General McCaffrey Slaps Down Donald Trump dare he spread a vicious pack of truths.


What pack of truths? About sharia?

no you drug addled loon

about the fact that your unhinged loon of a candidate started a fight with a gold star family and a baby last week.


I've got so much sharia shit on that old bastard it would make your head spin.

Fuck this gold star family. That boat won't float.
It has already floated and continues to float. Most of the citizens of America think you are out of line and disgusting for attacking the Gold Star father and mother. Traditions and our culture prefers that they be treated with respect and kindness. You can criticize them in a dignified fashion. What scum bags like you do is bring a level of vulgarity and crudeness into the picture which is inexcusable. Guess what? The country will not end the long tradition and culture just because some ignorant Trump cult followers want to trash talk and can't express themselves without wallowing in filth. Not our fault you don't know how to communicate on a dignified level.

Look. What's this Gold star family shit? They don't get a pass at all when they enter the political ring. Simple. Stay to the side. Sorry for your loss. But when you go on national media and slag a cadidate I approve of, tell us we're all fucking losers, tell everyone my candidate and I are assholes you think I'm going to live with that shit?

Fuck the little sharia loving bastard. And by the way, he's a special kind of sharia loving bastard. And that little asshole needs to really read the Constitution to realize illegal immigrants are not covered by it.
Yeah, they do get a pass, and when Red Donald, the Putin admirer, attacks Khan, he loses the moral high ground and public support. You are not an asshole, td, but Trump is, a big one.
Enough of that, td. Khan absolutely had the right to out Trump. He had every right to call Trump a phony. And, on top of that, Khan is right. You keep up your fight against sharia. Good on you. But on Trump as president, you are dead wrong.

Khan has every right to put himself on a DNC night and call out Trump. I have no problem. But hell's bells take the heat back. I DO get to call him a four star sharia general now that absolutely was in love with the Pakistani who implemented total sharia in Pakistan. Including beating your wife/wives gently.

Now Jake I haven't even put out half of what I have dug up on the dude. So side with him all you will. But get ready. I have a lot of Pakistani friends up here who actually ran under the days when Pakistan went full tilt sharia. Including laws that included that a woman that was raped needed four male witnesses to her crime or she would be then charged with adultery.

I am well learned in this.

Call out Trump all you want. Problem was his argument was bullshit. The Constitution does not protect non Americans. It was a vulgar side show. And Khan was the headliner.
None of that has anything to do with Khan calling out Trump as a phony. Khan is a naturalized citizen, and he is protected by the Constitution. We are not talking about Pakistan, only you are and it does not apply to this discussion.

Yes, SCOTUS is very clear that aliens subject to the laws of America are also subject to the Constitution.
The left....desperately trying to keep the non issue alive

The Right- consider our national defense to be a non-issue......

Further, Trump has implied that the U.S. should encourage the proliferation of nuclear weapons — allies like Japan and South Korea were urged to become nuclear powers. He has praised Saddam Hussein as an effective anti-terrorist fighter. Hussein was a mass murderer who targeted his own people with an inhumane vengeance to include employing chemical weapons."
This has to hurt....a lot.
"My public comments in the media on national security since leaving active service have tried to steer clear of partisan debate. I am not registered with either political party. I have worked with loyalty and genuine respect at very senior levels for both President George H.W. Bush and President Bill Clinton.

The shameful reaction by presidential candidate Donald Trump to the mother and father of U.S. Army Capt. Humayun S.M. Khan prompts me to state publicly that Trump should never serve as our commander in chief. The decorated Capt. Khan, who was killed in action in Iraq at age 27 while bravely defending his soldiers during a suicide attack, is the best America offers. His grieving parents were understandably outraged at the degrading notion that America should have a religious screen, legally denying immigration status to Muslims.

Trump’s cruel cultural jab at Ghazala Kahn as a grieving Gold Star mother is simply the final straw. In my judgment, Trump, if elected, would provoke a political and constitutional crisis within a year. He has called for the illegal torture of enemy detainees. He has called for the deliberate targeting and murder of civilians as retribution. He has questioned whether the U.S. should actually fulfill our defense obligations under the NATO pact. These NATO obligations are a U.S. Senate-ratified treaty that Trump should know is the highest law of the land.

