to people! You know? ( If they don't repent they will be in hell with the idolators - idols are idols - baal allah, money, fame, reputation, your house could be your idol if it takes up all your time and resources. Jesus Christ and no one else should be on the throne of your life! )
Go back a few hundred years to Catholics burning non-Catholics at the stake for refusing to convert and everything Islam does is just copying what came before.

I are not very smart are you? Rhetorical question....

The OP is about TODAY...not centuries ago...fool.

Why do you kooky leftists always revert to this strawman argument? Are you trained to do this? Is it a reflexive action or something? It could be called PC reflex...and you have been utterly infected.

Well, maybe in a few hundred years Islam will be more warm and fuzzy like Catholicism is now? Point's valid anyway. If you judged Catholicism during the Crusades and stake burning everything you might say about Islam of today would be said about Catholicism then.

Salem witch trials here in the US weren't even 200 years ago, and the rhetoric and vileness of Protestants like Westboro is ongoing. Fact remains, religion itself is what's evil and easily manipulated into something which gets used to persecute, enslave, and murder other people. Islam's no worse than what's come before.

1692 was less than 200 years ago? Really? How did you figure out that math?
Geert Wilders sounds like a verrrry dirty name. Like some kind of perverted anal monster.
And it's turning you on. Like he was bestest buddies with Aleister Crowley.

Aleister Crowley made a huge mistake, Pennywise. He permitted demons to enter him - thinking that by giving his mind to them they would not take over - but the day came they did take over and he died a wicked - pitiful death and was then taken straight down to hell to be tormented forevermore by the same demons he summoned on earth. The same end came to Anton Lavey and to all who serve Satan and are foolish enough to believe that what the demons are teaching them is truth - ( it's all lies - the demons like to those who serve Lucifer ) when it is all lies and what they think they know they do not know at all! What a sad way to go through life. Full of fear and torment and defending those who instill fear and torment ( because they are known by the company they keep). You can always tell who is who by who by who they keep company with. The wicked keep fellowship with the wicked. The wicked defend the wicked and the righteous defend the righteous. We are always moving in one of two directions in life - closer to heaven or closer to hell. There is only one life and then comes death and the judgment. There is no reincarnation, there are no second chances to live again -all we have is here and now and Jesus Christ who is God is in control of all that will happen. He is in control. Not Satan. Satan has to ask for permission to do anything before he does it - it is all covered in the book of Job. He is not as all powerful as some would have you think. Jesus Christ is the ultimate authority. Not Satan.

Crowley was a pervert, likewise Lavey. They used "Satanism" as a ruse in order to live lives of excess and complete sexual abandon. Lavey's daughter has recently renounced everything her father stood for.

I'm not a fan of them, but I find them fascinating and worth exploring, like serial killers and other human monsters.

Aleister Crowley was awesome, and brilliant.

You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine.

That he was a pervert is not debatable or an opinion; the man was a freak. Lavey was a poor man's Crowley.

I find them fascinating in the way I find Hitler and John Wayne Gacy fascinating. I don't admire any of them, but their lives are worth exploring in detail. I watched a great doc on Netflix recently that's right up your alley, I think- SERIAL KILLER CULTURE. Very well done, just lacking some depth. You may have already seen it.
John Wayne Gacy was a satanist with connections to the CIA. He posed with Jimmy Carters wife years ago. Jeffry Dahmers father was also high up in the military and I believe his involvment in Satanism was inherited and his family was connected to the Luciferians somehow. Hitler was practicing the occult and had the seat of Satan - altar to Zeus in his possession and used it in rituals. After the war the Russians took it to the Kremlin. The replica of that altar is built at Lenin's tomb - he was also a satanist just as Karl Marx was a high priest in satanism - so was Stalin who had a art piece on his bedroom wall of Lucifer - read Marx and Satan by Richard Wurmbrand and you'll find the connnection between Communism and Satanism is very strong. VERY. Our govt is full of it.
Jeremiah the misguided christian spreading hate 24/7/365

