General Flynn to be exonerated this week by bill barr!

Aww hell yea! Flynn is a good man and was set up! Look likes Durham is doing a good job .

Now we just need manafort out, Roger Stone whos a great patriot will be released soon..

Keep fighting patriots!
ya, how does that work you do know Flynn Plead guilty right. you fucks will belive any thing. He goes no where wiith out a pardon. Donnie Boy gunna give it to him. I doubt it Donny aint that brave and will nmot add ont op of his current situation. Notice he has already disapeared from corona briefings.
Standby you’re about to get your feelings fuckig hurt again
ya, I am standing by dumb fuck. Mabe that happens right after you inject your self with clorox right. Travesty that a guy that plead guilty wnet to jail I feel so bad. ya , real conservative values there the guy that sais he did it it got fucked right. you are dumb as a rock just like your idot leader. You obviously do not care how stupid you look you still support this shit how hillarious. Hey I have a job for you as a paper weight. I would give it to you but you are under qualified.
Oh my what did Flynn do you to you to make you so angry???? 3 star general! All his service? What did he do??
he pled guilty. admitted his crime no where to go from there.
lol you should give him credit for admitting to it, after being set up by the TDS fbi, there is evidence he was set up.
ya, admit and it is alright just go home. you gotta be fucking kidding me. Why do you not require more from your leaders. The leader of the free world just told peolple to inject them self with cleaners. You deserve a better leader. I would not even let that fuck drive my boat. If you think this is the way into a bright future you are going to be sorley disappointed. This ores is the Alex Vogel of the group. I took this Alex idiot hunting once a freind of mine ended up shot in the ass. Alex never came again. Admit it. You would not take some fuck so dumb to tell you to inject your self with cleaners hunting with you. He is that dumb fuck pointing his twelve guage at you and laughing while saiying it is not loaded. You do not even let that idiot tie your boat off it aint gunna be there in the mornig. he is an idiot.
Wow so much hate for fellow Americans but you say nothing about Obama spying on Americans, Hillary Clinton putting our country in grave danger with classified emails on a homemade server, Biden getin his family rich $1 billion in China millions more in Ukraine.. You are do ranged and you need to get help Trump is going to be your president for a long time so is this team of great American men
one trick pony are you not. Again you gunna take trump hunting with you?
Are you Democrats ever going to have anybody successful run for president again? Lol
Deflect and excuse,deflect and excuse. obvously you would not take him or you would own it.
I’m pretty sure the Trump administration is going through a witchhunt because you Democrats lost you can’t win and Trump is very successful and this is driving you fucking crazy
deflect and excuse.deflect nd excuse. you would think yolu would get tired of it. He told people to inject cleaner on national tv. do not need to hunt for it slapping you in the face evidently you have no nerves in your face because you do not feel it. No brain in your head as you do not comprehend just deflect and excuse.
yep, you certainly suffer. You are a fucking idiot and no longer rank as being worth one second of my time. You are also some one does not tie off my boat or go hunting. You no longer exist to me. I have had enough of stupid. Have fun in ignore land.
Another example of a corrupt Justice System.
It is as blatant of corruption as Bill Clinton meeting privately with the head of the DOJ during his wife's investigation.

The shameless Deep State in action for all to see.

So Trump is running the so called Deep State.
The fake Russian investigation is the deep state.. The epic fight of Donald Trump is a great American story of how we defeat the deep state
Another example of a corrupt Justice System.
It is as blatant of corruption as Bill Clinton meeting privately with the head of the DOJ during his wife's investigation.

The shameless Deep State in action for all to see.

So Trump is running the so called Deep State.
You tell me.

He has enacted universal income and health care because of Covid, run the largest debt in US history, and refused to build his wall the first two years he was in office with the GOP in full control of both Houses of Congress.
Another example of a corrupt Justice System.
It is as blatant of corruption as Bill Clinton meeting privately with the head of the DOJ during his wife's investigation.

The shameless Deep State in action for all to see.

So Trump is running the so called Deep State.
The fake Russian investigation is the deep state.. The epic fight of Donald Trump is a great American story of how we defeat the deep state

What a joke.
Another example of a corrupt Justice System.
It is as blatant of corruption as Bill Clinton meeting privately with the head of the DOJ during his wife's investigation.

The shameless Deep State in action for all to see.

So Trump is running the so called Deep State.
You tell me.

He has enacted universal income and health care because of Covid, run the largest debt in US history, and refused to build his wall the first two years he was in office with the GOP in full control of both Houses of Congress.


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