Genderless Driver License's

This is going to open a can of worms they haven't even thought of yet. Non Confused can think of them but those in a trance can't think outside of the box.
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Calm down cupcake.

I know you're scared.

Maybe playing with your guns would help you get through this ...


Seriously, less that .03% of the population is transgender.

That's point zero three percent.

Take off your shoes and do the math.

There is almost no chance you will ever even SEE a transgender person. MYOB. You'll feel better and they'll be safer.

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I am breaking my rule to post

Cool. Freedom is good. Why do you have a problem with this? Did your god tell you in your sleep to hate other people so much?

Yea it makes a whole lot of sense for a guy who wakes up every morning and does his best to look like a woman to mark male on his license.

Why do you imagine gender is on your license? It's 2017 the only difference that comes to mind is conscription. All the other gender based differences in our law have other more relevant factors like being a spouse or parent.
I wonder how hard it will be to prosecute an " IT " , no wonder they wanted to apply robot laws to non humans, all while at the same time give robots the same human protection laws. These hypocritical wack job scientist and democratic law makers have their heads so far up their own asses they don't even know what is going on.
How about this scenario, bet when that sob is about to be sentenced they suddenly knows what sex they are. Let's say the judge decided what prison the it goes to, well then suddenly the courts are slammed with law suites because dumb fkastan doesn't know what sex they are so they end up in lets say a mens prison when they have female parts and oh the rapes............ The judge did it , it's the judges fault......> here come the law suites.
you either were born with it

or you were not.... and you are a woman

that's all there is to it in my opinion

I hate this stupid day and age!
So you want the government to limit people and control their lives? So much for being small government. wow. You're NO liberterian.
How about this scenario, bet when that sob is about to be sentenced they suddenly knows what sex they are. Let's say the judge decided what prison the it goes to, well then suddenly the courts are slammed with law suites because dumb fkastan doesn't know what sex they are so they end up in lets say a mens prison when they have female parts and oh the rapes............ The judge did it , it's the judges fault......> here come the law suites.

If only you could channel that kind of creativity into something --- well, creative.
How about this scenario, bet when that sob is about to be sentenced they suddenly knows what sex they are. Let's say the judge decided what prison the it goes to, well then suddenly the courts are slammed with law suites because dumb fkastan doesn't know what sex they are so they end up in lets say a mens prison when they have female parts and oh the rapes............ The judge did it , it's the judges fault......> here come the law suites.

If only you could channel that kind of creativity into something --- well, creative.

Do you think genderless could never get into trouble. Seriously think about it. What happens when some genderless gets into trouble and has to visit prison. I guess the judge would ask what's in their pants and go by that.
I am so proud of my state. More freedom for all.

Where is the liberterian mindset I normally see on this board?

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