Gene Robinson: Want to honor McCain? Grow a Spine!

It makes perfect sense to me. Nobody in any deep "blue" or deep "red" state needs to vote at all. They can vote with the deep, against the deep, or for a third party, or they can stay home and all four actions produce exactly the same result. Why waste your time casting a vote that's going to be tossed in the shredder? Even if you vote with the state, by definition your vote wasn't needed to do that, so you just pissed away two hours.

That's what 45% of the electorate figured, and stayed home too. And that's exactly what I mean by what the System leaving us with little participation and little choice. In the rest of the world where elections are held a 55% turnout would be a national embarrassment.

Yep, I'm in Idaho so therefore my vote for US Senator or POTUS is entirely meaningless (POTUS thanks to the Electoral College). Those candidates don't bother coming here (other than to fundraisers) and they don't advertise here. This means I have been disenfranchised and my vote has been taken by those in purple/ swing states.

(POTUS thanks to the Electoral College)

get rid of it.

all you have to do is change the Constitution

Not necessarily true true Willy Boy

Our conclusion

Ten states and the District of Columbia have signed on to the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, in which states agree to award all their electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote. The compact only takes effect when states totalling 270 electoral votes sign on, and so far the effort still falls short of that.

This plan would not eliminate the Electoral College, but it would dramatically alter its purpose, because electors would cast their votes based on the national popular vote. Battleground states would become obsolete, and candidates would concentrate on winning the most number of votes nationwide.

If enough states ever sign on, the plan would likely face a court challenge, with the Supreme Court getting to rule on whether the plan passes constitutional muster. That’s a future scenario we can’t predict.​

Could states overturn the electoral college?


New York and California will get to decide the presidency.


Numerically impossible. Might wanna get your calculator overhauled.

Those two states voted heavily "blue" in 2016. Fatter of mact they both did in 2004 and 2000 too. Yet they don't seem to have been "the decider" do they.

as I remember, Gore (2000) and Clinton (2016) received the majority of votes.

2004 the incumbent was reelected.
The same leftists who are honoring McCain now we're savagely attacking him in 2008. When he ran against Obama he was the devil incarnate, when he attacked Trump he was Godlike. Hypocrites.
Most of us have been to a wake. And most of us realize that, at that moment, it is not about us but it is about paying basic human respect for the dead. Even if you had disagreements with that lost soul, adults are able to put that aside in order to pay respect.

Adults can make that distinction. Adults can pay that respect. Children cannot make that distinction. Children are not able to see that everything is not about themselves.

Do you reward children for being disrespectful, or do you take the responsibility to teach them about basic human kindness and humility?
Oh, bullshit. You guys have been exploiting McCain's death with which to bash Trump and you know it. Spare me the disingenuous lecture, hypocrite.
The same leftists who are honoring McCain now we're savagely attacking him in 2008. When he ran against Obama he was the devil incarnate, when he attacked Trump he was Godlike. Hypocrites.
Most of us have been to a wake. And most of us realize that, at that moment, it is not about us but it is about paying basic human respect for the dead. Even if you had disagreements with that lost soul, adults are able to put that aside in order to pay respect.

Adults can make that distinction. Adults can pay that respect. Children cannot make that distinction. Children are not able to see that everything is not about themselves.

Do you reward children for being disrespectful, or do you take the responsibility to teach them about basic human kindness and humility?
Oh, bullshit. You guys have been exploiting McCain's death with which to bash Trump and you know it. Spare me the disingenuous lecture, hypocrite.
Had Trump simply done the right thing, no one would bash him for his behavior toward McCain. Fly the flag at half staff. Issue a proclaimation honoring McCain. It's a layup. Any reasonable, responsible adult would have handled it properly.

But no. Trump fouled it up. And now his minions are not only excusing his behavior, but claiming he was a victim of it.

