General Flynn May Walk Free


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Judge Emmitt Sullivan has ordered Mueller to turn over any material that might be helpful to the former National Security Advisor. If he finds Flynn did not have sufficient evidence to defend himself, the judge may overturn the conviction and let him go free.

But, will Flynn be able to get back his life along with all the $$$ her had to spend defending himself?

More of this @ Dick Morris: Big Blow to Mueller -- Flynn May Walk
Judge Sullivan's Brady order is a standing order - as in, he makes it for every single case that appears before his bench. Trying to read anything into it isn't a good idea.

Keep that faith alive.

Just a word of advice - if Dick Morris is all you've got to hang on to, things aren't going to work out that well for you.
Considering the source rather than the content is often a stupid move.

The "content" is nothing more than Dick Morris' "interpretation" of the secret meaning of a standing court order for every case heard by Judge Sullivan.

Dick Morris is particularly famous for being wrong about just about every prediction he's ever made.

Keep that faith alive.

Just a word of advice - if Dick Morris is all you've got to hang on to, things aren't going to work out that well for you.
Considering the source rather than the content is often a stupid move.

The "content" is nothing more than Dick Morris' "interpretation" of the secret meaning of a standing court order for every case heard by Judge Sullivan.

Dick Morris is particularly famous for being wrong about just about every prediction he's ever made.
Then read the content and come to your own conclusion rather than dismissing it because of the source. There is a disclaimer at the bottom of the article that says it is Dick Morris's opinion and not necessarily that of the site.
Too late. Flynn has already pled guilty.

Perhaps right wingers don't understand the meaning of the word "Guilty"?
Last edited:

Keep that faith alive.

Just a word of advice - if Dick Morris is all you've got to hang on to, things aren't going to work out that well for you.
Considering the source rather than the content is often a stupid move.

The "content" is nothing more than Dick Morris' "interpretation" of the secret meaning of a standing court order for every case heard by Judge Sullivan.

Dick Morris is particularly famous for being wrong about just about every prediction he's ever made.
Then read the content and come to your own conclusion rather than dismissing it because of the source. There is a disclaimer at the bottom of the article that says it is Dick Morris's opinion and not necessarily that of the site.

I did read the content - and I have now explained why Dick Morris' opinion is nonsense twice in this thread. I am happy to do so again.

Dick Morris is trying to imply that Judge Sullivan's Brady order is due to known malfeasance by Mueller, and that the evidence provided will exonerate Flynn.

That is based on nothing but the voices in Morris' head, because as I have pointed out twice already, that order is a standing order that applies to every case that appears at his bench.

Here is a link to that order on Judge Sullivan's website:

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan's Court Web Page | District of Columbia | United States District Court for the
U.S. judge orders special counsel to turn over evidence on Michael...
Says it’s routine

Keep that faith alive.

Just a word of advice - if Dick Morris is all you've got to hang on to, things aren't going to work out that well for you.
Considering the source rather than the content is often a stupid move.

The "content" is nothing more than Dick Morris' "interpretation" of the secret meaning of a standing court order for every case heard by Judge Sullivan.

Dick Morris is particularly famous for being wrong about just about every prediction he's ever made.
Then read the content and come to your own conclusion rather than dismissing it because of the source. There is a disclaimer at the bottom of the article that says it is Dick Morris's opinion and not necessarily that of the site.

I did read the content - and I have now explained why Dick Morris' opinion is nonsense twice in this thread. I am happy to do so again.

Dick Morris is trying to imply that Judge Sullivan's Brady order is due to known malfeasance by Mueller, and that the evidence provided will exonerate Flynn.

That is based on nothing but the voices in Morris' head, because as I have pointed out twice already, that order is a standing order that applies to every case that appears at his bench.

Here is a link to that order on Judge Sullivan's website:

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan's Court Web Page | District of Columbia | United States District Court for the
Too late. Flynn has already pleaded guilty.

Perhaps right wingers don't understand the meaning of the word "Guilty"?
Perhaps you don't understand the meaning of exculpatory evidence or the withholding of it. Flynn pleaded guilty because he was going broke. Had his lawyers had the withheld evidence, he might have won the case.
U.S. judge orders special counsel to turn over evidence on Michael...
Says it’s routine

Keep that faith alive.

