Genes, Not 'Culture' - Why Japanese Don't Loot

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Caucasiastan 03/18/11 - Genes, Not "Culture"—Why the Japanese Don’t Loot

The crucial genetic contribution to the exemplary behavior of the Japanese is intelligence. Liberals like to pretend that, even if there really is such a thing as intelligence, it has no moral value, and people of low intelligence can be just as “good” as smart people. But, as Michael Levin (Why Race Matters, New Century Books, 2005) and others have pointed out, this is not true. High intelligence is invariably associated with greater law-abidingness.

Crime experts such as James Q. Wilson note that it has long been known that criminals have sub-normal IQs. Despite the impression we get from trials of high-profile stock fraudsters and pyramid-scheme bandits, sub-normal IQ is the norm even for white collar crimes such as fraud and forgery.

Low intelligence is associated with a limited ability to conceive of the pain or loss of others and an unwillingness to sacrifice today for benefits tomorrow. These traits are central to the smash-and-grab mentality both of common criminals and post-disaster looters (who are often the same people). A high-IQ society—and Japan’s average IQ of 103 to 105 puts it at the top of the world ranking (Richard Lynn, Race Differences in Intelligence, 2006)—tends to be a low-crime society. Such societies stay true to form even when the forces of order are paralyzed by a natural disaster.

Different national groups also have what could be called an “average personality” in addition to an average IQ. Though personality is less intensively studied than intelligence, traits other than intelligence contribute to group differences. In The Bell Curve, Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray found marked group differences in rates of crime, illegitimacy, poverty, and professional achievement even after controlling for IQ. A black with an IQ of 115, for example, is more likely than a white of the same IQ to be behind bars or have an illegitimate child. And a white is more likely to be in those predicaments than an Asian of the same intelligence. IQ explains a lot, but doesn’t explain everything.
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The Japanese are homogeous? Tell that to the Koreans and Chinese that have lived there for generations, speak only Japanese but are still not citizens!

Culture is the reason they don't loot too much. The social hierarchy demands that everyone know their place and not stick out. Look up the meaning of the word "Gaman". It basically means shut up and stuff your complaints and feelings back down inside. That shit will never fly here.

Also, there is looting going on but just not en masse and it's not reported widely. Plus, there is more actual crime going on everyday that doesn't get reported. Example: Wife beating is almost a National Sport.

Here's a video of some looters in Japan. The video is on YouTube but for some reason I can't embed it here:
Where's the Looting, Japan? The Media Needs a Narrative | HyperVocal

I showed it to my Japanese wife who said that the place is a warehouse and that the people are taking mostly Cup Ramen and Sake (Alcohol). She also thinks that because it's a warehouse and not marked like a regular store with signs, the people doing the looting actually work there! Check out the minivan full of "ill gotten gains".

There's also links to more reports of looting at the site I posted. I know this messes up the media narrative of "The Japanese are peaceful and don't loot loot in times of crisis" but there it is.
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Just as there is some kind of biological predisposition that makes Native Americans susceptible to alcohol.

Africans seem to have a genetic proclivity to loot and steal. :doubt:
How many threads are they're going to be on this. With a couple of exceptions (The wife beating part - I was married once as well to a Japanese woman..and visited Japan on many occassions..Japanese women are not as timid as people make them out to be) the post by Mad Scientist is pretty spot on. Add in, the victims weren't made to languish in flood waters for several days like those in Katrina. Help came right away from the government and foreign aid. Also add in that the police of different prefectures weren't shooting at them when they sought the police in Mississippi did..

Mississippi Man Charged with Post-Katrina Hate Crime - Crimesider - CBS News
Which GENES make people non-looters, William?

Can you identify them for us, please?

I aks because I think there might be SOME VALIDITY to the theory that genes are one of the factors that create personality.

Note I said SOME of the factors?

Others include personal history, family history, societal expectations and so forth.

Do you disagree that other things beside genetics effect personality?
Another 'nature' vs 'nurture' debate. :rolleyes:

Anyone with half a brain, partly nurtured, knows that the answer is always BOTH. :thup:
Which GENES make people non-looters, William?

Can you identify them for us, please?

I aks because I think there might be SOME VALIDITY to the theory that genes are one of the factors that create personality.

Note I said SOME of the factors?

Others include personal history, family history, societal expectations and so forth.

Do you disagree that other things beside genetics effect personality?

nature~ genetics
nurture~ environment
genetically influenced nurture~ culture
environmentally influenced nature~ evolution
Just as there is some kind of biological predisposition that makes Native Americans susceptible to alcohol.

Africans seem to have a genetic proclivity to loot and steal. :doubt:

Using that theory you can also say its in Muslims genes to commit terrorism and blow themselves up, you know better than that. That whole theory is bullshit.

Not only is his theory bullshit, but it's quite a bit racist as well.
Just as there is some kind of biological predisposition that makes Native Americans susceptible to alcohol.

Africans seem to have a genetic proclivity to loot and steal. :doubt:

Using that theory you can also say its in Muslims genes to commit terrorism and blow themselves up, you know better than that. That whole theory is bullshit.

Muslim doesn't describe a race or anything related to genetic makeup...
Editec and Kalam:

Please read the article. Taylor addresses other factors as an influence (editec) and the Rape of Nanking (Kalam).
Actually, the whole reason the Japanese don't loot is because they look for the COMMON good, as in all people progress TOGETHER. It's built into their culture.

Kinda nice to see incidentally. I saw a news story the other day that showed people going up the mountain, gathering big tubs of snow and bamboo, and bringing it back down to the shelters and melting the snow into water, and carving the bamboo into bowls, cups and chop sticks for distribution to everyone.

How much of that do you see here in America?
Just as there is some kind of biological predisposition that makes Native Americans susceptible to alcohol.

Africans seem to have a genetic proclivity to loot and steal. :doubt:

Using that theory you can also say its in Muslims genes to commit terrorism and blow themselves up, you know better than that. That whole theory is bullshit.
'Muslim' isn't a race...
Just as there is some kind of biological predisposition that makes Native Americans susceptible to alcohol.

Africans seem to have a genetic proclivity to loot and steal. :doubt:

It's a genetic predisposition actually in the case of Native Americans. They don't have enough of a certain enzyme that helps the human body process alcohol.

Incidentally, many people who become addicted to alcohol (alcoholism) also have that same condition, but it's not genetic in their case, they used all of it up with heavy drinking.

As far as black people? No, it's not biological or genetic, it's their upbringing and how their community acts.

Try again Sunnidiot.
Just as there is some kind of biological predisposition that makes Native Americans susceptible to alcohol.

Africans seem to have a genetic proclivity to loot and steal. :doubt:

Using that theory you can also say its in Muslims genes to commit terrorism and blow themselves up, you know better than that. That whole theory is bullshit.

But it is in the Muslims genes to commit terrorism... what rock have you been under?
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Japan has the highest suicide rate of any industrialized nation in the world, and I'm pretty sure that is a cultural phenomenon, not a genetic one. Culture and genetics are equally important.

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