There's right and there's wrong. How is it so many can't tell the difference?
Mueller has produced zero evidence of collusion or crimes committed by Americans in relation to the election.

It was an investigation started with zero evidence to justify its existence.

I don’t know if Sessions should or will be fired, but if it happens, so be it.

Robert Mueller isn't like ken starr, devin nunes, trey gowdy or any republican that has in the past used their investigation to destroy a person's career or life for political gain. Mueller actually has ethics and is following the proper laws in regard to his investigation.

The law says that he has to complete his investigation before any evidence is presented. He will write his report, send it to congress then release it to the public.

Just because he doesn't leak anything to the media like others have in the past doesn't mean he has no evidence nor does it mean you have any right to demand to see any evidence or judge it. All you can do is what everyone else can do, wait for the investigation to be done.

I thought you people didn't like leaks. What happened with that?
Yep, I'm in Idaho so therefore my vote for US Senator or POTUS is entirely meaningless (POTUS thanks to the Electoral College). Those candidates don't bother coming here (other than to fundraisers) and they don't advertise here. This means I have been disenfranchised and my vote has been taken by those in purple/ swing states.

(POTUS thanks to the Electoral College)

get rid of it.

all you have to do is change the Constitution

Not necessarily true true Willy Boy

Our conclusion

Ten states and the District of Columbia have signed on to the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, in which states agree to award all their electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote. The compact only takes effect when states totalling 270 electoral votes sign on, and so far the effort still falls short of that.

This plan would not eliminate the Electoral College, but it would dramatically alter its purpose, because electors would cast their votes based on the national popular vote. Battleground states would become obsolete, and candidates would concentrate on winning the most number of votes nationwide.

If enough states ever sign on, the plan would likely face a court challenge, with the Supreme Court getting to rule on whether the plan passes constitutional muster. That’s a future scenario we can’t predict.​

Could states overturn the electoral college?


New York and California will get to decide the presidency.


Numerically impossible. Might wanna get your calculator overhauled.

Those two states voted heavily "blue" in 2016. Fatter of mact they both did in 2004 and 2000 too. Yet they don't seem to have been "the decider" do they.

as I remember, Gore (2000) and Clinton (2016) received the majority of votes.

2004 the incumbent was reelected.

Plurality actually, and neither got the office. Also Cleveland in 1888, Tilden in 1876 and Jackson in 1824 all won the popular vote without getting the office. Many POTUSes have been elected without a majority including Bush II, Clinton, Nixon, Kennedy, Truman, Wilson and Lincoln who got in with the lowest popular vote in the Duopoly era.

Not sure how that's supposed to be related to "New York and California getting to decide the Presidency" at all. In 1888 both of them voted for the popular vote loser who won the office, the Republican. In 1876 they split, and in 1824 neither Democrats nor Republicans existed, nor did California as a state.
Last edited:
The same leftists who are honoring McCain now we're savagely attacking him in 2008. When he ran against Obama he was the devil incarnate, when he attacked Trump he was Godlike. Hypocrites.
Most of us have been to a wake. And most of us realize that, at that moment, it is not about us but it is about paying basic human respect for the dead. Even if you had disagreements with that lost soul, adults are able to put that aside in order to pay respect.

Adults can make that distinction. Adults can pay that respect. Children cannot make that distinction. Children are not able to see that everything is not about themselves.

Do you reward children for being disrespectful, or do you take the responsibility to teach them about basic human kindness and humility?
Oh, bullshit. You guys have been exploiting McCain's death with which to bash Trump and you know it. Spare me the disingenuous lecture, hypocrite.
Had Trump simply done the right thing, no one would bash him for his behavior toward McCain. Fly the flag at half staff. Issue a proclaimation honoring McCain. It's a layup. Any reasonable, responsible adult would have handled it properly.

But no. Trump fouled it up. And now his minions are not only excusing his behavior, but claiming he was a victim of it.

