Generation X and Y are young budding Communists who want Bernie

Then why the fuck have I been paying a SCHOOL TAX for over 50 years?... Fucking liberal NO BRAINER!

Of course it is, FACT ALWAYS make you fucking fools look like BIGGER FUCKING FOOLS!

You'e a fool.

And YOU'E aren't.... more proof the left is SO FUCKED UP!

You pay the taxes and the majority of people support public education we can extend that to College.

OK, ALL REGISTERED DEMORATS can now pay 20% MORE SCHOOL TAX, while Republican's can get a FREE RIDE! Hope that makes your day..:ahole-1:
I'm a gen X'er, and there is no way I would vote for the Bern. At least he seems to be relatively up front though. I like him more than Hillhead or Trumpster.
The most startling thing that we all learned from this round of presidential primaries was concerning Generation X and Y and their love and embrace of Bernie.

Anyone over about 35 knows that the Federal government cannot possibly afford any more entitlement programs. It is already hard pressed balancing its obligations from past Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes which it has already spent and which has gone unfunded in the retirement plan sense of the word.

So along come the new boomers of Gen X and Y and now THEY want Bernie to give them FREE college.

What ever happened to academic achievement and scholarships and military service for college money?!

Why are these Gen X and Y so lazy?!

Here is a quote on Bernie's Bullsh!t on this:

On the Issues: It's Time to Make College Tuition Free and Debt Free

How much was your college education?
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This is not a radical idea. Last year, Germany eliminated tuition because they believed that charging students $1,300 per year was discouraging Germans from going to college. Next year, Chile will do the same. Finland, Norway, Sweden and many other countries around the world also offer free college to all of their citizens. If other countries can take this action, so can the United States of America.

In fact, it’s what many of our colleges and universities used to do. The University of California system offered free tuition at its schools until the 1980s. In 1965, average tuition at a four-year public university was just $243 and many of the best colleges – including the City University of New York – did not charge any tuition at all. The Sanders plan would make tuition free at public colleges and universities throughout the country.
This is not a radical idea. Last year, Germany eliminated tuition because they believed that charging students $1,300 per year was discouraging Germans from going to college. Next year, Chile will do the same. Finland, Norway, Sweden and many other countries around the world also offer free college to all of their citizens. If other countries can take this action, so can the United States of America.

In fact, it’s what many of our colleges and universities used to do. The University of California system offered free tuition at its schools until the 1980s. In 1965, average tuition at a four-year public university was just $243 and many of the best colleges – including the City University of New York – did not charge any tuition at all. The Sanders plan would make tuition free at public colleges and universities throughout the country.

Our people are too cheap to want to pay any higher taxes in the name of education and helping others and bettering the country. This is a me, me, ME world!
The most startling thing that we all learned from this round of presidential primaries was concerning Generation X and Y and their love and embrace of Bernie.

Anyone over about 35 knows that the Federal government cannot possibly afford any more entitlement programs. It is already hard pressed balancing its obligations from past Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes which it has already spent and which has gone unfunded in the retirement plan sense of the word.

So along come the new boomers of Gen X and Y and now THEY want Bernie to give them FREE college.

What ever happened to academic achievement and scholarships and military service for college money?!

Why are these Gen X and Y so lazy?!

Here is a quote on Bernie's Bullsh!t on this:

On the Issues: It's Time to Make College Tuition Free and Debt Free

The oldest Gen Xers were born in 1965. See if you can count and figure out how old Gen Xers are. I bet I pay significantly more in taxes than you do. Most of us have college-age kids. Personally, I've paid cash for my kids to attend college (baby girl just graduated in May and is now working, son's education is in process), but I work with a lot of young people who have no way to get through school without accruing crippling debt. That's not good, because it will really make it hard for Gen Y to pay for the entitlements of the Baby Boomers.

The Baby Boomers voted themselves more entitlements than any generation in history, and now want to whine about paying for services for younger generations.

I seriously wish the boomers would start dying the fuck off.
Really? What entitlements can I get?
The Baby Boomers voted themselves more entitlements than any generation in history, and now want to whine about paying for services for younger generations.