Just a word of advice - if Dick Morris is all you've got to hang on to, things aren't going to work out that well for you.
Considering the source rather than the content is often a stupid move.

The "content" is nothing more than Dick Morris' "interpretation" of the secret meaning of a standing court order for every case heard by Judge Sullivan.

Dick Morris is particularly famous for being wrong about just about every prediction he's ever made.
Then read the content and come to your own conclusion rather than dismissing it because of the source. There is a disclaimer at the bottom of the article that says it is Dick Morris's opinion and not necessarily that of the site.

I did read the content - and I have now explained why Dick Morris' opinion is nonsense twice in this thread. I am happy to do so again.

Dick Morris is trying to imply that Judge Sullivan's Brady order is due to known malfeasance by Mueller, and that the evidence provided will exonerate Flynn.

That is based on nothing but the voices in Morris' head, because as I have pointed out twice already, that order is a standing order that applies to every case that appears at his bench.

Here is a link to that order on Judge Sullivan's website:

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan's Court Web Page | District of Columbia | United States District Court for the
Michael Flynn pleads guilty
U.S. judge orders special counsel to turn over evidence on Michael...
Says it’s routine

Keep that faith alive.

Just a word of advice - if Dick Morris is all you've got to hang on to, things aren't going to work out that well for you.
Considering the source rather than the content is often a stupid move.

The "content" is nothing more than Dick Morris' "interpretation" of the secret meaning of a standing court order for every case heard by Judge Sullivan.

Dick Morris is particularly famous for being wrong about just about every prediction he's ever made.
Then read the content and come to your own conclusion rather than dismissing it because of the source. There is a disclaimer at the bottom of the article that says it is Dick Morris's opinion and not necessarily that of the site.

I did read the content - and I have now explained why Dick Morris' opinion is nonsense twice in this thread. I am happy to do so again.

Dick Morris is trying to imply that Judge Sullivan's Brady order is due to known malfeasance by Mueller, and that the evidence provided will exonerate Flynn.

That is based on nothing but the voices in Morris' head, because as I have pointed out twice already, that order is a standing order that applies to every case that appears at his bench.

Here is a link to that order on Judge Sullivan's website:

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan's Court Web Page | District of Columbia | United States District Court for the

It is routine. That's the point that Dick Morris missed (or pretended he missed, so people like the OP would swallow his bullshit whole).
Seems it is unusual as he had already plead guilty under the other judge.

Judge Nap: Order From New Judge in Michael Flynn Case Is 'Unheard-Of'
Judge Andrew Napolitano assessed Tuesday the unusual turn of events in the guilty plea from former national security adviser Michael Flynn for lying to the FBI.

The new federal judge in the case, Emmet Sullivan, asked last week for all exculpatory evidence to be turned over to Flynn's attorneys.

"That is unheard-of," Napolitano said. "He must suspect a defect in the guilty plea, meaning he must have reason to believe that General Flynn pleaded guilty for some reason other than guilt," he said, adding Flynn may have pleaded guilty to avoid a costly legal battle or to keep his son out of legal jeopardy.

"Now the question arises: was he guilty?"
Seems it is unusual as he had already plead guilty under the other judge.

Judge Nap: Order From New Judge in Michael Flynn Case Is 'Unheard-Of'
Judge Andrew Napolitano assessed Tuesday the unusual turn of events in the guilty plea from former national security adviser Michael Flynn for lying to the FBI.

The new federal judge in the case, Emmet Sullivan, asked last week for all exculpatory evidence to be turned over to Flynn's attorneys.

"That is unheard-of," Napolitano said. "He must suspect a defect in the guilty plea, meaning he must have reason to believe that General Flynn pleaded guilty for some reason other than guilt," he said, adding Flynn may have pleaded guilty to avoid a costly legal battle or to keep his son out of legal jeopardy.

"Now the question arises: was he guilty?"

Judge Napolitano may think it's "unheard of", but again - it's a standing order that applies to every single case that Judge Sullivan hears.
U.S. judge orders special counsel to turn over evidence on Michael...
Says it’s routine
Considering the source rather than the content is often a stupid move.

The "content" is nothing more than Dick Morris' "interpretation" of the secret meaning of a standing court order for every case heard by Judge Sullivan.