There's right and there's wrong. How is it so many can't tell the difference?
Once again, you're full of shit. First of all, he DID fly the flag at half staff, according to protocol. And you know as well as I do you would be bashing him no matter WHAT he did. "Behavior toward McCain"? WTF does that mean? McCain attacked Trump during the campaign and Trump responded. He doesn't get a free pass for being a POW 45 years ago. Poor little thing, "that mean old Trump hit me back". What a pussy, almost as much of a pussy as Obama.
I can't get into WaPo anymore - but should be top result here:
eugene robinson want to honor mccain grow a spine


By Eugene Robinson
August 27 at 6:28 PM
How quaint such sentiments sound, 19 months into the Trump era.
The man now living and working in the White House is uniquely different from, and worse than, his predecessors. All of them. Other presidents have been venal, bigoted, corrupt, divisive, ignorant or unstable, but never all of these things at the same time, in such lavish measure.
Republican senators, who will outdo one another in their lavish encomiums to their longtime colleague McCain, have the power to push back hard — yet they refuse to consider legislation to protect the Mueller probe. Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), one of McCain’s close friends, once said that there would be “holy hell” to pay if Trump fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions as a way to assert control over Mueller; now, Graham meekly says that Trump “is entitled to an attorney general he has faith in.”

Graham is wrong. Trump is not entitled to an attorney general who would sabotage a revelatory and productive investigation because Trump fears it threatens his legitimacy. But that is what Trump clearly wants — and there is no indication the Republican majorities in Congress will lift a finger to stop him. ...​

Folks, we have elected a vindictive orange 3 year old ASS as our president. Sad :(

Had the Democrats a spine they would not have made Hillary the heir apparent. Alas, they could not stand up to her and that is why Trump won.
The same leftists who are honoring McCain now we're savagely attacking him in 2008. When he ran against Obama he was the devil incarnate, when he attacked Trump he was Godlike. Hypocrites.
Most of us have been to a wake. And most of us realize that, at that moment, it is not about us but it is about paying basic human respect for the dead. Even if you had disagreements with that lost soul, adults are able to put that aside in order to pay respect.

Adults can make that distinction. Adults can pay that respect. Children cannot make that distinction. Children are not able to see that everything is not about themselves.

Do you reward children for being disrespectful, or do you take the responsibility to teach them about basic human kindness and humility?
Oh, bullshit. You guys have been exploiting McCain's death with which to bash Trump and you know it. Spare me the disingenuous lecture, hypocrite.
Had Trump simply done the right thing, no one would bash him for his behavior toward McCain. Fly the flag at half staff. Issue a proclaimation honoring McCain. It's a layup. Any reasonable, responsible adult would have handled it properly.

But no. Trump fouled it up. And now his minions are not only excusing his behavior, but claiming he was a victim of it.

There's right and there's wrong. How is it so many can't tell the difference?
Once again, you're full of shit. First of all, he DID fly the flag at half staff, according to protocol. And you know as well as I do you would be bashing him no matter WHAT he did. "Behavior toward McCain"? WTF does that mean? McCain attacked Trump during the campaign and Trump responded. He doesn't get a free pass for being a POW 45 years ago. Poor little thing, "that mean old Trump hit me back". What a pussy, almost as much of a pussy as Obama.
Could you please give one reason that you're at all proud of Trump's behavior? His pettiness? His narcissism? Does Trump believe he deserves to be the center of attention? Do you think he acted as a mature head of state, did he maintain the dignity of his office? Would you personally act the same way should your rival die of brain cancer?
The same leftists who are honoring McCain now we're savagely attacking him in 2008. When he ran against Obama he was the devil incarnate, when he attacked Trump he was Godlike. Hypocrites.
Most of us have been to a wake. And most of us realize that, at that moment, it is not about us but it is about paying basic human respect for the dead. Even if you had disagreements with that lost soul, adults are able to put that aside in order to pay respect.

