Gender: Why do men like the private anatomy?

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Why do men like the private parts - anatomy?

Why do guys deny (what scientific data shows), what men are attracted to?

The American Kennel Club photos attracted interest in the private anatomy?


When photos do contain people related to the task at hand, or the content users are exploring, they do get fixations. However, gender makes a distinct difference on what parts of the photo are stared at the longest. Take a look at the hotspot below.

Although both men and women look at the image of George Brett when directed to find out information about his sport and position, men tend to focus on private anatomy as well as the face. For the women, the face is the only place they viewed.


This image of George Brett was part of a larger page with his biographical information.
All users tested looked at the image, but there was a distinct difference in focus between men and women.

Coyne adds that this difference doesn’t just occur with images of people. Men tend to fixate more on areas of private anatomy on animals as well, as evidenced when users were directed to browse the American Kennel Club site.

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I guess men need to size themselves up against others all the time. Basic competition is genetic.

(So do women. A lot of women will pay more attention to what they wear and their hair and makeup when they are going on a girls' night out, moreso than going out with a man. Basic competition is genetic.)
What hogwash. Men are far more serious followers of the nuances of the game of baseball, but that doesn't mean things are as others would want us to believe. For example, when hardcore baseball guys see a pic of Brett's Hall-of-Fame swing our attention is drawn to the look of determination on his face and the role his powerful hips play as they rotate through to deliver massive power to the swing. Which simply means the eyes are thus trained on the entire pelvic area during such observation.
I guess men need to size themselves up against others all the time. Basic competition is genetic.

(So do women. A lot of women will pay more attention to what they wear and their hair and makeup when they are going on a girls' night out, moreso than going out with a man. Basic competition is genetic.)


Caveman genome.....
I guess men need to size themselves up against others all the time. Basic competition is genetic.

(So do women. A lot of women will pay more attention to what they wear and their hair and makeup when they are going on a girls' night out, moreso than going out with a man. Basic competition is genetic.)


Caveman genome.....
I say caveperson!
I guess men need to size themselves up against others all the time. Basic competition is genetic.

(So do women. A lot of women will pay more attention to what they wear and their hair and makeup when they are going on a girls' night out, moreso than going out with a man. Basic competition is genetic.)


Caveman genome.....
I say caveperson!

ok ok ok...... caveperson!

What hogwash. Men are far more serious followers of the nuances of the game of baseball, but that doesn't mean things are as others would want us to believe. For example, when hardcore baseball guys see a pic of Brett's Hall-of-Fame swing our attention is drawn to the look of determination on his face and the role his powerful hips play as they rotate through to deliver massive power to the swing. Which simply means the eyes are thus trained on the entire pelvic area during such observation.


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