Dick Morris is particularly famous for being wrong about just about every prediction he's ever made.
Then read the content and come to your own conclusion rather than dismissing it because of the source. There is a disclaimer at the bottom of the article that says it is Dick Morris's opinion and not necessarily that of the site.

I did read the content - and I have now explained why Dick Morris' opinion is nonsense twice in this thread. I am happy to do so again.

Dick Morris is trying to imply that Judge Sullivan's Brady order is due to known malfeasance by Mueller, and that the evidence provided will exonerate Flynn.

That is based on nothing but the voices in Morris' head, because as I have pointed out twice already, that order is a standing order that applies to every case that appears at his bench.

Here is a link to that order on Judge Sullivan's website:

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan's Court Web Page | District of Columbia | United States District Court for the

It is routine. That's the point that Dick Morris missed (or pretended he missed, so people like the OP would swallow his bullshit whole).
The article also points out that the prosecutors failed to comply with the Brady order and that exculpatory evidence is to be turned over to the court.
U.S. judge orders special counsel to turn over evidence on Michael...
Says it’s routine
The "content" is nothing more than Dick Morris' "interpretation" of the secret meaning of a standing court order for every case heard by Judge Sullivan.

Dick Morris is particularly famous for being wrong about just about every prediction he's ever made.
Then read the content and come to your own conclusion rather than dismissing it because of the source. There is a disclaimer at the bottom of the article that says it is Dick Morris's opinion and not necessarily that of the site.

I did read the content - and I have now explained why Dick Morris' opinion is nonsense twice in this thread. I am happy to do so again.

Dick Morris is trying to imply that Judge Sullivan's Brady order is due to known malfeasance by Mueller, and that the evidence provided will exonerate Flynn.

That is based on nothing but the voices in Morris' head, because as I have pointed out twice already, that order is a standing order that applies to every case that appears at his bench.

Here is a link to that order on Judge Sullivan's website:

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan's Court Web Page | District of Columbia | United States District Court for the

It is routine. That's the point that Dick Morris missed (or pretended he missed, so people like the OP would swallow his bullshit whole).
The article also points out that the prosecutors failed to comply with the Brady order and that exculpatory evidence is to be turned over to the court.


No, the article doesn't say that.

The evidence is being turned over to the court is pursuant to the Brady order.

While the move could be simply standard procedure for Sullivan, it was nevertheless notable because Flynn had already pleaded guilty, and, as part of that guilty plea, agreed to "forgo the right to any further discovery or disclosures of information not already provided at the time of the entry of [Flynn's] guilty plea."

"It certainly appears that Sullivan's order supersedes the plea agreement and imposes on the special counsel the obligation to reveal any and all evidence suggesting that Flynn is innocent of the charge to which he has admitted guilt," wrote National Review's Andrew McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor.

On Jan. 31, the two sides in the case agreed to delay sentencing for Flynn until at least May. Some observers saw that as an entirely routine development in a case in which the defendant is cooperating with prosecutors on an open matter. On the other hand, in the Flynn case, the delay took place in the context of Sullivan's evidence order, and there is no way for the public to know whether that played a role in the decision.

Fast forward to Wednesday. Prosecutors and the defense submitted to Sullivan a proposed order limiting the use of any new evidence produced by the government. The evidence can be used by Flynn's defense "solely in connection with the defense of this case, and for no other purpose, and in connection with no other proceeding." The proposed order, awaiting Sullivan's approval, also set out rules for handling "sensitive" materials.
Byron York: An unusual turn in the Michael Flynn case?

We shall see where it all leads.
Seems there was a new sentence added to his previous order-

That order consisted of an updated standing order detailing the government’s obligations under Brady. On the surface, Friday’s order seems inconsequential, but in comparing the December 12, 2017, version to the February 16, 2018, version, one substantive change stood out.

It was subtle, but significant given the posture of this case: The revised version added one sentence specifying that the government’s obligation to produce evidence material either to the defendant’s guilt or punishment “includes producing, during plea negotiations, any exculpatory evidence in the government’s possession.”

General Flynn Should WITHDRAW His Guilty Plea. His New Judge Is A Government Misconduct Expert

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