Adults can make that distinction. Adults can pay that respect. Children cannot make that distinction. Children are not able to see that everything is not about themselves.

Do you reward children for being disrespectful, or do you take the responsibility to teach them about basic human kindness and humility?
Oh, bullshit. You guys have been exploiting McCain's death with which to bash Trump and you know it. Spare me the disingenuous lecture, hypocrite.
Had Trump simply done the right thing, no one would bash him for his behavior toward McCain. Fly the flag at half staff. Issue a proclaimation honoring McCain. It's a layup. Any reasonable, responsible adult would have handled it properly.

But no. Trump fouled it up. And now his minions are not only excusing his behavior, but claiming he was a victim of it.

There's right and there's wrong. How is it so many can't tell the difference?
Once again, you're full of shit. First of all, he DID fly the flag at half staff, according to protocol. And you know as well as I do you would be bashing him no matter WHAT he did. "Behavior toward McCain"? WTF does that mean? McCain attacked Trump during the campaign and Trump responded. He doesn't get a free pass for being a POW 45 years ago. Poor little thing, "that mean old Trump hit me back". What a pussy, almost as much of a pussy as Obama.
Could you please give one reason that you're at all proud of Trump's behavior? His pettiness? His narcissism? Does Trump believe he deserves to be the center of attention? Do you think he acted as a mature head of state, did he maintain the dignity of his office? Would you personally act the same way should your rival die of brain cancer?
I don't owe you any explanation. Trump acted just fine. What did you want him to do, suck up to Songbird? He did exactly the right thing. And here's a news flash. People die. If Trump died, would you fawn all over him and talk about how great he was?
The same leftists who are honoring McCain now we're savagely attacking him in 2008. When he ran against Obama he was the devil incarnate, when he attacked Trump he was Godlike. Hypocrites.
Most of us have been to a wake. And most of us realize that, at that moment, it is not about us but it is about paying basic human respect for the dead. Even if you had disagreements with that lost soul, adults are able to put that aside in order to pay respect.

Adults can make that distinction. Adults can pay that respect. Children cannot make that distinction. Children are not able to see that everything is not about themselves.

Do you reward children for being disrespectful, or do you take the responsibility to teach them about basic human kindness and humility?
Oh, bullshit. You guys have been exploiting McCain's death with which to bash Trump and you know it. Spare me the disingenuous lecture, hypocrite.
Had Trump simply done the right thing, no one would bash him for his behavior toward McCain. Fly the flag at half staff. Issue a proclaimation honoring McCain. It's a layup. Any reasonable, responsible adult would have handled it properly.

But no. Trump fouled it up. And now his minions are not only excusing his behavior, but claiming he was a victim of it.

There's right and there's wrong. How is it so many can't tell the difference?
Of course, Trump is incapable of doing the right thing – he wouldn’t be Trump, otherwise.
Most of us have been to a wake. And most of us realize that, at that moment, it is not about us but it is about paying basic human respect for the dead. Even if you had disagreements with that lost soul, adults are able to put that aside in order to pay respect.

Adults can make that distinction. Adults can pay that respect. Children cannot make that distinction. Children are not able to see that everything is not about themselves.

Do you reward children for being disrespectful, or do you take the responsibility to teach them about basic human kindness and humility?
Oh, bullshit. You guys have been exploiting McCain's death with which to bash Trump and you know it. Spare me the disingenuous lecture, hypocrite.
Had Trump simply done the right thing, no one would bash him for his behavior toward McCain. Fly the flag at half staff. Issue a proclaimation honoring McCain. It's a layup. Any reasonable, responsible adult would have handled it properly.

But no. Trump fouled it up. And now his minions are not only excusing his behavior, but claiming he was a victim of it.

