General Milley is dodging GOP questions on his usurpation of chain of command

Read the Constitution.
You have read the strict interepetation of the constitution.

When you get into an era where cyber conflict is constant, where information war goes on all the time and is chosen specifically because it does not have to be declared, it suggests another area of the Constitution, the language of the law has not kept up with reality.

No American war since WWII has resulted from a declaration of war, but a court would likely rule that giving aide and comfort to North Korea during our “police action" constituted treason. But nobody gets charged with Treason any more. It's too hard to prove (it requires the testimony of two witnesses to the treasonous act, for instance) and there are plenty of other federal statutes that punish disloyalty and carry just as severe a penalty.

What you do not know is that people have been convicted of treason in America in a time when we were not at war.....thus you fall short.

In 1794 Philip Vigol and John Mitchell were convicted of treason for their part in the Whiskey Rebellion and sentenced to death. Both were pardoned by President George Washington. Six years later, John Fries, the leader of the eponymous rebellion, was convicted of the same offense; he also received a pardon, from John Adams. Aaron Burr was rather famously acquitted in 1807. In April of 1862, William Bruce Mumford was found guilty of treason after removing an American flag planted by Union Marines atop a mint in New Orleans. Mumford was hanged. During this period, the states also occasionally secured convictions for treason. John Brown was executed in 1859 for crimes against the Commonwealth of Virginia, not the United States. Joseph Smith was charged with treason by the governments of both Missouri and Illinois; he was killed by a mob in 1844.

Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were the last people in the U.S. involved in a treason-related trial to be convicted, sentenced to death

People convicted of treason in the United States​

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"Milley has held multiple command and staff positions in eight divisions and special forces throughout his military career. He commanded 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division, in South Korea from 1996 to 1998.[18][19] He served as commander of 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light) from December 2003 to July 2005; deputy commanding general for operations of the 101st Airborne Division from July 2007 to April 2008, and as commanding general of the 10th Mountain Division from November 2011 to December 2012.[20][21][22] Milley commanded III Corps, based at Fort Hood, Texas, from December 2012 to August 2014,[23][24][25] and concurrently the International Security Assistance Force Joint Command from May 2013 to February 2014."

Desk jockey? Not hardly!

I personally don't like him because he was selected for the JCS by President OhBungles!

That doesn't mean you have to lie about him.

Austin is very similar. You need to familiarize yourself with his record also, as it is very similar to Milley's. You should not lie about him, even if you dislike him.
You should read the epoch article posted already................"Milley, unlike all the others mentioned above, hasn’t really been a combat general, though he puts on the airs of one: “I wasn’t born a four-star general,” he said to assure senators that he had once been in war zones."

He was posted to 'desk jobs' in war zones.....that does not make one a combat officer.

He never personally fired a shot in any war, never led soldiers into combat in any war......again....he was never a 'combat officer.'

Though he has repeatedly suggested he was.....thus he is a phoney and a liar.

I watched Gen. Austin claim he and miley had fought together....another liar.
This is great news. Milley was protecting us from a President who was -- and still is-- a threat to American democracy.

By lying about the 2020 Presidential election, Trump was attacking the basis for our democracy, free and fair elections.

Unnerved by losing by seven million votes, he then led a coup attempt to overthrow our elected government.

Milley did what he could to protect our country. Somebody should give him a medal.
That is great news. Milley was protecting us from a President who was -- and still is-- a threat to American democracy.

By lying about the 2020 Presidential election, Trump was attacking the basis for our democracy, free and fair elections.

Unnerved by losing by seven million votes, he then led a coup attempt to overthrow our elected government.

Milley did what he could to protect our country. Somebody should give him a medal.
So you admit Milley is a criminal.
Interesting chain of events.

Milley was obviously afraid that trump would start an international incident (in his attempt to retain the Presidency) and he wanted to make sure that the Chinese would not over react.

Not sure of the legality of that but the intent is certainly commendable
Not sure of the legality? You really are a moron.
He was legitimately scared that Trump would start a war with China and try to use that to stay in office.

Not an unreasonable fear by the way. Trump is clearly unhinged
He doesn't get to make that call, Simp.
OMFG, now you're playing semantics.
The supreme law of the land has no semantics, dumbass.

Are we at war with China? No. Therefore any action to assist them would not be treason. What he did was "conduct unbecoming", but there is no court martial with jurisdiction to prosecute him.
He was legitimately scared that Trump would start a war with China and try to use that to stay in office.

Not an unreasonable fear by the way. Trump is clearly unhinged
He made his first contact with China on October 30th, BEFORE the election. How do you explain him being worried that Trump would attack to stay in office if Milley did not know the results of the election? Or did he know the fix was in?
The supreme law of the land has no semantics, dumbass.

Are we at war with China? No. Therefore any action to assist them would not be treason. What he did was "conduct unbecoming", but there is no court martial with jurisdiction to prosecute him.
You have spoken rashly and much too quickly.

Meaning of semantics .................the study of meanings in a language:

I am sure you realize that the constitution in an interpeted document aka.............Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes famously remarked that, “We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is, and the judiciary is the safeguard of our liberty and our property under the Constitution.”

The Chief Justice was right to point out that the meaning of the Constitution keeps changing as a result of judicial interpretation and reinterpretation, without any change in the words on paper.

I say all that to say this:

The meaning of what 'War' was at the time of the writing of the Constitution and what it means today is very different.

As pointed out previously none of our wars since WWII have been declared wars.

