General Milley is dodging GOP questions on his usurpation of chain of command

Milley confirms that he spoke to Li and other world military leaders in October and in January. But Joint Staff spokesperson Col. Dave Butler said those communications were part of his normal duties and responsibilities "conveying reassurance in order to maintain strategic stability."

Butler also said Milley did not break protocol in the way he got in touch with Li.

"All calls from the Chairman to his counterparts, including those reported, are staffed, coordinated and communicated with the Department of Defense" as well as the U.S. security and intelligence community's interagency pipeline, Butler said.
Milley confirms that he spoke to Li and other world military leaders in October and in January. But Joint Staff spokesperson Col. Dave Butler said those communications were part of his normal duties and responsibilities "conveying reassurance in order to maintain strategic stability."

Butler also said Milley did not break protocol in the way he got in touch with Li.

"All calls from the Chairman to his counterparts, including those reported, are staffed, coordinated and communicated with the Department of Defense" as well as the U.S. security and intelligence community's interagency pipeline, Butler said.

The bureaucracy is not the CiC.
Interesting chain of events.

Milley was obviously afraid that trump would start an international incident (in his attempt to retain the Presidency) and he wanted to make sure that the Chinese would not over react.

Not sure of the legality of that but the intent is certainly commendable
The idiot might have thought anything.....the essence of the problem however is the clown is stupid and was pandering to the lefties.

The guy can probably make up a lot of excuses for what he reality it was treasonous.
That is great news. Milley was protecting us from a President who was -- and still is-- a threat to American democracy.

By lying about the 2020 Presidential election, Trump was attacking the basis for our democracy, free and fair elections.

Unnerved by losing by seven million votes, he then led a coup attempt to overthrow our elected government.

Milley did what he could to protect our country. Somebody should give him a medal.
What nonsense....yet very illustrative of how the democrats make up the wildest fantasies to support their idiotic agenda.
The idiot might have thought anything.....the essence of the problem however is the clown is stupid and was pandering to the lefties.

The guy can probably make up a lot of excuses for what he reality it was treasonous.
He was legitimately scared that Trump would start a war with China and try to use that to stay in office.

Not an unreasonable fear by the way. Trump is clearly unhinged
I want to know how the fraud got a CIB.....Far as I can tell, nearly all of his ribbons are "participation" medals.
He was never in actual combat....he does not deserve that commendation.

Nor was Gen. Austin the current secretary of defense ever in actual combat.
He was never in actual combat....he does not deserve that commendation.

Nor was Gen. Austin the current secretary of defense ever in actual combat.
Apparently the Army thinks he does deserve it.

You know better?
I want to know how the fraud got a CIB.....Far as I can tell, nearly all of his ribbons are "participation" medals.
Good question

For award of the CIB a Soldier must meet the following three requirements: (1) Be an infantryman satisfactorily performing infantry duties. (2) Assigned to an infantry unit during such time as the unit is engaged in active ground combat. (3) Actively participate in such ground combat.

Milley never participated in any ground combat.......many do not realize how politics is played in the upper echelons of the military.

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Milley, hasn’t really been a combat general, though he puts on the airs of one.

He was always behind a desk wherever he was......yes he was in war zones but he never personally participated in any actual combat....though many if not most have been deceived into believing he has because of all the medals he wears.

He even wears the Combat Infantrymen badge....which he was granted but does not deserve as pointed out above...............For award of the CIB a Soldier must meet the following three requirements: (1) Be an infantryman satisfactorily performing infantry duties. (2) Assigned to an infantry unit during such time as the unit is engaged in active ground combat. (3) Actively participate in such ground combat.

Again..............Milley never participated in ground combat in a personal sense. This needs to be talked about but apparantly most do not know the facts....being misled by Milley using his postings into combat zones as evidence .....yet not explaining he was just a desk jockey never got out into the field as a actual combat other words he is a phoney but a clever one.

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Milley, hasn’t really been a combat general, though he puts on the airs of one.

He was always behind a desk wherever he was......yes he was in war zones but he never personally participated in any actual combat....though many if not most have been deceived into believing he has because of all the medals he wears.

One of which he definitely does not deserve....the Combat Infantryman Badge

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Trump is the only president who didn't start a war in 30 years, let libtards persist in this fiction that he was a warmonger who needed to be protected from himself. Furthermore Milley is traitor since "warning" China, regardless of the quality of his information or his understanding of the president's thinking and brinksmanship, guarantees a preemptive strike against the US whether Trump was really going to do it or not. High treason. Congressional investigation which the RINOs will never do. Right now about the only honest players up there are Rand Paul, Thomas Massie, and distasteful or not, Marjorie Taylor Green.
Mily a desk jockey for his entire career was particuarly good at kissing the right asses.

and...............his partner in crime.....the black Secretary of Defense also nothing more than a desk jockey who took advantage of Affirmative Actrion to rise thru the ranks also was never in combat though I saw him with my own eyes lie about it.

He talked about how he and Miley fought together in the M.E. bald faced lying .....neither one has ever been in combat.
"Milley has held multiple command and staff positions in eight divisions and special forces throughout his military career. He commanded 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division, in South Korea from 1996 to 1998.[18][19] He served as commander of 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light) from December 2003 to July 2005; deputy commanding general for operations of the 101st Airborne Division from July 2007 to April 2008, and as commanding general of the 10th Mountain Division from November 2011 to December 2012.[20][21][22] Milley commanded III Corps, based at Fort Hood, Texas, from December 2012 to August 2014,[23][24][25] and concurrently the International Security Assistance Force Joint Command from May 2013 to February 2014."

Desk jockey? Not hardly!

I personally don't like him because he was selected for the JCS by President OhBungles!

That doesn't mean you have to lie about him.

Austin is very similar. You need to familiarize yourself with his record also, as it is very similar to Milley's. You should not lie about him, even if you dislike him.

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