There's right and there's wrong. How is it so many can't tell the difference?
Once again, you're full of shit. First of all, he DID fly the flag at half staff, according to protocol. And you know as well as I do you would be bashing him no matter WHAT he did. "Behavior toward McCain"? WTF does that mean? McCain attacked Trump during the campaign and Trump responded. He doesn't get a free pass for being a POW 45 years ago. Poor little thing, "that mean old Trump hit me back". What a pussy, almost as much of a pussy as Obama.
Could you please give one reason that you're at all proud of Trump's behavior? His pettiness? His narcissism? Does Trump believe he deserves to be the center of attention? Do you think he acted as a mature head of state, did he maintain the dignity of his office? Would you personally act the same way should your rival die of brain cancer?
I don't owe you any explanation. Trump acted just fine. What did you want him to do, suck up to Songbird? He did exactly the right thing. And here's a news flash. People die. If Trump died, would you fawn all over him and talk about how great he was?
I expect him to act like the head of state. I expect him to act with respect. He did not act just fine. You know better. You understand the social compact that we honor our fathers, respect the dead and know that everything is not about you.

When Trump dies, we should pay him back all the respect he showed in life.
Oh, bullshit. You guys have been exploiting McCain's death with which to bash Trump and you know it. Spare me the disingenuous lecture, hypocrite.
Had Trump simply done the right thing, no one would bash him for his behavior toward McCain. Fly the flag at half staff. Issue a proclaimation honoring McCain. It's a layup. Any reasonable, responsible adult would have handled it properly.

But no. Trump fouled it up. And now his minions are not only excusing his behavior, but claiming he was a victim of it.

There's right and there's wrong. How is it so many can't tell the difference?
Once again, you're full of shit. First of all, he DID fly the flag at half staff, according to protocol. And you know as well as I do you would be bashing him no matter WHAT he did. "Behavior toward McCain"? WTF does that mean? McCain attacked Trump during the campaign and Trump responded. He doesn't get a free pass for being a POW 45 years ago. Poor little thing, "that mean old Trump hit me back". What a pussy, almost as much of a pussy as Obama.
Could you please give one reason that you're at all proud of Trump's behavior? His pettiness? His narcissism? Does Trump believe he deserves to be the center of attention? Do you think he acted as a mature head of state, did he maintain the dignity of his office? Would you personally act the same way should your rival die of brain cancer?
I don't owe you any explanation. Trump acted just fine. What did you want him to do, suck up to Songbird? He did exactly the right thing. And here's a news flash. People die. If Trump died, would you fawn all over him and talk about how great he was?
I expect him to act like the head of state. I expect him to act with respect. He did not act just fine. You know better. You understand the social compact that we honor our fathers, respect the dead and know that everything is not about you.

When Trump dies, we should pay him back all the respect he showed in life.
Tell us exactly what you think Trump should have said. And don't give me that generic bullshit about "acting like a head of state". Be specific.
Had Trump simply done the right thing, no one would bash him for his behavior toward McCain. Fly the flag at half staff. Issue a proclaimation honoring McCain. It's a layup. Any reasonable, responsible adult would have handled it properly.

But no. Trump fouled it up. And now his minions are not only excusing his behavior, but claiming he was a victim of it.

There's right and there's wrong. How is it so many can't tell the difference?
Once again, you're full of shit. First of all, he DID fly the flag at half staff, according to protocol. And you know as well as I do you would be bashing him no matter WHAT he did. "Behavior toward McCain"? WTF does that mean? McCain attacked Trump during the campaign and Trump responded. He doesn't get a free pass for being a POW 45 years ago. Poor little thing, "that mean old Trump hit me back". What a pussy, almost as much of a pussy as Obama.
Could you please give one reason that you're at all proud of Trump's behavior? His pettiness? His narcissism? Does Trump believe he deserves to be the center of attention? Do you think he acted as a mature head of state, did he maintain the dignity of his office? Would you personally act the same way should your rival die of brain cancer?
I don't owe you any explanation. Trump acted just fine. What did you want him to do, suck up to Songbird? He did exactly the right thing. And here's a news flash. People die. If Trump died, would you fawn all over him and talk about how great he was?
I expect him to act like the head of state. I expect him to act with respect. He did not act just fine. You know better. You understand the social compact that we honor our fathers, respect the dead and know that everything is not about you.

