Genesis, and Science, Predict Marine Life

"you’re as handsome as the day you emerged from the Goldblum flychamber."

Mirror mirror.
"you’re as handsome as the day you emerged from the Goldblum flychamber."

Mirror mirror.

If only you were clever this could be such fun.

Instead, you're so dumb you can only hitchhike in one direction.
Your resorts to churlish insults occur in each and every thread you've ever made.

It's because you're sad, and when challenged, instead of being able to handle said challenge succinctly with a FUCKING POINT, you spew inane bullshit in outline form that isn't your own inane bullshit, and then you mix it in with some immature and classless insults, finished off by an imaginary victory lap.

LIFE: get one.
Who the fuck with a brain goes "oh look, chapter one of genesis agrees with the later found science!"

And then when it's pointed out that chapter 2 contradicts what you believed chapter one was saying?

"we're talking *only* about chapter one! You boring, stupid, beneath me, ignorant, blah blah blah" (in outline form).

You're too easy.
I guess ancient man never saw a puddle without life eventually produce tadpoles and frogs.

God had to tell them the sequence.

Question is, why didn't God just tell the people who were writing Genesis down that the earth was several billion years old.
Who the fuck with a brain goes "oh look, chapter one of genesis agrees with the later found science!"

And then when it's pointed out that chapter 2 contradicts what you believed chapter one was saying?

"we're talking *only* about chapter one! You boring, stupid, beneath me, ignorant, blah blah blah" (in outline form).

You're too easy.

God would have already known the science, but told the ancient people a fairy tale? Why?
I guess ancient man never saw a puddle without life eventually produce tadpoles and frogs.

God had to tell them the sequence.

Question is, why didn't God just tell the people who were writing Genesis down that the earth was several billion years old.

Oh, you know, one day doesn't mean 24 hours in God's fantastical world.
Your resorts to churlish insults occur in each and every thread you've ever made.

It's because you're sad, and when challenged, instead of being able to handle said challenge succinctly with a FUCKING POINT, you spew inane bullshit in outline form that isn't your own inane bullshit, and then you mix it in with some immature and classless insults, finished off by an imaginary victory lap.

LIFE: get one.

Ooooo....look who's getting angry! Such language!

Tsk, tsk....looks like I hit a nerve, huh?

Now....churlish seems to apply more to you than to implies 'vulgar.'
As in your post.

And, I’m not insulting you, I’m describing you.
Like this:
Just ten more points on your I.Q., and you could have gotten a job as a seeing-eye person for a blind dog.

Now....see if you do better than 'so are you!'
Your resorts to churlish insults occur in each and every thread you've ever made.

It's because you're sad, and when challenged, instead of being able to handle said challenge succinctly with a FUCKING POINT, you spew inane bullshit in outline form that isn't your own inane bullshit, and then you mix it in with some immature and classless insults, finished off by an imaginary victory lap.

LIFE: get one.

Ooooo....look who's getting angry! Such language!

Tsk, tsk....looks like I hit a nerve, huh?

Now....churlish seems to apply more to you than to implies 'vulgar.'
As in your post.

And, I’m not insulting you, I’m describing you.
Like this:
Just ten more points on your I.Q., and you could have gotten a job as a seeing-eye person for a blind dog.

Now....see if you do better than 'so are you!'

Your resorts to churlish insults occur in each and every thread you've ever made.

It's because you're sad, and when challenged, instead of being able to handle said challenge succinctly with a FUCKING POINT, you spew inane bullshit in outline form that isn't your own inane bullshit, and then you mix it in with some immature and classless insults, finished off by an imaginary victory lap.

LIFE: get one.

" ....when challenged, instead of being able to handle said challenge...blah, blah,blah...."


I educate you, then give you the spanking you deserve.
People who cannot elucidate the POINT they're trying to make are hard to talk to.

So.....this is your retreat from your earlier erroneous position?

Attempt at escape duly noted.

It has nothing to do with my previous position. It's merely the observation that you are incapable of concisely stating the point of your thread.

So....your explanation for what even you now realize was a really dumb post is to claim you didn't understand the OP???


Here, to save time in the future, simply write this; "Duh!"
Your resorts to churlish insults occur in each and every thread you've ever made.

It's because you're sad, and when challenged, instead of being able to handle said challenge succinctly with a FUCKING POINT, you spew inane bullshit in outline form that isn't your own inane bullshit, and then you mix it in with some immature and classless insults, finished off by an imaginary victory lap.

LIFE: get one.

" ....when challenged, instead of being able to handle said challenge...blah, blah,blah...."


I educate you, then give you the spanking you deserve.


A second response to the same post. Someone's getting emotional over her ego. I heart that.
Your resorts to churlish insults occur in each and every thread you've ever made.

It's because you're sad, and when challenged, instead of being able to handle said challenge succinctly with a FUCKING POINT, you spew inane bullshit in outline form that isn't your own inane bullshit, and then you mix it in with some immature and classless insults, finished off by an imaginary victory lap.

LIFE: get one.

" ....when challenged, instead of being able to handle said challenge...blah, blah,blah...."


I educate you, then give you the spanking you deserve.


A second response to the same post. Someone's getting emotional over her ego. I heart that.

I'm not saying you're stupid....let's just say when it comes to thinking, you have bad luck.

So....let's stick to more superficial venues...

Hey....this should appeal to you: I put up a new profile pic yesterday.....

...took the salmon off my face.

Proves that awesome ends with 'me'.....ugly starts with 'u.'
1. Track the events in the creation account of Genesis and it’s amazing how closely the events conform to the current view of modern science. First, an explosion, light- the universe – oceans/land - plants- …And next, in verse 20, we find:
And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

a. Kind of unusual…since the author of Genesis, and, if we are to believe that the first one to speak those words, Moses, didn’t really live in a habitat that one might call ‘sea side.’

