General Flynn May Walk Free

Too late. Flynn has already pled guilty.

Perhaps right wingers don't understand the meaning of the word "Guilty"?
You sound like "Constitutional Lawyer" Obama telling us that SCOTUS would never overturn a democratically passed law

You sound like another Trumpster excusing criminal behavior because well- Trump.
Point being, Mueller engaged in prosecutorial misconduct to get the guilty plea

Point being, the Trumpsters will make up any stories to protect your Dear Leader.
And others saying it is standard know where their bread is buttered. As I stated, now for the third time, we shall see. Now, get in the last word. I am done.
As I stated earlier, we shall see. Other prosecutors seem to think it unusual and could be significant.
Or it could, as several former prosecutors have stated, seeing the references he has now included.
Which is related to that sentence.
And there is a reason for that, more than likely.
Each order includes case file info I would assume, which each being different, depending on the charge. He widened his scope with his case references in his second order. There was a reason he refilled it.

A change in footnotes does not change the substance of the order. Footnotes are just citations.

Those are citations.

They support the plaintext of the order, they don't modify the plaintext.

I'm in law school, by the way. I am quite intimately familiar with court orders and citations.

All of the "former prosecutors" who have said so are all currently political pundits. They know which side their bread is buttered on.

As you say, we shall see. But I wouldn't keep my hopes up, if I were you.
Judge Emmitt Sullivan has ordered Mueller to turn over any material that might be helpful to the former National Security Advisor. If he finds Flynn did not have sufficient evidence to defend himself, the judge may overturn the conviction and let him go free.

But, will Flynn be able to get back his life along with all the $$$ her had to spend defending himself?

More of this @ Dick Morris: Big Blow to Mueller -- Flynn May Walk
This happened like 2 months ago, and he ain't free yet.

I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.
Just which side is Dick Morris's bread buttered on? :lmao::lol:
There have been any number of attorneys, including former fbi, that have stated it could possibly be something, we shall wait and see.

Sullivan is the one that in the Stevens case came down on prosecutors for their lack of disclosure-

Other legal experts cautioned that it would be premature to make such a conclusion based on the court order alone.

They pointed to Sullivan’s past work overseeing the trial of former Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), in which the judge faulted prosecutors for misconduct in failing to turn over exculpatory evidence.

Still, experts acknowledged that such an order would typically be seen as unusual, especially in cases in which the defendant has already pleaded guilty.

2 Prosecutors in Case of Senator Ted Stevens Are Suspended
U.S. judge orders special counsel to turn over evidence on Michael...
Says it’s routine
Then read the content and come to your own conclusion rather than dismissing it because of the source. There is a disclaimer at the bottom of the article that says it is Dick Morris's opinion and not necessarily that of the site.

I did read the content - and I have now explained why Dick Morris' opinion is nonsense twice in this thread. I am happy to do so again.

Dick Morris is trying to imply that Judge Sullivan's Brady order is due to known malfeasance by Mueller, and that the evidence provided will exonerate Flynn.

That is based on nothing but the voices in Morris' head, because as I have pointed out twice already, that order is a standing order that applies to every case that appears at his bench.

Here is a link to that order on Judge Sullivan's website:

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan's Court Web Page | District of Columbia | United States District Court for the

It is routine. That's the point that Dick Morris missed (or pretended he missed, so people like the OP would swallow his bullshit whole).
The article also points out that the prosecutors failed to comply with the Brady order and that exculpatory evidence is to be turned over to the court.


No, the article doesn't say that.

The evidence is being turned over to the court is pursuant to the Brady order.
....which means the prosecutors did not comply with the standing Brady order.
Too late. Flynn has already pleaded guilty.

Perhaps right wingers don't understand the meaning of the word "Guilty"?
Perhaps you don't understand the meaning of exculpatory evidence or the withholding of it. Flynn pleaded guilty because he was going broke. Had his lawyers had the withheld evidence, he might have won the case.

If Flynn was broke- and innocent- he could have gotten a public defender to plead guilty for him.

Remember- Flynn has far- far- far- more resources than the average defendant- who we happily entrust to public defenders in our Justice system everyday.
Maybe he should have started a GoFundMe account like the crook, McCabe did.

Keep that faith alive.

Just a word of advice - if Dick Morris is all you've got to hang on to, things aren't going to work out that well for you.

I think Flynn should skate for his crimes, after all, Hillary skated for her crimes.

Keep that faith alive.

Just a word of advice - if Dick Morris is all you've got to hang on to, things aren't going to work out that well for you.

I think Flynn should skate for his crimes, after all, Hillary skated for her crimes.

thnking may not be the most accurate descriptor to use

feel is more accurate for the trumplings
Judge Emmitt Sullivan has ordered Mueller to turn over any material that might be helpful to the former National Security Advisor. If he finds Flynn did not have sufficient evidence to defend himself, the judge may overturn the conviction and let him go free.

But, will Flynn be able to get back his life along with all the $$$ her had to spend defending himself?

More of this @ Dick Morris: Big Blow to Mueller -- Flynn May Walk

what is he "defending himself" against? he already pled guilty. :cuckoo:

if you actually read anything, you'd know that this judge presided over the trial of Senator Stevens and felt there were horrible Brady violations. So ....

From that point on, Sullivan started a new practice for every case he handled: He would issue what is called a “standing Brady order,” mandating that prosecutors proactively turn over material favorable to the defense.

Analysis | No, a new court filing doesn't suggest that Michael Flynn is about to be exonerated

read.... it's important. and try to stop spreading silly trumpian garbage. it's just embarrassing.
Judge Emmitt Sullivan has ordered Mueller to turn over any material that might be helpful to the former National Security Advisor. If he finds Flynn did not have sufficient evidence to defend himself, the judge may overturn the conviction and let him go free.

But, will Flynn be able to get back his life along with all the $$$ her had to spend defending himself?

More of this @ Dick Morris: Big Blow to Mueller -- Flynn May Walk

what is he "defending himself" against? he already pled guilty. :cuckoo:

if you actually read anything, you'd know that this judge presided over the trial of Senator Stevens and felt there were horrible Brady violations. So ....

From that point on, Sullivan started a new practice for every case he handled: He would issue what is called a “standing Brady order,” mandating that prosecutors proactively turn over material favorable to the defense.

Analysis | No, a new court filing doesn't suggest that Michael Flynn is about to be exonerated

read.... it's important. and try to stop spreading silly trumpian garbage. it's just embarrassing.

oh...and for the record, if Flynn ever considered withdrawing his plea (which he isn't as far as anyone knows), then Mueller gets to use every statement he made to prosecutors against him.

that wouldn't go well for him.

and it can also be used in any action brought by the state AG's in NY and VA.
here you go, zippy

edumicate your bad self


sick, isn't he?

And you tools can't claim to be so naïve that on the 19th Hole old Bill and Dick didn't slap each others back and brag about the things they sucked and shouldn't have sucked... Well maybe you both are that gullible...

why the fuck would anyone care what bill and dick talked about?

do you rub them out to hannity?

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