General McCaffrey Slaps Down Donald Trump

The general can kiss my ass, and that Dem hack Khan needs to STFU. dare he spread a vicious pack of truths.


What pack of truths? About sharia?

no you drug addled loon

about the fact that your unhinged loon of a candidate started a fight with a gold star family and a baby last week.

The baby had it coming. What did that baby ever sacrifice for it's country?
What did the Muslim asshole sacrifice? Did he make his son go to war?
The general can kiss my ass, and that Dem hack Khan needs to STFU. dare he spread a vicious pack of truths.


What pack of truths? About sharia?

no you drug addled loon

about the fact that your unhinged loon of a candidate started a fight with a gold star family and a baby last week.


I've got so much sharia shit on that old bastard it would make your head spin.

Fuck this gold star family. That boat won't float.
The general can kiss my ass, and that Dem hack Khan needs to STFU. dare he spread a vicious pack of truths.


What pack of truths? About sharia?

no you drug addled loon

about the fact that your unhinged loon of a candidate started a fight with a gold star family and a baby last week.

The baby had it coming. What did that baby ever sacrifice for it's country?
What did the Muslim asshole sacrifice? Did he make his son go to war?
The sacrifice was made when his son was killed in action, but keep attacking him, it's a great reminder to what Trump represents and will continue to make his poll numbers drop until election day. dare he spread a vicious pack of truths.


What pack of truths? About sharia?

no you drug addled loon

about the fact that your unhinged loon of a candidate started a fight with a gold star family and a baby last week.

The baby had it coming. What did that baby ever sacrifice for it's country?
What did the Muslim asshole sacrifice? Did he make his son go to war?
The sacrifice was made when his son was killed in action, but keep attacking him, it's a great reminder to what Trump represents and will continue to make his poll numbers drop until election day.
You don't understand English. Or you are lying. When I joined the military my parents didn't sacrifice. If I got killed how would it be their sacrifice? Liberals always twist words to suit their agenda.
Oh Boo Hoo Hoo, Donnie said he know's more than the Generals and now he has to prove it. But he can't, he's in Detroit today using a teleprompter and reading words he doesn't have a clue what they mean.
That was a great speech and it highlighted how left Hillary has had to go to beat Sanders. You libs are truly messed up. There is no way Hillary wins in Novenber. The nation as a whole is just not that stupid...the media are but the nation is not.
Oh Boo Hoo Hoo, Donnie said he know's more than the Generals and now he has to prove it. But he can't, he's in Detroit today using a teleprompter and reading words he doesn't have a clue what they mean.

Ah you little girl, this is a man that is a billionaire, broke the racial and religious barriers in Palm Beach an amazing achievement by the way, and has this knack of employing people and caring about his people.

You are the same people who called Dr. Ben Carson. World reknowned surgeon. A MORON. You called this man a moron. I don't care about your opinions but I will push back against lies.

Oh you poor retarded little boy. The man says he's a billionaire but a lot of people sensibly question the truth of that. After all, what billionaire needs to create a fake university to rip people off? He is the same man endorsed by white supremacists and the KKK, a man said to be a Russian puppet. Go ahead and push back even you will see the truth at some point.

His stats are out there on his wealth. A billion here a billion there I don't give a shit. Obviously you are a day shift person. I've been retired really early in live but still being a night hawk I hear "sign up for this" sign up" for that all the time.

Shows you do not understand business whatsoever. Trump didn't found the university. He gave his brand name for them if I'm thinking right. You sell your name. Like the Kardashians and millions of other famous people who sell their brands. He didn't create the university.

But being a person that always handled other people I will fault Trumps people for not bitch slapping the shit out of anyone running this shit down on others. They have to be better at this crap.

I was a phenom manager for my bands and my promo clients. I made sure that no way evah anything could come back to haunt them. But hey there are so many scammers out there. Let's just say I got out before the real garbage rolled in.

Now as to be a Russian puppet or all the other crap you threw in, give it up. It's all newly man made.

You should write comedy. Trump is being sued under RICO that is "Racketeer Influenced and Corruption Act" I don't care how he established Trump University, he put his name on it and now solely because he was negligent, stands to lose hundreds of millions of dollars for it. The man is careless and stupid.

You don't need to comment on yourself to somehow validate what you say. You and Trump are not equal and whatever you did isn't comparable and you should be grateful about that.
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The general can kiss my ass, and that Dem hack Khan needs to STFU. dare he spread a vicious pack of truths.