We for a long period after WWII....had what was known as a 'cold war'.......not a shooting war but war nevertheless....a type of war that those writing the constituion had no concept of.

Not to forget the infamous 'police action' in Korea.

Actually a War nonetheless and one in which techically we are still inolved in.......... since no peace treaty was ever signed.

Let us not forget that China was our main enemy in the so called 'Police Action' N. Korea was just their proxy and puppet....and when the N. Koreans were beaten China rushed in to keep the conflict going.....and if you believe China is not our enemy to this day...I have a bridge to sell you.

The radical jihadists declared war on us some twenty years ago..... which we are still involved in is a war fought in the shadows and not a declared war .....but war nontheless.

I am sure most will get my drift here aka it is ridiculous to try and excuse treasonous actions by claiming we are not at war..

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You have spoken rashly and much too quickly.

Meaning of semantics .................the study of meanings in a language:

I am sure you realize that the constitution in an interpeted document aka.............Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes famously remarked that, “We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is, and the judiciary is the safeguard of our liberty and our property under the Constitution.”

The Chief Justice was right to point out that the meaning of the Constitution keeps changing as a result of judicial interpretation and reinterpretation, without any change in the words on paper.

I say all that to say this:

The meaning of what 'War' was at the time of the writing of the Constitution and what it means today is very different.

As pointed out previously none of our wars since WWII have been declared wars.

We for a long period after WWII....had what was known as a 'cold war'.......not a shooting war but war nevertheless....a type of war that those writing the constituion had no concept of.

Not to forget the infamous 'police action' in Korea.

Actually a War nonetheless and one in which techically are still inolved in.......... since no peace treaty was ever signed.

The radical jihadists declared war on us some twenty years ago..... which we are still involved in is a war fought in the shadows and not a declared war .....but war nontheless.

I am sure most will get my drift here aka it is ridiculous to try and excuse treasonous actions by claiming we are not at war..

I am sorry that your education was insufficient. We are not in armed conflict with anyone right now, therefore technically we have no enemies.
Gen. Mark Milley has been accused of dodging questions on allegations he kept information from President Donald Trump and undermined him while he was in office.
Milley has ignored calls from Republicans to clarify comments attributed to him in Watergate reporter Bob Woodward's book Peril, in which it is claimed he did not tell Trump about a crucial call with a top Chinese official.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) have accused Milley of continuing to dodge giving answers about his discussions with Chinese General Li Zuocheng, despite admitting he spoke to Woodward about the calls for the 2021 book.
The book's description of the calls made waves last year, with Republicans charging that Milley was usurping the chain of command by telling the Chinese general he would warn China about any possible military strike ordered by Trump.
"Sidestepping the President and violating the Chain of Command is a grave crime. According to Bob Woodward’s book Peril, General Mark Milley directed senior military officers not to follow the president’s orders, unless General Milley approved them first," Banks said in a House floor speech last week. "I am calling on General Milley to set the record straight. General Milley is accused of secretly seizing the president’s military powers. ... If he is innocent, he has a duty to say so.”

Usurping the chain of command is a major crime.
How is Gen. Milley getting away with this?
Milley seems like the type of creepy cretin who got his promotions by brown nosing.
We've been through this horseshit before.

Trump's rhetoric was giving China the impression he was going to attack.

So an enemy of America is afraid Trump is about to attack them. What actions do you think they were taking based on this perception? How does this not cause destabilization?

Just how stupid are you?

Milley de-escalated their fears and told them there imaginations were running away with them and to relax.

That is the opposite of treason.
I am sorry that your education was insufficient. We are not in armed conflict with anyone right now, therefore technically we have no enemies.
Of course we are.....we are constantly taking military actions against Jihadists in the Middle East as well as Africa....such as Drone attacks, attacks by our Airforce as well as special ops.

Not even to mention all our operations against Assad's Syria.

Such was labeled by bush the lesser.............THE WAR ON TERRORISM.

To believe we have no enemies is an extreme example of Naiveness.
The supreme law of the land has no semantics, dumbass.

Are we at war with China? No. Therefore any action to assist them would not be treason. What he did was "conduct unbecoming", but there is no court martial with jurisdiction to prosecute him.
Wait so treason is only when you're at war, so the Rosenburgs didn't commit treason? John Walker didnt? Cmon man....
Check to see what they were actually charged with. You will find they were not charged with treason but espionage.

Come on, man! Stop being a douche!
OK, charge Milley with espionage or conspiring with a foreign power.......if you want to play word games, that's fine, defend that piece of shit.
OK, charge Milley with espionage or conspiring with a foreign power.......if you want to play word games, that's fine, defend that piece of shit.
He is not too bright.....hung up on a archaic definition of in what constituted War back when the constitution was written has changed.

As pointed out none of our Wars since WWII have been officially declared wars aka the cold war, the korean war, the Vietnam War and the current war on terrorism.

The korean war was officially.....a police action.

The United States did not declare war during its involvement in Vietnam, although the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution authorized the escalation and use of military force in the Vietnam War without a formal declaration of war.

Our curren war on terrorism has not been officially declared a war.

Thus he comes to the erroneous conclusion we have no enemies because we are not in a declared state of war with anyone.

How ridiculous.
OK, charge Milley with espionage or conspiring with a foreign power.......if you want to play word games, that's fine, defend that piece of shit.
Still talking out of your ass?

You can't charge him with espionage because he did not spy on the US.

What law is "conspiring with a foreign power" covered under?

You are simply pissed off and your emotions are overloading your brain.

It's all a moot point as Garland will not prosecute anyone!

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