Further, Trump has implied that the U.S. should encourage the proliferation of nuclear weapons — allies like Japan and South Korea were urged to become nuclear powers. He has praised Saddam Hussein as an effective anti-terrorist fighter. Hussein was a mass murderer who targeted his own people with an inhumane vengeance to include employing chemical weapons."

Donald Trump is an ‘abusive braggart’ unfit to lead our Armed Forces

What a mother fucking liar this son of a bitch is. And fuck Khan that sadistic sharia loving mother fucker of a father. His son was a hero. The father doesn't deserve anything but my scorn for embracing and promoting sharia.

Yeah- Conservatives do love to attack the parents of fallen heroes.

And of course to diminish our defense- as General McCaffrey observed:

Further, Trump has implied that the U.S. should encourage the proliferation of nuclear weapons — allies like Japan and South Korea were urged to become nuclear powers. He has praised Saddam Hussein as an effective anti-terrorist fighter. Hussein was a mass murderer who targeted his own people with an inhumane vengeance to include employing chemical weapons."
Oh Boo Hoo Hoo, Donnie said he know's more than the Generals and now he has to prove it. But he can't, he's in Detroit today using a teleprompter and reading words he doesn't have a clue what they mean.

Ah you little girl, this is a man that is a billionaire, broke the racial and religious barriers in Palm Beach an amazing achievement by the way, and has this knack of employing people and caring about his people..

'employing people'- you mean the foreign workers he hires rather than hiring Americans?

Trump's decade-long record of hiring foreign guest workers

Trump's decade-long record of hiring foreign guest workers

Or when it comes to race- maybe we should talk about his fines for refusing to rent to African Americans?

Inside the Government's Racial Bias Case Against Donald Trump's Company, and How He Fought It

NEW YORK — When a black woman asked to rent an apartment in a Brooklyn complex managed by Donald Trump’s real estate company, she said she was told that nothing was available. A short time later, a white woman who made the same request was invited to choose between two available apartments.

The two would-be renters on that July 1972 day were actually undercover “testers” for a government-sanctioned investigation to determine whether Trump Management Inc. discriminated against minorities seeking housing at properties across Brooklyn and Queens.

Federal investigators also gathered evidence. Trump employees had secretly marked the applications of minorities with codes, such as “No. 9” and “C” for “colored,” according to government interview accounts filed in federal court. The employees allegedly directed blacks and Puerto Ricans away from buildings with mostly white tenants, and steered them toward properties that had many minorities, the government filings alleged.

In October 1973, the Justice Department filed a civil rights case that accused the Trump firm, whose complexes contained 14,000 apartments, of violating the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

This has to hurt....a lot.
"My public comments in the media on national security since leaving active service have tried to steer clear of partisan debate. I am not registered with either political party. I have worked with loyalty and genuine respect at very senior levels for both President George H.W. Bush and President Bill Clinton.

The shameful reaction by presidential candidate Donald Trump to the mother and father of U.S. Army Capt. Humayun S.M. Khan prompts me to state publicly that Trump should never serve as our commander in chief. The decorated Capt. Khan, who was killed in action in Iraq at age 27 while bravely defending his soldiers during a suicide attack, is the best America offers. His grieving parents were understandably outraged at the degrading notion that America should have a religious screen, legally denying immigration status to Muslims.

Trump’s cruel cultural jab at Ghazala Kahn as a grieving Gold Star mother is simply the final straw. In my judgment, Trump, if elected, would provoke a political and constitutional crisis within a year. He has called for the illegal torture of enemy detainees. He has called for the deliberate targeting and murder of civilians as retribution. He has questioned whether the U.S. should actually fulfill our defense obligations under the NATO pact. These NATO obligations are a U.S. Senate-ratified treaty that Trump should know is the highest law of the land.