When Trump dies, we should pay him back all the respect he showed in life.
Tell us exactly what you think Trump should have said. And don't give me that generic bullshit about "acting like a head of state". Be specific.
My fellow Americans. On the sad news of the passing of one of this nation's most respected and honorable leaders, Senator John McCain of Arizona, we, as a nation, we should pause and remember his great legacy of service. John was a maverick who always acted in the best interests of our great nation. His memory and legacy is one of duty, honor and country.

Melania and I extend our deepest sympathy to Senator McCain's family and friends. Our nation would do well to conduct ourselves in his graceful manner. He will be sorely missed both here in America and around the world.

That's simple enough for me to do. I wonder how that basic task eluded Trump?
Last edited:
Had Trump simply done the right thing, no one would bash him for his behavior toward McCain. Fly the flag at half staff. Issue a proclaimation honoring McCain. It's a layup. Any reasonable, responsible adult would have handled it properly.

But no. Trump fouled it up. And now his minions are not only excusing his behavior, but claiming he was a victim of it.

There's right and there's wrong. How is it so many can't tell the difference?
Once again, you're full of shit. First of all, he DID fly the flag at half staff, according to protocol. And you know as well as I do you would be bashing him no matter WHAT he did. "Behavior toward McCain"? WTF does that mean? McCain attacked Trump during the campaign and Trump responded. He doesn't get a free pass for being a POW 45 years ago. Poor little thing, "that mean old Trump hit me back". What a pussy, almost as much of a pussy as Obama.
Could you please give one reason that you're at all proud of Trump's behavior? His pettiness? His narcissism? Does Trump believe he deserves to be the center of attention? Do you think he acted as a mature head of state, did he maintain the dignity of his office? Would you personally act the same way should your rival die of brain cancer?
I don't owe you any explanation. Trump acted just fine. What did you want him to do, suck up to Songbird? He did exactly the right thing. And here's a news flash. People die. If Trump died, would you fawn all over him and talk about how great he was?
I expect him to act like the head of state. I expect him to act with respect. He did not act just fine. You know better. You understand the social compact that we honor our fathers, respect the dead and know that everything is not about you.

When Trump dies, we should pay him back all the respect he showed in life.
Tell us exactly what you think Trump should have said. And don't give me that generic bullshit about "acting like a head of state". Be specific.

"I was sad to be informed today, as we all were, that as expected cancer has taken our longtime public servant John McCain, a man who while I was dodging STDs in my 'personal Vietnam' was dodging antiaircraft fire in the real one. A man who while a prisoner of that war answered the enemy's demand for useful information by giving them the names of the Pittsburgh Steelers offensive line, saying nothing about 'firing the sumbitches'. A man who like me hosted Saturday Night Live but unlike me could actually take a joke. But enough about that guy, let me talk about Me. I just found out that I am the greatest orange president that god ever created. Thousands of Amish are on their way here right now from the United Kingdom of Ireland, jumping from rooftop to rooftop in the rain to give me their prestigious Yoder Award. I own all their properties and we're going to build golf courses on all of them. By the way did I mention Me? Let me tell you more about Me......"