So the parting of the Red Sea was only an embellishment, added by Cecil B. DeMille? I could have sworn I read that in the Bible when I was a lad...

...oh wait, I did.

"And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward. But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea...."

So, without objection, point a. above is demolished.
1. Track the events in the creation account of Genesis and it’s amazing how closely the events conform to the current view of modern science. First, an explosion, light- the universe – oceans/land - plants- …And next, in verse 20, we find:
And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

a. Kind of unusual…since the author of Genesis, and, if we are to believe that the first one to speak those words, Moses, didn’t really live in a habitat that one might call ‘sea side.’

So the parting of the Red Sea was only an embellishment, added by Cecil B. DeMille? I could have sworn I read that in the Bible when I was a lad...

...oh wait, I did.

"And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward. But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea...."

So, without objection, point a. above is demolished.

What is demolished is any cashet you might have had in history, theology, or common sense.

Here, the place where Moses and the Hebrews lived during the 40 years of wandering:

1. “It identified the northern Sinai site Ain el-Qudeirat, rather than nearby Ain Kadeis (which had previously been proposed), as the site of Biblical Kadesh-Barnea, where the Hebrews in the Exodus settled and from whence Moses sent men to spy out the land of Canaan (Deuteronomy 1:2, 19, 2:1; Numbers 13:3–21)…. they reasoned that only in the Kossaima district, which includes the sites of Ain el-Qudeirat, Kossaima, Muweilleh and Ain Kadeis, was there enough water and greenery to support a large tribal group. Moreover, Moses, in writing to the King of Edom, described Kadesh as “a city in the uttermost of thy border” (Numbers 20:16), and Lawrence and Woolley thought that the fortifications at Ain el-Qudeirat—assuming, on the basis of pottery, that they dated from the time of Moses—more nearly fit that description than any other site in the Kossaima area.” Lawrence of Arabia as Archaeologist, Stephen E. Tabachnick, BAR 23:05, Sep/Oct 1997 - CojsWiki.

2. Radiocarbon dating of organic remains collected by Bruins and van der Plicht prove Lawrence and Woolley correct.

a. “This identification, which was based on the biblical text, has been universally accepted.” The Fortress at Kadesh-Barnea, Moshe Dothan, Ein el-Qudeirat, 1965 AD
7. So, it does appear that Genesis was precisely correct, and vast numbers of marine creatures appeared.

God’s call to ‘bring forth abundantly’…or perhaps the development of eyes….your choice.

In either case, life at this stage, about 500 million years ago, was entirely marine.

How could the Genesis writer have gotten this right?


No. Genesis doesn't get it right:

20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.

23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

Genesis says God created the sea life and the BIRDS on the fifth day. So life was not 'entirely marine' in accord with the time period you cite.

You managed to prove Genesis wrong in its timeline, not right.
1. Track the events in the creation account of Genesis and it’s amazing how closely the events conform to the current view of modern science. First, an explosion, light- the universe – oceans/land - plants- …And next, in verse 20, we find:
And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

a. Kind of unusual…since the author of Genesis, and, if we are to believe that the first one to speak those words, Moses, didn’t really live in a habitat that one might call ‘sea side.’

So the parting of the Red Sea was only an embellishment, added by Cecil B. DeMille? I could have sworn I read that in the Bible when I was a lad...

...oh wait, I did.

"And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward. But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea...."

So, without objection, point a. above is demolished.

What is demolished is any cashet you might have had in history, theology, or common sense.

Here, the place where Moses and the Hebrews lived during the 40 years of wandering:

1. “It identified the northern Sinai site Ain el-Qudeirat, rather than nearby Ain Kadeis (which had previously been proposed), as the site of Biblical Kadesh-Barnea, where the Hebrews in the Exodus settled and from whence Moses sent men to spy out the land of Canaan (Deuteronomy 1:2, 19, 2:1; Numbers 13:3–21)…. they reasoned that only in the Kossaima district, which includes the sites of Ain el-Qudeirat, Kossaima, Muweilleh and Ain Kadeis, was there enough water and greenery to support a large tribal group. Moreover, Moses, in writing to the King of Edom, described Kadesh as “a city in the uttermost of thy border” (Numbers 20:16), and Lawrence and Woolley thought that the fortifications at Ain el-Qudeirat—assuming, on the basis of pottery, that they dated from the time of Moses—more nearly fit that description than any other site in the Kossaima area.” Lawrence of Arabia as Archaeologist, Stephen E. Tabachnick, BAR 23:05, Sep/Oct 1997 - CojsWiki.

2. Radiocarbon dating of organic remains collected by Bruins and van der Plicht prove Lawrence and Woolley correct.

a. “This identification, which was based on the biblical text, has been universally accepted.” The Fortress at Kadesh-Barnea, Moshe Dothan, Ein el-Qudeirat, 1965 AD

You're denying that Moses and the Israelites crossed the Red Sea? Isn't that a bit demented on your part...

...trying to prove the credibility of the Bible whilst dismissing one of its major accounts as untrue?
Because our cells deteriorate.Try coq10

What causes this "deterioation"?

Environment, diet, and an overall imperfect biological creation.

Indeed, and the enviroment changed significantly after the flood. Before the flood men lived hundreds of years. After the flood they lived only about a hundred. All of this is in the same book of Genesis, so the message is clear whether it accurate of fictitious, men lived longer before the flood. It seems to me that this was intentional so as to prevent men from increasing in wickedness that caused God to send the flood in the first place. Afer all, could you imagine a world with a Hitler type of individual with 500 year plus to live?
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