WWJD? .... :dunno:

We already know what Jesus would do, Sunni Man. He would tell you to leave Islam behind and come and follow him! When are you going to call on Jesus to come to you and give yourself to him? Just how long do you plan on waiting, Sunni man? I am praying for you today! Exposing the truth about Islam is not hate! Exposing the truth about nazis covering up a gas chamber under asphalt is not hate! Defending AIPAC as an organization that does much good is not hate! The things you consider hate amaze me considering you refuse to condemn ISIS and call them for the murdering cowards they are - headed for hell - the whole lot of them! Worshipping baal allah and murdering in his name never won anyone heaven. As I already told you, Mohammad is right now in hell suffering unspeakable torments! What a way to go! I do not want that to be your fate! I'd like to see you fully saved, delivered and on your way to heaven! That is not hate Sunni man! That is Calvary Love! So sorry the wide road preachers have failed to preach the truth from their pulpits but the love of money and the world will do that to people! You know? ( If they don't repent they will be in hell with the idolators - idols are idols - baal allah, money, fame, reputation, your house could be your idol if it takes up all your time and resources. Jesus Christ and no one else should be on the throne of your life! )
Jeremiah, posting and spreading hate video's is not part of the "Great Commission" of spreading the Gospel that Jesus commanded you to do. . :cool:
Geert Wilders sounds like a verrrry dirty name. Like some kind of perverted anal monster.
And it's turning you on. Like he was bestest buddies with Aleister Crowley.

Aleister Crowley made a huge mistake, Pennywise. He permitted demons to enter him - thinking that by giving his mind to them they would not take over - but the day came they did take over and he died a wicked - pitiful death and was then taken straight down to hell to be tormented forevermore by the same demons he summoned on earth. The same end came to Anton Lavey and to all who serve Satan and are foolish enough to believe that what the demons are teaching them is truth - ( it's all lies - the demons like to those who serve Lucifer ) when it is all lies and what they think they know they do not know at all! What a sad way to go through life. Full of fear and torment and defending those who instill fear and torment ( because they are known by the company they keep). You can always tell who is who by who by who they keep company with. The wicked keep fellowship with the wicked. The wicked defend the wicked and the righteous defend the righteous. We are always moving in one of two directions in life - closer to heaven or closer to hell. There is only one life and then comes death and the judgment. There is no reincarnation, there are no second chances to live again -all we have is here and now and Jesus Christ who is God is in control of all that will happen. He is in control. Not Satan. Satan has to ask for permission to do anything before he does it - it is all covered in the book of Job. He is not as all powerful as some would have you think. Jesus Christ is the ultimate authority. Not Satan.

Crowley was a pervert, likewise Lavey. They used "Satanism" as a ruse in order to live lives of excess and complete sexual abandon. Lavey's daughter has recently renounced everything her father stood for.

I'm not a fan of them, but I find them fascinating and worth exploring, like serial killers and other human monsters.

Aleister Crowley was awesome, and brilliant.

You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine.

That is true and in my opinion Aleister Crowley was a fool of the highest order. Could he tell himself from hell he would but as he cannot I will tell you myself. Stay far away from such teachings, repent and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to save you. Only the Blood of Jesus can wash away your sins and give you eternal life. Satan has come to steal, kill and destroy. Call upon the name of the LORD while you still can.
Geert Wilders sounds like a verrrry dirty name. Like some kind of perverted anal monster.
And it's turning you on. Like he was bestest buddies with Aleister Crowley.