What pack of truths? About sharia?

no you drug addled loon

about the fact that your unhinged loon of a candidate started a fight with a gold star family and a baby last week.

The baby had it coming. What did that baby ever sacrifice for it's country?
Damn baby!

What pack of truths? About sharia?

no you drug addled loon

about the fact that your unhinged loon of a candidate started a fight with a gold star family and a baby last week.

The baby had it coming. What did that baby ever sacrifice for it's country?
What did the Muslim asshole sacrifice? Did he make his son go to war?
The sacrifice was made when his son was killed in action, but keep attacking him, it's a great reminder to what Trump represents and will continue to make his poll numbers drop until election day.
You don't understand English. Or you are lying. When I joined the military my parents didn't sacrifice. If I got killed how would it be their sacrifice? Liberals always twist words to suit their agenda.
What you think is "sacrifice" is wrong. Grow up. Or run away. Yes, parents sacrifice, and anyone who does not think so is a pea brain.
What a mother fucking liar this son of a bitch is. And fuck Khan that sadistic sharia loving mother fucker of a father. His son was a hero. The father doesn't deserve anything but my scorn for embracing and promoting sharia.

Kahn has no love for sharia. Stop shitting up the forum with your constant lies and bullshit.
Oh Boo Hoo Hoo, Donnie said he know's more than the Generals and now he has to prove it. But he can't, he's in Detroit today using a teleprompter and reading words he doesn't have a clue what they mean.
That was a great speech and it highlighted how left Hillary has had to go to beat Sanders. You libs are truly messed up. There is no way Hillary wins in Novenber. The nation as a whole is just not that stupid...the media are but the nation is not.

Clinton opens a 12 point lead. By the time the first debate rolls around, she will be thirty points ahead and will lay a knockout in the first round.
Comrade Donald may well quit before the end of August.

That would be his style.
What a mother fucking liar this son of a bitch is. And fuck Khan that sadistic sharia loving mother fucker of a father. His son was a hero. The father doesn't deserve anything but my scorn for embracing and promoting sharia.

Kahn has no love for sharia. Stop shitting up the forum with your constant lies and bullshit.

Mudwhistle I had to respond to this asshole. :) Bear with me.

Khan and get his name right will you is completely sharia all sharia all the time. Between Pakistan and America he had a stint in SA. His heros are the men that formed the MB and the Taliban.

If you want to dance with me on ME topics there is a place on this board called the Bull Ring. Call me out. I would love it. Just a heads up for you though. I have been a crusader for womens rights in the ME for a couple of decades now.

This little son of a bitch Khan is a joke. To me he is just another sharia loving mother fucker that needs to be slapped silly by OUR laws. He is Gore's Winnifred in the Winnebago.

Fuck this little shit.
What a mother fucking liar this son of a bitch is. And fuck Khan that sadistic sharia loving mother fucker of a father. His son was a hero. The father doesn't deserve anything but my scorn for embracing and promoting sharia.

Kahn has no love for sharia. Stop shitting up the forum with your constant lies and bullshit.

If Khan loved sharia law why did he come to the nation that guarantees separation of religion and state and freedom of religion?

Seems to me he would have stayed in the middle east where he was than pack up and move so far away from sharia law. He came from a nation that had sharia law. If he liked it so much he wouldn't have left it for the exact opposite society.

Do these people ever think? Does that poster you replied to ever use it's brain?
The general can kiss my ass, and that Dem hack Khan needs to STFU. dare he spread a vicious pack of truths.


What pack of truths? About sharia?

no you drug addled loon

about the fact that your unhinged loon of a candidate started a fight with a gold star family and a baby last week.


I've got so much sharia shit on that old bastard it would make your head spin.

Fuck this gold star family. That boat won't float.
It has already floated and continues to float. Most of the citizens of America think you are out of line and disgusting for attacking the Gold Star father and mother. Traditions and our culture prefers that they be treated with respect and kindness. You can criticize them in a dignified fashion. What scum bags like you do is bring a level of vulgarity and crudeness into the picture which is inexcusable. Guess what? The country will not end the long tradition and culture just because some ignorant Trump cult followers want to trash talk and can't express themselves without wallowing in filth. Not our fault you don't know how to communicate on a dignified level.

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