I seriously wish the boomers would start dying the fuck off.

Yep. I've made that same point several times. They are the most destructive generation this country has ever seen and they have the nerve to bitch about mine.
I think older people making fun of the young are idiots. YOU are the people that got this country so fucked up in the first damn place.
Buy a mirror you old goat!

They also don't connect the dots that they are the ones who raised us to be "idiots."
College should be free. We already have free public education.
And how well is public education working for ya ?!

Pretty good thanks. :)

Actually, it isn't. The U.S. has one of the worst public education systems in the first world despite being one of the most expensive. American kids are dumb compared to their counterparts elsewhere.

In proper context of what I was talking about the population in this country only and comparing them to previous generation Boomers. ;)

Today's young adults are on track to becoming the most educated generation to date, according to new data from the Pew Research Center.

More Millennial women, in particular, are securing their diplomas than their older sisters, mothers and grandmothers.

Millennials: More educated, fewer employed than Gen X
Yup, I think there should be some kind of secondary education that is at least affordable for poor people without breaking the bank. That is the ONLY way to get people out of poverty.
This is not a radical idea. Last year, Germany eliminated tuition because they believed that charging students $1,300 per year was discouraging Germans from going to college. Next year, Chile will do the same. Finland, Norway, Sweden and many other countries around the world also offer free college to all of their citizens. If other countries can take this action, so can the United States of America.

In fact, it’s what many of our colleges and universities used to do. The University of California system offered free tuition at its schools until the 1980s. In 1965, average tuition at a four-year public university was just $243 and many of the best colleges – including the City University of New York – did not charge any tuition at all. The Sanders plan would make tuition free at public colleges and universities throughout the country.

Our people are too cheap to want to pay any higher taxes in the name of education and helping others and bettering the country. This is a me, me, ME world!

Yes. I'm not so sure they are too cheap. I'm thinking it's as soon as they thought they could turn a profit they went for it. The states stopped subsidizing it. It's an I got mine but you on the other hand.......:eusa_snooty:

They have no problem spending money on worthless tests or throwing it away in different places in education for whatever little experiment they want to run or funding worthless certificates that aren't worth anything. The money is there. The number of businesses that are labled under non-profits, or labled as education or (my fave) hospitals that don't pay property taxes due to the I choose the charity case problem can fund it. People have a legitimate anger towards increasing property taxes to cover what those refuse to. I find it misplaced anger.
What does generation X and y mean? English? Certainly if you were born around the start of the 21st century, you can only whistle for the freedoms of the 20th century people. By the way, they should dream of the freedom of the 19th century people, who didn't even need a passport to travel and work anywhere, let alone university certificates and credit extensions.
What does generation X and y mean? English? Certainly if you were born around the start of the 21st century, you can only whistle for the freedoms of the 20th century people. By the way, they should dream of the freedom of the 19th century people, who didn't even need a passport to travel and work anywhere, let alone university certificates and credit extensions.

They are the names given to people born within a specified period of time. Generation X is made up of people born in the late 60s to the early 80s (something like that). Baby boomers were the generation before. I've never heard of the millennials being labeled as generation Y, but maybe I just haven't heard of that. Millennials (or generation Y) are people who were born after the early 1980s.
What does generation X and y mean? English? Certainly if you were born around the start of the 21st century, you can only whistle for the freedoms of the 20th century people. By the way, they should dream of the freedom of the 19th century people, who didn't even need a passport to travel and work anywhere, let alone university certificates and credit extensions.

They are the names given to people born within a specified period of time. Generation X is made up of people born in the late 60s to the early 80s (something like that). Baby boomers were the generation before. I've never heard of the millennials being labeled as generation Y, but maybe I just haven't heard of that. Millennials (or generation Y) are people who were born after the early 1980s.
Thanks. And by the way, good to see you back at this forum! :)
College should be free. We already have free public education.

We already have pseudo-education. Our educators can't even create a National Recommended Reading List. It is a scam creating jobs for people claiming to be educators selling certifications.


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