Further, Trump has implied that the U.S. should encourage the proliferation of nuclear weapons — allies like Japan and South Korea were urged to become nuclear powers. He has praised Saddam Hussein as an effective anti-terrorist fighter. Hussein was a mass murderer who targeted his own people with an inhumane vengeance to include employing chemical weapons."

Donald Trump is an ‘abusive braggart’ unfit to lead our Armed Forces
Fuck McCaffery. He's just feeding off of nasty comments by the media.

Another example of how much Conservatives respects American veterans.
What pack of truths? About sharia?

no you drug addled loon

about the fact that your unhinged loon of a candidate started a fight with a gold star family and a baby last week.

The baby had it coming. What did that baby ever sacrifice for it's country?
What did the Muslim asshole sacrifice? Did he make his son go to war?
The sacrifice was made when his son was killed in action, but keep attacking him, it's a great reminder to what Trump represents and will continue to make his poll numbers drop until election day.

Fuck this shit. When Khan attacks America piss on him. His son died. Sadly many have defending America. But this sharia loving son of a bitch doesn't get to come out and lecture other Americans on the Constitution while lying his ass off.
Veterans of Foreign Wars- you want to fuck them too?

Election year or not, the VFW will not tolerate anyone berating a Gold Star family member for exercising his or her right of speech or expression," said Brian Duffy, of Louisville, Ky., who was elected July 27 to lead the nation's oldest and largest major war veterans organization.

"There are certain sacrosanct subjects that no amount of wordsmithing can repair once crossed," he said. "Giving one's life to nation is the greatest sacrifice, followed closely by all Gold Star families, who have a right to make their voices heard.
This has to hurt....a lot.
"My public comments in the media on national security since leaving active service have tried to steer clear of partisan debate. I am not registered with either political party. I have worked with loyalty and genuine respect at very senior levels for both President George H.W. Bush and President Bill Clinton.

The shameful reaction by presidential candidate Donald Trump to the mother and father of U.S. Army Capt. Humayun S.M. Khan prompts me to state publicly that Trump should never serve as our commander in chief. The decorated Capt. Khan, who was killed in action in Iraq at age 27 while bravely defending his soldiers during a suicide attack, is the best America offers. His grieving parents were understandably outraged at the degrading notion that America should have a religious screen, legally denying immigration status to Muslims.

Trump’s cruel cultural jab at Ghazala Kahn as a grieving Gold Star mother is simply the final straw. In my judgment, Trump, if elected, would provoke a political and constitutional crisis within a year. He has called for the illegal torture of enemy detainees. He has called for the deliberate targeting and murder of civilians as retribution. He has questioned whether the U.S. should actually fulfill our defense obligations under the NATO pact. These NATO obligations are a U.S. Senate-ratified treaty that Trump should know is the highest law of the land.

Further, Trump has implied that the U.S. should encourage the proliferation of nuclear weapons — allies like Japan and South Korea were urged to become nuclear powers. He has praised Saddam Hussein as an effective anti-terrorist fighter. Hussein was a mass murderer who targeted his own people with an inhumane vengeance to include employing chemical weapons."

Donald Trump is an ‘abusive braggart’ unfit to lead our Armed Forces
Fuck McCaffery. He's just feeding off of nasty comments by the media.

Another example of how much Conservatives respects American veterans.
Fuck you, mud. You are feeding off McCaffery's absolutely correct statements that you simply don't like.
The Trumpsters are as deluded as their Master is.

They blame the whole Khan fiasco on the 'Media'- and ignore it is not the media that is condemning Trump's words and actions- it is:
  • The Veterans of Foreign Affairs- just waiting for Trump to question their patriotism also
  • The Gold Star parents- but then again Trump has made sacrifices also...
  • John McCain- oh right- someone Trump doesn't consider to be a real 'hero'.....
  • The highest ranking elected member of the Republican Party- Paul Ryan.
  • Maine's Republican Senator- and voice of reason.
  • Republican fund raiser Meg Whitman.
The fact is that Trump has no one to blame for the whole Khan fiasco but himself- and his followers.

Trump should never have gone on the attack against the Khan's- and nobody would be talking about it- not the VFW, not Paul Ryan- not me.

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