Hey, just a touch of realism.....
Once again, you're full of shit. First of all, he DID fly the flag at half staff, according to protocol. And you know as well as I do you would be bashing him no matter WHAT he did. "Behavior toward McCain"? WTF does that mean? McCain attacked Trump during the campaign and Trump responded. He doesn't get a free pass for being a POW 45 years ago. Poor little thing, "that mean old Trump hit me back". What a pussy, almost as much of a pussy as Obama.
Could you please give one reason that you're at all proud of Trump's behavior? His pettiness? His narcissism? Does Trump believe he deserves to be the center of attention? Do you think he acted as a mature head of state, did he maintain the dignity of his office? Would you personally act the same way should your rival die of brain cancer?
I don't owe you any explanation. Trump acted just fine. What did you want him to do, suck up to Songbird? He did exactly the right thing. And here's a news flash. People die. If Trump died, would you fawn all over him and talk about how great he was?
I expect him to act like the head of state. I expect him to act with respect. He did not act just fine. You know better. You understand the social compact that we honor our fathers, respect the dead and know that everything is not about you.

When Trump dies, we should pay him back all the respect he showed in life.
Tell us exactly what you think Trump should have said. And don't give me that generic bullshit about "acting like a head of state". Be specific.
My fellow Americans. On the sad news of the passing of one of this nation's most respected and honorable leaders, Senator John McCain of Arizona, we, as a nation, we should pause and remember his great legacy of service. John was a maverick who always acted in the best interests of our great nation. His memory and legacy is one of duty, honor and country.

Melania and I extend our deepest sympathy to Senator McCain's family and friends. Our nation would do well to conduct ourselves in his graceful manner. He will be sorely missed both here in America and around the world.

That's simple enough for me to do. I wonder how that basic task eluded Trump?
And you would be blasting him for that too and you know it.
Could you please give one reason that you're at all proud of Trump's behavior? His pettiness? His narcissism? Does Trump believe he deserves to be the center of attention? Do you think he acted as a mature head of state, did he maintain the dignity of his office? Would you personally act the same way should your rival die of brain cancer?
I don't owe you any explanation. Trump acted just fine. What did you want him to do, suck up to Songbird? He did exactly the right thing. And here's a news flash. People die. If Trump died, would you fawn all over him and talk about how great he was?
I expect him to act like the head of state. I expect him to act with respect. He did not act just fine. You know better. You understand the social compact that we honor our fathers, respect the dead and know that everything is not about you.

When Trump dies, we should pay him back all the respect he showed in life.
Tell us exactly what you think Trump should have said. And don't give me that generic bullshit about "acting like a head of state". Be specific.
My fellow Americans. On the sad news of the passing of one of this nation's most respected and honorable leaders, Senator John McCain of Arizona, we, as a nation, we should pause and remember his great legacy of service. John was a maverick who always acted in the best interests of our great nation. His memory and legacy is one of duty, honor and country.

Melania and I extend our deepest sympathy to Senator McCain's family and friends. Our nation would do well to conduct ourselves in his graceful manner. He will be sorely missed both here in America and around the world.

That's simple enough for me to do. I wonder how that basic task eluded Trump?
And you would be blasting him for that too and you know it.
Keep on living in that little box of yours.
I don't owe you any explanation. Trump acted just fine. What did you want him to do, suck up to Songbird? He did exactly the right thing. And here's a news flash. People die. If Trump died, would you fawn all over him and talk about how great he was?
I expect him to act like the head of state. I expect him to act with respect. He did not act just fine. You know better. You understand the social compact that we honor our fathers, respect the dead and know that everything is not about you.

When Trump dies, we should pay him back all the respect he showed in life.
Tell us exactly what you think Trump should have said. And don't give me that generic bullshit about "acting like a head of state". Be specific.
My fellow Americans. On the sad news of the passing of one of this nation's most respected and honorable leaders, Senator John McCain of Arizona, we, as a nation, we should pause and remember his great legacy of service. John was a maverick who always acted in the best interests of our great nation. His memory and legacy is one of duty, honor and country.

Melania and I extend our deepest sympathy to Senator McCain's family and friends. Our nation would do well to conduct ourselves in his graceful manner. He will be sorely missed both here in America and around the world.

That's simple enough for me to do. I wonder how that basic task eluded Trump?
And you would be blasting him for that too and you know it.
Keep on living in that little box of yours.
Keep on lying.

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