Aleister Crowley made a huge mistake, Pennywise. He permitted demons to enter him - thinking that by giving his mind to them they would not take over - but the day came they did take over and he died a wicked - pitiful death and was then taken straight down to hell to be tormented forevermore by the same demons he summoned on earth. The same end came to Anton Lavey and to all who serve Satan and are foolish enough to believe that what the demons are teaching them is truth - ( it's all lies - the demons like to those who serve Lucifer ) when it is all lies and what they think they know they do not know at all! What a sad way to go through life. Full of fear and torment and defending those who instill fear and torment ( because they are known by the company they keep). You can always tell who is who by who by who they keep company with. The wicked keep fellowship with the wicked. The wicked defend the wicked and the righteous defend the righteous. We are always moving in one of two directions in life - closer to heaven or closer to hell. There is only one life and then comes death and the judgment. There is no reincarnation, there are no second chances to live again -all we have is here and now and Jesus Christ who is God is in control of all that will happen. He is in control. Not Satan. Satan has to ask for permission to do anything before he does it - it is all covered in the book of Job. He is not as all powerful as some would have you think. Jesus Christ is the ultimate authority. Not Satan.

Crowley was a pervert, likewise Lavey. They used "Satanism" as a ruse in order to live lives of excess and complete sexual abandon. Lavey's daughter has recently renounced everything her father stood for.

I'm not a fan of them, but I find them fascinating and worth exploring, like serial killers and other human monsters.

Aleister Crowley was awesome, and brilliant.

You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine.

That he was a pervert is not debatable or an opinion; the man was a freak. Lavey was a poor man's Crowley.

I find them fascinating in the way I find Hitler and John Wayne Gacy fascinating. I don't admire any of them, but their lives are worth exploring in detail. I watched a great doc on Netflix recently that's right up your alley, I think- SERIAL KILLER CULTURE. Very well done, just lacking some depth. You may have already seen it.

As I said, you are entitled to your opinion.

So what if he included sex and orgies in his spiritual rituals. I do too, and so do many people. Sex is a powerful way to generate Mana. Mundanes find it "wrong" and "immoral" but fuck what they think about it.

Crowley was brilliant. He made some great contributions to certain things I am really into, and I respect him for it.
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Islam is just the latest scapegoat Christians use to persecute. Used to be the Jews, the pagans, or somebody else. Right now it's Islam since numerically, it doesn't take a lot of imagination to see Islam will outnumber Christians in the very near future, and projected ahead become to dominant global religion eventually. In order to retain it's global influence and power, Christianity needs to do everything it can to if not prevent, at least delay that outcome. Since Christians are found more in affluent nations with lower birthrates than Muslims in poorer nations with paradoxically higher birthrates, something must be done to offset Christian vs Muslim birthrates. Never gonna convince Christians to reproduce more if that makes them poorer, so the only thing left is either war or making Islam look like an evil religion to draw people away into Christianity just as Christianity does with Jews via Messianic Judaism Christianity.
Hard for me to call them scapegoats when they fly planes into buildings, cut journalists' heads off, and take schoolgirls hostage forcing them to become wives
Jeremiah the misguided christian spreading hate 24/7/365

WWJD? .... :dunno:

We already know what Jesus would do, Sunni Man. He would tell you to leave Islam behind and come and follow him! When are you going to call on Jesus to come to you and give yourself to him? Just how long do you plan on waiting, Sunni man? I am praying for you today! Exposing the truth about Islam is not hate! Exposing the truth about nazis covering up a gas chamber under asphalt is not hate! Defending AIPAC as an organization that does much good is not hate! The things you consider hate amaze me considering you refuse to condemn ISIS and call them for the murdering cowards they are - headed for hell - the whole lot of them! Worshipping baal allah and murdering in his name never won anyone heaven. As I already told you, Mohammad is right now in hell suffering unspeakable torments! What a way to go! I do not want that to be your fate! I'd like to see you fully saved, delivered and on your way to heaven! That is not hate Sunni man! That is Calvary Love! So sorry the wide road preachers have failed to preach the truth from their pulpits but the love of money and the world will do that to people! You know? ( If they don't repent they will be in hell with the idolators - idols are idols - baal allah, money, fame, reputation, your house could be your idol if it takes up all your time and resources. Jesus Christ and no one else should be on the throne of your life! )
Jeremiah, posting and spreading hate video's is not part of the "Great Commission" of spreading the Gospel that Jesus commanded you to do. . :cool:

Jesus commanded me to preach the Gospel and I do. Jesus also commands us to warn others about hell. Islam is leading millions to hell. It is my duty as a christian to warn others. I warn satanists to leave satanism too because you are all serving hell and Lucifer whether you realize it or not! Ignorance will not be an excuse when you face God at the judgment! Repent now and call upon Jesus to save your souls!
Islam is just the latest scapegoat Christians use to persecute. Used to be the Jews, the pagans, or somebody else. Right now it's Islam since numerically, it doesn't take a lot of imagination to see Islam will outnumber Christians in the very near future, and projected ahead become to dominant global religion eventually. In order to retain it's global influence and power, Christianity needs to do everything it can to if not prevent, at least delay that outcome. Since Christians are found more in affluent nations with lower birthrates than Muslims in poorer nations with paradoxically higher birthrates, something must be done to offset Christian vs Muslim birthrates. Never gonna convince Christians to reproduce more if that makes them poorer, so the only thing left is either war or making Islam look like an evil religion to draw people away into Christianity just as Christianity does with Jews via Messianic Judaism Christianity.
Hard for me to call them scapegoats when they fly planes into buildings, cut journalists' heads off, and take schoolgirls hostage forcing them to become wives

Exactly. Denial is not a river. It's a refusal to face the truth.
And it's turning you on. Like he was bestest buddies with Aleister Crowley.

Aleister Crowley made a huge mistake, Pennywise. He permitted demons to enter him - thinking that by giving his mind to them they would not take over - but the day came they did take over and he died a wicked - pitiful death and was then taken straight down to hell to be tormented forevermore by the same demons he summoned on earth. The same end came to Anton Lavey and to all who serve Satan and are foolish enough to believe that what the demons are teaching them is truth - ( it's all lies - the demons like to those who serve Lucifer ) when it is all lies and what they think they know they do not know at all! What a sad way to go through life. Full of fear and torment and defending those who instill fear and torment ( because they are known by the company they keep). You can always tell who is who by who by who they keep company with. The wicked keep fellowship with the wicked. The wicked defend the wicked and the righteous defend the righteous. We are always moving in one of two directions in life - closer to heaven or closer to hell. There is only one life and then comes death and the judgment. There is no reincarnation, there are no second chances to live again -all we have is here and now and Jesus Christ who is God is in control of all that will happen. He is in control. Not Satan. Satan has to ask for permission to do anything before he does it - it is all covered in the book of Job. He is not as all powerful as some would have you think. Jesus Christ is the ultimate authority. Not Satan.

Crowley was a pervert, likewise Lavey. They used "Satanism" as a ruse in order to live lives of excess and complete sexual abandon. Lavey's daughter has recently renounced everything her father stood for.

I'm not a fan of them, but I find them fascinating and worth exploring, like serial killers and other human monsters.

Aleister Crowley was awesome, and brilliant.

You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine.

That he was a pervert is not debatable or an opinion; the man was a freak. Lavey was a poor man's Crowley.

I find them fascinating in the way I find Hitler and John Wayne Gacy fascinating. I don't admire any of them, but their lives are worth exploring in detail. I watched a great doc on Netflix recently that's right up your alley, I think- SERIAL KILLER CULTURE. Very well done, just lacking some depth. You may have already seen it.

As I said, you are entitled to your opinion.

So what if he included sex and orgies in his spiritual rituals. I do too. Sex is a powerful way to generate Mana. Mundanes find it "wrong" and "immoral" but fuck what yall think.

Crowley was brilliant. He made some great contributions to some things I am really into.

You display a juvenile kind of fascination on the subject. Lots of people do the same; they express an unhealthy appreciation of things that are not good for the soul. Rob Zombie has his Manson fetish and he's my age. Most people grow out of it. You can be interested in things that are abhorrent to the mainstream without condoning vile behavior or lionizing subhumans.

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